Well, Well, Well. (Full Version)

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ikachan -> Well, Well, Well. (11/2/2006 20:39:57)

Well, Well, Well.

Other name: The Well

Location: Amityvale (Books 1 and 2) -> Thursday -> More Quests! -> Well
Location: Amityvale (Books 1 and 2) -> 4 Right -> Down Right
Requirements: None
Release Date: November 3rd, 2006

Objective: Artix's faithful dog Daimyo has lead you to a hilltop well where you hear his masters voice coming from below. You must venture down the well to rescue Artix from a dreaded fate.
Objective completed: Apparently, you have saved the captive Artix from becoming the necromancers next victim...sort of.

Scaled Yes/No: No
Experience rewarded: 912
Gold rewarded: 48

(5) Bone Fire
(2) Shake Spear
(1) Badbones - Boss


Glacial Gutter

Curved Crystal
Ember's Poker
Enamelled Forest Edge
Fire Swirl
Ice Pick
Mermaid's Hunting Knife
Red Hot Poker

Ice Reign
Pharaoh's Wrath
Staff of Sleet
The WhirlWind

Ice Edge
Kage Katana
Toxic Cutlass
Twin Crescent Blade

ChickenCow Armor
Ash Chest
Cherry Chest
Oak Chest

Daimyo: *Yap Yap Yap*
Daimyo: *Yap Yap Yap*
Daimyo: *Yap Yap Yap*
<Character>: What is it boy?
Daimyo: *Yap Yap Yap*
<Character>: Artix? What about Artix?
Daimyo: *Yap Yap Yap*
<Character>: Oh no... Artix fell down a WELL?
Daimyo: *Yap Yap!*
<Character>: He's DEAD?
Daimyo: Arf!
Daimyo: *Yap Yap Yap Yap*
<Character>: Oh...he's FIGHTING UNdead! I see. We'd better go help, lead the way boy!

*You follow Daimyo until you reach a well.*

<Character>: Hello down there! Are you alright?
???: NOOOOOOooooo!
<Character>: What's wrong?!
???: There is some Paladin down here and he is wiping us all out!
Artix: Be still fiend! Prepare thyself for the divine, holy, retribution exorcism aura of justice!
<Character>: This isn't going how I imagined. HANG ON ARTIX, I'M COMING!

*You climb down into the well. If you head back towards the exit, you are given two options.*

  • Look up
    <Character>: Weird...From here the top of the well looks like some sort of Ring.
    • continue
  • Climb up - returns you back outside of the well.

    *You fight your way through various Undead as you approach Artix.*

    Artix: Well met friend! Your timing is amazing... this next fiend looks like the BOSS!
    <Character>: You know Artix, normally in a rescue quest the hostage is not fighting his way to the boss with the monsters fleeing in terror...
    <Character>: I mean, seriously.... what are you doing down here?
    Artix: Well, this spooky little girl told me to jump down here to get her ring. She said I only had 7 days, so it must be important!
    <Character>: *sigh* Now we are going to have to make a list of people (and things) not to take quests from.... alright, let's battle!

  • Artix joins you as Guest A.

    Other information
  • This quest is a parody of the 2002 film 'The Ring'.
  • Clicking on the experience bar during Artix's dialogue will allow you to battle the boss without Artix joining your party.

    Pop-up headlines during the quest:

  • Hmmm...no WELLcome mat.
  • These potions are supposed to taste like cherry, but they never do!
  • A sign reads "All's well that ends in a well."

  • Thanks to
  • Dark Shadow of Link for other information.
  • Bakuryu the Mole for entry rewrite.
  • Stephen Nix for corrections.
  • Peachii for corrections.

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