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Bone Fire

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11/2/2006 21:02:41   

Bone Fire

Location: Well, Well, Well., Castle Ruins, The Body Shop, Artix Vs. The Undead, Mirror, Mirror, Thievilchauns, A New Beginning, Necromancer Nicto, Necromancer Klaatu, Ex Machina, Assault on Popsprocket, Critical Failure!, A Dark Letter, The Final 13th Waves, Falconreach Mill, The Other Well, The Evil Artifact, The Drowned Fortress, Ruin of Darkness, Shattered, Peril, Old Friends, Mother's Day, Three Questions, Bone Isle, Ebil Dread Wave, EbilTreats Wave, Eclipse of DOOM Wave, Lost Graveyard

Level: 19 OR As player
Damage: 10-28 OR Scaled
Damage Type: Melee
Element: Fire

HP: 193 OR Scaled
MP: 0 OR Scaled

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: 5 OR Scaled

STR: 0
DEX: 0
INT: 0
CHA: 0
LUK: 0
END: 0
WIS: 0

Avoidance and Defense
Melee: 5 * Level/90 OR 5
Pierce: 5 * Level/90 OR 5
Magic: 5 * Level/90 OR 5
Block: 0
Parry: 0
Dodge: 0

Crit: 2
Bonus: 0 OR Level/10 OR Level/5 OR Level*3/10
Boost: 0%

Light: -30
Fire: 50
Darkness: 200

Attack Types
Attack Type 1 - Throws a fireball at its target for 1 hit of 100% damage.

Other information
  • Bone Fire previously appeared in the retired quest Three Questions.
  • In EbilTreats Wave, the candy on Bone Fire's hand is randomly generated.

    Necromancer Nicto Appearance
    Night of the Ebil Dread Appearance
    Friday the 13th: EbilTreats Appearance
    Eclipse of DOOM Appearance
    Lost Graveyard Appearance

    Also See: Ancient Bone Fire

    Thanks to
  • DemonicDarkwraith for entry reformat, images, also see link, other information, and corrections.
  • reddevil312612, ILmaster13 and Parsnippings for location links.
  • Stephen Nix for scaling information, location links, and corrections.
  • Pink_Star for location links and corrections.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 5/13/2024 17:00:48 >
  • Post #: 1
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