RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (Full Version)

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Reaper Pentrach -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/16/2006 17:20:52)

Hell there matey[sm=Capt.jpg]
Ahoy there!

How are you?
Oh, fine. Thanks for asking

Congrats on becoming an AK.
Thank you

favortie food?

favorite drink?

favorite candy?

do you like pokemon?
Not really (though in all fairness, I did several years ago

do you think chuck norris can overcome the force?
*debates with self whether to go into the jokes or not* Chuck Norris IS the force!

I'll have more questions for ye later.
Ok. I shall await ye return

nolraitru -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/16/2006 17:31:11)


When did teh Rad get this position?!
Couple days ago

I <3 j00 Rad.

Would you like to touch my new Creative! title?
*pokes the Creative title*

Yes, you may touch my boots too.
No thanks, I've seen them before

No, you cannot have one for yourself.


Be nice to the forumites, k? We all know you're a biter.
What are you talking about? I don't bite...ok, I don't bite hard...except on Thursdays...

Robertm -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/16/2006 18:21:33)

Keep an eye open for ZeroHex82, he likes to post a really long sequence of questions...

*Shifty Eyes*

Where do you moderate?
AQ Bugs, I have my powers in here and various other places as well though

Do AK's get extra buttons on thier...things...Like are there cool new Edit buttons and Lock buttons? Do you see everything on the forums, like deleted topics?
I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you...You know how it is (But yes, we do get new buttons)

What do you talk about on the Secret Staff only forums?
Now THAT, I cannot say.

Do you eat people?
Only on Thursdays.

What do you eat (other than spam)?
Oh, Pizza, Fish, Meat, Fries....

Do you play Final Fantasy?

Wich ones?
I have 7, 8 10 and 10-2

Does Sephiroth rock?
I respect him as a villain

(^^Write Yes Here^^)

If 2+2 is 7 what is 5+5?
Either 14 or 19...

What is your favorite pie?

You got chocolate on my peanut butter!!
You got peanut butter on my chocolate *waits for officer Reeses to help*

Are you envious of my awesome power?
I'd say no, but I fear the reprecussions...

What is your favorite -non AE- video game? (only one choice allowed)
Genre? Pure Brawing goes to Smash Brothers, Storyline to a Final Fantasy game

Am I weird if I play Aq, Df, and Final Fantasy at the same time (While watching TV and doing IRC)?
Nah. You just multitask

Is cheese only good on nachos?
Where would pizza be if that was the case?

Am I annoying you?
Not yet

Did you spellcheck my post?
The final line of the post is giving me heck...


*Robertm jumps out of a window, puls out his paruachue, lands on a bus and drives away, yelling "I'l be back!"
Oh sure. I could do that too...if I wanted to...

*Robertm gives you the tyop visur*

joe417 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/16/2006 18:52:28)

Hey rad!

how are you?
Good, you?

What is your favorite bug to talk to?
Well, the ants aren't much fun, they're all about work, the flies are single minded...Might be the bees. They're up on the latest buzz
Mehehe... Watch out for the Africanized bees they can back a whallop when 2 or 3 hunred team up on ya.

Do you speak japanese?
Not a word

Do you know how to kill a man in 49 different ways, or only 48?
50 actually

Coke or Pepsi?

What is your opinion on the nerf of DFS(Z) [If it matters I agree with it since I heard so much discussion]
We knew it was coming, it was just a matter of when

Do you have multiple personalities?
Well, I'd say no, my other personalities might disagree though...

what music do you like?
which one?

What is the meaning of life?

How is it controlling all those new buttons?
It's very nice.

What was your reaction to becoming an AK, surprised? Happy? Sad?
The first two, in that order

Is there a chance of you becoming a KoO?
*shrugs* I wouldn't be the person to ask on that

Do you know what I thinking?
Not at this moment. I did 5 minutes ago though

Did you know that that was a rhetorical question?
Yep. I like answering the rhetorical anyway

Do you play sports?
Not really

Does foosball count as a sport?
Close enough, as far as I'm concerned

I thought your name was Radagast just because it sounded cool! roflolzomgbbq :p

I'm done.

Lord Me -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/16/2006 19:09:22)

yay! Radagast!

so... how's things, with all the power and the glory and the fame?
The red carpet blinds one...

k, so if I were to tell you that you had three days to live, then your head would explode in a painless, yet dramatic fashion, what would you do in the little time you had left?

I think I have a bit of Question Master block >_>... bare with me.

Why did you pick the color that makes it look like you attached links to everything? someone could get confused.
Psh. That's why I italicized it

Um, yeah, a relevant question this time. I never knew there was a LoTR character named Radagast! Care to inform me which one?
Heh, I only know this because I know someone who knows the series better than almost anyone I'll ever meet. He was the brown wizard who had a strong affinity for animals

my attention span just broke. I'll ask to you later... or something.
Ok then.

Tenseiga -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/16/2006 19:23:06)

Keh, psychic mode time, you're 19, live in Tennessee and likes to act. Ok, well at least I got 1/3 right.

Keh, onward to the questions I guess...

1. Buggy? Like bugs bunny I presume? Keh, Im taking it you're in the bug forums.

2. How often do you play AQ a day?
It varies based on my external schedule

3. Favorite anime? Aside Naruto if that's your favorite. Im guessing FMA... everyone tends to like that nowadays.
Hmm, maybe Inuyasha, if only for its high quality artwork

4. damn, clicked the OK button on accident. Though I wonder how that'd happen.
Simple, your mouse was over the button when you clicked

5. Favorite comedy tv show?
Whose Line is it Anyway

6. Was becoming AK a goal that you'd hope to achieve someday, or did the mods/staff just threw it on you?
I'd always hoped, but never expected it

7. Height?
Tall enough

8. Like any sports?
Not really. I prefer the theatre

9. Since its Thanksgivings, or coming soon, what'd be your ideal meal?
Ham, Sweet Potatoes, Bread...

10. Favorite holiday?
Halloween. The one day of the year you get to be somebody else

11. Keh, im running low on ideas...
Ok then

12. Comics V Manga
Manga. I just like the way they're drawn.

13. Yea... im out. BYE
Ok, bye

14. One more, like to gamble? If so what game.
Not really. I do play Texas Hold em, but never for anything real

X~Zaros~X -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/16/2006 19:42:13)

once again another ak i have no idea even existed as an account becomes an ak lol
It happens...

can i have a doller :)
Sure, but it'll cost you a dollar

i better get one....
You will, after I take my one dollar shipping fee

what no!!

your guna get it...

*smack* ahahah take that!!!

i dont care if i hurt you
very well then

get over it mehh
Ok, done

what now you h8 me well i dont like you ermm either!!!! [:'(] :) ;p
Psh. I don't h8 you (or hate for that matter)

ZeroHex82 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/16/2006 20:44:23)

Sorry, I usually post like 7-8 replies with 10 questions in each... I figure this way would be easier, get it over with, eh?
As I said, 20 questions per post is the upper limit. I'll respond to the first 20, but none after that.

Eh, little this, little that


Do you like cereal?

If so, what kind?
I gotta have my Pops

What kind of milk do you like with cereal?
I take it dry

Is cereal good with milk or what!?
I prefer it without

Cereal, 1-10?

Are you?



A horse?

A cricket hater? (The insect)

A loner?

A poser?


Do you like turtles?

I have a turtle, do you?

What kind of turtle is your favorite?
Leatherback Sea Turtle

Did you ever kill a turtle?

If so your mean!





Do you like...

Sean Paul?


Rob Zombie?

Yo mama jokes?





Fat monkeys?

Single celled organisms?

What do these abbreviations mean?









Yo mama.



Potato chips.

Hold your tongue and say: I was born on a pirate ship XD

Ever seen these movies?

Face Off

War Of The Worlds



Darkness Falls

White Noise

Stir Of Echoes


Sleepy Hollow

Pirates Of The Caribbean

Name every single Dr. Pepper flavor! (Including combos, diet and cherry etc.)


What is the answer to question #23?

What are the heebiejeebies?

What's up with Strong Bad?

He's always like "Holy crap"!

Do you like waffles?

Do you like THE WAFFLE?!

If C>D, and D>C, what is the absolute value of (moo)^x?

How many tangets can 2 coencentric circles have?

What are the 4th and 5th dimensions?

Describe he net of a hypercube.

What is a coronal mass ejection?

How many electrons can the 7G sublevel hold?

What is the "Accepted" name for element 204?

How do you find the volume of a terrasect?



If E=MC2, what is pix^E=MC2?

How many atoms are in a mole?

What is the answer to question 3.45468?

What is the square root of (abs)2^3?

What is cow+cat/4.52223?

What does "¬" mean?

What is another name for element 119?

What is the hypercubic root of Schrodinger's equation / milkshake(uranium-99999)^7?

Jason+Freddy/Michael=Chucky? True or false?

What is (Marilyn Manson)^(Michael Jackson)?

What is Lol/ZomgxFtwxpi/899.666546666?

What is another name for "ennoctpentium?"

What is Wikipedia * Uncyclopedia

How many cells are in a pentaract?

I have 3 apples, You steal 2, Reens gives me three, LegionOfNoodles is a cow, and likes fat monkeys. How many armpits do I have?

A plane crashes on the border of Canada and USA, where do you bury the monkey's nuclei?

What many brain cells have I?

What dos THIS do?


What is the cube root of the speed of light^7?

If Matrix A is an M*N matrix, and Matrix B is an N*P Matrix, how many cow pies am I hiding in my 4th can of dr. pepper that was recently emptied?

Why did WestWind cross the road?

W00T 34th REPLY!1!!1!!!!]]\]]\\ I pwn!


Let's see.

Put these in order, the ones you like to the ones you don't like.


...Uhh... That above question had like, no meaning at all.

The following questions are most definitely NOT my math homework.




Thanks for doing my math homework answering my questions.

True or false section!11!!


Nintendo 64>XBox<Gamecube>PS2<Pie


Yo mama is fat

Yoda<Darth Vader<Darth Maul>Mace Windu

Luk3, 1 r j00r f47h3r!

...I'm bored.

I'm gonna go play Star Wars Battlefront 2 :D

Because I'm awesome like that.

But remember...

An elephant never forgets...

Eternal Chaos -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/16/2006 20:46:38)

It's teh Shino!!!111one!!eleven =P
Well, in response, I must say "It's teh Rikku!!!"

*pokes back*

*Double poke*

I think you now know that I am officially the most retarded person here. =P
*Shrug* If you say so

Favorite Manga/Anime?

Do you like Spam Sushi? I <3 it.
They make sushi?

Well, the REAL spam sushi tastes good, too. :D
Once again, they make sushi?

*pokes the destruction bugs*
I wouldn't touch the destructive ones. They have a habit of eating people...


I shall return. But just in case I'm not...

*snuggleglomps Rad*

Dudalicous -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/16/2006 21:16:28)

Yo Rad bak from skool again
Welcome back

Hav u heard of Digimon?

If hav du u like it?
Used to. I lost interest after a while though

Du u like Chinese food?

Du americans realli eat Hot Dogs with mustard at baseball games
Some do. I prefer mine with ketchup

Did u noe its Friday here
Well, happy weekend!

Well bored from my maths teachers lesson so cya

amcdermott -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/16/2006 21:38:14)

welcome to the ultimate power of a mighty ak.
Thank you

now for questions:

do you hate it when people don't actually read your earlier posts? you know the one i mean.^
It's annoying, I'll grant that.

the time you spend on aq may vary but on average how much do you spend a day modding so far?
Meh, my job is mainly in the bugs section. Depending on how many bugs there are, that aspect can take anywhere from a few minutes to a couple hours.

same as above, but time spent on playing the game?
Couple hours, usually coupled with forum time

how about DF?
Kinda burned myself out for a while. I'm giving myself a rest for now

do you have a dragon amulet?
6 (gotta love that deal)

non aq questions:

republican or democrat?

are you going to get a wii?
Not sure. Not immediately in any case

do you think nintendo are the future of gaming and sony is being relegated?
Nope. Sony'll bounce back soon enough. The same would be true of Nintendo if the situations were reversed. Each company learns from its mistakes and its competition

last question: did you here about lik-sang? if so, did it change your perception of sony?
Didn't hear about it

Reaper Pentrach -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/17/2006 9:08:16)

Ahoy I am back again. ._.
Welcome back

Now time for AQ questions

Which would you pick out of Umbral cloak, Laup, Lnmp, and Heir plate
Don't need two of the four, don't want the other two

Big 100k or LSC
Meh, I'm happy with my current darkness weapon

RUB or Galaxy Wand
See the above and apply it to light

Gal or Cap'n R.
Depends on the enemy

Twilly and Twig or Zorbak and Kabroz
Zorbak and Kabroz. There's something to be said about offensive magic

What's your favorite female NPC
Don't have one

Do you think they should re-released AuSet
I think so. It is the ultimate defensive set, and I don't think something like that should be rare (And yes, this logic does apply to the ubers in my posssession as well)

Kal VS Sarah the Nerfkitten
Tough call. Nerfbat vs. Nerfkitten. My vote goes with Kal

Kel Al vs Ziggy
Kel Al. Both have neutral resistance to the other's element, Kel Al just hits much harder

Me VS Wolfwing (Of course you know that I would win against wolfwing once again because I ownszors him :o)
If you say so...

That's all for now

What do you think about if two different monsters teamed up

Megogg and deadly wind wasps VS you and me xD
Psh. I can beat both easily enough

Are you gonna get a PS3?
Not in the immediate future

BattleOn! xD

Lionheart -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/17/2006 19:44:10)

Greetings Archknight Radagast,

got some Q's for you.

what would u do if u won the lottery?

Why not?

do u like....



A monkey with a gun swinging on a tree with lemons?
As long as it's not pointing that gun at me

Never played it

What made u decide to play AQ?
It looked fun

Why do u archknights have threads like these?
Gives us a chance to get aclimated to the change

how do u make a thread?
When in the forum the post belongs in, and outside of any particular thread, there is a button saying "New Post"

Were you ever in a clan?

Did u ever have a clan?

Well that's about all i can think about to say. so until next time, sayonara

Randomguy -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/17/2006 19:57:16)


What is your least favorite movie?
Well, there's so many...and a good deal of them are directed towards 5 year olds

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
If a woodchuck could chuck wood, a woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck

For whom does the bell toll?
The pics say it all!


What is your favorite type of pie?

Who is your favorite NPC in a fight?
Cyrus maybe.

What is your favorite pet?
Fear my Nerfkitten!

Oh, I can do that too. *vanishes in a puff of smoke*

DragonMaster#1 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/17/2006 20:47:15)


Aren't you the guy that had the Nightmare Plate avatar and made a lot of long posts?
Heh, guilty as charged.

When did you get to be an AK?
I got the position a couple days ago

What is your favorite food?

What is your favorite TV show?
Eh, I have several shows I like. Basically, I like any show that has a good plot and character development.

Were you in a clan before you became an AK?

If so, which one?
It's still on my profile page

Can you read invisible type?
Nope. I can't read invisble text

Well, that's it.
Ok then


See ya.

I'm leaving now.
Suit yourself

Really, I'm leaving.
Your choice

I'm really going this time.
I'll take your word for it.

*Finally leaves*
*Waves goodbye*

Aquadorian -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/17/2006 21:01:40)

Hail, fellow ArchKnight. *Bows low* *Lays various weapons on the long table*
Enter, brave soul. *Examines weapons*

We'll have to get together sometime in one of those secret places non-AKs know nothing of.

Water or Energy? (Careful, I have a trigger)
Er...water? I like to go with the flow anyway

If you are going to purchase a Kingdom (if "purchase" is the right word. Makes more sense to fight for it, since it's AQ . . .), and if you're allowed to give it a name, what would it be?
Well, if I can give my guards dialogue, I might have to call it Corneria (And then the only thing my guards could say will be "Welcome to Corneria!")

Forumites giving you a hard time one evening and you've had a bad day - do you take it out on them or do you have another way of letting off steam?
Man was smart enough to invent the punching bag for this purpose. I will honor that purpose! Feel my wrath punching bag!

Do you like any of the following: Genesis, Pink Floyd, Eric Clapton, Yes, Led Zeppelin. If so, which is your favorite and do you have a favorite album and/or track? Or if you've never heard of any of these, will you promise to listen to them? *Starts to pick up one of the weapons from the table*
Eric Clapton has some good music

*Sharpens the weapon*
(This can't be good)

Watch out! *Decaptitates stray Undead Vampragon*
*ducks* Whew! Thanks

See you later! I may be back!
Until then!


HK 47 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/17/2006 21:21:48)

hail and well met
Hail general! What news from the front?

how ya doing?
Pretty good.

can you belive zorbak's voice?
Truth be told, I always thought it would be more rhaspy.

have you seen spaceballs?
Allow me to answer that in the following way: "WHAT WAS THAT?" "Spaceballs I." "They've gone to PLAID!"

have you heard of me?
Your name does ring a bell...

that's all i got for now
Ok. See you around

Bahamut966 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/17/2006 21:28:18)


What is it that AK's do? I know that some of it involves running the forum, but what else do you do?
We each have specific jobs, with specific tasks. My job is in the bugs section of the forum. My duties include helping to moderate certain parts of the forum and making sure that knowledge of what bugs are in the game is passed to those who can fix them


What is your favorite TV show?
Eh, I have several shows I like. Basically, I like any show that has a good plot and character development.
do you enjoy shows such as "Family Guy" or "That 70's Show"?
I always found Family Guy to be good for a laugh

Considering you report bugs, do you do AQ bugs as well as DF bugs? because if so, is the Polar Dravir attack in DF where he runs past you a bug or an intended graphics thing? (sorry for such a clunky question [:D])
I only report the AQ bugs

if you don't like any of the music Aquadorian talked about, are you absolutely suuuuure you dont like it? (apparently i like the same music Aqua likes =^P)
I know what I like

What is your favorite class in AQ? DF?
Well, I like to master all of them, but I think Necromancer in AQ (ironically, that's mainly because I like the appearance of Obsidian Cloak, as oppossed to the actual abilities of the class), and Warrior in DF

Nintendo or Sony? (neither is an option as well)
Sony (What? It's got some good games going for it!)

Which Final Fantasy game is your favorite? (i meant to get XII, but i moved after i preordered it so i had to cancel lol)
10. I thought it had the most likable characters.

Are you having fun answering the questions or do you find it tedious? (im sure we can handle some brutal honesty if you find the latter to be true)
If I found it tedious, I probably would be less amiable in my responses.

Drawing style? (as in closer to roman/renaissance style or something more cartoony or anime?)
Very much inspired by anime/manga

Have you ever taken the gallon challenge? (as in drinking a gallon of milk within one hour and trying to be the one who "horks" last)
Nope. Might have done it with water though...

Are you a good actor? because im really really bad at it
I like to think I'm good, but I'm inherently biased in my favor.

have you ever gotten in really big trouble for something really stupid? (like i got a detention because somebody stole my shoes, but the guy who took my shoes got off scott-free)

What is your favorite class? (big fan of latin here)

Who asked you to be AK?
Someone whose name shall remain undisclosed so as not to have adverse consequences (I don't want that person to get a wave of requests to be an AK. Just an added precaution on my part)

thank you for answering my questions! hope to see you around on teh forums!
You're welcome

Thecius Landera -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/17/2006 21:50:45)

Cool, always though you'd make AK eventually. Congrats!
Heh, thanks

I've seen you around several forums, though you probably don't recognize me...
The name sounds familiar...

So you report bugs?
That's part of my job description, yes.

Have you ever seen Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy grail? If so what did ya think about it?
"She turned me into a newt! ...I got better" Funny movie.

Can't think of anything else, have fun answering questions and Ak'ing
Thanks again

Thecius Landera

Crynsos -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/17/2006 21:51:36)

Hey Radagast!

At first, you know me, you don`t?

How's feeling as AK?
Pretty good.

Loads of work?
It comes and goes

DF or AQ?

And another one, your favourite forum around here?
*Shrug* You can usually find me in the suggestions, OOC or KoO Boards

Ok, bye then![;)]

Icemaster Yeti -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/17/2006 22:16:11)

Radagast - welcome to the big wide world of AKdom [:D]
Heh, thank you

I couldn't miss a MtAK - how are you finding it so far?
I like it. It's a nice tradition

Have you listened to/do you like any of the Aussie country artists?
I'm fairly certain Keith Urban is from the Australia area. He's a good artist. I don't think I know of any other Australian country artists, but then again, I never checked their backgrounds.

Have you made a dent in the AQ Bugs forum yet?
A small one. Still working on that.

That's about it - I've read all about you in the previous posts, so there's not much left to ask - heh.

If you need anything, just whistle [;)]
Will do!

Wingman -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/18/2006 0:30:40)

Am I God?
Sorry, but no

If I'm not, who is?
Well, you see, we've been spelling his name backwords all this time. It's not God, it's Dog!

Ever known someone with the letter "X" in their name, besides "Alex(ander)"?
Yep. I know a couple people by the name of "Rex"

France or Germany?
Germany. They're more fun to imitate

Math or science?

Favorite music?

Pop culture?
Er...what about it?

Dudalicous -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/18/2006 1:41:13)

U noe hus here dont u?[8|]

how come u still havent locked ani threads yet?
Actually, I have, but it was deleted soon after

how mani chars du u hav?
I just stick with my primary

R u Star wars fan like Evo.
Yep. Got most of the dialogue down too.

How come ur name hasent hav a .?
Because I never saw a point in adding a "." to my name

Isnt equipment comparising complicated?
*Shrug* Not when Aquadorians spreadsheets remain available

Nights i need sleep (or watch Digimon)
Night then.

HK 47 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/18/2006 6:28:15)

hail, i have returned from the battlefield with good news: some burps are retreating
Excellent work general.

anyways, seen monty python and the holy grail?

is it hard being an AK?
Depends on the day.

what's the best part of being an AK?
*Shrugs* There are several perks

i must leave back to the battlefield, i shall return though
May your blade fell many foes...

DragonMaster#1 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/18/2006 18:01:34)


You thought you'd got rid of me, didn't you?
Er, no comment

But I have more questions!
Ask away

So, how did you get to be an AK? I know about the people asking you if you wanted to be one, but why did they choose you over all the other choices out there?
*shrug* I was never told the reason, and I never asked

What is your favorite part of being an AK? Choices are:

A: Locking threads

B: Deleting threads

C: Banning people

D: Giving out warnings/severe warnings

E: All of the above

I'll take choice F, editing power.

Do you think I'll ever be an AK?
I wouldn't know. I'm not psychic

Do you hope to be a mod someday, or are you just going to stick with being an AK?
*shrug* I'm happy just being useful

What is the one thing staff characters have that you want? Mine is PWDU. With Divine Magic it would kick some serious butt.
Essing Falchion, I just like the way it looks

What is your favorite word?
Well, I use the word "the" pretty often

Who is your favorite AK?
*shrug* They're all cool in my book

Who is your favorite mod?
See the above

Who is your favorite staffer?
Same. Each contibutes something valuable to the game

What is the rule you like to enforce the most?
Well, I'd prefer a soft sell method, but most often, I seem to be enforcing the rule of "Answered in the FAQ"

Who is your favorite movie star?
Hmm, tough call. Maybe Matthew Broderick.

What is your favorite game?
Eh, depends on what genre. My two favorites being: Fighting: Soul Calibur series, RPG: Kingdom Hearts series

What is your goal in life?
Get a good job, have a family...

What is that a pic of in your avvy?
Shino Aburame, a character from Naruto

Well, that's it, bye.

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