RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (Full Version)

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Lionheart -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/18/2006 19:19:57)

salutaions once more.

Some new Q's more ya

favourite weapon?
I'm rather fond of my Custom

Shadow Cloak

Nightmare Shield


You heard of me?

What do u do for a living?

seen that PS3?
Heard about it

Bought it?
Nope. I'm waiting for the price to drop

its total mayham over it. i mean i am a gamer but i'm not stupid or crazy. (no offense in case u bought it)
None taken. I heard about the mayhem

well g2g

-Berserk Mephisto and Lionheart

Click this!

sogard2 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/18/2006 22:21:44)

Greeting your magesty!
Well, I don't know about majesty...but greetings

How goes thy live of splender and delight?
Oh, it goes well.

Have thy ever awaken to such a sight?(yay, it rymed ^_^)
Mine eyes hath never beheld such a thing

Art thy impressed my the naruto series?
Indeed, I only wish that the fillers would end.

So beithit master. Farwell.
Fare thee well!

P.S. Did you enjoy my style of writing? I did! :P
My affinity for the theatre makes me amiable towards such dialogue (I liked it well enough)

Lord Ouranos -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/19/2006 0:50:42)

Woah!!! Another new AK!!!

I am jealous.

So, congrats! When did you become an AK?
Couple days ago

Do you like the job so far? (like you can't)

Have you seen my movie? Do you like it?
Seen it, thought it was pretty darn funny. Beware the Marshmellow throwing Robina moglin!

What is one word to describe you?

Are you excited for Christmas? (If you dont celebrate it, then are you excited for whatever holiday is next?)
Yes. It's a time to head home and reconnect with family (And to clarify, I do celebrate Christmas)

What is your favourite movie?
Return of the Jedi

What is your favourite book?
Piers Anthony's Xanth Series

Well... that is about it.

And, once again, congrats on the AKship!!!
Thank you ^_^

Frozen Fire -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/19/2006 1:38:36)

Tee Hee... Frozen Fire's HERE!!!


How's being an ArchKnight?
It's pretty cool

Do you really like moderating the forums?
Trick question. I like to feel useful, but I'd much prefer people follow the rules as opposed to us enforcing them

Do you like cake?

What's yourfavorite mons. in DF?
The Pumpkin monsters

If you can turn any mons. in AQ extinct, what will it be?
Dunno. There are actually monsters I'd like to see revived

Radagast, I'm quite in a hurry. So i'll come back later and ask some more questions.

Bye! (For a while)

Tada! I'm back!!

Hey, the last time I saw you, you were just an ordinary member. Congrats!

Ok, then. you want some AQ mons. to be revived, eh? What will it be?

Do you think I will win the pic. Contest? [:D] (Just joking)

Did you participate in the:
A) B.U.R.P. war
B) Ice Dragon war

Is my name nice? (1-10. Ask Waker what will happen if you say 1)

If you have the chance to get any rare, what will you get?

Hmm... Are you old enough to have a girl Friend? (I'll ask Mr. Flibble to shoot lasers if you dont ans. this question)

What's your fav. Element?

If Carnax, Safiria, Nightbane (L500) and Sarah the Nerfkitten corners you, what will you do?

If you have a Super Mega Ultra Charged BFG (I call it Battle Flash Gun), who will you shoot 1st?

If you can wipe a town in LORE, what will it be?

What if you find Mr. Flibble walking down the street, (Oh yeah he's holographic) what will you do?

Well, Good Luck on being an AK!!

scout commander -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/19/2006 7:31:08)


Watch out for meh. (even thought i tend to aviod the non gaming commuity.)
I'll keep that in mind

Have you seen me befor.

What you the AK of.
Specifically, Bugs.

Who made you an AK.
I shall not disclose the name, as I do not wish to see that person suffer a slew of "Can I be an AK" PMs

Ill put a word you tell me what it means:

Pie(oh noes)

For the Win

Either a processed meat product or a pointless message

Ok Tell me if I am annoying yet.
Not yet

No good so ill just keep going.

And going.

And going.
It's the Energizer Bunny!

Ok 1 last question.

How are you today.
Pretty good, thanks for asking

~scout comnmander

HK 47 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/19/2006 9:17:51)

i have returned, those burps are giving us a hard time
Sorry to hear that

what's your fav movie?
Return of the Jedi

fav snack?

ebil or evil?
Evil. More sinister ring to it

evil or ebil?

what's the difference?
One's spelled with a B, the other with a V. Some would also say that ebil is a watered down evil

i must leave to the battlefeild once more, and i may not return
Tread softly soldier. We don't need to lose any more people to those monsters.

Damageplan -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/19/2006 19:26:08)

hello rad, how are you on this fine november evening?
I'm quite well. Thanks for asking

do you feel honored to know this is my first post....ever?
Depends on what the future holds

what is your favorite comedy?
The Producers (2006)

how much is too much?
With a bad thing, any amount. Too much of a good thing can still be a good thing

what food can you simply not live without?

why am i asking you these questions?
You're curious

thank you for taking the time, and have a fine day
You're welcome and you too.

Shadow188 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/19/2006 20:15:58)

I'm back to ask a few more questions

Are you goign to get a WII?
Probably not. No offense to the system, mind you, but the last system didn't release many games that I would buy, so my initial expectation will be along those lines for the Wii. Twilight Princess is tempting though...

Does the PS3 *own* me
Obey the PS3!

Does the PS3 *own* you?
*shrug* Not planning on getting it anytime soon either. It may be less expensive than what it cost to produce, but it's still more money than I'm willing to put into a new system.

Is the PS3 teh ownzorz?
I make it a point to judge a system based on what games it supports, so it's too early for me to say.

When you get the PS# (once the price drops) what game do you think you'll get for it?
Probably a Final Fantasy game, maybe a Kingdom Hearts game

Can you tell I'm obsessed with the PS3?
It might show a little...

Have you ever palyed KH/2?
Played the first second, and Chain of Memories.

Who do you think would win in a fight, Cloud (FF7) or Link (LoZOT, of course)
Cloud. Link's a good fighter and all, but Cloud's practically superhuman (even without the materia)

What's the max velocity of an unladen swallow?
What kind, african or european?

Do you know what that was a reference to?
Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Well that's all, cya
Ok, bye.

Damageplan -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/19/2006 20:54:45)

hello again

a few more questions have come to mind

after answering alot of these questions, would you argue with the statement "there is no such thing as a stupid question"?
Only if the question is not made with the intent to counteract that statement.

if given the opportunity to speak with one human, be the person dead or alive, who would it be?why?
Ghandi. I think a conversation with him would be most interesting

what do you think about the drakel's new look?i, myself was quite impressed.
I like it

if you were to win an amount of money you could never spend in your lifetime, what would be your first purchase?
51% of a certain radio station which, much to my area's distress, was recently changed through a hostile takeover to something less desirable for us. With 51% of the company, I'd be able to change it back. (Majority Shareholder=You pretty much own the company)

Mitsuhede -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/19/2006 21:58:28)

Hi Radagast.

Why is the sky blue?
Well, it would look wierd if it was Green, wouldn't it?

What do you do in your spare time?
Read, draw, act

What is your favorite color?

do you like anime?
Some, not all

If so, which?
Ones with a good plot and character development

what was the inspiration for your forum name?
*shrug* It's an online alias I sometimes take. I just applied it to my AQ character and subsequently my forum name

Nice to meet you!!![:D]
You too.

melak -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/20/2006 16:20:20)

Hello Radagast, how are you today?
Pretty good

Congrats on Akism ^_^
Thank you

Which character do you find the funniest on Whose Line is it anyway?
Ryan or Collin

Which do you prefer, Huggles or snuggles?
Er...never given it much thought

Shania Twain or Garth Brooks?
Shania Twain

What type of genre in your acting do you like to perform the most?
I always liked acting in comedies

What inspired you to start acting? Or have you always liked it?
Well, I've always been a bit of an introvert, and I thought the theatre might be a good place to work on my social skills. It quickly became a real passion for me

What do you think of the prequels of Star Wars?
Phantom Menace was pretty good. It helped set the scene for the other movies. Attack of the Clones was mediocre, basically only serving as a connector movie (I thought that the Obi-wan part of the plot seemed to have been thrown in just so there would be some action in it. The real focus of the movie was Anakin and Padme's budding relationship, which would have been ok if it could have stood alone) I thought Revenge of the Sith was well done, as you actually sympathized with the characters as Anakin slipped into darkness (Though that cliche "NOOOOOO!!!" did get on my nerves). The original trilogy remains superior, however, as you got into the stories so much quicker

Favourite toppings on your Pizza?
Cheese, actually

How was your visit to Canada?
Short. We were in Canada for less than a day (We were en route to Alaska)

Do you prefer to draw by hand or in photoshop/paint/etc?
I draw by hand, and then color through paintshop

Thats all I have to ask, I hope you lots of luck with the Theatre.
Thank you


Lionheart -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/20/2006 17:10:18)

ello govner
Ello there!

only 1 Q for ya

If you had a choice, to do anything you wanted, what would it be?
Be a professional actor.

Dudalicous -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/20/2006 21:29:04)

Is Radi a big meanie?just incase i brought my fav bionicle (yes i luv them so wat)
Depends on who you ask...

Du u see a wittle ratio with posts in this thread
Wait, what?

Edit more questions since probs with keyboard

R u a Curio or Picasso

Hav u ben to NZ?

Thats all but not 4 long *ebil laff*

jarryd15 -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/21/2006 9:25:09)

how did you become a archknight
I was asked

MacaroniHat -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/21/2006 14:32:25)

A 1 out of 10

What do you think of AQ?
I think it's a good game

And what are your antisipations for the magic year of 2007
I will complete my plan for World Domination Eh, probably more of the same.

scout commander -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/21/2006 16:35:07)

Im back:


Hows it going.
Pretty good

Enjoying your job so far.

You speak to bugs?
*Mumbles something to the fly on his arm* Hmm, what was that?

Thats nice.

Ill say a game tell me if you play it. (if you do put your chacter name if you wish for a new friend.)

Adventure Quest:

Dragon Fable:


Combat Grounds:

Stick Arena:

Call Of Comabt:

Stick Strike:




And Ill be back.



Sano -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/21/2006 20:27:47)

Hey Radagast.

Don't know if you've seen me around, but I seen ya around, and when I saw your MtAK I was like "Whooaaa". So congrats on that.
Thank you

Now then let's get the questions starting shall we?
So I hear your into Soul Calibur...niiice.
Who's your favourite character in both SCII and SCIII?
I like using Ivy for the all around range the character provides. I'm also a fair hand at Siegfried

WHich one did you like the most character wise, and character move wise?
Character wise, Seung Mina. Move wise, Ocaladon

Do you think they ruined a lot of the characters' moves; Cerevantese, and Yun Seong, in SCIII from II?
Heh, Cervantes isn't ruined as long as they keep dread charge and its counterparts, and his two counter moves

Were you outraged that Assassin wasn't in III?
Nope. You could easily make one in the character design section.

Now KH

Of the two KH games out on PS2, which did you like the most story wise KH or KHII?
KHII. I found Xenmas's manipulation of Sora to be flawless

Have you played KH FM?
Unfortunately, no.

What do you think of KHII FM?
I'm outraged (not because I oppose the idea, but because I won't be able to get it due to where it will be released)

How did you feel towards the addition of Atlantica in KHII?
Superflous. It really served no purpose in my mind

And how did you feel towards the look of Ultima from KH where it looked awesome to KHII where it didn't look as good?
I hated the appearance of the newer incarnation

Which drive form was your favourite? And why?
Final. Glide ability, strongest physical and magical attacks

Which was your favourite Keyblade?
Ultima. I hated the appearance, but I loved the power.

Which game did you like fighting Sephiroth in, KH or KHII?
KHII. Still haven't beaten him yet...The KHI version was so predictable that I knew exactly when to back off and where to go. The limited arena didn't help him much either. In KHII, you've got a much wider area, a stronger, faster Sephiroth, and he was much harder to reach when casting Sin Harvest.

If you could would you play KHFM?

Ok, I think that's enough questions for now don't ye?

I'll be back with some gooooooo Final Fantasy questions, so till then

Radagast -> RE: Meet the ArchKnight: Radagast (11/22/2006 0:08:18)

Well, I hereby declare this MtAK thread to be closed. Thank you all for your questions.


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