RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (Full Version)

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Faolin -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 13:04:39)

Hey, Absolite! Happy with your AK-ness?
You betcha.

So it looks like you're about a year older than me.....I hate being the youngest ninth grader. :P
Nah, EC's a 9th grader as well.

I also see that you like classic-rock. So I'm not the only one! :D

Do you like Queen? Bohemian Rhapsody is one of my favorite songs. It's so mysterious.
Yep, though I prefer the less well known bands.

How about Kansas? I like Carry on my Wayward son too.
Yep, them too.

Well...can't think of anything else....I don't come to OOC much. :P

See ya! :P <-Mah favorite smiley!


RATIONALPARANOIA -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 13:13:20)

I just wanted to thank you for what you've done with the forum. I don't think that enough people thank the AKs for the hard work they do on the forums. Don't think this a suck up; I'm thanking all the AKs, not just you. I hate the people who say they don't like the Aks and then get mad when an AK doesn't get there exactly when the spam starts. (Hypocrites!) Anyway, I hope we will see each other again on the forum, and that we could be friends, or at least on good terms.

By the way, once you gain the ability, or if you have the ability now, could you please give me a custom title?
You have to earn things like that.
Sorry, I didn't know that you had to earn them. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to answer my question.

Pie Munchies -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 13:22:03)

Uh. . . Third set yay?

1) Why do wish death to the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers? They > All.

2) How many times have you seen me in the forums?
Never before being an AK.

3) If your answer is 'a lot' to number two, why are you stalking me?

4) How old is the youngest AK, I'm too tired to look him up.

5) Do you find it strange that I just woke up and I had a dream about dinosaurs coming to life last night?

6) Do you hate Naruto as much as I do (I hate it a a lot)?
No, I actually enjoy it to an extent.

7) Do you like hippos? I do.
Sure, why not.

8) Rawr or Mroar?

9) How did you find your beating pipe?. . . I've heard you found it on a highway.
Side of a road, yes.

10) Should there be gay marriages?
Who am I to say?

Those are all of them for now. . . but you can be sure I'll be back.

Destiny1 -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 13:32:47)

hi this is my first asking question to a ak this is so exciting!

When you became a Ak how did you react?
Well, I first went to get some ice cream.

whats your worst fear my is hieghts super freaky
Definitely loss.

willl you be evil with the new powers?
Some may see me that way.

can i have £2 for a ice cream
*Hands you a five spot.*

thats all i think just wait....i think i wet my self because this is so exciting.

Zugartha -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 13:40:35)

Yup, I'm back. On the same page!

So do you like classic music? Frank Sinatra? Ray Charles?

Ever been to Central America?

If you could go ANYWHERE in the UNIVERSE, where would it be?
I have no idea, probably Japan.

That be all.

Grafh -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 14:05:31)

*Looks up*
I want these papers on my desk by tomorrow. Wait, you're not my secretary...

You have enough questions.
I guess so.

So just this then.

*snuggletackles Absolite*
*Snuggleglomps Grafh*

Nice to have you around.
Nice to be aound.

Asterion -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 14:15:19)

Hola(That means hello)
I know, after four years of spanish.

Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you Chuck Norris?
Chuck Norris? Meh, Jackie Chan. Just the sheer awesomeness of the accent is enough to confuse Chuck into submission.

I've noticed you are a bit lock happy lately, more so than the mods/aks/etc usually are, is someone trying to earn brownie points with the Powers-That-Be?
Hardly, this is the way things should have been done here a long time ago. If anything, a few AK's are skeptical with my hands-on approach.

And now prepare yourself for the mandatory question that is asked of everyone by me or my friends.

Are you now, or have you ever been, a fluffy pink bunny?
Only during Halloween.

I will remind you that you are under oath so answer that question about being a fluffy pink bunny honestly.

Let's try some word association:

Example:"Sephiroth" is to "loser" as "Lobo" is to "awesome beyond the ability of Human language to describe"

"Eragon" is to "god awful abomination that is an insult to Human intelligence" as "professional football" is to what?(Hint:professional football may or may not share some descriptions with Lobo)
An amazing sport that I follow religiously.

"Christopher Paolini" is to "horrid writer who needs to be imprisoned" as Bobby Knight is to what?(Hint:Bobby Knight may or may not share some descriptions with Lobo)
Awesome enough to get away with beating the hell out of a Puerto Rican police officer.

VampireHawk -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 14:59:51)


Yay, I finally didn't miss one of these MtAK things. Of my entire time here, I've managed to miss nearly all of them. =.=
Well lucky you.

Meh, I've really got no questions at the moment, so I'll just say thanks for doing a great job in the OOC. We've been a bit on the flamey/spammy side lately. Aye-up, so thank you and keep it up.

.. I'll be back. :P

Dudalicous -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 15:21:41)


So why do raters ask for rates when they can rate themselves?
Because some people need to feel good about how amazing their character is.

Does the crushed spam get crunchy?

Who is Saddam Hussein if you know?
Iraq's former dictator (deceased)

Well byebye till later

Rimblade -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 15:55:20)


How are you?
Not bad.

Is it true that I can only ask questions here?
Ir IRC, whenever.

Well, I'm fine?
That's good.

Do you like being an AK?

Wonderful! ....?
Yes, yes it is.

How do you like this thread, so far?
Oh, barrles of joy.

Have you met Mr. Flibble?
That's the guy that kicked me in the shin and ran off with my wallet the other night!

What do you think of the other AKs?
Thay're all great.

Do you think we're OK?



Have a nice day!?
Damn straight.

GirliePanda -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 15:57:44)

Guess who's baaaaack! No seriously, guess.
Ummm...Jimmy Dean?

Anyways, I have the 'Which do you prefer' questions that must be asked on every MtAK.

1) Chicken pot pie or beef pot pie?
Meat lovers.

2) Crayons or markers?

3) Music or silence?

4) Forums or the game?

OK, I'm done.

blazedragon555 -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 15:59:13)

Hey there, Pokebeer dude (yes, I actually visited your gallery. Very nice art there!)

So, how are you?
Not bad.

What's it like to be an AK?
Let the good times roll.

Where do you like AK'ing better, CR&A or OOC?
Well, CR&A is easier, but damn if the OOC doesn't keep me busy.

As a rater, which are your favorite type of characters to rate? Guardians, Adventurers? What builds?

Would you rate my character? Being a rater, I can't really rate myself, only fellow raters can... (note, I don't expect to find a rating in my PM inbox, I'm just messing with you. [;)])

What do you like most about the OOC?
Ummm, the fact that most people are coherent.

I think it has too much spam.
Not for long. *Pulls out beating pipe from some random place*

Well, I've got nothing else to ask, I kind of forgot my questions while typing this up. Oh well.


JTR5353 -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 16:45:16)

1. Why do I find you scary?
It would be unwise not to.

2. Why do AKs, Mods, and Admins like bird avvies so much?
I dunno, personality?

3. Where do you get your near-infinite supply of chairs?
Oh, a basketball stadium. 20,000'll last you a long time.

4. Do the chairs have secret powers?
No, they're just heavy.

5. Do they taste like root beer?
Nope, old gum.

6. May I have some?
Sure, just let me hit the bottom of a table in my local McDonald's

7. Are AKs really locked up in dungeons and brutally whipped by SMBDoll?
No no, but we are whipped with an SMBDoll.

8. What happens if I ask you eleven questions?
I find the beating pipe.

9. That sounds pretty painful. Do their cries of anguish sustain you?
No, they're just supplementary to an infinite supply of power bars.

10. No! Not the face! Not the face!
Okay *aims for the kneecaps*.

HK 47 -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 17:11:04)


how you doing?

ever played gears of war?

what do you think of the new sonic game?
Haven't played Sonic since the Genesis.

that's all...for now *dunn dunn dunn*

damani -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 18:10:28)


pie or cake?

do you give out cool points?[:D]

AQ or DF?
AQ, always a classic.

do you have a plan yet to take over teh forums?[:-]
Shhh, who told you?

do you play any vidoegames?
Yes, PS2.

if yes to ^^ then which ones?, Metroid is my fav, any kind of metroid[:)]
The Jak and Daxter series, KH, ATV OffRoad Fury games, nascar games, all sorts.

how long have you been on these forums?
A year and some change.

do you admire or have a good friendship with any other AK's?
We're all pretty good friends.

turkey of sheep?

do you like my AQ character?
It's okay.

do I have any more questions?...hmmm...let me think....

any hobbies?
I draw.

I think that is all for now[:)]

wait!, thought of some more ^___^

fav kinda music?

fav artist and/or group?

errr....umm...favorite color?

All of those have been answered.

RATIONALPARANOIA -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 18:25:21)

Well I'm back one more time for (starts counting on his fingers)the... (suddenly remembers he can't count)the.... Well, not my first time, I know that!!!
If I am getting annoying, then please don't beat me with the beating pipe.
If not, well then Ahoy. I've got more questions!
1. How are you?

2. Do you play any other online games then AQ?
Not really.

3. Who do you like on the threads, other than DMK?
Yes, a few, like Sporky, MADemocrat, Yera, Nickwright, and many of the people from the GoCA.

4. Do you make people your minions?( or something of that nature, just like Dark Flame of Ebil or the other AKs)
No, it's implied when you post in the OOC.

5 If the answer to the above is yes, is there an application form for that?
No apps, only a simple post.

6. Do you know a good place where I could get some beating pipes and chairs to throw?
I heard the junkyard is good.

7. If you see me on the forums, could you say Hi?
I dunno...

8. And finally, do you like my sigs?

Well, I wish you a Happy New Year, and I hope we see each other again on the forums. Oh, and I visited your gallery, and I liked the art there. I'm an artist(and writer) myself, so I can relate to the difficulties of art amd creativity.
I also hope you eventually won't have to deal with idiocy on the threads. Goodbye (for now, at least; I probably will have a whole new line of questions for you soon ;) )

ranew -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 18:28:56)

hey, how are you?

on a scale of 1-10 how good is my character?

if you could get 3 items (armor shield weapon) what would they be?
King's Blade, Necro Cloak, Golden Shield.

who is your worst enemy?
I have a lot of enemies.

who is your best friend?
On-forums it's a tie betwee a few people.

do you play df?

if so do you have/like doom weapons?
Have ShadowReaper.

what is your df character (mage, warrior, rougue)?

how are you now?
Still good.


Onomatopoeia -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 18:30:05)

Greetings Absolite.

Are there any rules that may be enforced to make people stop saying that I am or stop asking if I am Portugeuse(which I am most definitely not) even after I ask them to stop doing so?
Yes, harassment.

Pastici -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 18:34:14)

Hmm, I like you.

You're a good mod, lock with no catchphrase, thats nice. Any reason you don't?
No catchphrase? Why use one when you could cite any one of Bobby Knight's hilarious adventures?

Do you enjoy a nice cup of tea?

Favorite film from the Back to the Future trilogy?
The first one.

How many beatings has you're pipe dealt out in this thread?
About a dozen.

Godspeed You! Black Emperor, do you like them?
Never heard of 'em.

Do you like the show "Charlie and Lola"?
You're kidding, right?

Thanks, keep those locks a comming and that pipe a beating.

halo nerd -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 18:59:26)

Me an JTR fear you on the private boards ;_;
As you well should.

Too bad you can't edit my post! Ha-ha!
And I need to because...?


wait, can you seriously answer questions?!?!!?

Should I get a wii or a video camera?
Whatever your heart desires.

Cheeze nips or cheeze its?
ITZ, dammit! Nips are an insult to everything cheesy.

Animal planet has animals on it, is that illegal?
Eegad! How did I miss that? *Mobilizes crack squad of lawyers who can make make a case out of nothing*.


HK 47 -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 19:38:21)


fav AK (aside from yourself)?
I dunno, SCAKK and Evo. are pretty high up there.

best thing that has happened to you?
Ummm...making varsity golf in 7th grade.

Nevere really had a worst, though I did impale my own leg with a pair of shears a few years back when I fell from a tree. Went clean through, too.

ever read 8-bit theater?

ever seen the trogdor video?

Oxymoron -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 20:17:05)

three questions

1. Who the hell are you!?
AK, dammit.

2. Nice to meat you.
*Finds ham to gobble* Oh, you meant meet.


3. hows it like being an AK?

Pie Munchies -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 21:01:36)

Hehehe, I'm back. :3

1) Did you hear about that supposed UFO that appeared at some airport in Chicago?

2) If the answer is yes to number 1, do you believe it happened? I don't.

3) Do you like fruit roll ups? I think they're tasty.

4) What is your opinion on how Disney has become evil?
No, it's not eveil, just not what it used to be.

5) Do you think question number 10 on my last set of question implied I'm gay? Because I'm not. >______>

6) What is your favorite number?

7) What is your favorite animal?
I dunno, Frogs are all the rage.

8) Sprite or Coke?

9) The pen is mightier than the sword or vice versa?
You can't cut a watermelon with a pen.

10) Should I stop asking questions?

Alright, bye. :3

Pastici -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 21:02:02)



Do you like the show "Charlie and Lola"?
You're kidding, right?

Nope. I love the show.

There must be a kids show that you like?

No, Choldren's entertainment has gone far downhill since I was a tot.

Doomsday -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/2/2007 21:17:05)

Hello Absolite,

You know I won't miss this chance XD

Now, for questions...

What do you think about rating? (sorry I couldn't stay as a rater)
I have done more than anyone, what do you think?

What do you think of my character in a scale of 1 to 10?
Well, if you go "textbook", it's perfect, but I'd have made a few minor changes.

Do you still play AQ anymore?

Doomsday or Absolite?
Absolute Doom.

Do you have a Zombie Plan? (If Yes, what?)

The'Galin or Lorithia? (and why?)
That's from Fal's story, right?

Are we all doomed? (sound off ominous music)

Also, on a last note, our clan misses you, do come and post sometime :)

See you around then.

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