RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (Full Version)

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komatat -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/3/2007 6:38:18)

* puts on terminator voice * i'm back

has anyone swore to you ( on the forums )
Not as of yet, at least not to me personally.

thankyou for getting rid of maskitator
Wasn't me, he was gone before I got here.

has anyone messeged you saying stuff like " your a ak!"
Once or twice, yep.

am i annoying you yet

how bout now?









ok i give up cya!

wabbitman -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/3/2007 7:54:17)

I am back to ask a few more questions

When answering this are you going to make fun of my typos?

Ever played God Of War?

If you have did you like it?

Why are you so damn funny?
I dunno.

Why does Bobby Knight constantly feel the urge to throw chairs across Basketball courts?
Because he's a very violent man.

Ever watch V fior Vendetta?

If so did you like it?

If I got out of line would you throw a chair at me?

Do you hate me?

oh come on seriously you have to dislike me a little

enough questions now I will run away before you throw a chair at me goodbye

rockerswild -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/3/2007 9:17:17)

All right, more questions

Are you related to Bob Knight?

so erm... you like golf? any fav players?
Yes, either Phil Mickelson or Tiger.

pie or ice cream?
Ice cream.

Pastici -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/3/2007 9:31:51)

Are you releated to Michael Knight, AKA, the Hoff?


Supa Killa II -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/3/2007 9:55:49)


How are you?
Not bad.

How's the weather?

Why you write in blue?
Because my edit color of choice was taken.

Is it becouse your Zorbak in disguise?

Do you play WoW?

I don't like it

How old are you?

Do you play Adventure Quest?

Do you like Valencia? Becouse she's mine -.-

You coul'd have Aria?

Thats all for today, ciao!

....Au Revoir!



-Supa Killa the II, High Commander and 1st in Command of the Ultra Elite DragonSlayers

P.S. Can I use sig? Meh, I already checked it

knight slayer -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/3/2007 11:26:35)

knight slayer is here

waffles or pancakes

muffins vs bagles

pirates or ninjas
Ninjas with eyepatches.

fav show

favorite game if any
I dunno, something from J&D or KH.

paper or plastic

cash or credit

and favorite food

~knight slayer waz here~

Magdalina -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/3/2007 12:28:00)

Er...well, hello?^^

Have you ever had any warnings/bans before you become an AK?

What's your favourite weather?
Desert-like heat.

Have you got any pets?

Thanks for answering my questions=D

HK 47 -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/3/2007 15:29:33)

i haff returned

ever heard of me?


ever locked paxia threads?

you never saw trogdor? here is the linkage:
I'll get to that later.

damani -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/3/2007 15:38:26)

I've heard of Damani before, really cool kid[:)]

anyways, more questions for ya[;)]
Oh no!

grapes of apples?
Uh, watermelon.

watch cartoon?
Mostly anime.

are you in a forum clan?

do you visit da polls often?
No, but I will soon...

aer you farming really hard for supah gold?

favorite farming spot, in AQ that is
GT Carnax/

do you have a job in real life?

What do you like about teh OOC?
I dunno, lots o' things...

hehe, I knew you had an evil plan to take over teh forums, I do too, not tell you ddi not see that[:D]

did you get to choose the section you want to mod?
OOC yes, CR&A was upon request.

that is all for now[:)] until phase 2 of my plan that is, or I just think of more question ^__^

Abiogenist -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/3/2007 15:49:16)

Hello, Absolite ^_^ Nice to meet you again. I didn't expect you to become an AK in a sudden. Kinda' surprising...
Ach, me either.

Just a question, do you remember crazy ole' Genetic? ^_^
Of course, former MoM, Great at paint.

What can you say about me?
Great at paint.

About your gallery, just how many times do you update it?
Whenever I can, been really busy lately.

What kind of program do you usually use to draw?
PSCS2, or a revolutionary tool known as a pencil.

Do you still click my gallery? Because you haven't posted yet...
Sure, I'll get there eventually.

Well...thanks again ^_^ Hope you have a good time.

ricardo1991 -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/3/2007 16:45:48)

Hello Absolite Nice to meet you here are a 5 questions
*Starts Talking with a Moglin Voice*

1) Do you ever think you will become a NPC in the game AQ or DF?
I dunno, there are certainly people more worthy of that than me.

2) What do you find the best Comic?
I dunno, I don't read comics.

3)Who do you Find Is your Favorite Dragon?
Dragon? I dunno, never really liked dragons.

4)Who is Your Favorite Evil Character *Can Be from anything*
I dunno, so many to choose from.

5)Do you like Science fiction?

6)Do you know the Book The Triffids from John Wyndham
*Walking 3 legged plants that can kill I'm reading the Book*
No, never heard of it.

May the Force be With You *And Sepiroth*[8D]

Master Guardian -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/3/2007 20:23:12)

only ten questions?! i hope you get to mine, unlike the last one(why won't you answer me Rimblade and Mr.Flibble!)

hey(this doesn't count)

1)Do you like pie?
On occasion.

2)Do you like a bunch of weirdos coming in through your roof and feeding you pie?

3)God or Science? i myself believe God has used science in ways we'll never understand, after all, should we know everything? i think that would be too dangerous.
I personally think that science is necessary, and very helpful, but that there are just some things we will never know.

4)how do i become a mod or AK(i bet it's hard, i've already had a banning and another warning)
Then you probably won't.

5)What's your favorite food

6)Your name came from acohol, and pokemon?! tell me how! i think you're a little too young, being 15(i saw you said that earlier)
If you saw my gallery you would see that I wasn't actually drinking.

7)(the big question at my school)PS3 or Wii?(i'm a PS3 fan)
No idea.

8)when i say something, tell me the first thing that comes to mind. Bannana!
Beating pipe.

Beating pipe.

10)Smack That!
Beating pipe.


*reappears* i want my soda *takes his soda and jumps through the window*

crunchy chix -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/3/2007 20:37:48)

Axe or Tag
Old Spice.

Eggs or Bacon
On a sandwhich.

Aq or Df
At the same time.

Drawing or Writing

what is 540 Squared?
*is too lazy to find a calculator.

Whats the answer to number 12 on my homework

ShadowKnight80 -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/3/2007 21:11:27)

*Appears from Flame*

Let's get to the point...^

What's your favorite Color..
Already been answered.

Do you like chicken..

What's the name of my cousin who lives in vermont....
Don't know, don't care.

Who, in your opinion, is the best AK..
That's a tough one.

Your favorite thing to do is _________________..
Play golf.

Do I work for the CIA?

Any secrets?
Not really.

Gallant -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/3/2007 21:26:07)

Hello, I will be interroga... I mean... *Cough* asking you questions about yourself today. *Holds a pen and paper*

1. Are you a spy of Dadric? I mean, are you sent to "Check up" on debate members? *Insert shifty eyes* *Ahem*
No, not yet. That's a promotion.

2. Who is your favorite AK comrade? (Options not offered: Yourself... =|)
Fine, ummm...I guess Sporky and I tag team the OOC, but SCAKK and I cover the CR&A.

3. What is your opinion of Gundam Wing? (If you have never seen it... then perhaps it is in order to say it is the best)
It's not bad, but not the best.

4. Consipracies are inconvient solutions usually devised by people to suggest a different "Justifed" outcomes towards a different conclusion... Do you agree?

5. What kind of PPO does the AK society offer?'re guess is as good as mine.

6. What is you opinion on the Middle East Conflict? The War in Iraq specifically.
I think that there have been many mistakes made there, and we should not have invaded Iraq as soon as we did. We should have waited for support, or possibly gone after the greater threat, Iran.

7. What is the average pay rate of an AK, multiplied by 20%, and plus over-time?
Still 0.

8. Why do people mutter amongst themselves about banned members who they revere as martyers to popularity? Is it now that the ones who are remembered are those who stand firm in intelligence, but seem to reject is every so often for a larger public appeal?
You know something, the people with that mentality are the people who are now being brought down.

9. Why do people post mindless threads? Such as, "What will *Blah* Become?" And things of that nature?
Again, punishments will be in order for people who start those.

10. Are you anti-social? Because if you are... you might just be anti-failure... =|
Not anti-social, but I am anti-failure.

Have a nice day...

That's all for now... I'll be keeping an eye on you... TWO in fact... which is one more than one... Muah ha ha! My logic puzzles you... I have spent a millennia and more discovering my intelligence! As you can see... my spies are everywhere! Playing Elder Scrolls on your laptop... Eating the food in your refridgerator... and crashing on your couch after a boring time of spying! In the meantime...I'll keep you listed... *Checks Absolite on Blackbook*
I don't play Elder Scrolls, I really don't play too many video games. *adds Gallant to Bingo Book.*

psycopath425 -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/3/2007 21:29:18)

1) Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

2) If you had to classify yourself under a D&D alignment, what are you?
I despise D&D.

3) What do you think of the "Burn 'em All" movement in the Paxia section?
I say we just burn Paxia to the ground.

4) How bad is my character (Under Avvy)?

5) Is WoW evil?

6) Am I evil?

7) If I were to copy the 3 page story of why my screenname ended up what it is, what would you do? Besides not read it?
Crush it.

8) Why am I asking this?
Don't care.

9) How overrated is sanity, anyway?
Oh, way.

10) Is this a question.


GirliePanda -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/3/2007 22:25:41)

OK, I'm TEHBACKNESS!!! Am I really annoying you yet?

Anyhoo, let's get on with it. This post: Favorites!!!

1) Favorite flavor of ice cream?
Cookies 'n Cream.

2) Favorite genre of book?
I dunno, fiction.

3) Your favorite scent?

4) Your favorite family member?
No favorites.

5) Your favorite memory?
No favorites there, either.

OK, I'm at a loss for more. I would ask about your favorite forumite, but I thought that might inspire jealosy for the non-favorites...especially me...*sniff*

Anyways, if you get some time, then check out my story. Just look at my threads in my profile. I'm too lazy to go for the link.

See ya later! I probably won't be back, but, ya never know.

aion7 -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/3/2007 23:43:41)

I have but two questions.

In your opinion what are the ten most overrated things in the world?
Mastikator, Lebron James, Borat, Picasso, electricity,, the actual Amazon.

In your opinion what are the ten most underrated things in the world?
The Naked Gun, Airplane!, Leslie Nielsen, sliced bread, alarm clocks, sleeping, ham, cd's, backpacks, pencils.

lonewolf537 -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/4/2007 0:05:46)

hey absolite

what is your favorite food?

why did you choose ooc?
Because it needed help.

do you like my sig?

do you prefer to be called bobby knight or absolite?

have you ever played rs? (runescape in case you didnt know)

do you like aq or df more?

do you have a big button by your computor that says "lock"?
No, just on my screen.

do i spam? (if so im sorry)
Not really.

do you like the simpsons?

and can you be a mod/ak if you have gotten warned before?
Yes, but probably not if you've been banned.

p.s sorry for all the questions

MajorSamus -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/4/2007 7:45:02)

Hey its.. Err.. whats your name? >_>

I'll being with basic "askedeveryAKquestions" Mmkay?

1.) Favourite internet face?

2.) Favourite drink?

3.)Indeed.. Did you recive any HAYT MAILZ yet? ;-)
Yes, which I promptly warn for.

4.)Favourite sport to play?

5.)So.. What do you think of teh forums now thast you regin over us forumites (Or is that Smb?)? ^^;
Me? Just OOC. I wonder why I took this job in the first place. ;)

6.) what was your favourite question?
I dunno, so many...

birdy -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/4/2007 8:33:43)


Why does people try to annoy Ak's in threads like these ?
They have nothing better to do.

Do you like Fish ?

And uhh... would you travel to Greenland if you got the choice ?
Yes, but it's not my first choice.

Forgot question 4 :P : Do you like purple ?
Sure, why not.

If you said no to question 2 & 3 then I'm not sure that I like you -.-

AA5612 -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/4/2007 8:40:13)

Who's the guy in the avatar?

Are you a zombie?

Do I like pie?
Don't know.

How big do you think my brain is?
Don't know.

Do you have special powers?

Will you give me one of the custom titles:weirdo or AK torturer?

Magdalina -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/4/2007 10:12:24)

Hm...sorry for some more questions, only 2^^

What pets do you have?
2 cats and 2 dogs.

What's/re your favourite school subject(s)?
Probably a science, or maybe history.

Zugartha -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/4/2007 10:20:57)

Hey Absolite!


Do you like scrubs? That's the best show ever. I mean it, BEST SHOW EVER. My fav character is Cox, he's such an jackass.
Yes. No he's not. And don't use that sort of language.

Ever thought of joining the AE team? Unless you don't know how to do the thingies they do back there, Which is basically slay undead.
I dunno, only 15, after all.

Ever played KH2?

Bye! ^_^

chaos oracle -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/4/2007 10:43:10)

Hey Absol... I mean Bobby Knight. Time for some questions.

1.) Are you ever going to use any of your art pieces as avatars? (The hawk doesn't count.)

2.) Do you ever feel you have less time for rating characters now that your an OOC mod?

3.) [Insert random question that has been answered a hundred times here.]

4.) Have you ever felt the need to reposition spammers using a signature chock-hold? (Oh don't act surprised, you know that I know that you know that I would say a Bobby Knight joke.)
Yes, but I prefer chairs and punches.

5.) Well I always ask every AK I meet in meet the AK to dream me up a custom title. So what title would you give me? I bet you can't be Oracle of Chaos-ism-ness-ish!
Hmmm...Debatble Oracle of Debating-ness (chaotically)


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