RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (Full Version)

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Blue Moon -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/4/2007 13:34:01)

kittys or dogs o.o

Answer the question wrong and the poison shall consume you o.o

also: On a level of 1-h how excited were you when you found out you were an ak?
Oh, defenitely an S.

Densoro -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/4/2007 14:16:08)

Hello ^_^

LoZ or Halo?

Link or Pit?

Nerf guns or Super Soakers? (not including the Oozinator e.e)
Hand guns.

Do you practice swordsmanship at all?
No, though I would like to.

Have you read my story, For the Kingdom?

If so, how'd ya like it?

Um...Yeah, that's all I've got ^_^; Later.

duasso -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/4/2007 15:21:23)

Wow, your mature for a fifteen year old
Well thankyou.

Angry or Sad
More angry than sad, really.

Happy or Random
I dunno *gets beating pipe*

Blue or Green

Ps2 or Xbox

Computer or Laptop

Paint or Flash

DF or AQ

Clans or RP'ing

Big or Small

High school or Elementary!
High School.

Gliss Maiden -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/4/2007 21:30:45)

I stole your color mehehe.

ellohay (please say you get it)

You must really tired of answering peoples these questions ;) But I will curse you with more. :D

Is this a system mods developed to get us to like the mods? "Get to know the mods" I mean?

I thought so.

Do you think of us as little pawns with a member titles that you can dispose of at will?

I thought so.

Why the OOC? Cant you grace the suggestions board? ;)

I thought so.

If I were to say I love you?

I thought so.

Do you talk with the other mods/ak's much?

I thought so.

Ban or warn?

I thought so.

I think.

GirliePanda -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/4/2007 22:08:38)

Hi. Ahoy! Yes, it's me again! I must be getting super annoying now....
*nose twitches* I smell O-zone.

Anyhoo, let's get on with it. First, I have a serious question, then I'll do random thingy-ma-jiggys!!

Serious question: On a scale of 1-10, how good is my AQ char? (link under avvy)
Stop asking me, people.

Now, on with the show! This post: I say a random word, you tell me what it brings to mind!!

1) Blob

2) Tree

3) Magic

That was fun, wasn't it! Anyhoo, Now I just yank questions out my ears!!!

1) Do you like PotC?
It's alright.

2) Are you a dude or a dudette? <Forget that. On closer examination of teh thread, I noticed that you're a dude.

3) Do you belive that I am the one, the original forum panda?
No, that's Skyboy.

4) Do you like the color green?

Anyhoo, I'm done now. We'll see if I'll see you later!

JTR5353 -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/4/2007 22:15:31)

Are you my mommy?

Is locking fun?
Of course!

Did you take money from Jack Abramoff?
Not a chance.

Are you bigger than a breadbox?
How big's the box?

Do you have sharp pointy teeth?
Only when I want to.

Favorite AE avvy?
I've never used an AE avvy.

Destiny1 -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/5/2007 12:04:25)

hi its me again!

thanks for the £5 do you want the change
No, you keep it.

my legs hurt can you help out

can you do my homework its easy its algebra

do you live alone in a house

cant belive we lost the ashes
Yes, easily.

thats makes 10 in total with two post whhooooo hoooo

ranew -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/5/2007 21:29:35)

I'm back!

do you stalk/follow anyone?
No, but I'm certain I do have stalkers.

do you know who I stalk?
Umm, no.

want a hint?

the person I stalk posted 2 posts before me on my first post here. I don't post much so you should be able to find it on my profile.
Don't really care.

umm, hi.

am I annoying you?
*finds the beating pipe*

if I am, sorry, I tend to do that to everyone I talk to.

now how are you?
Again, already answered.

do you think I'll make it to 10 questions?

if no then do you still think no? if you still don't then count how many questions, oh and, bye again.

Rhionna -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/6/2007 0:29:24)


If I posted a thread bragging about my new anime fansite, would ya lock it? I'm too lazy to look at the rules....*hides beating pipe*

Are you related to someone famous?

If you answered yes, wanna be friends?*sparkles

Everybody answers that....I'm so lonely...

Are you emo?*narrows eyes*

Pineapple or strawberry?

Favorite AQ holiday? Besides talk like a pirate day?

Are you huggable?*huggles Absol*


Edit: Duckys or Penguins?*fingers knife* Choose carefully...

Edit2: Your opinion on Naruto?

Guardian Mikey -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/6/2007 0:33:37)


Duckies or kitties?
Neither. Tigers.

Have you met Ducky?

Want to join The Order of Ducky (not a clan)?

Like mah siggy? ^_^

GirliePanda -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/6/2007 2:13:31)

I'm back for I think *counts* the fifth time! That's a record for me, to post on any MtAK thread more than twice!! Anyhoo, I just have an odd assortment of questions to ask you. Are you ready? Let's do it!!!

* * *

1) What do you think of Orlando Bloom? (not in a cute-ness sense, as you are a guy, but in a 'what do you think of his acting'. if you say that he's cute, I'll be officially weirded out by you.)
Mediocre actor.

2) What is your favorite foreign country?

3) What is the one thing that you truly hate in the whole world?
Willful ignorance.

4) Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I dunno, I really don't.

* * *

I'm going to play a little game with you here!!

5) What country do I live in? (If you guess USA, you must tell which state!)
Don't care.

6) How old am I?
No idea.

7) Do I have a dog? If you think so, then how many do I have?
Again, no.

OK, I'm done with that.

* * *

8) What is your personal opinion on SPAM? (the food. not stupid, pointless, annoying messages.)
No, as you can see, they will not be allowed again.

9) What word do you find yourself using the most?
*throws chair across room*

10) What is your favorite perk about AK-dom?
The fear.

Anyhoo, I've reached the 10-question limit. I'll see you next time!!

BTW, I still haven't renounced my DragonMaster#1 religion choice!!!!

Guardian Patrick -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/6/2007 2:42:48)


How are you?

Is it fun to be an AK?

How old are you? [8|]
Already answered.

Do you have a fansite?

What is your nationality?

That's all :D

123prince -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/6/2007 13:43:34)


Whats Your Fave Cereal?
Smart Start

Are You Emo?
Hell no.

Do you like Pie?

Do you like candy?

Is It Fun being an AK?

Why is ur Avi a Screaming political man?
He's not a person involved in politics. If you don't know who he is, you've been under a rock for the last 20 years.

Do You like Me? (Say Yes, it will make me feel good)

ARE YOU COOL? (ill answer this...YES!!!!!)

Are You annoyed with all my questions?
A bit.

Do You Like Cookies?

Do You Like Zelda?



Chi Chi?

Gotens Girlfriend?





Annoyed Yet?



Muse -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/6/2007 17:34:56)

Hey there. I'm Rit; pleased to meet you.

So... What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Have you ever written anything? I mean, not a whole book (kudos if you have), but anything vaguely... fictional.
Short stories, nothing special.

Were you surpised when you were asked to become an AK?
A bit.

Is being an AK any different to how you had imagined it being?

How many other forumites do you know (well)?
Quite a few.

What is it with people asking if you're an Emo? Does it really matter? Isn't it a bit shallow?
Yes, and I'm not.

I don't suppose you have a light?
No, stop smoking.


Doomsday -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/6/2007 23:40:50)

Hey... I'm back XD

Anyway more questions,

Zombies or Vampires?
Ummm, neither,

Do you think a meta-race idea would work out? (eg. like a Zombie Human, instead of a Human Zombie)
I have no idea.

Yeah, and since I read this somewhere... Absol or Arseus?

Do you think that AQ should have more blood and gore to satisfy the general teen demograph?

Do girls exist on the internet? (Geckos are not counted)

Wilderock or Absolite?

Will you ever set up your own rating center again?
It's still there, just...buried.

Alright... these are the few random questions I can think of right now, see you soon :)

Richie Ritz -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/7/2007 2:11:09)

hey absolite

do u thnk you will reach lvl 130 in aq
Don't care.

what would you say if i was rafael nadal
I would respect you, but you're not.

what would you say if i was not rafael nadal
Then I might believe you.

do u think i can become an intenational tennis player
Not really.

what do you think i want to becom in life?
Don't care.

what r ur views on z-tokens?
I have nothing against them.

have u ever had a swig of alcohol?
Had, not recently. 2 years, to be exact.

how do you feel about them scientists taking out a planet?
Why not.

Saddam hanged, any comments?
Can't say I miss 'em.

Do you think i will ever get a custom title or ak offer?[sm=puppy_dog_eyes.gif] If you say no, i will prove you wrong...believe it!
No, I definitely don't see that happening.

killer6667 -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/7/2007 2:37:19)

Hey new AK.

Can you juggle?

Have you ever done competive swimming?
About 8 years ago.

Have you ever heard of the author Clive Cussler, and if so, do you like his books?
Not one of my favorites, but not bad.

Do you play any sports for your school?(I dont think the school part has been asked.)
Yes, tennis and golf.

What do you think is harder, swimming or golf? You may not have had experiance with swimming, but just say what you would guess.
Has this not already been answered.

Have you seen jackass 2?

If so, what was your favorite thing they did?

VampireHawk -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/7/2007 20:37:43)

Annnd I'm back. *Pokes*

So is it frustrating for you to see people repeat the same questions?
Yes, quite a lot.

Are you the youngest AK?
No, that would be E.

What's your opinion on immortality?
Pointless to try.

Do you find locking threads fun? o.O

Oh. You have two cats? Mine is a little devil... Are yours nice? :3
Sometimes, but they're sneaky little buggers.

Alrighty, that's all the questions I can come up with. Cya around the OOC!


lonewolf537 -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/7/2007 21:56:57)

guess whos baaaaack

*steals beating pipe* watcha gunna do now?
*Contemplates a kick to the crotch...*

wolf or mountian lion?

pwns or pwnz

larry or bob?

zomg or omg?
Oh damnit.

zombie or mummy?
The living.

my aq char or your aq char?
Why, mine of course.

ok im done for now.

DropkickMurphy -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/7/2007 22:18:00)

*steals back the ahoy for the second time*

Are you ever going to stop this madness!

Rhionna -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/7/2007 22:26:06)

More pointless questions for ya.

Which is more ebil, Teletubbies or Barney?

Zorbak or Kabroz?

Have you seen Avatar: the Last Airbender?

If yes, what do you think about it?

Do you like me?

Do you wear glasses?

Favorite number?

Anime or manga?

Why are Halo and JTR afraid of you? Is it just the yelling old guy on your avvy that does it?

Favorite mythical creature?

Does this count as a question?

That's all I've got for now.....*throws pixie dust at Absolite and runs* Bwahaha!

Dragon_Enforcer -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/7/2007 23:57:54)

Do you wish that your job was like this? course replace the **** with y o u t u b e

lonewolf537 -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/8/2007 0:09:15)

*steals dkm's ahoy* ahoy!

do you fear me yet?
I don't think so.

i fear you.....

is it possible to annoy you?
Only if you wish a swift and terrible vengeance.

can i have my own beating pipe?
I dunno, go check the interstate,

beating pipe or chair? (no combanations of the two)
Of course it's going to be a combo!

well that be it for now.

Xunvir Dar`Xil -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/8/2007 2:04:11)

hmm, Only done this once before, but I'm bored, so meh..

1) Have you or Do you play any MMOs?

2) If yes to 1, which?

3) What is your favorite anime?
Fullmetal Alchemist.

4) Do you like Elfen Lied? (*is the biggest EL fanboy on Earth*)
I dunno, you're going to have to challenge OWA for that.

5) ...ok forget 5, im out of questions

6) mmk, Just thought this one up so.. yes, 6, not 5 >_> .. Do you like any J-pop / J-Rock Songs?
Hell yes!

7) If yes to 6, Which?
Well, here's a short list:
Orange Range
Ayumi Hamasaki

Orca_05 -> RE: =AK= Meet the Archknight: Bobby Knight (Absolite) (1/8/2007 2:49:35)


here's a one question from teh 1337 pwnage Orcazorz...05

wud ya upgrade mah account?!!!111!!!

okay a bit more questions... yay!

Have you seen a werehamster with ponytail?

do you traveling alot?
I travel a bit.

i kinda feel a bit hungry... may i eat some peoples?
Go gnaw on your leg.

how is it to be an AK?
Fun and intoxicating.

whats your fav. season? say summer!

Dog or cat?
A cat that was eaten by a dog.

Do you like my questions?

Well that's all i got... Hope you enjoyed answering my questions :P

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