Nicky -> Photoshop Q&A Thread (5/26/2007 1:30:34)
Welcome Flash and GIMP have a Q&A thread, so why not Photoshop? Photoshop is a commonly used program in this forum, and as Adobe has trial versions of all of it's programs, is an ever growing tool in popularity as well. Adobe is a famous brand known for making design and website software, Photoshop was originally made for touching up images, but lately it has become much more than that, with Animation, 3D File Editing (new in CS3), and much more. So, why should you need to be bothered with your new program, stuck for help, not knowing what to do? The Question and Answer thread for Photoshop has arrived, here for all of your Photoshop questions and answers. There are lots of people that may answer your question, so I've decided to leave the answering open to the public. This means that anyone can answer the questions. However, when you answer a post, make sure to quote the question, and name of person who asked it unless you are directly under them and/or your post 'points' to the question in the context. Then give the answer in a grammatical and understandable way. Pictures make any explanation better if you have the time to upload them. Links Before you post your question, make sure you look around the following threads to see if your answer (or what you may be looking for) may be in there: The Sigmaker's Dictionary Ultimate Web Resource Guide Tutorial Directory Links that are non-related to Photoshop but are in some way, applicable to Signature Making: Digital Arts Forum Rules Some of the Answered and un-Answered Questions / References Q: I like GIMP but prefer Photoshop's interface, what should I get? A: Try GIMPShop Q: Can I use the Pen Tool like a brush? A: No, using the actual brush tool is pretty much the same thing, just that the pen tool gives you more control over your curves. Q: So, how do I draw with the Pen Tool? A: (Explanation in Link) Q: .PNG file opening problem (In link) A: Post 1 Post 2 Two different answers. Q: Is there a portable version of Photoshop? A: Yes, there is. At, download the suite. Q: Can I upload brushes to PhotoshopPortable? A: Yes, you can. Q: My Photoshop file won't upload to Photobucket? Why? A: You might have saved it as a .psd, which will not upload into Photobucket as it is the wrong filetype. Q: How do I convert a pixel image into a vector image so that I can resize it without losing quality? A: pending a test run.. Q: How do I make a border in Photoshop? A: Edit -> Stroke Q: How can I colour in a scanned image in Photoshop? A: There are a few steps here. Q: How do I make a checkerboard style pattern? A: Make your own pattern. Q: How do I download and use brushes in Photoshop? A: Through DeviantArt Q: How do I airbrush/paint a picture from scratch? A: pending... If you have the answer to any of these questions (unanswered, but you may post to answered questions if you have a different answer), feel free to post it. ^_^ Extroduction Post your questions in an understandable way and the rest of the community will do their best to answer them. Thanks, and happy Question asking and answering, Nicky.