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RE: Armors - Read the first post!

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3/28/2014 19:25:25   
 formerly In Media Res



Getting started on sweeping April Fools' content early!

Little Me

Fully defensive Energy armour. (You were an energetic little tot!)

Normal attack is one hit, +5 BTH ~ *85/90 damage.

Skill one Ranged hit, +5 BTH ~ *85/90 damage, and *325/301 damage due to the random elements. *2 BR damage to bring it up to skill level. If your weapon is Magic, then it does *4/3 BR damage.
  • "You're in trouble now!" Fire. 100% damage.
  • "I'm gonna get you now, ugly face!" Light. 75% damage.
  • "Get away from me, you dumb-head!" Wind. 75% damage.
  • "That isn't very nice!" Light. 125% damage.
  • "Meany butt!" Wind. 125% damage.

    Regardless, stat bonus to damage is CHA/4 (possibly +LUK/2 on an LS). Stat bonus to BTH is CHA/16 + DEX/16 + LUK/20. This respects your weapon Special. Apply your weapon-based effects (excluding type- and element-changing ones).
    Lvl	100
    BR%	400
    Stat%	760
    BTH	12
    Fire	82
    Water	120
    Ice	95
    Wind	95
    Earth 	82
    Energy	52
    Light 	95
    Dark	82
    Melee	47
    Ranged	47
    Magic	47
    SP	194
    The temporary version will be a little different.
  • Added. Scakk

    < Message edited by Scakk -- 9/10/2019 6:36:16 >
    AQ  Post #: 26
    3/29/2014 8:39:46   

    Normal and advanced knight armors are still missing entries. Only squire has an entry currently.

    Dragon knight is also missing.
    AQ  Post #: 27
    4/4/2014 10:56:09   
    Heroes of the Scape

    The Little Me Temp Armor now has a line of:

    Fire	82
    Water	120
    Ice	95
    Wind	95
    Earth 	82
    Energy	61
    Light 	95
    Dark	82
    Melee	42
    Ranged	42
    Magic	42
    AQ  Post #: 28
    4/5/2014 19:31:25   
     formerly In Media Res



    Temp versions of Little Me from the quest.

    Lv0-25 get the Lv25 version; Lv26-50 get the Lv50 version; Lv51+ get the Lv75 version.
    Lv	25	50	75
    BR%	175	250	325
    Stat%	265	430	595
    BTH	3	6	9
    Fire	92	90	82
    Water	120	120	120
    Ice	98	96	95
    Wind	98	96	95
    Earth 	92	90	82
    Energy	85	73	61
    Light 	98	96	95
    Dark	92	90	82
    Melee	32	38	42
    Ranged	32	38	42
    Magic	32	38	42
    Added. Scakk

    < Message edited by Scakk -- 9/10/2019 6:36:35 >
    AQ  Post #: 29
    4/17/2014 11:17:03   
    Bu Kek Siansu


  • Little Me (Rare) = Done!
  • Little Me (Temporary) = Done!

    Little Me

    «Fully Defensive Energy armor with an accurate lean. Does an additional damage due to the random elements.»

    Location: April Fool's 2006 - Save Twilly
    Element: Energy
    Level	100
    PowLvl	100
    MPLvl	100
    Price	N/A
    Sell	N/A

    Melee	47
    Ranged	47
    Magic	47

    Fire	82
    Water	120
    Wind	95
    Ice	95
    Earth 	82
    Energy	52
    Light 	95
    Dark	82

    Hits: 1
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	377.8
    Stat%	717.8
    BTH	17

    You receive Armor Lean x0.8 (Phase 1).

    SPCost	194


    If your weapon is Melee or Ranged, the skill will do the following:

    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Random elements#*@&; see Effect below
    BR%	815.8
    Stat%	775
    BTH	17

    If your weapon is Magic, the skill will do the following:

    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Random elements#*@&; see Effect below
    BR%	1087.7
    Stat%	775
    BTH	17

    You can't use the skill if you don't have enough SP$$.

    You're in trouble now!!
    #Get away from me, you dumb-head!!
    *Meany butt!!!
    @I'm gonna get you now, ugly face!!
    &That isn't very nice!!!

    $Use your weapon to hurt your foe (and its feelings)! Uses CHA and DEX for stats. Cost 194 SP.
    $$You need 194 SP to call forth that power!

    The skill randomly does between Fire, Wind and Light attacks:
  • Ranged Fire does 100% damage.
  • Ranged Wind does 75% damage#.
  • Ranged Wind does 125% damage*.
  • Ranged Light does 75% damage@.
  • Ranged Light does 125% damage&.

    Regardless, stat bonus to damage is CHA/4 (possibly +LUK/2 on an LS). Stat bonus to BTH is CHA/16 + DEX/16 + LUK/20. This respects your weapon Special. Apply your weapon-based effects (excluding type- and element-changing ones).

    You were so cute when you were little... cute, but dangerous.

    Numbers, description and additional thanks to In Media Res. Correction thanks to afterlifex.


    The armor attack starts off as a fully defensive armor attack (which is 80% of an average armor):
    Level	100
    PowLvl	100
    BR%	400
    Stat%	760
    BTH	12

  • The normal attack gains +5 BTH and deals *85/90 damage.

  • The skill gains +5 BTH and deals *85/90 damage, and *325/301 damage due to the random elements.
  • In addition, it deals *2 BR damage if your weapon is Melee or Ranged, *2*4/3 BR damage if your weapon is Magic.


    April 1, 2006: The armor was released.
    ???, 2006: The armor became rare.
    March 28, 2014: The armor was updated.

    Little Me

    «Fully Defensive Energy armor with an accurate lean. Does an additional damage due to the random elements.»

    Location: April Fool's 2006 - Save Twilly
    Element: Energy
    Level	25	50	75
    PowLvl	25	50	75
    MPLvl	25	50	75

    Melee	32	38	42
    Ranged	32	38	42
    Magic	32	38	42

    Fire	92	90	82
    Water	120	120	120
    Wind	98	96	95
    Ice	98	96	95
    Earth 	92	90	82
    Energy	85	73	61
    Light 	98	96	95
    Dark	92	90	82

    Hits: 1
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	165.3	236.1	306.9
    Stat%	250.3	406.1	561.9
    BTH	8	11	14

    You receive Armor Lean x0.8 (Phase 1).

    SPCost	71	104	141


    If your weapon is Melee or Ranged, the skill will do the following:

    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Random elements#*@&; see Effect below
    BR%	356.9	509.9	662.8
    Stat%	270.2	438.5	606.8
    BTH	8	11	14

    If your weapon is Magic, the skill will do the following:

    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Random elements#*@&; see Effect below
    BR%	475.9	679.8	883.8
    Stat%	270.2	438.5	606.8
    BTH	8	11	14

    You can't use the skill if you don't have enough SP$$.

    You're in trouble now!!
    #Get away from me, you dumb-head!!
    *Meany butt!!!
    @I'm gonna get you now, ugly face!!
    &That isn't very nice!!!

    $Use your weapon to hurt your foe (and its feelings)! Uses CHA and DEX for stats. Cost «» SP.
    $$You need «» SP to call forth that power!

    The skill randomly does between Fire, Wind and Light attacks:
  • Ranged Fire does 100% damage.
  • Ranged Wind does 75% damage#.
  • Ranged Wind does 125% damage*.
  • Ranged Light does 75% damage@.
  • Ranged Light does 125% damage&.

    Regardless, stat bonus to damage is CHA/4 (possibly +LUK/2 on an LS). Stat bonus to BTH is CHA/16 + DEX/16 + LUK/20. This respects your weapon Special. Apply your weapon-based effects (excluding type- and element-changing ones).

    One of Kabroz's dark magic spells have turned you into a child! What a cruel, cruel joke....

    Numbers and description thanks to In Media Res. Additional thanks to In Media Res and Heroes of the Scape. Correction thanks to afterlifex.


    The armor attack starts off as a fully defensive armor attack (which is 80% of an average armor):
    Level	25	50	75
    PowLvl	25	50	75
    BR%	175	250	325
    Stat%	265	430	595
    BTH	3	6	9

  • The normal attack gains +5 BTH and deals *85/90 damage.

  • The skill gains +5 BTH and deals *85/90 damage, and *325/301 damage due to the random elements.
  • In addition, it deals *2 BR damage if your weapon is Melee or Ranged, *2*4/3 BR damage if your weapon is Magic.


    April 1, 2006: The armor was released.
    April 5, 2014: The armor was updated.

  • Little Me (25) (Given to level 0-25 characters)
  • Little Me (50) (Given to level 26-50 characters)
  • Little Me (75) (Given to level 51+ characters)

  • Little Me (Rare) = Done!
  • Little Me (Temporary) = Done!

  • Added. Scakk

    < Message edited by Scakk -- 9/10/2019 6:36:59 >
    Post #: 30
    4/18/2014 3:51:56   

    Bundorable Form is a neutral fire armor with secondary resistance to energy can pay SP to deal the damage of a MO or (cost more SP) FO armor while still retaining a neutral lean.

    Bundorable Form: (Level 14) Price: 139 Gold; Sellback: 69 Gold
    Bundorable Form: (Level 34) Price: 488 Gold; Sellback: 244 Gold
    Bundorable Form: (Level 54) Price: 3323 Gold; Sellback: 1661 Gold
    Bundorable Form: (Level 74) Price: 26179 Gold; Sellback: 13089 Gold
    Bundorable Form: (Level 94) Price: 210438 Gold; Sellback: 105219 Gold
    Bundorable Form: (Level 114) Price: 1695992 Gold; Sellback: 847996 Gold
    Bundorable Form: (Level 134) Price: 13673002 Gold; Sellback: 6836501 Gold
    Bundorable Form: (Level 144G) Price: 38823253 Gold; Sellback: 19411626 Gold

    Bundorable Form description:

    Transform into a mighty bunny of death and gore. When in this armor, you can transform into Demon Bunny and Dragon Bunny forms for a small SP cost! Your enemies won't think it's 'just a flesh wound' after that!

    (Guardian Only) added at the end of the description for level 144G version

    For the dragon form, it's "cut" due to being on the very edge of the screen. I repeat, I did NOT crop out any part of the image, that's simply all that's shown onscreen.

    Also, the images weren't "stolen" from me, but rather borrowed with indirect permission.

    < Message edited by Syth -- 4/18/2014 11:01:04 >
    AQ  Post #: 31
    4/18/2014 3:56:40   



    This form has a neutral lean and is the default form.

    This form deals 112.5% damage while maintaining the neutral lean. At level 134, costs 58 SP per turn to stay in this form.

    This form deals 125% damage while maintaining the neutral lean. At level 134, costs 116 SP per turn to stay in this form.

    All images were stolen from Syth.

    Added. Scakk

    < Message edited by Scakk -- 9/6/2019 22:28:47 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 32
    4/20/2014 15:43:05   


    Copying Kam's notes.

    Bundorable Form

    Fire armor with Energy secondary

    Neutral lean

    Built in skill is 2 alternate forms, which boost damage but require higher SP cost.
  • Base bunny form is 0 cost and does 100% damage,
  • Demon Bunny form deals 112.5% damage, but costs SP = to 12.5*1.4% of a skill. (1.4 is due to the "skill" being non elemental)
  • Dragon Bunny form deals 125% damage, and costs double the SP of the Demon form.

    SP is charged upon transforming and at the start of each turn. If you revert to base bunny form or don't use a weapon attack (specials don't count, but bows do) that turn, you get the SP refunded to you. You always revert to base form at the end of the battle.

    Level	14	34	54	74	94	114	134	144
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	14	34	54	74	94	114	134	147
    CostLvl	14	34	54	74	94	114	134	146
    SPDem	8	14	21	29	38	47	58	65
    SPDra	15	27	41	57	75	95	116	130
    B/R	142	202	262	322	382	442	502	541
    Stat	192	324	456	588	720	852	984	1070
    BtH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	18
    Fire	90	80	71	62	54	48	43	40
    Earth	95	90	82	80	80	79	75	74
    Water	95	90	82	80	80	79	75	74
    Energy	93	85	76	67	59	53	47	44
    Ice	98	95	93	92	92	91	90	90
    Light	98	95	93	92	92	91	90	90
    Wind	95	90	82	80	80	79	75	74
    Dark	95	90	82	80	80	79	75	74
    Melee	29	32	35	37	41	44	47	49
    Ranged	29	32	35	37	41	44	47	49
    Magic	29	32	35	37	41	44	47	49
    A+SMCP	139	488	3323	26179	210438	1695992	13673002 38823253
    A+SMCS	69	244	1661	13089	105219	847996	6836501	19411626

  • Added. Scakk

    < Message edited by Scakk -- 9/6/2019 22:27:42 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 33
    4/22/2014 7:30:47   
    Bu Kek Siansu

    Bundorable Form

    «Mastercraft Neutral Fire armor with Energy secondary. Allows you to use a skill to deal more damage by spending some SP.»

    Location: [link=URL]Grenwog Festival 2014[/link] - Missing Eggs Quest!
    Element: Fire
    Level	14	34	54	74	94	114	134	144
    PowLvl	14	34	54	74	94	114	134	147
    MPLvl	14	34	54	74	94	114	134	146
    Price	139	488	3323	26179	210438	1695992	13673002 38823253
    Sell	69	244	1661	13089	105219	847996	6836501  19411626

    Melee	29	32	35	37	41	44	47	49
    Ranged	29	32	35	37	41	44	47	49
    Magic	29	32	35	37	41	44	47	49

    Fire	90	80	71	62	54	48	43	40
    Water	95	90	82	80	80	79	75	74
    Wind	95	90	82	80	80	79	75	74
    Ice	98	95	93	92	92	91	90	90
    Earth	95	90	82	80	80	79	75	74
    Energy	93	85	76	67	59	53	47	44
    Light	98	95	93	92	92	91	90	90
    Dark	95	90	82	80	80	79	75	74

    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	71	101	131	161	191	221	251	270.5
    Stat%	96	162	228	294	360	426	492	535
    +BTH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	18

    You receive Armor Lean x1.


    Demon Form!

    Hits: 3
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	53.3	75.8	98.3	120.8	143.3	165.8	188.3	202.9
    Stat%	72	121.5	171	220.5	270	319.5	369	401.3
    +BTH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	18
    SPCost	8	14	21	29	38	47	58	65

    Dragon Form!

    Hits: 1
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	177.5	252.5	327.5	402.5	477.5	552.5	627.5	676.3
    Stat%	240	405	570	735	900	1065	1230	1337.5
    +BTH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	18
    SPCost	15	27	41	57	75	95	116	130

    *You lack the «» SP needed to maintain your transformation.
    **You need «» SP to call forth that power!

  • You always revert to Bunny Form once you lack the listed SPCost*.
  • You can't transform into Demon Form or Dragon Form if you don't have the listed SPCost**.
  • Dragon Form: When using an Energy weapon, the attack changes to 2 hits which deals 50% damage each. When using a Fire weapon, the animation changes into a Breath attack instead of Bite attack.

    Transform into a mighty bunny of death and gore. When in this armor, you can transform into Demon Bunny and Dragon Bunny forms for a small SP cost! Your enemies won't think it's 'just a flesh wound' after that!

    Numbers thanks to Kamui and Ash. Description thanks to Syth. Image thanks to Carandor and popinloopy. Additional thanks to Syth , popinloopy, whackybeanz, Koree and Mr G W. Correction thanks to Xrai. Correction thanks to afterlifex.


    The armor attack starts off as an average armor attack:
    Level	14	34	54	74	94	114	134	144
    PowLvl	14	34	54	74	94	114	134	147
    BR%	142	202	262	322	382	442	502	541
    Stat%	192	324	456	588	720	852	984	1070
    +BTH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	18

  • As the base armor form with its neutral lean, Bunny Form deals 100% damage.

    The armor keeps its neutral lean regardless of which form you are using:
  • Demon Form deals 112.5% damage by spending the listed SP.
  • Dragon Form deals 125% damage by spending the listed SP.

  • SP is charged upon transforming and at the start of each turn. If you revert to Bunny Form or don't use a weapon attack (specials don't count, but bows do) that turn, you get the SP refunded to you.
  • You always revert to Bunny Form at the end of the battle.


    April 17, 2014: The armor was released.

    < Message edited by Bu Kek Siansu -- 11/5/2014 20:04:51 >
  • Post #: 34
    4/22/2014 8:09:55   
    Mr G W

    In addition to the above:

    When using a energy weapon in Dragon Form the attack changes to 2 hits instead of one.

    When using a fire weapon, the animation changes into a breath attack instead of bite.
    AQ DF  Post #: 35
    4/22/2014 11:15:54   
    Bu Kek Siansu

    ^ Added, thanks. :)
    Post #: 36
    5/1/2014 21:45:03   
    Bu Kek Siansu


  • Flame Guardian Dragon Form = Done!
  • Flame Guardian Dragon Form Z = Done!

    Flame Guardian Dragon Form

    «Mastercraft Fully Offensive Fire armor. Allows you to use locked Fire attack as a skill to deal more damage by spending some SP.»

    Location: Given automatically to players who were upgraded from Adventurer to (X-)Guardian between December 1 and December 31, 2013. These players also gain access to the Flame Guardian Dragon Form shop. Players upgraded before of after this period will receive neither the armor nor the shop, but can still get the [link=URL]Flame Guardian Dragon Form Z[/link].
    Element: Fire
    Player	0-59	60-79	80-99	100-119	120-139	140+
    	G	G	G	G	G	G
    Armor	50	70	90	110	130	150
    PowLvl	54 MC	73 MC	93 MC	113 MC	133 MC	153 MC
    MPLvl	53	72	92	112	132	152
    Price	0	0	0	0	0	0
    Sell	0	0	0	0	0	0

    Melee	35	37	40	43	46	48
    Ranged	35	37	40	43	46	48
    Magic	35	37	40	43	46	48

    Fire	71	62	55	48	43	39
    Water	91	91	89	89	88	87
    Wind	91	91	89	89	88	87
    Ice	97	97	97	96	96	95
    Earth	77	70	64	60	54	48
    Energy	77	70	64	60	54	48
    Light	82	81	79	78	76	71
    Dark	82	81	79	78	76	71

    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	131	159.5	189.5	219.5	249.5	279.5
    Stat%	228.2	290.9	356.9	427.4	488.9	554.9
    +BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19

    You receive Armor Lean x1.25 (Phase 1).

    SPCostMag	145	199	261	331	407	490
    SPCostRan	116	159	209	265	326	392

    Inferno Breath!*

    Hits: 3
    Type: Ranged if {STR+DEX ≥ INT*3/2} or {STR/5+DEX/20 > INT/4}; Magic otherwise
    Element: Fire
    Damage	25-72	40-120	55-165	72-216	90-271	111-334
    Stat%	237.8	350.6	437	521.6	603	689.4
    +BTH	13	18	23	28	33	38

    Stat bonus to damage is STR/5 + DEX/20 (if Ranged) or INT/4 (if Magic). Regardless of type, (+LUK/2 on a LS).
    Stat bonus to BTH is DEX/8 + LUK/20 (if Ranged) or INT/16 + DEX/16 + LUK/20 (if Magic).

    You can't use the skill if you don't have the listed SPCost**.

    *Unleash a raging inferno on your foe! «» SP!
    **You need «» SP to call forth that power!

    Take on the form of a powerful Guardian Dragon, this form is aligned with Fire, and grants both great resistance and a powerful breath attack of the Fire element!

    Numbers thanks to Kamui and In Media Res. Description and image thanks to Dragoon23. Additional thanks to Dragoon23, eqystad and Digital X. Correction thanks to Demeister and afterlifex.


    The armor attack starts off as a fully offensive armor attack:
    	G	G	G	G	G	G
    Level	50	70	90	110	130	150
    PowLvl	54	73	93	113	133	153
    BR%	262	319	379	439	499	559
    Stat%	456.4	581.8	713.8	854.8	977.8	1109.8
    +BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19

    The skill starts off with:
    Damage	47-139	66-199	90-270	117-350	146-440	179-537
    Stat%	456	582	714	846	978	1110
    +BTH	13	18	23	28	33	38
    EleComp	1.56420	1.80740	1.83616	1.84977	1.84977	1.86326

    The skill receives the listed multiplier to damage as an elemental compensation.


    December 1, 2013: The armor was released.
    January 1, 2014: The armor became rare.

    Flame Guardian Dragon Form Z

    «Mastercraft Fully Offensive Fire armor. Allows you to use locked Fire attack as a skill to deal more damage by spending some SP.»

    Location: Guardian Shop
    Element: Fire
    	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    Level	29	59	83	103	123	143
    PowLvl	54 MC	73 MC	93 MC	113 MC	133 MC	153 MC
    MPLvl	47	69	90	110	130	150
    Price	1155	3025	7535	9240	11330	13860
    S <48h	1039	2722	6781	8316	10197	12474
      >48h	577	1512	3767	4620	5665	6930
    DPrice	577	1512	3767	4620	5665	6930
    DS <48h	519	1360	3390	4158	5098	6237
       >48h	288	756	1883	2310	2832	3465

    Melee	35	37	40	43	46	48
    Ranged	35	37	40	43	46	48
    Magic	35	37	40	43	46	48

    Fire	71	62	55	48	43	39
    Water	91	91	89	89	88	87
    Wind	91	91	89	89	88	87
    Ice	97	97	97	96	96	95
    Earth	77	70	64	60	54	48
    Energy	77	70	64	60	54	48
    Light	82	81	79	78	76	71
    Dark	82	81	79	78	76	71

    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	131	159.5	189.5	219.5	249.5	279.5
    Stat%	228.2	290.9	356.9	427.4	488.9	554.9
    +BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19

    You receive Armor Lean x1.25 (Phase 1).

    SPCostMag	130	190	255	324	399	481
    SPCostRan	104	152	204	259	319	385

    Inferno Breath!*

    Hits: 3
    Type: Ranged if {STR+DEX ≥ INT*3/2} or {STR/5+DEX/20 > INT/4}; Magic otherwise
    Element: Fire
    Damage	25-72	40-120	55-165	72-216	90-271	111-334
    Stat%	237.8	350.6	437	521.6	603	689.4
    +BTH	13	18	23	28	33	38

  • Stat bonus to damage is STR/5 + DEX/20 (if Ranged) or INT/4 (if Magic). Regardless of type, (+LUK/2 on a LS).
  • Stat bonus to BTH is DEX/8 + LUK/20 (if Ranged) or INT/16 + DEX/16 + LUK/20 (if Magic).

    You can't use the skill if you don't have the listed SPCost**.

    *Unleash a raging inferno on your foe! «» SP!
    **You need «» SP to call forth that power!

    Take on the form of a powerful Guardian Dragon, this form is aligned with Fire, and grants both great resistance and a powerful breath attack of the Fire element!

    Numbers thanks to Kamui and In Media Res. Description and image thanks to Dragoon23. Additional thanks to Dragoon23, Redhead Dude, eqystad and Digital X. Correction thanks to Demeister and afterlifex.


    The armor attack starts off as a fully offensive armor attack:
    	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    Level	29	59	83	103	123	143
    PowLvl	54	73	93	113	133	153
    BR%	262	319	379	439	499	559
    Stat%	456.4	581.8	713.8	854.8	977.8	1109.8
    +BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19

    The skill starts off with:
    Damage	47-139	66-199	90-270	117-350	146-440	179-537
    Stat%	456	582	714	846	978	1110
    +BTH	13	18	23	28	33	38
    EleComp	1.56420	1.80740	1.83616	1.84977	1.84977	1.86326

    The skill receives the listed multiplier to damage as an elemental compensation.


    December 1, 2013: The armor was released.
    January 1, 2014: The armor became rare.

  • Flame Guardian Dragon Form = Done!
  • Flame Guardian Dragon Form Z = Done!

  • Got this thanks - Dragoon23

    < Message edited by Dragoon23 -- 9/5/2014 14:38:53 >
    Post #: 37
    5/2/2014 5:12:58   

    Two questions for the flame guardian dragon form:

    1. Shouldn't the Range cost of the skill cost less than the magic version? Its the way it usually works with skills that alternate type, i.e. Airenal, Terra Suul

    2. For the Z token version; shouldn't the cost of the skill be less than that of the original as it has a lower mp level? Example of this would be The z token shield from the Asgardian quest using less sp for its skill than that of its gold counterpart.

    @Ben Kek Siansu You're Welcome!

    < Message edited by Demeister -- 5/2/2014 10:28:39 >
    AQ Epic  Post #: 38
    5/2/2014 5:52:10   
    Bu Kek Siansu

    ^ Eagle eyes! :)

    1. Misplaced - fixed.
    2. Z-Tokens version SPCost - fixed.

    Post #: 39
    5/2/2014 22:09:25   

    Also, since its MC'd should the cost be 10% more? i.e. the top level z token should be 13960 before the 50% discount and 6930 after in accordance with the hydro guardian dragon form currently live.

    @Bu Kek Siansu No Problems!

    < Message edited by Demeister -- 5/3/2014 0:59:56 >
    AQ Epic  Post #: 40
    5/2/2014 23:25:21   
    Bu Kek Siansu


    ^ The price was from here: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=21555277

    Already noted as I sent a PM to IMR for asking it.
    It'll be fixed as soon as possible after I got the answer. Don't worry about it... Thanks. :)

  • Hydro Guardian Dragon Form = Done!
  • Hydro Guardian Dragon Form Z = Done!

    Hydro Guardian Dragon Form

    «Mastercraft Fully Offensive Water armor. Allows you to use locked Water attack as a skill to deal more damage by spending some SP.»

    Location: Given automatically to players who were upgraded from Adventurer to (X-)Guardian between May 2 and May 31, 2014. These players also gain access to the Hydro Guardian Dragon Form shop. Players upgraded before of after this period will receive neither the armor nor the shop, but can still get the [link=URL]Hydro Guardian Dragon Form Z[/link].
    Element: Water
    Player	0-59	60-79	80-99	100-119	120-139	140+
    	G	G	G	G	G	G
    Armor	50	70	90	110	130	150
    PowLvl	54 MC	73 MC	93 MC	113 MC	133 MC	153 MC
    MPLvl	53	72	92	112	132	152
    Price	0	0	0	0	0	0
    Sell	0	0	0	0	0	0

    Melee	35	37	40	43	46	48
    Ranged	35	37	40	43	46	48
    Magic	35	37	40	43	46	48

    Fire	91	91	89	89	88	87
    Water	71	62	55	48	43	39
    Wind	82	81	79	78	76	71
    Ice	77	70	64	60	54	48
    Earth	82	81	79	78	76	71
    Energy	97	97	97	96	96	95
    Light	91	91	89	89	88	87
    Dark	77	70	64	60	54	48

    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	131	159.5	189.5	219.5	249.5	279.5
    Stat%	228.2	290.9	356.9	427.4	488.9	554.9
    +BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19

    You receive Armor Lean x1.25 (Phase 1).

    SPCostMag	145	199	261	331	407	490
    SPCostRan	116	159	209	265	326	392

    Hydro Breath!*

    Hits: 3
    Type: Ranged if {STR+DEX ≥ INT*3/2} or {STR/5+DEX/20 > INT/4}; Magic otherwise
    Element: Water
    Damage	25-72	40-120	55-165	72-216	90-271	111-334
    Stat%	237.8	350.6	437	521.6	603	689.4
    +BTH	13	18	23	28	33	38

  • Stat bonus to damage is STR/5 + DEX/20 (if Ranged) or INT/4 (if Magic). Regardless of type, (+LUK/2 on a LS).
  • Stat bonus to BTH is DEX/8 + LUK/20 (if Ranged) or INT/16 + DEX/16 + LUK/20 (if Magic).

    You can't use the skill if you don't have the listed SPCost**.

    *Unleash a torrent of water on your foe! «» SP!
    **You need «» SP to call forth that power!

    Take on the form of a powerful Guardian Dragon, this form is aligned with Water, and grants both great resistance and a powerful breath attack of the Water element!

    Numbers thanks to Kamui and In Media Res. Correction thanks to afterlifex.


    The armor attack starts off as a fully offensive armor attack:
    	G	G	G	G	G	G
    Level	50	70	90	110	130	150
    PowLvl	54	73	93	113	133	153
    BR%	262	319	379	439	499	559
    Stat%	456.4	581.8	713.8	854.8	977.8	1109.8
    +BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19

    The skill starts off with:
    Damage	47-139	66-199	90-270	117-350	146-440	179-537
    Stat%	456	582	714	846	978	1110
    +BTH	13	18	23	28	33	38
    EleComp	1.56420	1.80740	1.83616	1.84977	1.84977	1.86326

    The skill receives the listed multiplier to damage as an elemental compensation.


    May 2, 2014: The armor was released.

    Hydro Guardian Dragon Form Z

    «Mastercraft Fully Offensive Water armor. Allows you to use locked Water attack as a skill to deal more damage by spending some SP.»

    Location: Guardian Shop
    Element: Water
    	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    Level	29	59	83	103	123	143
    PowLvl	54 MC	73 MC	93 MC	113 MC	133 MC	153 MC
    MPLvl	47	69	90	110	130	150
    Price	1155	3025	7535	9240	11330	13860
    S <48h	1039	2722	6781	8316	10197	12474
      >48h	577	1512	3767	4620	5665	6930
    DPrice	577	1512	3767	4620	5665	6930
    DS <48h	519	1360	3390	4158	5098	6237
       >48h	288	756	1883	2310	2832	3465

    Melee	35	37	40	43	46	48
    Ranged	35	37	40	43	46	48
    Magic	35	37	40	43	46	48

    Fire	91	91	89	89	88	87
    Water	71	62	55	48	43	39
    Wind	82	81	79	78	76	71
    Ice	77	70	64	60	54	48
    Earth	82	81	79	78	76	71
    Energy	97	97	97	96	96	95
    Light	91	91	89	89	88	87
    Dark	77	70	64	60	54	48

    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	131	159.5	189.5	219.5	249.5	279.5
    Stat%	228.2	290.9	356.9	427.4	488.9	554.9
    +BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19

    You receive Armor Lean x1.25 (Phase 1).

    SPCostMag	130	190	255	324	399	481
    SPCostRan	104	152	204	259	319	385

    Hydro Breath!*

    Hits: 3
    Type: Ranged if {STR+DEX ≥ INT*3/2} or {STR/5+DEX/20 > INT/4}; Magic otherwise
    Element: Water
    Damage	25-72	40-120	55-165	72-216	90-271	111-334
    Stat%	237.8	350.6	437	521.6	603	689.4
    +BTH	13	18	23	28	33	38

  • Stat bonus to damage is STR/5 + DEX/20 (if Ranged) or INT/4 (if Magic). Regardless of type, (+LUK/2 on a LS).
  • Stat bonus to BTH is DEX/8 + LUK/20 (if Ranged) or INT/16 + DEX/16 + LUK/20 (if Magic).

    You can't use the skill if you don't have the listed SPCost**.

    *Unleash a torrent of water on your foe! «» SP!
    **You need «» SP to call forth that power!

    Take on the form of a powerful Guardian Dragon, this form is aligned with Water, and grants both great resistance and a powerful breath attack of the Water element!

    Numbers thanks to Kamui and In Media Res. Correction thanks to afterlifex.


    The armor attack starts off as a fully offensive armor attack:
    	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    Level	29	59	83	103	123	143
    PowLvl	54	73	93	113	133	153
    BR%	262	319	379	439	499	559
    Stat%	456.4	581.8	713.8	854.8	977.8	1109.8
    +BTH	6	9	11	14	16	19

    The skill starts off with:
    Damage	47-139	66-199	90-270	117-350	146-440	179-537
    Stat%	456	582	714	846	978	1110
    +BTH	13	18	23	28	33	38
    EleComp	1.56420	1.80740	1.83616	1.84977	1.84977	1.86326

    The skill receives the listed multiplier to damage as an elemental compensation.


    May 2, 2014: The armor was released.

  • Hydro Guardian Dragon Form = Done!
  • Hydro Guardian Dragon Form Z = Done!

  • Got this thanks - Dragoon23

    < Message edited by Dragoon23 -- 9/5/2014 15:15:48 >
    Post #: 41
    5/13/2014 20:57:28   
     formerly In Media Res


    Big Red Button, to fix an abusable bug.

    Neutral Energy armor. Attack is one hit.

    Skill is five hits, Energy, Ranged or Magic determined the same way as Airenal. It deals five hits. Stat bonus to damage is STR/5 + DEX/20 or INT/4, +LUK/2 on a LS. This is treated as a normal player attack. It does not respect your weapon special. Do not apply effects from your weapon.

    Not MC. Instead, it takes -3 MRM (already factored in).
    Level	30
    Type	G
    PowLvl	36
    BR%	208
    Stat%	337.6
    BTH	4
    Fire	90
    Water	96
    Ice	96
    Wind	90
    Earth 	90
    Energy	75
    Light 	96
    Dark	79
    Melee	28
    Ranged	28
    Magic	28
    Price	321
    Sell	160

    Skill. Costs HP.
    MPLvl	34
    HPRan	70
    HPMag	87
    Base	30
    Rand	61
    Stat	338
    BtH	9
    EleComp	1.19485294117647

    < Message edited by In Media Res -- 5/13/2014 21:01:11 >
    AQ  Post #: 42
    5/17/2014 5:16:43   
     formerly In Media Res



    Just to confirm, but Hydro Guardian Dragon Form has the same numbers as Flame Guardian Dragon Form.

    Got this thanks - Dragoon23

    < Message edited by Dragoon23 -- 9/5/2014 15:16:01 >
    AQ  Post #: 43
    5/21/2014 12:20:47   


    Any chance of somebody putting Airenal's Might into the Armour Directory? Cheers.

    Done - Dragoon23

    < Message edited by Dragoon23 -- 9/5/2014 15:16:16 >
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 44
    5/21/2014 16:10:34   
    Bu Kek Siansu

    Storied Armour of the Warlord

    «Mastercraft Fully Offensive Fire armor. Has two skills that can increase your damage by spending some SP.»

    Also see:
    • Other items of the Warlord Set:
      • Shield: Storied Shield of the Warbringer
      • Weapon: Storied Sword of Ares, Storied Spear of Ares, Storied Quarterstaff of Ares
    • Other versions of this armor:
      • Storied Armour of the Warlord
      • Fabled Armour of the Warlord
      • Heroic Armour of the Warlord
      • Glorious Armour of the Warlord
      • Epic Armour of the Warlord
      • Immortal Armour of the Warlord
      • Mythical Armour of the Warlord
      • Legendary Armour of the Warlord
    Location: [link=URL]Warlord Set Shop![/link]
    Element: Fire
    Level	11
    PowLvl	45
    MPLvl	36
    Price	715
    S <48h	643
      >48h	357

    Melee	37
    Ranged	37
    Magic	32

    Fire	75
    Water	100
    Wind	93
    Ice	100
    Earth	78
    Energy	93
    Light	93
    Dark	93

    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	117.5
    Stat%	198.5
    BTH	5

    You receive Armor Lean x1.25 (Phase 1).


    Ares' Might!
    Attack with all the speed and strength of the legendary warlord! This mighty attack costs «»SP*.

    Hits: 3
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	78.33
    Stat%	132.33
    BTH	5
    Doesn't take a turn to activate. After activation, you receive a damage increase for your attacks for 1 turn:
    • Melee and Ranged weapon attacks and Specials deal 160% damage.
    • Magic weapon attacks and Specials deal 180% damage.
    For weapon Specials, the damage increase is determined by the base type of the weapon. For example, a Melee weapon with a Magic Special will receive the Melee bonus.

    *You need «» SP to call forth that power!

    Regardless of weapon type(Melee/Ranged/Magic), you pay the SPCost Magic or SPCost Ranged:
    Type: Ranged if {STR+DEX ≥ INT*3/2} or {STR/5+DEX/20 > INT/4}; Magic otherwise
    SPCostMag	123
    SPCostRan	99

    Warlord's War Cry! (FSB: Access to this skill)
    Unleash the fury within! For «»SP*, you can boost your attack damage for next 4 turns! This skill also boosts your Fire spells, but your focus will fade if your deequip any part of the Warlord set**.

    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: Fire
    BR%	117.5
    Stat%	198.5
    BTH	5
    Takes a turn to activate. After activation, you receive a damage increase for your attacks for 4 turns:
    • Melee and Ranged weapon attacks and Specials deal 140% damage.
    • Magic weapon attacks and Specials deal 153.3% damage.
    • Fire spells deal 120% damage.
    For weapon Specials, the damage increase is determined by the base type of the weapon. For example, a Melee weapon with a Magic Special will receive the Melee bonus.

    After you've performed the 4th turn of the skill, your turn is over***.

    *You need «» SP to call forth that power!
    **The fighting spirit your war cry inspired is disrupted as you change your equipment.
    ***The burning fury inspired by your war cry fades to embers.
    SPCost	65

    When you don this ancient armour, you can feel yourself imbued with the speed and strength of the legendary warlord Ares! If you also wield his shield and one of his weapons, you can shout a war cry to tap into his potent fury!

    Numbers thanks to Kamui, Zephyros and In Media Res. Additional thanks to In Media Res, Kamui, and Koree. Correction thanks to afterlifex.


    The armor attack starts off as a fully offensive armor attack:
    Level	11
    PowLvl	45
    BR%	235
    Stat%	397
    BTH	5
    Ares' Might essentially starts off as a standard skill, which means 200% of normal damage. One pure damage skill, that does its damage instantly in one turn, paid by Mastercraft bonus. Does 80% damage and costs 120% SP, since it follows the element of your weapon. This leaves the skill at 160% of standard attack. So, Melee/Ranged Player attacks/Specials while you're wielding a Melee/Ranged weapon does 160% damage. Magic Player attacks/Specials while you're wielding a Magic weapon does *4/3 damage which is 180% damage.

    Warlord's War Cry starts off with the full set equipped, another skill that boosts your damage by 40% for 4 turns (with appropriate modifiers for Magic weapons and spells), costs 120% normal SP for this. And further gets a hefty discount SP cost by *0.53 for a Fire-element weapon-type skill as a Fire skill in a Fire-resistant armor.


    March 21, 2014: The armor was released.

    Fabled Armour of the Warlord

    «Mastercraft Fully Offensive Fire armor. Has two skills that can increase your damage by spending some SP.»

    Also see:
    • Other items of the Warlord Set:
      • Shield: Fabled Shield of the Warbringer
      • Weapon: Fabled Sword of Ares, Fabled Spear of Ares, Fabled Quarterstaff of Ares
    • Other versions of this armor:
      • Storied Armour of the Warlord
      • Fabled Armour of the Warlord
      • Heroic Armour of the Warlord
      • Glorious Armour of the Warlord
      • Epic Armour of the Warlord
      • Immortal Armour of the Warlord
      • Mythical Armour of the Warlord
      • Legendary Armour of the Warlord
    Location: [link=URL]Warlord Set Shop![/link]
    Element: Fire
    Level	40
    PowLvl	60
    MPLvl	55
    Price	1540
    S <48h	1386
      >48h	770

    Melee	40
    Ranged	40
    Magic	35

    Fire	67
    Water	96
    Wind	92
    Ice	96
    Earth	70
    Energy	92
    Light	92
    Dark	92

    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	140
    Stat%	248
    BTH	7

    You receive Armor Lean x1.25 (Phase 1).


    Ares' Might!
    Attack with all the speed and strength of the legendary warlord! This mighty attack costs «»SP*.

    Hits: 3
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	93.33
    Stat%	165.33
    BTH	7
    Doesn't take a turn to activate. After activation, you receive a damage increase for your attacks for 1 turn:
    • Melee and Ranged weapon attacks and Specials deal 160% damage.
    • Magic weapon attacks and Specials deal 180% damage.
    For weapon Specials, the damage increase is determined by the base type of the weapon. For example, a Melee weapon with a Magic Special will receive the Melee bonus.

    *You need «» SP to call forth that power!

    Regardless of weapon type(Melee/Ranged/Magic), you pay the SPCost Magic or SPCost Ranged:
    Type: Ranged if {STR+DEX ≥ INT*3/2} or {STR/5+DEX/20 > INT/4}; Magic otherwise
    SPCostMag	181
    SPCostRan	144

    Warlord's War Cry! (FSB: Access to this skill)
    Unleash the fury within! For «»SP*, you can boost your attack damage for next 4 turns! This skill also boosts your Fire spells, but your focus will fade if your deequip any part of the Warlord set**.

    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: Fire
    BR%	140
    Stat%	248
    BTH	7
    Takes a turn to activate. After activation, you receive a damage increase for your attacks for 4 turns:
    • Melee and Ranged weapon attacks and Specials deal 140% damage.
    • Magic weapon attacks and Specials deal 153.3% damage.
    • Fire spells deal 120% damage.
    For weapon Specials, the damage increase is determined by the base type of the weapon. For example, a Melee weapon with a Magic Special will receive the Melee bonus.

    After you've performed the 4th turn of the skill, your turn is over***.

    *You need «» SP to call forth that power!
    **The fighting spirit your war cry inspired is disrupted as you change your equipment.
    ***The burning fury inspired by your war cry fades to embers.
    SPCost	96

    When you don this ancient armour, you can feel yourself imbued with the speed and strength of the legendary warlord Ares! If you also wield his shield and one of his weapons, you can shout a war cry to tap into his potent fury!

    Numbers thanks to Kamui, Zephyros and In Media Res. Additional thanks to In Media Res, Kamui, and Koree. Correction thanks to afterlifex.


    The armor attack starts off as a fully offensive armor attack:
    Level	40
    PowLvl	60
    BR%	280
    Stat%	496
    BTH	7
    Ares' Might essentially starts off as a standard skill, which means 200% of normal damage. One pure damage skill, that does its damage instantly in one turn, paid by Mastercraft bonus. Does 80% damage and costs 120% SP, since it follows the element of your weapon. This leaves the skill at 160% of standard attack. So, Melee/Ranged Player attacks/Specials while you're wielding a Melee/Ranged weapon does 160% damage. Magic Player attacks/Specials while you're wielding a Magic weapon does *4/3 damage which is 180% damage.

    Warlord's War Cry starts off with the full set equipped, another skill that boosts your damage by 40% for 4 turns (with appropriate modifiers for Magic weapons and spells), costs 120% normal SP for this. And further gets a hefty discount SP cost by *0.53 for a Fire-element weapon-type skill as a Fire skill in a Fire-resistant armor.


    March 21, 2014: The armor was released.

    Heroic Armour of the Warlord

    «Mastercraft Fully Offensive Fire armor. Has two skills that can increase your damage by spending some SP.»

    Also see:
    • Other items of the Warlord Set:
      • Shield: Heroic Shield of the Warbringer
      • Weapon: Heroic Sword of Ares, Heroic Spear of Ares, Heroic Quarterstaff of Ares
    • Other versions of this armor:
      • Storied Armour of the Warlord
      • Fabled Armour of the Warlord
      • Heroic Armour of the Warlord
      • Glorious Armour of the Warlord
      • Epic Armour of the Warlord
      • Immortal Armour of the Warlord
      • Mythical Armour of the Warlord
      • Legendary Armour of the Warlord
    Location: [link=URL]Warlord Set Shop![/link]
    Element: Fire
    Level	62
    PowLvl	75
    MPLvl	71
    Price	3355
    S <48h	3019
      >48h	1677

    Melee	42
    Ranged	42
    Magic	37

    Fire	61
    Water	96
    Wind	90
    Ice	96
    Earth	65
    Energy	90
    Light	90
    Dark	90

    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	162.5
    Stat%	297.5
    BTH	9

    You receive Armor Lean x1.25 (Phase 1).


    Ares' Might!
    Attack with all the speed and strength of the legendary warlord! This mighty attack costs «»SP*.

    Hits: 3
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	108.33
    Stat%	198.33
    BTH	9
    Doesn't take a turn to activate. After activation, you receive a damage increase for your attacks for 1 turn:
    • Melee and Ranged weapon attacks and Specials deal 160% damage.
    • Magic weapon attacks and Specials deal 180% damage.
    For weapon Specials, the damage increase is determined by the base type of the weapon. For example, a Melee weapon with a Magic Special will receive the Melee bonus.

    *You need «» SP to call forth that power!

    Regardless of weapon type(Melee/Ranged/Magic), you pay the SPCost Magic or SPCost Ranged:
    Type: Ranged if {STR+DEX ≥ INT*3/2} or {STR/5+DEX/20 > INT/4}; Magic otherwise
    SPCostMag	235
    SPCostRan	188

    Warlord's War Cry! (FSB: Access to this skill)
    Unleash the fury within! For «»SP*, you can boost your attack damage for next 4 turns! This skill also boosts your Fire spells, but your focus will fade if your deequip any part of the Warlord set**.

    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: Fire
    BR%	162.5
    Stat%	297.5
    BTH	9
    Takes a turn to activate. After activation, you receive a damage increase for your attacks for 4 turns:
    • Melee and Ranged weapon attacks and Specials deal 140% damage.
    • Magic weapon attacks and Specials deal 153.3% damage.
    • Fire spells deal 120% damage.
    For weapon Specials, the damage increase is determined by the base type of the weapon. For example, a Melee weapon with a Magic Special will receive the Melee bonus.

    After you've performed the 4th turn of the skill, your turn is over***.

    *You need «» SP to call forth that power!
    **The fighting spirit your war cry inspired is disrupted as you change your equipment.
    ***The burning fury inspired by your war cry fades to embers.
    SPCost	124

    When you don this ancient armour, you can feel yourself imbued with the speed and strength of the legendary warlord Ares! If you also wield his shield and one of his weapons, you can shout a war cry to tap into his potent fury!

    Numbers thanks to Kamui, Zephyros and In Media Res. Additional thanks to In Media Res, Kamui, and Koree. Correction thanks to afterlifex.


    The armor attack starts off as a fully offensive armor attack:
    Level	62
    PowLvl	75
    BR%	325
    Stat%	595
    BTH	9
    Ares' Might essentially starts off as a standard skill, which means 200% of normal damage. One pure damage skill, that does its damage instantly in one turn, paid by Mastercraft bonus. Does 80% damage and costs 120% SP, since it follows the element of your weapon. This leaves the skill at 160% of standard attack. So, Melee/Ranged Player attacks/Specials while you're wielding a Melee/Ranged weapon does 160% damage. Magic Player attacks/Specials while you're wielding a Magic weapon does *4/3 damage which is 180% damage.

    Warlord's War Cry starts off with the full set equipped, another skill that boosts your damage by 40% for 4 turns (with appropriate modifiers for Magic weapons and spells), costs 120% normal SP for this. And further gets a hefty discount SP cost by *0.53 for a Fire-element weapon-type skill as a Fire skill in a Fire-resistant armor.


    March 21, 2014: The shield was released.

    Glorious armor of the Warlord

    «Mastercraft Fully Offensive Fire armor. Has two skills that can increase your damage by spending some SP.»

    Also see:
    • Other items of the Warlord Set:
      • Shield: Glorious Shield of the Warbringer
      • Weapon: Glorious Sword of Ares, Glorious Spear of Ares, Glorious Quarterstaff of Ares
    • Other versions of this armor:
      • Storied Armour of the Warlord
      • Fabled Armour of the Warlord
      • Heroic Armour of the Warlord
      • Glorious Armour of the Warlord
      • Epic Armour of the Warlord
      • Immortal Armour of the Warlord
      • Mythical Armour of the Warlord
      • Legendary Armour of the Warlord
    Location: [link=URL]Warlord Set Shop![/link]
    Element: Fire
    Level	80
    PowLvl	90
    MPLvl	82
    Price	7315
    S <48h	6583
      >48h	3657

    Melee	45
    Ranged	45
    Magic	40

    Fire	56
    Water	96
    Wind	90
    Ice	96
    Earth	63
    Energy	90
    Light	90

    Dark 90
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	185
    Stat%	347
    BTH	11

    You receive Armor Lean x1.25 (Phase 1).


    Ares' Might!
    Attack with all the speed and strength of the legendary warlord! This mighty attack costs «»SP*.

    Hits: 3
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	123.33
    Stat%	231.33
    BTH	11
    Doesn't take a turn to activate. After activation, you receive a damage increase for your attacks for 1 turn:
    • Melee and Ranged weapon attacks and Specials deal 160% damage.
    • Magic weapon attacks and Specials deal 180% damage.
    For weapon Specials, the damage increase is determined by the base type of the weapon. For example, a Melee weapon with a Magic special will receive the Melee bonus.

    *You need «» SP to call forth that power!

    Regardless of weapon type(Melee/Ranged/Magic), you pay the SPCost Magic or SPCost Ranged:
    Type: Ranged if {STR+DEX ≥ INT*3/2} or {STR/5+DEX/20 > INT/4}; Magic otherwise
    SPCostMag	275
    SPCostRan	220

    Warlord's War Cry! (FSB: Access to this skill)
    Unleash the fury within! For «»SP*, you can boost your attack damage for next 4 turns! This skill also boosts your Fire spells, but your focus will fade if your deequip any part of the Warlord set**.

    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: Fire
    BR%	185
    Stat%	347
    BTH	11
    Takes a turn to activate. After activation, you receive a damage increase for your attacks for 4 turns:
    • Melee and Ranged weapon attacks and Specials deal 140% damage.
    • Magic weapon attacks and Specials deal 153.3% damage.
    • Fire spells deal 120% damage.
    For weapon Specials, the damage increase is determined by the base type of the weapon. For example, a Melee weapon with a Magic Special will receive the Melee bonus.

    After you've performed the 4th turn of the skill, your turn is over***.

    *You need «» SP to call forth that power!
    **The fighting spirit your war cry inspired is disrupted as you change your equipment.
    ***The burning fury inspired by your war cry fades to embers.
    SPCost	146

    When you don this ancient armour, you can feel yourself imbued with the speed and strength of the legendary warlord Ares! If you also wield his shield and one of his weapons, you can shout a war cry to tap into his potent fury!

    Numbers thanks to Kamui, Zephyros and In Media Res. Additional thanks to In Media Res, Kamui, and Koree. Correction thanks to afterlifex.


    The armor attack starts off as a fully offensive armor attack:
    Level	80
    PowLvl	90
    BR%	370
    Stat%	694
    BTH	11
    Ares' Might essentially starts off as a standard skill, which means 200% of normal damage. One pure damage skill, that does its damage instantly in one turn, paid by Mastercraft bonus. Does 80% damage and costs 120% SP, since it follows the element of your weapon. This leaves the skill at 160% of standard attack. So, Melee/Ranged Player attacks/Specials while you're wielding a Melee/Ranged weapon does 160% damage. Magic Player attacks/Specials while you're wielding a Magic weapon does *4/3 damage which is 180% damage.

    Warlord's War Cry starts off with the full set equipped, another skill that boosts your damage by 40% for 4 turns (with appropriate modifiers for Magic weapons and spells), costs 120% normal SP for this. And further gets a hefty discount SP cost by *0.53 for a Fire-element weapon-type skill as a Fire skill in a Fire-resistant armor.


    March 21, 2014: The armor was released.

    Epic Armour of the Warlord

    «Mastercraft Fully Offensive Fire armor. Has two skills that can increase your damage by spending some SP.»

    Also see:
    • Other items of the Warlord Set:
      • Shield: Epic Shield of the Warbringer
      • Weapon: Epic Sword of Ares, Epic Spear of Ares, Epic Quarterstaff of Ares
    • Other versions of this armor:
      • Storied Armour of the Warlord
      • Fabled Armour of the Warlord
      • Heroic Armour of the Warlord
      • Glorious Armour of the Warlord
      • Epic Armour of the Warlord
      • Immortal Armour of the Warlord
      • Mythical Armour of the Warlord
      • Legendary Armour of the Warlord
    Location: [link=URL]Warlord Set Shop![/link]
    Element: Fire
    Level	95
    PowLvl	105
    MPLvl	102
    Price	8525
    S <48h	7672
      >48h	4262

    Melee	47
    Ranged	47
    Magic	42

    Fire	51
    Water	96
    Wind	89
    Ice	96
    Earth	57
    Energy	89
    Light	89
    Dark	89

    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	207.5
    Stat%	396.5
    BTH	13

    You receive Armor Lean x1.25 (Phase 1).


    Ares' Might!
    Attack with all the speed and strength of the legendary warlord! This mighty attack costs «»SP*.

    Hits: 3
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	138.33
    Stat%	264.33
    BTH	13
    Doesn't take a turn to activate. After activation, you receive a damage increase for your attacks for 1 turn:
    • Melee and Ranged weapon attacks and Specials deal 160% damage.
    • Magic weapon attacks and Specials deal 180% damage.
    For weapon Specials, the damage increase is determined by the base type of the weapon. For example, a Melee weapon with a Magic Special will receive the Melee bonus.

    *You need «» SP to call forth that power!

    Regardless of weapon type(Melee/Ranged/Magic), you pay the SPCost Magic or SPCost Ranged:
    Type: Ranged if {STR+DEX ≥ INT*3/2} or {STR/5+DEX/20 > INT/4}; Magic otherwise
    SPCostMag	354
    SPCostRan	283

    Warlord's War Cry! (FSB: Access to this skill)
    Unleash the fury within! For «»SP*, you can boost your attack damage for next 4 turns! This skill also boosts your Fire spells, but your focus will fade if your deequip any part of the Warlord set**.

    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: Fire
    BR%	207.5
    Stat%	396.5
    BTH	13
    Takes a turn to activate. After activation, you receive a damage increase for your attacks for 4 turns:
    • Melee and Ranged weapon attacks and Specials deal 140% damage.
    • Magic weapon attacks and Specials deal 153.3% damage.
    • Fire spells deal 120% damage.
    For weapon Specials, the damage increase is determined by the base type of the weapon. For example, a Melee weapon with a Magic Special will receive the Melee bonus.

    After you've performed the 4th turn of the skill, your turn is over***.

    *You need «» SP to call forth that power!
    **The fighting spirit your war cry inspired is disrupted as you change your equipment.
    ***The burning fury inspired by your war cry fades to embers.
    SPCost	188

    When you don this ancient armour, you can feel yourself imbued with the speed and strength of the legendary warlord Ares! If you also wield his shield and one of his weapons, you can shout a war cry to tap into his potent fury!

    Numbers thanks to Kamui, Zephyros and In Media Res. Additional thanks to In Media Res, Kamui, and Koree. Correction thanks to afterlifex.


    The armor attack starts off as a fully offensive armor attack:
    Level	95
    PowLvl	105
    BR%	415
    Stat%	793
    BTH	13
    Ares' Might essentially starts off as a standard skill, which means 200% of normal damage. One pure damage skill, that does its damage instantly in one turn, paid by Mastercraft bonus. Does 80% damage and costs 120% SP, since it follows the element of your weapon. This leaves the skill at 160% of standard attack. So, Melee/Ranged Player attacks/Specials while you're wielding a Melee/Ranged weapon does 160% damage. Magic Player attacks/Specials while you're wielding a Magic weapon does *4/3 damage which is 180% damage.

    Warlord's War Cry starts off with the full set equipped, another skill that boosts your damage by 40% for 4 turns (with appropriate modifiers for Magic weapons and spells), costs 120% normal SP for this. And further gets a hefty discount SP cost by *0.53 for a Fire-element weapon-type skill as a Fire skill in a Fire-resistant armor.


    March 21, 2014: The armor was released.

    Immortal Armour of the Warlord

    «Mastercraft Fully Offensive Fire armor. Has two skills that can increase your damage by spending some SP.»

    Also see:
    • Other items of the Warlord Set:
      • Shield: Immortal Shield of the Warbringer
      • Weapon: Immortal Sword of Ares, Immortal Spear of Ares, Immortal Quarterstaff of Ares
    • Other versions of this armor:
      • Storied Armour of the Warlord
      • Fabled Armour of the Warlord
      • Heroic Armour of the Warlord
      • Glorious Armour of the Warlord
      • Epic Armour of the Warlord
      • Immortal Armour of the Warlord
      • Mythical Armour of the Warlord
      • Legendary Armour of the Warlord
    Location: [link=URL]Warlord Set Shop![/link]
    Element: Fire
    Level	110
    PowLvl	120
    MPLvl	117
    Price	9955
    S <48h	8959
      >48h	4977

    Melee	50
    Ranged	50
    Magic	45

    Fire	47
    Water	96
    Wind	89
    Ice	96
    Earth	56
    Energy	89
    Light	89
    Dark	89

    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	230
    Stat%	446
    BTH	15

    You receive Armor Lean x1.25 (Phase 1).


    Ares' Might!
    Attack with all the speed and strength of the legendary warlord! This mighty attack costs «»SP*.

    Hits: 3
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	153.33
    Stat%	297.33
    BTH	15
    Doesn't take a turn to activate. After activation, you receive a damage increase for your attacks for 1 turn:
    • Melee and Ranged weapon attacks and Specials deal 160% damage.
    • Magic weapon attacks and Specials deal 180% damage.
    For weapon Specials, the damage increase is determined by the base type of the weapon. For example, a Melee weapon with a Magic Special will receive the Melee bonus.

    *You need «» SP to call forth that power!

    Regardless of weapon type(Melee/Ranged/Magic), you pay the SPCost Magic or SPCost Ranged:
    Type: Ranged if {STR+DEX ≥ INT*3/2} or {STR/5+DEX/20 > INT/4}; Magic otherwise
    SPCostMag	419
    SPCostRan	335

    Warlord's War Cry! (FSB: Access to this skill)
    Unleash the fury within! For «»SP*, you can boost your attack damage for next 4 turns! This skill also boosts your Fire spells, but your focus will fade if your deequip any part of the Warlord set**.

    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: Fire
    BR%	230
    Stat%	446
    BTH	15
    Takes a turn to activate. After activation, you receive a damage increase for your attacks for 4 turns:
    • Melee and Ranged weapon attacks and Specials deal 140% damage.
    • Magic weapon attacks and Specials deal 153.3% damage.
    • Fire spells deal 120% damage.
    For weapon Specials, the damage increase is determined by the base type of the weapon. For example, a Melee weapon with a Magic Special will receive the Melee bonus.

    After you've performed the 4th turn of the skill, your turn is over***.

    *You need «» SP to call forth that power!
    **The fighting spirit your war cry inspired is disrupted as you change your equipment.
    ***The burning fury inspired by your war cry fades to embers.
    SPCost	222

    When you don this ancient armour, you can feel yourself imbued with the speed and strength of the legendary warlord Ares! If you also wield his shield and one of his weapons, you can shout a war cry to tap into his potent fury!

    Numbers thanks to Kamui, Zephyros and In Media Res. Additional thanks to In Media Res, Kamui, and Koree. Correction thanks to afterlifex.


    The armor attack starts off as a fully offensive armor attack:
    Level	110
    PowLvl	120
    BR%	460
    Stat%	892
    BTH	15
    Ares' Might essentially starts off as a standard skill, which means 200% of normal damage. One pure damage skill, that does its damage instantly in one turn, paid by Mastercraft bonus. Does 80% damage and costs 120% SP, since it follows the element of your weapon. This leaves the skill at 160% of standard attack. So, Melee/Ranged Player attacks/Specials while you're wielding a Melee/Ranged weapon does 160% damage. Magic Player attacks/Specials while you're wielding a Magic weapon does *4/3 damage which is 180% damage.

    Warlord's War Cry starts off with the full set equipped, another skill that boosts your damage by 40% for 4 turns (with appropriate modifiers for Magic weapons and spells), costs 120% normal SP for this. And further gets a hefty discount SP cost by *0.53 for a Fire-element weapon-type skill as a Fire skill in a Fire-resistant armor.


    March 21, 2014: The armor was released.

    Mythical Armour of the Warlord

    «Mastercraft Fully Offensive Fire armor. Has two skills that can increase your damage by spending some SP.»

    Also see:
    • Other items of the Warlord Set:
      • Shield: Mythical Shield of the Warbringer
      • Weapon: Mythical Sword of Ares, Mythical Spear of Ares, Mythical Quarterstaff of Ares
    • Other versions of this armor:
      • Storied Armour of the Warlord
      • Fabled Armour of the Warlord
      • Heroic Armour of the Warlord
      • Glorious Armour of the Warlord
      • Epic Armour of the Warlord
      • Immortal Armour of the Warlord
      • Mythical Armour of the Warlord
      • Legendary Armour of the Warlord
    Location: [link=URL]Warlord Set Shop![/link]
    Element: Fire
    Level	125
    PowLvl	135
    MPLvl	132
    Price	11550
    S <48h	10395
      >48h	5775

    Melee	52
    Ranged	52
    Magic	47

    Fire	42
    Water	95
    Wind	89
    Ice	95
    Earth	46
    Energy	89
    Light	89
    Dark	89

    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	252.5
    Stat%	495.5
    BTH	16

    You receive Armor Lean x1.25 (Phase 1).


    Ares' Might!
    Attack with all the speed and strength of the legendary warlord! This mighty attack costs «»SP*.

    Hits: 3
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	168.33
    Stat%	330.33
    BTH	16
    Doesn't take a turn to activate. After activation, you receive a damage increase for your attacks for 1 turn:
    • Melee and Ranged weapon attacks and Specials deal 160% damage.
    • Magic weapon attacks and Specials deal 180% damage.
    For weapon Specials, the damage increase is determined by the base type of the weapon. For example, a Melee weapon with a Magic Special will receive the Melee bonus.

    *You need «» SP to call forth that power!

    Regardless of weapon type(Melee/Ranged/Magic), you pay the SPCost Magic or SPCost Ranged:
    Type: Ranged if {STR+DEX ≥ INT*3/2} or {STR/5+DEX/20 > INT/4}; Magic otherwise
    SPCostMag	488
    SPCostRan	391

    Warlord's War Cry! (FSB: Access to this skill)
    Unleash the fury within! For «»SP*, you can boost your attack damage for next 4 turns! This skill also boosts your Fire spells, but your focus will fade if your deequip any part of the Warlord set**.

    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: Fire
    BR%	252.5
    Stat%	495.5
    BTH	16
    Takes a turn to activate. After activation, you receive a damage increase for your attacks for 4 turns:
    • Melee and Ranged weapon attacks and Specials deal 140% damage.
    • Magic weapon attacks and Specials deal 153.3% damage.
    • Fire spells deal 120% damage.
    For weapon Specials, the damage increase is determined by the base type of the weapon. For example, a Melee weapon with a Magic Special will receive the Melee bonus.

    After you've performed the 4th turn of the skill, your turn is over***.

    *You need «» SP to call forth that power!
    **The fighting spirit your war cry inspired is disrupted as you change your equipment.
    ***The burning fury inspired by your war cry fades to embers.
    SPCost	259

    When you don this ancient armour, you can feel yourself imbued with the speed and strength of the legendary warlord Ares! If you also wield his shield and one of his weapons, you can shout a war cry to tap into his potent fury!

    [Numbers thanks to Kamui, Zephyros and In Media Res. Additional thanks to In Media Res, Kamui, and Koree. Correction thanks to afterlifex.


    The armor attack starts off as a fully offensive armor attack:
    Level	125
    PowLvl	135
    BR%	505
    Stat%	991
    BTH	16
    Ares' Might essentially starts off as a standard skill, which means 200% of normal damage. One pure damage skill, that does its damage instantly in one turn, paid by Mastercraft bonus. Does 80% damage and costs 120% SP, since it follows the element of your weapon. This leaves the skill at 160% of standard attack. So, Melee/Ranged Player attacks/Specials while you're wielding a Melee/Ranged weapon does 160% damage. Magic Player attacks/Specials while you're wielding a Magic weapon does *4/3 damage which is 180% damage.

    Warlord's War Cry starts off with the full set equipped, another skill that boosts your damage by 40% for 4 turns (with appropriate modifiers for Magic weapons and spells), costs 120% normal SP for this. And further gets a hefty discount SP cost by *0.53 for a Fire-element weapon-type skill as a Fire skill in a Fire-resistant armor.


    March 21, 2014: The armor was released.

    Legendary Armour of the Warlord

    «Mastercraft Fully Offensive Fire armor. Has two skills that can increase your damage by spending some SP.»

    Also see:
    • Other items of the Warlord Set:
      • Shield: Legendary Shield of the Warbringer
      • Weapon: Legendary Sword of Ares, Legendary Spear of Ares, Legendary Quarterstaff of Ares
    • Other versions of this armor:
      • Storied Armour of the Warlord
      • Fabled Armour of the Warlord
      • Heroic Armour of the Warlord
      • Glorious Armour of the Warlord
      • Epic Armour of the Warlord
      • Immortal Armour of the Warlord
      • Mythical Armour of the Warlord
      • Legendary Armour of the Warlord
    Location: [link=URL]Warlord Set Shop![/link]
    Element: Fire
    Level	143
    PowLvl	153
    MPLvl	152
    Price	13860
    S <48h	12474
      >48h	6930

    Melee	55
    Ranged	55
    Magic	50

    Fire	39
    Water	95
    Wind	86
    Ice	95
    Earth	44
    Energy	86
    Light	86
    Dark	86

    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	279.5
    Stat%	554.9
    BTH	19

    You receive Armor Lean x1.25 (Phase 1).


    Ares' Might!
    Attack with all the speed and strength of the legendary warlord! This mighty attack costs «»SP*.

    Hits: 3
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	186.33
    Stat%	369.93
    BTH	19

    Doesn't take a turn to activate. After activation, you receive a damage increase for your attacks for 1 turn:
    • Melee and Ranged weapon attacks and Specials deal 160% damage.
    • Magic weapon attacks and Specials deal 180% damage.
    For weapon Specials, the damage increase is determined by the base type of the weapon. For example, a Melee weapon with a Magic Special will receive the Melee bonus.

    *You need «» SP to call forth that power!

    Regardless of weapon type(Melee/Ranged/Magic), you pay the SPCost Magic or SPCost Ranged:
    Type: Ranged if {STR+DEX ≥ INT*3/2} or {STR/5+DEX/20 > INT/4}; Magic otherwise
    SPCostMag	588
    SPCostRan	470

    Warlord's War Cry! (FSB: Access to this skill)
    Unleash the fury within! For «»SP*, you can boost your attack damage for next 4 turns! This skill also boosts your Fire spells, but your focus will fade if your deequip any part of the Warlord set**.

    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: Fire
    BR%	279.5
    Stat%	554.9
    BTH	19
    Takes a turn to activate. After activation, you receive a damage increase for your attacks for 4 turns:
    • Melee and Ranged weapon attacks and Specials deal 140% damage.
    • Magic weapon attacks and Specials deal 153.3% damage.
    • Fire spells deal 120% damage.
    For weapon Specials, the damage increase is determined by the base type of the weapon. For example, a Melee weapon with a Magic Special will receive the Melee bonus.

    After you've performed the 4th turn of the skill, your turn is over***.

    *You need «» SP to call forth that power!
    **The fighting spirit your war cry inspired is disrupted as you change your equipment.
    ***The burning fury inspired by your war cry fades to embers.
    SPCost	312
    When you don this ancient armour, you can feel yourself imbued with the speed and strength of the legendary warlord Ares! If you also wield his shield and one of his weapons, you can shout a war cry to tap into his potent fury!

    Numbers thanks to Kamui, Zephyros and In Media Res. Additional thanks to In Media Res, Kamui, and Koree. Correction thanks to afterlifex.


    The armor attack starts off as a fully offensive armor attack:
    Level	143
    PowLvl	153
    BR%	559
    Stat%	1109.8
    BTH	19
    Ares' Might essentially starts off as a standard skill, which means 200% of normal damage. One pure damage skill, that does its damage instantly in one turn, paid by Mastercraft bonus. Does 80% damage and costs 120% SP, since it follows the element of your weapon. This leaves the skill at 160% of standard attack. So, Melee/Ranged Player attacks/Specials while you're wielding a Melee/Ranged weapon does 160% damage. Magic Player attacks/Specials while you're wielding a Magic weapon does *4/3 damage which is 180% damage.

    Warlord's War Cry starts off with the full set equipped, another skill that boosts your damage by 40% for 4 turns (with appropriate modifiers for Magic weapons and spells), costs 120% normal SP for this. And further gets a hefty discount SP cost by *0.53 for a Fire-element weapon-type skill as a Fire skill in a Fire-resistant armor.


    March 21, 2014: The armor was released.

    < Message edited by Bu Kek Siansu -- 9/2/2014 10:00:46 >
    Post #: 45
    5/23/2014 19:00:20   


    Copying IMR's notes

    Hand of Tera'Suul

    Fully offensive Ice armour, with secondary resistance to Fire.

    Normal attack is two hits.

    MC: Comes with a skill. It's a weapon-based attack which is locked to Ice. It deals *2 Base/Random damage, and has skill-level stat bonuses (so STR/4 for Melee, etc). Magic weapons get an additional *4/3 boost. It respects your weapon special and you get weapon-based effects. It gets a reduced SP cost as elemental compensation.

    FSB: Unlocks a second skill. This one is a spell-like attack with its own Base/Rand/BTH. It gets a damage boost as elemental compensation. It's treated as a spell, so don't apply effects from your weapon, and your weapon special can't occur. It deals 50% damage for its effect: the monster makes a save at a -20 penalty:
    Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: {STR/DEX/INT, based on weapon mode} vs MonsterINT
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    If it fails, then the monster is teleported to the Ice Realm. This gives it an Ice burn for the rest of battle (power: eleComp*[Hits connected]/3 *10/7 /sqrt(monster power)). You can cast the skill again to increase the burn by an additional +[what I just said] power.

    ("Technically" it lasts 9999 rounds, but IMR doubt's that the battle will last that long.)

    Level	50	70	90	110	130	150
    Type	B	B	B	B	B	B
    PowLvl	54	73	93	113	133	153
    BR%	262	319	379	430	499	559
    Stat%	456.4	581.8	713.8	845.8	977.8	1109.8
    BtH	6	9	11	14	16	19
    Fire	76	69	63	57	51	44
    Water	74	74	70	69	66	64
    Ice	71	62	55	48	43	39
    Wind	84	84	81	79	73	73
    Earth	91	90	89	89	87	84
    Energy	92	92	91	90	90	90
    Light	98	97	96	95	95	95
    Dark	84	84	81	79	73	73
    Melee	35	38	41	44	47	50
    Ranged	35	38	41	44	47	50
    Magic	35	38	41	44	47	50
    MC Skill Cost
    MelRan	103	126	149	156	176	229
    Magic	132	166	201	222	257	327
    FSB Skill
    Base	47	66	90	117	146	179
    Rand	92	133	180	233	294	358
    Stat	456	582	714	846	978	1110
    BtH	13	18	23	28	33	38
    eleComp	1.48193	1.54860	1.61280	1.72332	1.77083	1.72618
    Ranged	116	159	209	265	326	392
    Magic	145	199	261	331	407	490
    MCSOP	739	5758	46217	372410	3002287	24205166
    MCSOS	369	2879	23108	186205	1501143	12102583

    Copying Kam's notes.

    Reflecting Plate

    Semi-defensive Light armour, Light primary, Water secondary, Ice tertiary, neutral to Earth/Wind, weak to Fire/Energy/Dark.

    Has a Light spell-type skill that can Blind the enemy.
    [19:36] <SleepyKammy> It's -(25*Light) BtH. 2 turns per hit (2 hits max).
    [19:38] <SleepyKammy> Is a -20 penalty to the save, and uses DEX or INT for inflict (based on same deals that determine if the skill's Ranged or Magic) and DEX to resist.

    Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	153
    B/R	130	190	250	310	370	430	490	559
    Stat	166	298	430	562	694	826	958	1110
    BtH	1	3	6	8	11	13	16	19
    Fire	100	98	95	92	92	91	90	90
    Water	95	85	76	69	63	57	51	44
    Ice	97	88	82	78	74	69	65	55
    Wind	98	93	89	83	82	81	80	80
    Earth	98	93	89	83	82	81	80	80
    Energy	100	98	95	92	92	91	90	90
    Light	94	82	73	63	56	49	44	39
    Dark	100	98	95	92	92	91	90	90
    Melee	29	32	35	38	41	44	47	50
    Ranged	29	32	35	38	41	44	47	50
    Magic	29	32	35	38	41	44	47	50
    ASMCSO$	59	176	1109	8638	69326	558616	4503431	36307750
    ASMCSOS	29	88	554	4319	34663	279308	2251715	18153875

    Copying IMR's notes on the original Reflective armor

    (Original) Reflective

    Neutral MC Light armour.

    Has Backlash, like Nemesis.
    Level	100
    Type	-
    PowLvl	100
    BR%	400
    Stat%	760
    BTH	12
    Fire	66
    Water	98
    Ice	98
    Wind	76
    Earth 	76
    Energy	66
    Light 	52
    Dark	100
    Melee	42
    Ranged	42
    Magic	42
    Price	9 mil
    Sell	4.5 mil
    From IMR: Also, a correction to the "Past Stats". The reflect damage was previously 2-8 (not 5-15), and it was treated as a weapon Special (so it was boosted by IronThorn and stuff).
    Got these. ~Carandor

    < Message edited by Carandor -- 1/24/2017 13:01:21 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 46
    5/25/2014 21:31:54   

    Hand of Tera'Suul
    As the champion of the ice dragon Tera'Suul, this armor grants you incredible ice resistance and powerful attacks. You can strike your foes with icy attacks, and can call forth the raw elemental power of the ice realm when in the full Tera'Suul (ends here) "set."
    AQ DF  Post #: 47
    5/27/2014 0:42:11   
    Legendary Ash

    TeraSnide Form entry does not have higher level variants linked like the others do.
    AQ  Post #: 48
    6/4/2014 22:16:06   

    The Reflecting Plate entry is missing EleComp as well as the percent penalty for having the blind.
    AQ AQW  Post #: 49
    6/7/2014 17:16:57   
    Lord Noonien Soong

    Frostval Spirit Armor needs an updated image
    AQ DF  Post #: 50
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