formerly In Media Res
Monster Herders Cries of help rise up from all across the countryside as thundering herds of monsters ravage towns and farms! It is rumored that a group of nomads called Herdmasters are running the monsters through civilized areas! But why would they do it?? Part I: Battleon Hak: It's all-clear, Boss! You can come on out now! TubThumper: What news from the front lines, minion?? Hak: The stampedes have begun, Boss! Battleon is being attacked now, and we will hit Granemor and Lolosia soon! TubThumper: HAHA, very good! This is truly the best decision I have ever made!! We will-- I mean, I will be rich beyond imagining once our mission is complete!! TubThumper: I still cannot believe the RICHES that the ugly creature promised me in exchange for leveling these towns!! Herdmasters are a tribe of nomads who have always kept to themselves, moving groups of monsters from one place to another for the highest bidder. But now the Herdmasters are running hoardes of monsters through town! We need to stop them before everything is destroyed. Twilly: Uh-oh! Monster herders are making their monsters run through town! We need your help!! Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you. Heal me please. Twilly: There you goes! All healed up! "Vince is a Drakel engineer who is visiting from Isle d'Oriens, ready to help to help us with his gadgets." "Artix Krieger is the leader of Lore's Paladins, masters of fighting the undead and darkness monsters." "Mercuria is a battlemage who prefers using fire to fight her enemies." Artix, Mercuria, and Vince are availible as guests. The Adventurer and Guardian Herdmaster Blades are availible as temporary weapons. 2 BATTLES Level 0-9 Darkzard Dracovamp (6) Evil Eye Herdmaster (10) Malth Nightraider (3) Sickly Zombie Undead Knight Vampire Bat Young Darkness Dragon (10) Level 10-39 D.R.O.U.S. Dark Djinni Demon Cat Dracovampiress (11) Herdmaster (10/30) Kresh (30) Nightraider (10) NightZard (15) Pygmy Zombie (30) Undead Frog (20) Undead Mage (14) Young Darkness Dragon (18) Zombie Dragon (38) Zombie Knight Level 40-75 Big Zombie Croaker Darkness Dragon Dracovamp (55) Herdmaster (30/55) Necrofiend Night Terror Nightraider (40) NightZard (15) Razorclaw (63) Undead Frog (40) Undead Mage (45) Veegus Zombie Zombie Dragon (38) Level 76-84 Big Zombie D.R.O.U.S. Darkness Dragon Fatalis (Undead) Herdmaster (55/75) Night Terror Nightraider (70) NightZard (15) Pygmy Zombie (65) Undead Frog (40) Undead Horse Undead Mage (45) Level 85+ Big Zombie D.R.O.U.S. Dark Djinni (87) Darkness Dragon Fatalis (Undead) Herdmaster (75/100) Kharssal Night Terror Nightraider (70) NightZard (15) Pygmy Zombie (65) Undead Frog (40) Undead Horse Undead Mage (45)
Part II: Frostvale Hak: It's all-clear, Boss! You can come on out now! TubThumper: What news from the front lines, minion?? Hak: The defenders of Battleon have made a dent in our monsters, but we are now attacking Frostvale to the north! We will plow those ice moglin huts under the snow!!! TubThumper: HAHA, very good! This is truly the best decision I have ever made!! We will-- I mean, I will be rich beyond imagining once our mission is complete!! TubThumper: I still cannot believe the RICHES that the ugly creature promised me in exchange for leveling these towns!! Herdmasters are a tribe of nomads who have always kept to themselves, moving groups of monsters from one place to another for the highest bidder. But now the Herdmasters are running hoardes of monsters through town! We need to stop them before everything is destroyed. Twilly: Uh-oh! Monster herders are making their monsters run through town! We need your help!! Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you. Heal me please. Twilly: There you goes! All healed up! "Vince is a Drakel engineer who is visiting from Isle d'Oriens, ready to help to help us with his gadgets." "Artix Krieger is the leader of Lore's Paladins, masters of fighting the undead and darkness monsters." "Mercuria is a battlemage who prefers using fire to fight her enemies." Artix, Mercuria, and Vince are availible as guests. The Adventurer and Guardian Herdmaster Blades are availible as temporary weapons. 2 BATTLES Level 0-9 Herdmaster (10) Ice Golem (6) Ice Knight IceSnayl Icezard Snow Warrior (8) Level 10-39 BlizZard Frost Giant (20) IceSnayl Herdmaster (10/30) Ice Burrower IceCat Ice Golem (6) Iceshifter Icezard Two-Bear (15) Zard Ice Pack Level 40-75 Avalurch BlizZard Centocor Frostlok Herdmaster (30/55) Ice Burrower Ice Demon Snow BunnyZard Tundra Reaver (54) Yeti Zard Ice Pack Level 76-84 Avalurch BlizZard Centocor Herdmaster (55/75) Ice Demon Ice Dragon (75) Supreme Iceshifter Tundra Reaver (54) Zard Ice Pack Level 85+ Avalurch BlizZard Centocor Herdmaster (75/100) Ice Demon Ice Dragon (75) Iskrema Supreme Iceshifter Tundra Reaver (54) Zard Ice Pack
Part III: Lolosia Hak: It's all-clear, Boss! You can come on out now! TubThumper: What news from the front lines, minion?? Hak: Our enemies have defended Frostvale, but meanwhile we have been herding monsters to the shores of Lolosia! And we are moving monsters toward Battleon again as well! Hak: They won't expect to be attacked again so soon, and this time with the largest stampede of monsters ever!! TubThumper: HAHA, very good! This is truly the best decision I have ever made!! We will-- I mean, I will be rich beyond imagining once our mission is complete!! TubThumper: I still cannot believe the RICHES that the ugly creature promised me in exchange for leveling these towns!! Herdmasters are a tribe of nomads who have always kept to themselves, moving groups of monsters from one place to another for the highest bidder. But now the Herdmasters are running hoardes of monsters through town! We need to stop them before everything is destroyed. Twilly: Uh-oh! Monster herders are making their monsters run through town! We need your help!! Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you. Heal me please. Twilly: There you goes! All healed up! "Vince is a Drakel engineer who is visiting from Isle d'Oriens, ready to help to help us with his gadgets." "Artix Krieger is the leader of Lore's Paladins, masters of fighting the undead and darkness monsters." "Mercuria is a battlemage who prefers using fire to fight her enemies." Artix, Mercuria, and Vince are availible as guests. The Adventurer and Guardian Herdmaster Blades are availible as temporary weapons. 2 BATTLES Level 0-9 Blecch (1) Herdmaster (10) Piranhas TadZard Vagaran Young Water Dragon Level 10-39 Blecch (1) Braken Flyrtle Frenzied Piranhas Giant Pirahna (25) Herdmaster (10/30) Hydrak Malgru (15) Piranhas Seadog TadZard WhaleZard Young Water Dragon (10) Level 40-75 Flyrtle Frenzied Piranhas Gargel Giant Pirahna (50/75) Herdmaster (30/55) Braken (58) Malgru (15) Sea Titan Serlissa the Water Dragon Water Dragon (55) Level 76-84 Aquus Mutant Natator Drowned Angry Rat Giant Pirahna (75) Herdmaster (55/75) Braken (58) Serlissa the Water Dragon Water Dragon (55) WhaleZard Level 85+ Aquus Mutant Natator Drowned Angry Rat Giant Pirahna (75) Herdmaster (75/100) Braken (58) Kelp Ball Malgru (90) Serlissa the Water Dragon Water Dragon (55) WhaleZard
Part IV: Battleon Hak: It's all-clear, Boss! You can come on out now! TubThumper: What news from the front lines, minion?? Hak: The defenders have saved Lolosia, but we are stampeding the biggest herd of monsters we could gather through Battleon now!! They don't stand a chance! TubThumper: HAHA, very good! This is truly the best decision I have ever made!! We will-- I mean, I will be rich beyond imagining once our mission is complete!! TubThumper: I still cannot believe the RICHES that the ugly creature promised me in exchange for leveling these towns!! Herdmasters are a tribe of nomads who have always kept to themselves, moving groups of monsters from one place to another for the highest bidder. But now the Herdmasters are running hoardes of monsters through town! We need to stop them before everything is destroyed. Twilly: Uh-oh! Monster herders are making their monsters run through town! We need your help!! Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you. Heal me please. Twilly: There you goes! All healed up! "Vince is a Drakel engineer who is visiting from Isle d'Oriens, ready to help to help us with his gadgets." "Artix Krieger is the leader of Lore's Paladins, masters of fighting the undead and darkness monsters." "Mercuria is a battlemage who prefers using fire to fight her enemies." Artix, Mercuria, and Vince are availible as guests. The Adventurer and Guardian Herdmaster Blades are availible as temporary weapons. 2 BATTLES Level 0-9 Darkzard Dracovamp (6) Evil Eye Herdmaster (10) Huge Rat Hybee Larva Malth Mankee Mud Golem Nightraider (3) Sickly Zombie Starved BURP Stone Golem Undead Knight Vampire Bat WereDragon (10) Young Darkness Dragon (10) Level 10-39 BURP (40) Chrask D.R.O.U.S. Dark Djinni (35) Demon Cat Dracovampiress (10) Ferocious Chrask Forest Demon Herdmaster (10/30) Kresh (30) Little BURP Nightraider (10) NightZard (15) Plodd Pygmy Zombie (30) ToadZard Tough Mankee Undead Frog (20) Undead Mage (14) Young Darkness Dragon (18) Young Minotaur Zombie Dragon (38) Zombie Knight Level 40-75 Behemoth Big BURP Big Zombie Chimera Croaker Darkness Dragon Dracovamp (55) Frogzard Defender Ghoul Gizzard Greater WarBeast Herdmaster (30/55) King BURP (70) Minotaur Necrofiend Night Terror Nightraider (40) NightZard (15) Razorclaw (63) Rock Man Undead Frog (40) Undead Mage (45) Veegus WereDragon (40) Zombie Zombie Dragon (38) Level 76-84 Behemoth Big Zombie Chimera D.R.O.U.S. Darkness Dragon Duodragon Frogzard Defender Entromorph Fatalis (Undead) Herdmaster (55/75) King BURP (70) Night Terror Nightraider (70) NightZard (15) Pygmy Zombie (65) Rabid BURP Rock Man Skull Ape (Undead) Sneak (75) Undead Frog (40) Undead Horse Undead Mage (45) Level 85+ Behemoth Big BURP Big Zombie Chimera D.R.O.U.S. Dark Djinni (87) Darkness Dragon Duodragon Frogzard Defender Fatalis (Undead) Herdmaster (75/100) Hydra Kharssal King BURP (70) Night Terror Nightraider (70) NightZard (15) Pygmy Zombie (65) Rabid BURP Rock Man Skull Ape (Undead) Sneak (75) Thunder Troll Undead Frog (40) Undead Horse Undead Mage (45) VorpalZard WereDragon (100) After 2 000 000 Monsters Defeated: 1 BATTLE Level 0-39 Herdmaster Hak [Herdmaster (30)] Level 40+ Herdmaster Guards [Two Herdmaster (30)] 1 BATTLE Level 0-39 Herd Boss (60) Level 40-60 Herd Boss (80) Level 61-83 Herd Boss (100) Level 84-104 Herd Boss (120) Level 105+ Herd Boss (140) Artix: The Herdmasters have lost! Once they retreated, their monster herds just broke apart. Vince: Until now, though, the Herdmasters have always kept to themselves. Someone must have paid them a fortune to attack us-- someone who wanted to level every town! Mercuria: And we will find whoever was behind this, Drakel, but right now I just want to see what they left us in that war chest to play with!! WAR CHEST Monster Prod (10/30/65/85) Herdmaster Crook (50) Artix: What I don't get is, if someone wanted to destroy our towns, why hire Herdmasters to do the job? They are far from being professional warriors! Mercuria: Maybe their ultimate goal was NOT to destroy the towns... Maybe it was to do something else while we were occupied defending the towns. Disturbing, indeed... Shamelessly copy-and-pasted off UltimateAQ.com.
< Message edited by whackybeanz -- 12/29/2012 15:45:39 >