Hi there,and I will edit in this color. Welcome back. You won round 1,but ready for round 2?The final round?You better be... I won it, huh? That's encouraging.Yup,round 1 you won 6:What color is a mirror? It depends how you look at it.Yea... 7:There was a plane crash,and every single person on the plane died.But there were suvivors.How? The survivors, like most sensible people, were in the plane.That will pass,error on my part I guess.The answer I was looking for was,the married people survived.All the singlepeople died.But you got it anyways... 8:If a plane crashes in a jungle,how do you bury the survivors? You don't bury the survivors. I hope.Yes,good job. 9:What vehicle spelled backwords is the same forwards? RACECARYup,good job. TWILLY RUNS IN FEAR,TWIG STOP EATING FISHES AND ICE CREAM,GALANOTH HOPS ON A DRAGONS BACK AND RIDES TO SAFETY,ARTIX FORGETS THE UNDEAD AND HIDES,AND THE WEREWOLF KING AND SAFIRIA HOLD HANDS RUNNING AWAY FROM...QUESTION:1O!I make fire hot,and ice cold,I make the wind blow,and the earth quake,I eat elephants and drink giraffes,I make blood red and the sky blue.What am I?Can you answer this riddle? The universe. Well, it's not the answer you were looking for (probably), but it is technically true... I think.Youre right,in the sense that youre wrong.Its not the answer I was looking for.The answer is no.You cant answer the riddle.Bwahaha,there is a reason that question is feared... Bwahaha you will never beat me this time.... o_OI won round two,you won round one,it a tie! Good job though,you did good and even owned me on question 7,but what did you think of my riddles? I'm not really a riddle person. Still, you didn't give me a solution to #10...
< Message edited by Kaelin -- 7/28/2009 13:14:00 >