In the shadows...
Lost Pets Location: Grams' Pet Shop -> Grams -> Quest -> Quest!, Aria's Pet Shop (Books 1 and 2) -> Aria -> Quest -> Quest!, Aria's Pet Shop (Book 3) -> Aria -> Lost Pets -> Quest! Level/Quest/Items required: None Release Date: September 11th, 2009 Objective: Can you find all five lost pets for Grams? Objective completed: You found them all! Scaled Yes/No: Yes Monsters (3) Basilisk (3) Boulder Elemental (3) Boveox (3) Clawkin Wanderer (5) Deft Minx Fairy (3) Forest Fury NPCs None Rewards None Access to Pet Shop. Dialogue *You are in the woods, near the shore and mountains; once you find five pets, you may complete the quest.* House Items - opens Pet Shop. Finish Quest Thanks to Peachii for location link. Jay and Voodoo Master for corrections.
< Message edited by Jay -- 7/24/2020 7:34:33 >