In the shadows...
Caran Location: As You Lie Dreaming..., Descent, The Bottom, Risen, Morning Falconreach (Book 3) -> 2 Right Quests given None Shops owned None Dialogue As You Lie Dreaming... Caran: Haha, Davey was always a bit off, even when he had his skin. Right, sis? Caran: Just goes to show, you can never really avoid your final destination, right sis? Caran: Like I said, Davey was always a bit off. After one peculiar pillage though... it got worse. Caran: Even worse was the fact he started talking to himself. Arguing with thin air most of the time, it seemed. Descent Caran: <Character> always seemed to be a bit off, right sis? Caran: Stop quoting the Yogi. Caran: Score for the unresting Death Knights? Caran: It might be time to head for dry land, sister. Caran: Everything mortal is going the way Davey did. Caran: It's not something we can fight, we're the only sane ones left. Caran: It's not a perfect world, sis. Caran: If the world was perfect, it wouldn't be. The Bottom Caran: Hey, boss. Caran: Ahem... and you're doing any better? Caran: Heh, as the great yogi said... Caran: Davey's done, you already took care of these other monsters, what else is there left to do? Risen Caran: For now at least. Caran: Things like... that... never really seem to die. Whatever Kathool is... it's ancient... and, I think, confused. Caran: Kathool is defeated for now. I suspect that it will be eons before it attempts to rise again. The Protector will have to be ready when that happens. Caran: You won't be alone. We'll be here. Morning Falconreach (Book 3) Caran: Do we know you? Thanks to Jay for image and corrections. Voodoo Master for additional dialogue and location link. Stephen Nix for correction.
< Message edited by Jay -- 3/14/2021 18:18:34 >