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=DF= Thankstaking War Stories and poems

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11/23/2010 21:08:18   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Here is where you can post your War Stories and Poems. Have fun and please...PLEASE remember the rules in both AE forums and my own L&L rules.

A couple of rules to make this easiest to read.

1) One post per person. If you have an ongoing story, please just edit your post to continue it. Do not make a new post to add to your story.

2) Please do not comment on the stories in this thread. If you want to comment on the stories, please go =DF=Thankstaking War 2010 Commentary

Special thanks to Saber1001 for making the suggestion.

< Message edited by Eukara Vox -- 11/23/2010 21:09:16 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
11/23/2010 21:38:47   

The Hunter in the War.

A creature moves swiftly and silently through the woods. As it moves, its leaf like body twists around and the creature pauses. It had been in flight for days, running and hiding from the hero who was hunting it. Over the past days the creature, the deadly Scorpiarc made only two mistakes. The first was letting the hero get on its scent; the second was pausing to look back.

The hero fell from above, bringing down his scythe with all of his might. The kill was swift and painless. And Imaru made sure of that. As he lifted the dead Scorpiarc onto his back many thoughts crossed his mind. A few nights ago he was recognized by some friends who were passing through the Hunters Paradise, an inn in which hunters can call home, and Imaru immediately accepted this contract. He didn’t need stories of his past life being told. Imaru the Insane, he called himself.

As he neared the road to Doomwood another thought, this one more like a memory, crossed his mind. He remembered the war, the fight with Grrral, and the explosion. He remembered crawling out of the rubble and making it back to camp. He accepted the rewards and left. What he can’t remember is how he gained his sanity. Imaru had been insane for all of his life, but after waking up one morning in Doomwood, he could think clearly. He liked it.

He makes a good living. The life of a hunter is one of adventure, danger, and skill. He enjoys the hunt. He even enjoys being hunted by his mark. You wouldn’t be able to tell though. Looking at him while he is hunting is like looking at a statue, no emotion, no jumping the gun. It took him months to do this, to learn to control his emotions and to master his technique. To become a master took time.

As he approached the gate to the Paradise he noticed two figures leaving.
“Rat, Dirk! Where are you two headed?” Imaru asked his two odd friends. Rat and Dirk were bandits who by nature got themselves into a lot of trouble. They were also funny to watch and listen to as they spun tales of monsters slain and treasures found. The Hunters Paradise became attached to the pair of Midnight Bandits, as they called themselves, so it was a shock to see them leaving.

“Hello Imaru were just going to-“Began Rat as an elbow hit his ribs.
“Start another adventure my friend” Dirk finished and said softly to Rat, “The plans a secret you knucklehead.”
“Yes boss it’s a secret.” Rat agreed.
“So where will you be headed? If it’s to the north I can give you some gear...” Imaru offered to his friends.
“Im sorry my friend, we’ll be doing this one on our own. Besides I have my axe.” Replied Dirk.
“And I have my can opener!” added Rat as he rolled his eyes.
“Well I wish you luck my friends. I need to bring this to Teral.” Imaru said as he lifted up the Scorpiarc. Rat and Dirks eyes widened at the sight of the once mighty beast.
“You hunted down a Scorpiarc?!?” asked Dirk in amazement.
“No it just dead because he found it that way.” Replied Rat sarcastically.
“Don’t talk to me like that you knucklehead!” Dirk stated flatly.
“Ohh I’ll show you a knucklehead…” Replied Rat. The two began to start wrestling in the road.
“Fair well friends.” Imaru called back with a chuckle as he entered the gate. Hunters Paradise won’t be the same without them, he thought to himself.

As he entered the inn there was scilence. No one moved, no one talked, all eyes were on him. Triumphantly he raised the Scorpiarc into the air and Cheers rang out amongst his fellow hunters. The talk resumed, and the hustling, bustling, inn became alive again.

“Welcome back Imaru.” Said the voice of a familiar woman. As Imaru turned his eyes met Karina’s. Karina was a beautiful young lady and the Rogue in charge of the jobs that the hunters got. Not only was she in charge of the jobs, she could execute them flawlessly if she wanted to. And she actually paid a pretty penny for the hides of the marks.
“It’s good to be back Karina.” Imaru smiled.
“I’ll give you one-hundred gold for that pelt.” She stated, starting off the bartering.
“Sorry, Karina not this time. This one’s going to Teral.” Imaru countered.
“Tell him I said Hello.” Karina said before another hunter started to talk to her.

As Imaru Pushed through the crowd he said his greeting, received congratulations, and was looked upon as a brother. This brought a smile to his eye. As Imaru left the inn through the back door he could see Teral clearly.

Teral was the founder of the Hunters Paradise, and was also a retired hunter. He had gray hair and beard, and on his arm were strange glowing tattoos. As Imaru approached the fire Teral looked up and smiled when he saw the Scorpiarc in his hand.

“Welcome home Imaru, I see you got your Mark.” He said softly.
“Aye, Now what shall I do with it?” Imaru asked sarcasticly.
“Make a salad perhaps.” Replied Teral laughing. “Give it here and let me see.”

Imaru handed Teral the Scorpiarc and sat down.
“Hmm, this is a nice one, fine hide, potent venom, and a beautiful color.” Teral said as he inspected the kill. “ I suppose youll-“
“Its all yours old man.” Imaru interrupted him. Teral looked back down at the kill.
“This could make a fine helmet or armor.” He stated.
Imaru raised his hand objectively, “I have my armor already and I won’t trade it up.”

It was true. When Imaru first arrived at the Paradise he wore Doom Knight armor, but as the dark thoughts began to creep into his brain once more, and the insanity started to return, Imaru separated himself from it. Instead he donned a Dragon Rogues armor which he modified into his current hunting armor. He wore a hood and cape made from the elusive Rhoddhu, a creature that resides in the northern tundra. He carried around an arsenal of Scythes, his preferred weapon of choice, in his enhcated pack.

“If you say so.” Teral sighed.
“I do, now I must get some rest. I have another mark to go after tomarrow.” Imaru replied as he rose. “I’ll see you when I return.”
“What are you hunting, if I may ask?” Teral questioned.
“Oh it’s nothing extravagant, just another Scorpiarc.” Imaru replied grinning.
“ Good luck!” Teral said as Imaru walked into the inn.

As Imaru entered his room he looked around. And at once he knew something was wrong. His room was exactly like he left it, except for the glistening white envelope sitting on his bed. As he walked over to his bed he slowly reached down to pick up the envelope, something else was wrong. He spun around swiftly and raised his scythe as a blade swung down. Imaru then parried a second blow, and in a fluid motion, brought the handle of the scythe upwards into the attackers jaw.

“So you can still fight.” Said a familiar voice that sent a chill down Imaru’s back.
“What are you doing here Grrral?” Imaru asked as he watched the shadowy figure.
“I just thought I would pay my old friend a visit.” Grrral replied.
“As did we.” Said a second voice from outside the window.
“Mordred, and I assume Eric Ravenwing?” Imaru half asked half stated.
“You would be correct.” Replied Eric. “Tell me what has become of your Doom Armor? I noticed that you’re not wearing it.” Erick asked casualy.
“I came to my sences and have discarded it.” Replied Imaru.
“Discarded it he says.” Grrral spits.
“It’s locked away. I like being sane much, much, more.” Imaru stated as he locked eyes with Grrral. “Your no longer infected?” Imaru asked Grrral.

“Not any longer. I still have the urge for more power, but all is well.” Grrral replies sharply. All is well except you still want to kill me, Imaru thinks silently.
“What brings you here anyway?” Imaru asks the group.
Mordred replies with only one word. A word that sends a chill of excitement and anticipation down Imaru’s back.

Silence filled the room as Imaru thought over what he should do. His thoughts were quickly interrupted by a knock on the door.
“Imaru come quick!” Teral's voice sounded through the door.
“It’s unlocked my friend you can come in.” Imaru responded. Teral opened the door quickly and Imaru could see the worry portrayed on his face. “What is it Teral?”
“Desrose hasn’t returned from her hunt, we fear the worst.” Teral said. As soon as the name ‘Desrose’ left Terals mouth Imaru jumped into action. He grabbed his gear and headed downstairs immediately.

“Who’s Desrose?” Eric asked Teral.
“She’s the love of his life.” Replied Teral. “She and Imaru have been together since he came to the Paradise. She taught him the basics of hunting. He taught her the basics of fighting. Seeing those two together in combat is like seeing a pair of dragons dance. It’s majestic, beautiful, and deadly.” Teral finished. Without another word he left the room.
“Is he going to help us or not?” asked Grrral.
“He will in time.” Replied Mordred, “But he has other issues at the moment. Let us be gone. The war begins tomorrow.” As he finished the trio of heroes disappeared into the shadows.

As Imaru descended the stairs all was quiet. Everyone at the paradise knew about his relationship with Desrose. The Paradise was a family and like a family they all understood his pain.
“What was her mark?” Imaru asked Karina.
“Nothing big, it was a Rhoddhu.” Karina replied obviously worried.
“Which part of the Tundra?” Imaru asked as he and Karina studied the map.
“The Talon Peninsula. But she was told not to go too far in.” Karina replied. The Talon Peninsula of the Tundra was a good hunting ground during the summer. But in the winter it became everyones' nightmare. The outside edge was calm, but once you entered in what the hunters called the ‘ring’ violent blizzards and storms rang out.
“She went in,” Imaru stated. “She wasn’t going to let the mark escape…Sign the mark over to me, I’ll leave at once.” Imaru said as Karina pulled out the assignment papers.
“I’ll need the keys to the cages.” Imaru said to Teral. As the words left his mouth there was a gasp among the fellow hunters.

The cages where were the hunters kept the more dangerous creatures of doomwood. They were not allowed to kill them, because they were endangered or tamable, so they tried to domesticate them. It wasn’t going well.
Teral pulled out the keys from his belt. “You’re taking Seraph, aren’t you?” Teral asked. Seraph was the name of a Pridelord that was being kept in the cages. This Pridelord had been hunted by many hunters, but the hunters either came back empty handed or not at all. Imaru had taken the hunt and tracked down the feral beast. However, Imaru could not bring himself to kill such a beautiful creature and instead brought it to the Paradise.
Only two people ever took care of Seraph, Desrose and Imaru, because the Pridelord would not let anyone else near it.

“Of course.” Imaru replied as Teral tossed him the keys. As Imaru caught them he started to leave. Before he left he paused at the door and simply stated. “If I don’t come back, don’t look for me.” With that he left towards the cages. As he approached, Seraph was walking back and forth his tail twitching in agitation. He could tell all was not well. Imaru simply unlocked the cage and said, “Let’s go get her.” And he and Seraph took off into the night following the trail of the one they loved.

As the pair followed the trail they came across many camps, each one was empty and days old. As they neared the tundra they came acroos one that was less then a day. Slowly they approached the camp and heard voices of bandits.
“She doesn’t stand a chance boss. Weve got our best trackers on her tail. She’ll be dead by the morning.” Said the bandit to his superior.
“Good, that hunter needs to die.” Said the leader. As the word hunter left his mouth Imaru and Seraph entered the camp.
“What hunter?!?” Imaru Yelled. Seraph growled.
“Who are you?” Asked the Leader as his henchmen drew out there swords.
“What hunter?” Imaru asked a second time, his voice dark.
“What do you expect to do? Kill us all?” Asked the leader, gesturing to his mabey 20 or so men. “She was nosey, stoped us from making a score, Now she dies. And so do you.” The Leader finished and his men attacked. They didn’t expect the sheer ferocity of Imaru’s counter attack.

As the first bandit reahed Imaru and swung his blade, Imaru caught his wrist and in one motion broke his arm, took his weapon, and threw him into a group of on comeing bandits. He then parried another blow as Seraph attacked a small group. Imaru spun his blade meeting steel, flesh, then steel again. Slowly the leader began to slump into the shadows. Pulling out his twin blades of doom.

“Seraph go after her!” Imaru yelled as he parried another sword and ran his foe through. Seraph took off into the woods after Desrose. As the battle commenced the amount of foes grew fewer and fewer. They were either dead, dying, of in pain. Imaru didn’t care. As Imaru dispatched two more bandits the leader charged his back, daggers poised to kill. In one movement Imaru hit the bandits blades from his hands and grabed him by the throat, lifting him off of his feet.

As the bandit looked into Imaru’s face he saw nothing, no emotion, no remorse. They then heard the scream of a woman. Imaru tossed the bandit onto the ground and took off towards the sound. Slowly the Bandit began to rise as a shadowy figure steped from the shadows. As the Archangel pulled down his hood he looked at the bandit.
“So its done then?” the Archangel asked.
“Yes master Aaron, the girl is dead.” Replied the bandit.
“Then you are of no further use.” Stated Aaron as his blade ran through the bandit. Slowly he pulled the blade out and faded in with the shadows.

As Imaru entered the clearing he saw 4 shapes. Two dead bandits, their bodies covered in claw and teeth marks, Seraph, and the motionless figure of a woman, a dagger embedded in her back. As Imaru closed the gap between him and the woman’s body his heart sunk. Desrose was lying motionless except for the shallow breaths she was able to breathe. Imaru knelt down next to her.

“Hey.” She said with a smile.
“Hey.” He answered trying his best not to cry. “Im sorry-“he began but she cut him off.
“Don’t apologize. This isn’t your fault. I…. I shouldn’t have intervened…..” She was starting to lose consciousness.
“Listen Desrose, Im going to get you home. Just stay with me. Don’t leave me here.” He pleaded, tears forming in his eyes.
“I…Love…You….” She said as the life left her eyes and her breathing stopped. As Imaru held her tears began to fall. He was crying and he didn’t care. He had lost the love of his life. Seraph lifted up his head and let out a roar of pain. But there was something else in that roar. Something else that made Imaru lift up his head.

“Stay with her.” Imaru said as he got to his feet. “I’ll be right back.”
As he approached the camp he saw the leader was dying. He could see the blade wound to his chest. Imaru walked over and knelt down next to him.
“Why did you kill her?” Imaru asked not really expecting an answer.
“I was ordered to. An Archangel name Aaron told me and my men h would pay us if we killed the girl. He said it would be a blow to the hero who destroyed the mansion of the red queen.” The bandit replied.
“Aaron?” he asked himself. The name sounded familiar. Then his eyes widened in disbelief. While traveling during the war he came across a fight between a hero and an infected who had called himself Aaron. He had assumed the infected had been killed because the hero had walked away. So that wasn’t an infected…. But what does he want with me? Imaru asked himself.
“He said that the Hero would come looking for the girl. And when he did I was to deliver a message. He says that this is just a warning. Interfere in this next war, and all that you know shall perish.” The bandit said. Imaru rose and started to walk away.
“Wait,” the bandit cried “Don’t leave me here to die.” He begged as Imaru slowly faded into the shadows.
“Don’t worry I wont. Seraph!” Imaru Called out and the Pridelord ran past him towards the bandit. As the Moon reached its peak, Screams filled the sky.

< Message edited by saber1001 -- 12/1/2010 7:56:26 >
AQ DF  Post #: 2
11/24/2010 2:35:23   
Highlord Sendai


Highlord Sendai: DUCK!!!
You: What?

<Duck flies into Characters head>

You: Oof
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 3
11/24/2010 3:03:10   
  San Robin


Its time for thantaking!
and to run for oishii's baking!
the turduckens supposed to be yummy
but instead they stomp us in the tummy
its almost time to eat,
But you do have to fight to get some meat!

Battle on!


my weapons are sharp,
cause a war is coming near,
No reason to fear!

< Message edited by San Robin -- 11/24/2010 6:53:55 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 4
11/24/2010 11:19:39   
Silver Xoven

Thought I could try a poem.


Once there was a mad dentist,
They called him, Voltabolt
He made a huge duck,
Named him, Turducken
It rampaged through the hall,
Straight into the mall
Almost smashed the hero,
And finally went zero.

DF  Post #: 5
11/24/2010 11:24:35   
Marth 234


As we gather 'round the merry hearth
To warm ourselves with fun
But is it fun? Oh yes, righto!
As our songs of happiness and laughter fill the air
For how can one be sad when they're joined as one with family
The food all warm and ready, the tummies yet to be filled
As the leaves fall and the first snow begins to appear
Sit down and enjoy each other their company
To each his own, happy day of celebration

DF  Post #: 6
11/24/2010 11:30:26   
Constructively Friendly!

Come my friends our fate draws ever nearer,
As the sponges fly the sky turns ever greener,
I won't deny!
Our friends may die!
but then they shall be respawned!
War is upon us!
But we have Eric and Chisagen Fighting for us!
Not to mention Chainsword and Lady Ravenwing!
Oishii's cooking may have wings,
But to knock it out of the sky many arrows we shall fling!
Civillians run and flee,
as the evil poultry attacks falconreach!
But we shall persevere!
For we have nothing to fear!
This is our final resting moment before the fire,
as we have our fists clenched in ire!
Oishii's cooking shall come!
but it must be really really dumb!
For we are the heroes of Lore!
and we are prepared for a WAR!
DF  Post #: 7
11/24/2010 16:48:18   

Thought that I would post my entries here as well :)
When wondering how to welcome a welcomegiving,
slurp slimed slime potatoes stupendously, and continously,
so too consuming canned cranbatty, carefully sitting.
Take time to timidly tie the Turducken loose,
or you'll surely see a chocolate moose,
taking the Turkeylime; Pie on the table,
jealously jesting the Jellatinous Cube.

Zum fum feast stupendium,
Yum yum has just begun.
Hum hum the turkey drum,
Dum tum a hoggish sum.
Hum hum a marshy tongue,
Tum mum a wonderful rum.
Hum hum our consumption.
Yum yum is almost done.

Mary MacDoodle walked out of the bank, she had just withdrawn an unsurpassed amount of gold and was going to spend it on some luscious ingredients for her intimate Welcomegiving dinner. She was a bombshell of a mage with golden locks flowing down her back down to her bosom. She was spectacularly dressed in a long dark blue dress that sparkled like stars in the twilight. She was a blessing to the eye but an eyesore at heart as she had no friends nor family with which to share this celebratious time.

She walked through Falconreach square, daydreaming of the scrumptious meal which she was going to splurge on. "Squish" was the sound she heard as she reached Serenity's Inn, the premier mercantile distributor of fresh meats and groceries. She looked down at her shoes, pumps which she had purchased on a previously celebratious occasion but had never had the chance to wear, the curse of the ill-content. On the ground was a greyish mass of what appeared to be potatoes, mashed lightly with butter and parsley. "How strange... I wonder who spilled this here-- Hmmm, perhaps I will make that as well" she thought, drawing a slight smile upon her freckled face. She then drew open the door to Serenity's Inn and was greeted, not by warmth and cheers of good tidings but a stench of decay and a harrowing whistling. "Must be the wind." She figured, "but where is everyone, there are always guests and heroes here..." No sooner had she finished the thought when a shadow jumped out of a corner towards her. It shut the door with a banged and threw her into the room. As she flew through the air she incanted a piece of gold to glow brightly, illuminating the room. As she landed she saw him, a tall warrior with the head of an eagle, no doubt a helm but explicable nonetheless.

He had wings that appeared to burn in the illumination and a large and black blade that seemed to pulse with evil. Her instincts bade her to call forth a Tenshii, an angelic being that would banish all evil. He turned and with a single notion made her instil her fears, he would her no harm but only to save her from other perils. In the afterglow of the illumination she could see a face underneath the helm, a kind face but one of worry.

"They are out there", he said, not even looking at her.

"Who is?", she asked queriously.

"The monsters brought forth under the welcomegiving feast."

"The monsters? From the Welcomegiving feast? What are you talking about?", she asked, becoming slightly infuriated at his responses.

"Dr. Voltabolt's machine malfunctioned and spewed out a bunch of monsters. The heroes of Lore are currently fighting them outside of the town." He said with a hint of grief.

"The heroes are-- Then what are you doing? Hiding? Surely you are a hero as well..."

"Indeed. However, I have a mission far more important than engaging in lesser culinary delights"

"How so?", she asked instantly intrigued.

"The great turducken", he said stoically.

"The great turducken...? Wasn't that defeated last year at Thankstaking?" she uttered disbelievingly.

"Indeed. However, a necromancer revived it to make it seem as though there was a reason for this gastronomic mess."

"And there isn't?"

"There is indeed. The necromancer aims to infiltrate the guardian tower while the guardians are distracted..."

"Seriously?", she asked somewhat mistrustingly.

"Yes, very seriously. It seems he aims to get into the guardian tower basement."

"For what?" she said, finally rising from the floor, he was still solidified at the door peering out of a window.

"I am not sure."

"Well then let's go!"

"Go where?"

"To the tower! To stop the necromancer!"

He looked at her dubiously and smiled, "Now why would you want to help me do that? You don't even know my name! I could be the necromancer for all you know..."

She cut him off, "My name's Mary, what's yours?" He turned towards her and grinned, "Sir Puffalot, nice to make your acquaintance."


< Message edited by Hogo -- 11/24/2010 18:48:40 >
AQ DF  Post #: 8
11/24/2010 17:36:45   

Thankstaking Welcomegiving Day

The day started off quite nicely. Leon was sipping a cup of tea at Serenity's Inn, with a couple of friends at a table, sharing old tales. There was a cheery atmosphere around as everyone was anxious for Oshii's Welcomegiving Feast. Suddenly, a flying cranberry smacked into one of the windows. As all good things must come to an end, so did the atmosphere.

Curious, Leon got up and made his way to the window. He expected to see a random food fight; after all, it was Thankstaking, err, Welcomegiving Day. Instead, he saw another cranberry smack into the window. Strange, he thought. Just as he finished his thought, a pie smacked into the same window he was looking at.

"Sorry about that, Serenity!" a muffled voice shouted from outside.

Leon rushed over to the door to be greeted by a moose covered in chocolate. He recoiled in shock, then noticed the flying cranberries outside. Either I'm still dreaming, or a cauldron went haywire, Leon thought. The moose in front of him lowered its horns. Leon raised his weapon, and with a shout, sliced the moose in half. The moose disintegrated into a puddle of various flavored chocolate.

"Alright, this is just wierd," Leon said as he walked over back to his friends. "I believe we have a war to fight."

"Against...?" one of his friends asked.

"Food. Animated food," Leon answered.

His friends burst into laughter. "Food? I sure hope this isn't a Tha... Err, Welcomegiving joke!" another one of his friends said. Then a greenish pie with wings smacked into the back of his head.

"Alright, maybe you were right. But who could've created these food monsters?"

"No idea. At least it's not the first time I've faced off against food. That Zorbak..." Leon muttered. "Well, shall we be going?"
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
11/25/2010 6:17:47   

The Black Cat of Falconreach

The Welcomesgiving event catastrophe escalates. Many heroes around Falcon Reach had taken up arms to fend off the culinary monstrosities that sprouted from that mechanized contraption gone awry. Afternoon falls, large heaps of what became of the monsters scatter the ground, the heroes finally tire and yet more monsters continue wave upon wave of their chaotic barrage. However, little do they know, that now that the sun is nowhere to be seen, this is a moment of the more "sinister" characters emerge to the call of aid.

One of these shadowy characters, is an enigmatic Dragon Rogue known as the Black Cat of Ill Omen. Renowned for her eagle eye precision, feline reflexes, her deadly skill with dual daggers, and her conspicuous cat ears giving her namesake, she enters the battlefield in such a fashion to the astonishment of everyone. Twin burning daggers whirl around her wrists as she zip past Cranbatties and Turkylime Pies and setting them ablaze. The huge hulking chocolate moose tries to ram her but she flings a single dagger at it, hitting the beast between the eyes. Faster than the eye can see, she lunges at the agonizing moose, grabs her dagger, then places her left free hand on its head. She plunges her second dagger at the beast's milky cranium, then twists her body in a 360 degree summersault and decapitates the beast. She tries to regain balance, but several blobs of slimed potatoes try to clobber her. She draws her daggers in a single stroke, so quick it was as if she had stopped time, and both she and the blobs give a long pause. One by one, the blobs are cut into pieces.

The ranks of monsters have been greatly thinned since her appearance and now gave the other heroes a new found morale boost. After killing the last remaining cranbatty, the black Dragon Rogue, stands up and sheathes her daggers. The battle seemed to have been over. She gives a small smirk, until a loud stomp is heard behind her. She quickly glances at the monster whose shadow towers over her. Her eyes widen in shock at the sight of this final enemy, her hands numb and her legs feel like rooted to the ground. Soon a large clashing sound is heard.

Then everything turns black.

< Message edited by lordkaho -- 11/25/2010 6:18:58 >
DF MQ  Post #: 10
11/25/2010 18:27:19   

Thankstaking 2010.

Dragon Man was really angry this time. He should be eating right now! This was Nix's fault. He was the one who tampered with the ingredients and the Prezzure Cooker.
"Imaru, we have to get Nix this time. We need to do it quickly as well, or the feaast will be late!" said Dragon Man.
"Can you think of something besides the feast right now?" replied the dragonrogue. He chopped a cranbatty in half with his impressive scythe. It squirted out juice
"That is disgustind, when you cut the cranbatties I mean." said Dragon Man. "It looks like blood, can't you just let me cast a spell so they don't, bleed?"
All of a sudden jellatinous cubes surrounded them. All seemed hopeless as they kept ever coming untill.
"HYAH" yelled a warrior jumping in, he slashed them in pieces.
"Thank you friend I bestow upon you the highest honor a hero can ever hope to earn, A PANCAKE!!" Said Dragon Man.
"I thank you for the pancake. I am Sonic Tbear."
"I am Dragon Man and this is Imaru. We must hurry as the food is gaining on us."

From the distance they heard a man screaming.
"Lord Forgetsalot is who you are. The food was going to be part of the feast, but Stephen Nix the dreaded penguin has changed it."
"Oh, yes I remeber." Said LFAL as they walked towards their certain doom.

"I smell pie" said Tbear. A giant key lime pie with wings drew near.
"Then it's time for dessert" said Imaru. Immiadiatly Imaru started doing a flippy move thing with his scythe chopping the pie into pieces.
The pieces turned green each forming it's own pie. The pie formed into a giant humanoid structure.
"Stephan Nix sends his greetings." It said, but it sounded like 100 voices some talking to fast and some to slow.
"Send THIS" said a voice. It was a technomancer firing endless rounds of mana grenades.
"It has no effect." said Dragon Man to himself. "HA i know what'll kill them." Dragon Man rand up to the pie aand took a bite.
"OW that was my shin" said the pie beast. It immidietly collapsed the individual pies flew apart. They scattered around the village.
"I am Guthixnite, master technomancer." said the Technomancer
"Well met, I am Dragon Man and thes are Imaru, LFAL, and Sonic Tbear." Dragon Man said.
A Gnome appears and drops a medal where the monster was then it dissappears.
"Curse you, Randomly Named Gnome! I want corn. CORN!" said Guthixnite
"It's OK Guthixnite the RNG is a jerk sometimes. Sometimes he's appeared and given me nothing."
"Why don't you help us continue to kill monsters eventually we'll get some corn.
"I guess so." said Guthixnite. The heroes then saw a penguin feather.
"Nix" said Dragon Man

< Message edited by dragonman66 -- 11/25/2010 20:29:21 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 11
11/25/2010 20:44:02   

The sun was setting over Falconreach as a Dragonwarrior known as Lance made his way through the thick forest, and back to Serenity’s Inn. As he walked he took in a deep breath, and smelled something familiar. What could that be? Lance wondered. He ran towards the source of the scent, and saw what appeared to be a cranberry with wings. It flew towards him, and he rolled out of the way. As the monster attempted once again to attack, Lance readied his blade and charged towards it.

Lance was locked in combat with the strange creature, and as he slashed his sword, questions started forming in his mind. What in the world was that thing? Where did it come from? And why was it attacking? Lance asked himself. “Falconreach,” he said, “that’s where I can get some answers!”

Lance had slain the cranberry-thing, and made his way back. He ran, hoping he could make it back before more monsters would show up. But Lance was out of luck. He tripped, and as he got back on his feet, saw a horned creature running towards him. It tackled him and he was knocked down, but before it attacked again, he slashed at the creatures legs. Lance finished it off, and realized what the monster was. “A moose… made of chocolate?” Lance’s curiosity grew, and he was sure of only one thing in all the confusion, that there was war.

< Message edited by Kidatrea -- 11/27/2010 1:26:08 >
DF MQ  Post #: 12
11/25/2010 21:40:01   

The day LORE ate like kings

I was running through the forest. She’s gonna kill me if I’m late I thought. I should have been paying attention, but as usual I wasn’t. I ran right into him, Eric Ravenwing…one of the only people ever to escape Sepulchere alive. He didn’t seem to notice though, he was watching something…then it happened a horde of undead burst put of a pile of brush. Eric reached for his sword but before he was able to get it, a mana grenade was fired. It got lodged in a skeleton and then exploded destroyed them all.
”Huh,” Eric said, “what just happened?”
“I did.” I said. My name is Razor, and I am one of the greatest technomancers in existence, and you are Eric Ravenwing. You are one of the ONLY people to escape Sepulchere alive.”
“How do you know who I am?” he asked.
“Because I know everyone who has tried to escape that monster…I managed to escape him…but that was by luck.” I replied. “Now if you excuse me, I need to be going. I took off towards Falconreach and managed to make it in time.

Later, after everyone arrives, I went to help Oshii cook. Suddenly, food starts to come to life and run amok.
“Oh great!,’ I said before taking off after the food. What I didn’t realize was…this was the start of a war…

I had been fighting for hours when a new person walked up to me, a dragon mage.
“Hello, my name is Dragon man,” Said the stranger. He bore in his hand a skullstaff of doom…but no ordinary skullstaff, he had a forsaken skullstaff of doom.
“Need some help?” he said.
“Sure,” I replied. Then he launched an attack like I had never seen before. He launched pancakes out of his hand and killed the foods like they were sneevils.

We had been fighting for 2 hours before it happened. Out of nowhere, Imaru came flying, with a dread scythe in hand, and with his hunter gear on him. In less than a minute he had destroyed 20 of the beasts. Its Imaru, the greatest hunter lore has EVER seen…but where is his pridelord? I thought. Then his pridelord, Seraph, came running out of the woods and destroyed another 15 himself. Imaru walked up to me and asked what was going on. I said,"Oshii tried making some food for Falconreach but something…went wrong. The food came to life and attacked people left and right." As we were fighting together Eric came and started fighting without a word. Together we destroyed 20 of the monsters a minute. I started to discover odd medals, corn kernels, and turkey tail feathers on the beasts so I started to collect them. I gave some to Oshii and she gave me a big turkey leg and a mace, and said if I bring her 30 kernels of corn and 4 feathers I would get a pet. I managed to get that many and got a pet, and destroyed the waves faster. I knew this war was going to be long, but at this rate we would win in no time…or so I thought……

I charge too far into the battlefield and am too far away from the front for any help to come and get swarmed by 500,000 foodsters. I fight and fight as hard as I can, but my efforts are worthless. I am slowly surrounded and smothered by the foodsters. Their sheer weight crushes me. I slowly die, as I die I wish that I hadn't been so stupid trying to go ahead. I realize this is the end of me. This can't be how I am to die...but I am still dying. I begin to wait for the others to come and save me but I soon realize that it’s hopeless. I just give up on trying to escape, and accept my death. I didn’t expect what happened to happen. Suddenly, the weight started to get less. I heard shouting outside of the pile, but I didn’t recognize it. All I knew was that I was losing consciousness, the monsters were being killed and knocked off of me, and that I might actually live through this. Just as they got through the foodsters to me, I heard one of them say, “You’re going to be all right,” before I passed out.

I woke up sometime during a day. I heard fighting going on nearby. My head was pounding, my body was sore. My helmet, cape, and weapon were all missing. I looked at my surroundings, and realized I was in a tent. At first I didn’t notice the person sitting in the corner watching me, until he said
“Ah, so you ARE alright. You were crushed pretty badly when they found you.”
“Where…where am I?” I asked
“You’re in the medical tent. You’ve been asleep for the last 2 days. Some of them thought you were dead,” he replied
I tried to get up, but suddenly I went limp and fall back down and I just fell asleep. When I woke up again it was later that day, and I had gotten my energy back. I got up and went out and to the mess hall to get some food. When I walked in the door everyone went silent and looked at me.
“What!?” I yelled, “Haven’t you seen someone from the medical tent come out the same day he woke up from a coma!?” everyone just burst out laughing. Someone that must’ve been new to the war walked up to me and said, “Hey! My name is Chisagen, and I LOVE fish! You may not recognize me but I was the person that told you you’d be OK before you passed out.” He pointed at a warrior in a group with a toddler dragon sitting next to him eating with a firestorm sword strapped on his back. Chisagen said, “That is Sephiroth. He kills his foes quickly and painlessly.” He pointed at a rogue in the group with a heart of flame strapped to her side with a baby dragon next to her, too. “That is Keniji Mashin. She arrived today and had already killed 200 foodsters.” Then he points to a Kathool Adept. ”That is Dantae darkflare. You want to keep away from him,” Chisagen said finishing telling me who everyone is. Then I pointed to someone sitting at the head table where the war leaders sit and asked, “Who is that?”
“That would be Drake Amatsu. He is the last shadow-weaver, a clan of people that use their shadows to attack, that is known about. He is the greatest fighter and the head of the war now,” Chisagen replied. Suddenly I heard a noise…at first I didn’t realize what it was. Suddenly, it all came to me. “GIANT JELLO CUBE!!!!!!!!!!!!” I yelled, just before running outside to fight it. Everyone came out to battle it but Drake had them stay behind for the time being leaving me to fight it all alone. I quickly took it down with a mana grenade, followed by a force sword, and photon bow. After I defeated it Drake said, “Soldier, You did some good fighting right there. Which is why you are put on the front lines.” I thought that was the best thing that could happen to me…boy I was WRONG.

When I woke up the next day, it was quiet. I got up and went outside to find out why. For some unexplained reason, there were no foodsters in sight…or fighters either. I started to walk around to find out why. I couldn’t figure out why there were no foodsters or where all the fighters were…until I went into the mess hall. Everyone was there just sitting as if the war wasn’t going on. I saw some more new recruits to the war, and the ones Chisagen told me about last night. I went over to them to talk to them and find out why there were sitting there. When I got over to them, the Kathool Adept said, “Nice job out there last night.” He stood up and held his hand out.
“My name is Dantae Darkflare. As a new member on the frontline we though you should get to know us, our pets, what weapons we use, and how we fight. I fight with a Darkstar Katana commonly, but sometimes I use a Dread Scythe. My pet is a dragon, and his name is-,”
“Laoken,” the dragon interrupted.
Dantae said, “I guess that’s all you need to know about me, other than I am usually calm in battle…unless I become enraged,” before sitting back down.
Sephiroth invited me to sit down, and said, “My name is Sephiroth, and I use a firestorm sword. As you can probably tell, I am a warrior. My pet is my toddler dragon.”
Keniji said,”I use the heart of flame as my weapon. As you can tell I am a rogue, and this,” she held up a baby dragon, “Is my partner in battle. Now that you know us a bit, you should go introduce yourself to the new recruits, and get to know them a bit.”
One of them, a Dragonlord, said,”Hello, my name is WolfeCreek. I am Chisagens’ fish brother, and my weapon of choice is the mackerel blade. My partner is my little dragon, Gax.” A Kathool Adept in the group said, “My name is Zork. I use the Edgars Blade as my weapon.” A second Kathool Adept said, “My name is Vorthos. I use the Blazing Fire Sale Axe to destroy my foes.” An Evolved Dragonlord in the group said, “My name is Ronak Warmage. My weapon of choice is the Moonridge honorstaff. My pet is my toddler dragon.” The next person in the croup has a class I didn’t recognize. He said,”My name, is MegaChibiCake. I am a chronomancer, the first to show up in this war, in fact. I use the Hamstergeddon to kill this food, with my king linus by my side.” A second Dragonlord in the group said,”My name is Elementer. I use The Crushing Deep as my weapon with my little dragon, Element.” A third Kathool Adept said,”My name is Gizzy. I use a Necrotic Sword of Doom as my weapon. Spots, My two headed puppy, and my dragon fight by my side.” A warrior in the group said, “Well I guess it’s down to me. My name is DJM. I use the Hunter’s Fury as my weapon of choice with my dragon at my side.” After they were all done telling me their name and weapons, I said,” My name is Guthixnite. I am a Master Technomancer, which is surprising for my age of 13, although I am going on 14. My weapon of choice is my mana gauntlet. My partner in battle, and life is a-,” a sneevil ninja runs up and does a flip over the table,”Sneevil Ninja. I call him Snevy!”

Later that day, Drake came up to me and asked if I could spare some time. I said, “I guess I have some time right now, Sir.” We stepped out and he said, “You fighting skills are quite impressive. For that reason I ask you if you would want to become a temporary member of the Beacons of Hope.” I replied, “Sir…it…it would be an HONOR!”
Drake then had me say, “I, Guthixnite, as a temporary member of the Beacons of Hope, I swear to never lose hope; to always destroy my foe; to keep my partners alive...at ALL costs.” Not long after we went back inside the attack started. The chocolate moose were running in through the door, the slimmed potatoes were coming in through the roof, the cranbattys and turkeylime pies were flying in through the window. I was the first to react, transforming my mana gauntlet into its bow form and firing photon arrows at the cranbattys and turkeylime pies. Imaru, Eric, and Chisagen leapt into battle targeting the chocolate moose. Keniji, Sephiroth, Dragon man, and Dantae went after the slimmed potatoes. Wolfe, Zork, Vorthos, Ronak, MegaChibiCake, and Elementer started helping me with the turkeylime pies and cranbattys. I heard the familiar squish…squish…squish of the gelatinous cubes, and in response I changed my mana gauntlet into its force sword form and ran at the cubes. I jumped and slashed down on one cube, rolled and slashed up on another cube, and leaping at a third and doing a barrel roll slash. I landed and the cubes all just melted. Then I started to hear it again…squish…squish…squish… then I saw it. An army of at least 500 gelatinous cubes started coming my way. I yelled at the top of my lungs, loud enough for everyone to hear, “LONG LIVE THE BEACONS OF HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,” before charging at the cubes.

I fought and fought. When they were all finally dead I was out of mana. I slowly headed back to camp. When I got back, everything was ransacked, and everyone was together. Drake was in the middle of them holding something...what could it be? I though. Then I saw it...a fish-blade. Suddenly I yelled out, "CHISAGEN!? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I collapsed, from already being weak from the fight and realizing this. I was kneeling on the ground, crying softly and fighting to lose consciousness.

after a few hours of resting, I stated, “I’m going after Chisagen...alone." everyone gasped when I said that, and many of them said they would come with me to help, but I said no to all of them. Then a new face, a doomknight, walked up to me. He said” Hi. My name is Vesrin Necrumblood, and I would like to come with you. It could help us get to know each other, plus we can save this, Chisagen person, whoever he is." I said, " I guess it WOULD be a good idea to go with someone else, but I have one warning for you, “I narrow my eyes, “don’t forget that the only reason I am bringing you along is so I don't have to be saved myself. Everyone else, if were not back within 12 hours, come get us."

we had been walking for about an hour following the trail the foodsters left behind(it wasn't too hard, there was still slimmed potatoes on the path and tons of footprints from the chocolate moose) when we saw it... a GIANT castle made out of...cake. I yelled, "CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!," before running at the castle and starting to eat a hole in the wall. Vesrin just stood there watching me like I was crazy, until I had a large enough hole for us to get in. we charged in...and tripped over Chisagen. Then I heard the chuckling of a penguin. Chisagen struggled until I cut his restraints and he said, “ITS NIX! HE IS THE LEADER OF THIS!," before Nix walked in the door with his killguins. I said,"Oh...great. Penguins. Just had to be penguins, didn't it."

I had been knocked out, and must’ve been asleep for some time. When I awoke, it was dark, dank, and smelled…kind of like…chocolate. I hear a groan to the left of me. It was Vesrin. I was relieved that he was OK. I noticed Chisagen to the right of me, and he looked OK too. One of the penguins walked up to our cell and said, “So you’re awake, eh? Well looks like we didn’t put enough of a beating into you then.” come on in here…come put a beating on me… I thought. I said,” Well why don’t you? Afraid I’m gonna get out of these chains? Are you afraid of Nix? Come on! Get in here! Just TRY to hit me!” the plan worked, as soon the penguin opened the door and came in…just as I activated mana grenade with my mana gauntlet. The grenade shot out, hit the ceiling and bounced off it, and landed at the floor right under the penguin just before exploding. The force of the explosion killed the penguin and destroyed melted the wall behind me, letting me down. I woke up Chisagen and Vesrin and told them to climb out of the hole in what used to be the wall that we were chained against. I ran the other way, because i heard the penguin say, just before he died, “Ha-Ha-Ha, your friends came to save you and now they will die.” I ran as fast as I could, transforming my mana gauntlet into its force sword form. I slashed through the door and saw Ronak, DJM, Sephiroth, Keniji, Vorthos, and a few others fighting. I yelled to them, “I have to destroy the cauldron! Get out!! Now!! If it goes while your in here you will die!” I ran into the room holding the cauldron. Nix was in there creating the final monster. Nix said, “You’re too late “hero”. Your fate has just been sealed.” I ran at Nix just at the jelloTON came out of the cauldron. I swiftly attacked it with a combo attack formation of force sword, photon bow, overdrive, force sword, photon bow, and finishing it with a mana grenade. I returned my mana gauntlet to its regular form, and grabbed nix with it. I set the mana gauntlet to explode, and then put it and Nix into the cauldron. Ronak saw this and he yelled,”Run! He’s going to blow up the cauldron!!!!!!” everyone ran. I hoped that everyone got out. Nix was yelling, but I couldn’t understand what he was saying. My mana gauntlet exploded, sending pieces of the cake castle all over LORE. That cake would be a feast honoring me, for ending this food-y menace. But I wouldn’t be feasting with them, as I sacrificed myself.

Nix climbed out of the rubble of his castle and staggered off, chucking that he survived. His reign was far from over…but a new hatred was born that day. That day I swore if I survived, I would hunt Nix until one of us were dead. This war may be over, with the couldron destroyed, and the cake castle destroyed. But that hunt is far from over...

< Message edited by guthixnite -- 12/2/2010 21:22:00 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 13
11/26/2010 2:39:17   
Elemental Archmage


I'm thankful for harvestin'
Thankful for Jellatonous Cubes a meltin'
For Chocolate Mooses falling
And Turkeylime Pies dropping.
For Slimed Potatoes getting mashed,
And Cranbatties being crashed.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Now let the food fall!

AQ DF MQ  Post #: 14
11/26/2010 14:57:41   
Lantern Man

The Giant Jiggly Jelly Cube

A hero charges through the battlefield, slashing (or waking) any food in path with his chicken leg and lantern. While charging, he bumps straight into a green body of jello. Not seeing anything like it before (or since he got his concision) the hero starts poking it, and becomes addicted to how it jiggles. While poking it, the jelly cube started to rise. It was 10 times as big as your average jelly cube, and it looking a lot more dangerous too. It started to chase the hero, zapping him and trying to jump on him. The hero was able to dodge the attacks for a while, but he eventually messed up. He failed to dodge one of the giant jelly cubes jump attack. The giant jelly cube landed on him and absorbed him. The hero was knocked unconscious, but when he woke up, he found himself in the center of the jelly cube, not being zapped or hurt at all. In the giant jelly cube, he started to jiggle the jelly cube, not knowing the danger he was in.

< Message edited by Lantern Man -- 11/26/2010 14:59:29 >
DF  Post #: 15
11/27/2010 0:35:43   
Bomber of Justice
For Great Justice!

A short poem for the Thankstaking war of 2010, I haven't yet thought of a title.

Through the chocolate meese (I decided to say meese instead of mooses, because I like that form better :l)
To the turkeylime pie.
There will be peace,
The evil will die.
With weapons in one hand,
And food in the other,
We will take a stand,
We will do it for mother. :D
So let's win this war,
We will never give up!
Though our limbs are sore,
We shall never slip up.
Since I must go back to battle,
I will end this short speech,
Like cows protect their cattle,
Let's win for Falconreach!
DF MQ  Post #: 16
11/27/2010 3:44:02   

Most Recent Update: Scene 6

----------Scene 1-------------

"Sooooooooo, who did NOT see this coming?" A snide female voice sighed to herself and partner.

Lying on her stomach atop Serenity's Inn, A rogue in white leather armor casually observed the chaos that rolled through town. A dark skull helmet with curled horns rested beside her, for once not covering Keiji's short and normally hidden dark hair.

"All of 'dem?" A younger impish voice answered from the dragonling that lay beside her as it pointed a wicked baby talon down at the town. She too was white, her wings and budding horns a dark blue.

"They're just going to keep killin' the food, aren't they?" The baby dragon asked.

"And scream, and run around, and play away in their dramas. Why yes, yes they are." Keiji nodded sagely.

"How long till they think of destroying the cauldron to stop more monsters spawning?" was the next question.

"A week, maybe two." Keiji replied.

"Help?" The dragonling asked.

"Ourselves, of course." Keiji grinned and raised herself up. Putting her helmet back on the early morning light seemed to shine poisonously off it's green eyes. The dragonling wagged it's tail as she sensed the tension rise.

"Beloved Ljubljana, let's go add to the chaos shall we. One should never waste food and there's money to be made off this suffering." Keiji said and lead with a whoop from the rough into the fray, the dragonling following behind her in a happy scree.

--------------Scene 2-----------------

"This is the best hiding place EVER!" Ljubljana announced as she deposited another pile of turkey feathers and corn kernels behind Serenity's Inn.

"I know! No one ever comes back here. Soon Love, we shall be rich! Or, well richer than we are now." Keiji scooped up a handful of kernels and feathers. She'd seen Twig make quite a few sales. He'd certainly have some spare money for garbage resources like these.

A cry of "God damn the RNG on this event!" could be heard echoing from the front line and Keiji couldn't contain her laugh. Nor could the dragonling that flew a slow circle through the air above her before wheeling towards the frontlines and its cavalcade of loot.

---------------Scene 3-----------------

They were back on Serenity's Roof for a small break. They'd been on Lin's but there'd been strange noises there and that was just DANGEROUS. So they'd relocated here.

"Oh, oh! Lookit it 'dat un!" Ljubljana bounced up and down, pointing towards the battlefield. It took a while for Keiji to pick out which fighter her beloved was pointing too.

"What, the Doom Knight? That's just Master Ravenwing. I'd have thought you'd recognize him by now." Keiji said, a small frown on her face.

"Noooooo." the dragonling whined. "The one above him, just past those three haystacks!"

Keiji focused on the area Ljubljana pointed out and her frown turned into a sneer.

"Wow.... that's quite a look he's got there." She said, finally locating the warrior, or Dragon Lord in this case, that Ljubljana was pointing out.

"Isn't it!" Ljubljana snickered. "Looks like he's got a critical weakness to Jell's and Turkeylimes."

"Actually..." Keiji said, squinting and raising her helmet off her head to get a better look, "I do believe that's his actual armor. How horrid!"

"Ewww, gross. Who'd walk around in a thing like that." Ljubljana turned her head aside, sticking her tongue out and closing her eyes to emphasize her disgust at the bright neon green armor they were referencing.

"Look'it the hammer." Keiji pointed out, "What more can you possibly expect from a barbarian?" Keiji laughed.

Ljubljana snorted. "Even barbarians should have a sense of style and color theory. I feel sorry for his dragon. To be seen with such a Lord."

Keiji just laughed again while readjusting her helmet. "Well that was a nice break, but I've had my fill of mocking the fellows. Back to work."

Ljubljana took to the air with a cry of "Foooooooood!" The only thing better than mocking humans.

----------------Scene 4-----------------

Ljubljana and Keiji were in the thick of the front. Keiji's blades gleamed with golden light, the red jewel like blades of the Heart of Flame daggers easily cutting and burning through the soft delicious bodies of the enemies. Ljubljana for her part busied herself with cranbatties and Turkeylimes. Snatching and pouncing on the flying food mid air, and gobbling them just as quickly. The Turkeylimes got treated to pleasant roastings from her breath, because 'warm pie was obviously the best' according to her. The cranbatties though were far better eating 'alive,' she found.

Like clockwork they moved through the foe, not rushing or charging. A pleasant strolling pace that encouraged the enemy to come to them instead of the other way around.

"Raaaaaa!" until of course, from behind a building, a boy came charging. His hands were aglow with magical light from a pair of gauntlets and using those he was fighting his way through the monsters.

"Whoa there!" Keiji grabbed the boy by the back of his armor and almost effortlessly picked him up off the ground. "The hell are you doing out here, kid?"

"Stop punching my food!" Ljubljana yelled in the background.

"Let go!" the boy yelled, struggling and kicking at Keiji with his feet. With a sneer she held him out at arms length, too far for either his legs or arms to reach her. "Let go, I said!" He glanced around. "We're being surrounded."

Keiji merely shrugged, tossing a look over her shoulder at the monsters that were indeed beginning to grow thick around them. "Don't care, I asked you a question." She shook him to get her point across.

"Fighting! What's it look like?" He yelled, trying again to kick at her.

"Suicide, that's what. What's your name, kid?" She said finally releasing him. Where most children would have landed right on their rump, the boy staggered backwards, fell into a role, and came out in a defensive stance.

"I'm Guthixnite. MASTER Technomancer." He growled at her.

"Master. Uh huh." Keiji absently picked at some chocolate under her fingernails with the tip of her blades. "Gimme a break, you couldn't be more then 13." She said.

"I'm almost 14!" Guth protested.

"Point." Keiji said, pointing her dagger at him.

The boy turned red with anger and would have shouted another protest but Ljubljana dived between the two.

"Oy, 'dat yours?" She asked gesturing with a spit of fire towards the monsters that were arranging themselves into a charge. Behind them, shrieking like a devil was a sneevil ninja, leaping, cutting, and stabbing, in an impressive effort to reach them.

With a bellow from the moose the monsters that had been gathering charged.

"I won't forget your insults." Guth snapped at Keiji who merely laughed and let the rushing waves of enemies separate them. If nothing else the boy had at least proved that he could hold his own. A few of those punches and kicks HAD connected and HAD hurt. Besides she wasn't in the business of babysitting.

---------------Scene 5---------------

Ljubljana cut a sharp turn mid air and rocketed towards one of the unfinished houses of Falcon's Nest. Diving first in and then out through the narrow gaps between its gaping rafters she was rewarded by the slap, slap, splot, of her airborne pursuers meeting their demise against the wood. One Cranbatty hadn't even tried to aerial manuever. She snapped it up out of its startled daze, holding it in her jaw for only a second before swallowing it whole. Tail and wings wiggling pleasantly on their way down.

"I'm going to have to stop munching on these." She thought. "'Fore I can't fly anymore."

A familiar laugh attracted her attention back down towards her human. Keiji was pointing with a dagger and Ljubljana followed the invisible line to spy a light haired, dark armored warrior among a particularly thick group of monsters.

He didn't seem in any danger though. Despite his black armor he seemed to pulse with an innate light and the monsters about him were falling like flies. She recognized the whirl of dual wielded daggers easily enough but some of the monsters were not near enough for that to be the cause of their demise.

Clipping her wings close to her body, she went into a shallow dive to fly over his battle area and get a closer look. Dark shapes met her eyes. Shadows writhing and stretching to strike at the monsters. With a delighted squeal Ljubljana twirled in mid air and zoomed back to her human.

"That is so cool!" she flapped and wiggled her feet in excitement. Even as she and Keiji watched a series of shadow spikes strike out of the ground and impale a chocolate moose. Disappearing a second later and letting its lifeless form fall to the ground. "Can I learn to do that?" She questioned eagerly.

Keiji laughed again and patted the dragonling on the head to calm her. "Maybe, but it ain't all that great." The rogue said.

"Why not?" Ljubljana rowled curiously.

Keiji gave her a wicked grin. "Because it'll be noon in about an hour."

The dragonic equivalent of an 'oh' expression passed over Ljubljana's face.

---------------Scene 6---------------

Sure enough, as the sun crept closer to its highest point the shadows all about grew thin, translucent, and shrank till there were almost none at all. The warrior who had been relying on his shadow powers to saunter through battle was now finding himself struggling. His blades, dual colored black and white, and his skill were enough to keep him from being immediately overwhelmed but inevitably he found himself backed against the wall of a building. The angry flutter of many cranbatties and turkeylimes was an almost palpable thrumm in the air and the mass of slime potatos that had cornered him blocked off all chances of escape. Slimes were stupidly resistant to stabbing and cutting. Slurping along the ground they also didn't cast enough of a shadow for him to use it against them. He could influence the flying monsters to turn against his other enemies, but flying they were removed from their shadows and with those shadows already being so weak it had little effect. Those that did attack other monsters weren't enough to dent the tide of his on coming doom.

"Looks like you're in a bit of tight spot there." A snide voice jeered at him from above as a dragonling dove down out of the sky. Its fire breath strafed across the slimes in front of him, causing their bodies to boil and the monsters to quickly back off.

A rogue leaped down from the roof of the house he'd been cornered against, throwing an annoyingly superior grin at him when she landed. "The name's Keiji. Keiji Miashin."

"Drake Amatsu." He answered wearily glancing between her and the monsters which were regrouping.

Keiji twirled her daggers in her hands. "How about we get you out here Drake? You'll owe me for the help of course." Keiji said, thinking all the while 'you're powerful enough that I wouldn't mind having you indebted to me.'

"I can handle it myself." Drake replied, taking a more battle ready stance. The monsters were getting ready for a rush. It was true, he could handle it. All he had to do was wait out the the noon sun and he'd be back in business and getting stronger with the ever approaching night.

"Hooooo, and after I came all this way to help." Keiji whined, but he ignored her. Gathering his power for a charge of his own against the monsters.

And then, in a terrifying instant, all his powers, any and every connection to the shadows he possessed, just vanished

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! MEEEEEEEEEESSSEEEEEESS!!!" Down the street came Ash, hands in the air and running as if Sepulchure himself were invading. He passed the two rogues and their encircling monsters in a second and was gone down the road leaving a cloud of dust behind him.

As quickly as Drake's powers had vanished, they returned, along with a very strange and awkward silence as both Falconreachers and monsters looked betwixt each other in bafflement.

Then slowly, the ground began to shake and an avalanchine noise to approach at a frightening pace.

"Well that's not a good sign." Keiji said matter of factly before taking a flying gazelle leap over the encircling slimes and running after Ash.

"Stampede!" Ljubljana cut through the skies above, zipping down the wide streets of town. "Stampede! Stampede!"

Drake was quick to make his own escape, running up the wall behind him to give himself an extra boost to leap over the slimes and away from the oncoming rush of noise.

For indeed the noise was a stampede of hundreds of chocolate moose, rushing down the streets at a full run with no care for what stood before them. Their momentum was too much for any fighter to dare challenge. Doom Knights, Mages, and Dragon Lords alike were scattering in their path. The slow gooping potato slimes weren't so fortunate.

"How the bleeding infernos did you accomplish this!" Keiji asked, as she turned a corner and found herself having caught up with Ash.

"I don't know!" the young man wailed.

"Into the trees!" A voice yelled behind them and Keiji turned to see Drake quickly catching up.

"That'll slow 'em down!" Keiji agreed.

"No, there's shadows still there!" Drake corrected with a dark scowl at Ash. Behind him the stampede of moose turned the same corner they had proving that they were indeed chasing down Ash and not just randomly rampaging in mass.

"Hey precious." Ljubljana dove down to fly by Keiji. "I promise not to eat you when you die." The dragonling reassured and then quickly dodged with a hasty flap of wings the back hand Keiji sent her way.

The trio rushed through the streets. First into the outskirts of town, and then Surewould Forest.

Drake came to a stop and Keiji did too when she noticed. Ash turned to look at what they were doing and ran into a tree.

"I sure hope you have a plan!" Keiji called at Drake before scrambling up the closes tree to avoid the rushing moose.

"Help!" a voice called to her from below and there was Ash seemingly not that great at climbing. With a sigh and a roll of her eyes she helped the boy up and to safety. Ash looked down to where Drake still held his ground a distance away. "Will he be okay?" He asked.

"Dunno. Be his mistake if he isn't." Ljubljana taunted, landing hard with a thwap of wings on Ashes head.

But Drake had a plan, or at the very least he looked like he thought he did. He gathered his powers, forcing his will into the shadows that covered the ground, thick beneath the branches of the trees even at this time of day. As the moose approached walls of shadow rose to block their path, but those did not last long in the face of the hordes crushing force and horns. But Drake wasn't out of tricks yet. Row after row of barriers were raised and the leading edge of the stampede of moose seemed to buck and go mad, turning away from the main rush, stopping, or even trying to double back and attack their foes. The whisper of shadows creeping into their simple and rudimentary minds easily drove them beyond what little control they possessed.

But still the stampede came, barriers were felled and the monsters under Drake's control crushed beneath the hooves of their compatriots. The rush for the stampede was to great to force to a stop. Though the leading line could be halted it would simply be crushed and overwhelmed by the continues flow of moose from behind.

"You might want to consider joining us up here!" Keiji called down to him as the stampede was almost on top of the dark rogue.

But before another thing could happen, even a breath pass their lips, a chill fell upon the area. A terror so palpable that though the spell made no noise Keiji could imagine a terrible scream rushing past her ears.

As one the entire stampede ground to a halt before bleating in terror and completely falling apart. Moose reared up and rushed in all directions in an attempt to escape whatever invisible foe had instilled this sense of horror.

The spell was quick to pass over the fighters, as a hollow laugh rang out to them. A Kathool Adept, decked in the writhing armor of his kind and the helm of a dragonlord, floated out from between the trees. "Well that was fun." he laughed at the four sets of eyes that were staring at him and with a warcry rushed after the retreating moose.

"Well... I'm ready for a break." Keiji breathed, slumping against the trunk of the tree. Drake, Ash, and even Ljubljana (left speechless by the Adept's fear born powers) nodded their agreement.

---------------Scene 7--------------

Keiji had allowed herself to fall into a trance. Stabbing, dodging, cutting, poisoning (wouldn't that be a surprise to some poor sap) the food monsters on instinct alone. After that moose stampede she was more than happy to stick to the outer fringes of the frontlines and pick off only the straggling monsters. She would have never noticed this particular bit o' drama if Ljubljana, flying through the battles and keeping a keen eye on her human and the surroundings, hadn't alerted her.

"Danger, Danger!" the dragonling called. Jolting Keiji out of her trance as she stabbed a dagger through the skull of a chocolate moose as it charged past her.

"What?" she called glancing about for any immediate threats.

"Someone's gonna die!" Ljubljana jeered, flying somersaults in the air and darting in the direction of interest.

Cutting down an oncoming Turkeylime Pie and leaping over a potato slime, Keiji hoisted herself up the lowest branch of a nearby tree to get a look at what Ljubljana was talking about.

There, far into the thick of the monsters, and even further from any help was... someone. It was hard to see who or what, the monsters were really piling onto whoever it was. Keiji gave a mirthless laugh as Ljubljana wheeled back to her.

"How'd they get all the way out there?" She questioned the dragon who cackled in response.

"That's the dump of it. Ran out there all himself. Natural selection at work."

Keiji could see a V-formation of warriors forming up, cutting into the horde of food monsters in an attempt to reach their falling comrade. Whatever comments she had though, were cut off as a Cranbatty slammed into the back of her helmeted head, overbalancing her and knocking her off her perch in the tree.

With a shreek Ljubljana set on the unfortunate monsters. By the time Keiji ducked, rolled into the fall, and came out stabbing through the center of the Slimed Potato that had been awaiting her on the ground, the same one she'd leaped over earlier, the small flying monsters was less than pulp falling through the air.

"Oy, let's go Love!" Keiji called to the dragon as she stood and tried to kick some of the chunky gravy off her boots. "That's obviously where the action is." She pointed with the knife in the direction of the 'rescue.'

"If he's dead can I eat him?" Ljubljana asked eagerly, landing with a thump against Keiji's shoulder causing the rogue to 'oomph' from the impact.

"Eww, no." Keiji chided as she brushed the dragonling off, she could see a Chocoloate Moose charging towards them. "You don't know where it's been." She stepped to the side, letting the moose rush past her and against the hot metal of her blades which easily cut through its side.

"You can however pick off any gold he's got on him." Keiji tossed a grin towards her dragon. "Jus' make sure to leave two for the ferryman."

----------------Scene 8-----------------

Dawn was rising on a long nightshift of battle. Keiji was tired. Not of the fighting, it was almost impossible for her to grow tired of that. No, she was growing tired of soft squishy things. While Ljubljana continued to eagerly munch on her enemies Keiji would give her right leg for something a little more substantial than potatos, berries, pies, or chocolate that could melt in just her hand.

Thoughts of lamb shanks, pork ribs, and roasted venison swam around her head as she unenthusiastically swirled about the gritz that had been provided her in this war mess hall. If she weren't so stingy and cheap she could by herself some real food. Except, of course, for the fact that she WAS just that stingy and cheap.

Around her, along rows of benches and tables, other warmongers chatted, ate, rested, and swapped tales. Dozing on the bench beside her Ljubljana sniffed and raised her head at catching an interesting scent.

"'Ey, ey." She slapped her tail against her human's thigh to get her attention. "That's 'im, the almost-got-himself-killed-in-a-suicide-charge guy." She pointed out and Keiji took her helmet off to get a better look at the man that had just entered through the tent opening. The mess hall burst into laughter at something he'd said and which Keiji couldn't hear from her place near the back.

Carefully she committed his face to memory. After all, it was always good to know who to ally yourself with, and who it would be best to stay away from. The suicidal-almost-got-themselves-killed-in-solo-charges types were definitely in the 'avoid' category.

< Message edited by Miashin -- 11/27/2010 8:58:14 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 17
11/27/2010 7:38:36   
  Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

From the moment she had arrived he had foreseen the trouble, as if he had a vision of a future where she had flooded the world with her food abominations. Now he was covered in jello, he had abandoned his fellow adventurers at the front and instead had started digging to the south of Falconreach. While he had made good progress, the occasional food attacks disrupted him more than he'd like.

He had completed the southeastern part of the moat and filled it with the jello he had slain during the fighting, but now he had run out and was far too tired and annoyed by them to gather more.

The warrior rested on his shovel, observing his fellow heroes fighting an infinite amount of food. They weren't strong, but had enough numbers to keep them going for days to come ... if the cauldron didn't explode first and they were forced to pay a clean-up bill again.

His gaze went from the battlefield to a small plot of land where he had gathered six chocolate mooses he wanted to start a farm with.
So far they hadn't been doing much other than the males fighting eachother for the females. There was one particularly feisty one who kept challenging the other males and kept beating them. He decided to call that one Eric Ravenwing. His dragon made sure they didn't get away.

All of the sudden a rogue in white leather armor stormed right at his moat being dogged by dozens of chocolate mooses and slimed potatoes. With an elegant jump she landed on the other side of the moat, while her pursuers drowned in the jello. Unfortunately, she had landed on the personal space of "Eric Ravenwing" who tackled her into a shallow part of the moat leaving her covered in jello.

"Hahahahaha!!!!!" An impish laughter that came with the young white dragon with dark blue horns and wings.

"Just you wait!" The rogue exclaimed as she grabbed her tail and pulled the impish dragon into the jello with lightning speed.

"Eugh, why did you do that for? Can't you take a little joke?" The impish dragon exclaimed as she emerged from the jello. She tried to lick it off, but the horrible taste quickly made her decide otherwise and she withdrew her tongue with a shiver.

"Serves you well, you could simply burn those filthy jellos with your breath, while I had to get my outfit and weapons dirty." She gave her dragon a playful push.

Both of them struggled to get out, but the jello just was too sticky.

"Need a hand?" The warrior asked.

"Gladly, get me out of this filth moatdigger." She said somewhat annoyish relieved as he pulled her out.

"Don't leave here!" The impish dragon yelled and as she did Draco landed in front of her and pulled her out by the tail.

"Saved by a child? Can this day get any worse?" The impish dragon muttered in disbelief.

"Well then moatdigger, time to get back into the war!" The rogue said as she drew her daggers and she and her companion ran off to the battlefield.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 18
11/27/2010 19:31:42   
Dantae darkflare

~ warning! not for children! includes some blood and violence! no one under 11 can read this... or was it 13?~

Birth of the Cybersoul reaper.

~Act 1~
A dark, tall, figure stood on the cliffs edge, waiting for his men to report. "The raid is ready my lord" said the the informant, "excellent, let us begin" the figure said, and then he bellowed a war cry to his troops, signaling the raid had begun, soldiers and raiders started to charge for the town, the archers fired their arrows loaded with explosives with high precision at the towns center to cause mayhem on the streets, the charging battalion had caught on to the towns entrance and smashed the gate open with little effort, the buildings caught fire while the barracks were being smashed by huge projectiles, the more crazier raiders started setting fire to the the green plains and soon everything was on fire, from haystacks to whole forests the entire area was becoming consumed by flame. "With this last raid we will have rendered the kingdoms trade routes completely immobile, and soon the stagnant kingdom will have little to defend themselves" the figure said as he started to laugh maniacally, everyone in the town was being slaughtered by the crazed troops of the shadowy figure, men, women, the elderly, and even children were part of the slaughter, blood covered the streets, corpses were ridden on the rubble and some were brought back to serve necromancers, the raid was successful, the figure had succeeded. "so how did it go" the figure demanded, "excellent my liege, we have stolen all that was considered valuable, and killed everyone in the town, the good corpses have been reanimated into our army and the fields have been reduced to a charred crisp" the informant said pleasingly, "good, with this we have an even better chance at destroying that kingdom, even with their so-called hero there is little they can still do if their supply route has been demolished, any survivors to report?" the figure questioned. "no my liege as i have stated we killed everyone, even if there was one left he or she wouldn't live long in this desolate wasteland now, there's barely any food or water left and all life is dead here, well except for some demon beasts but they can survive this climate, is that all?" the informant retorted, "yes that should be enough, now let's move on to the invasion" the figure said, "yes lord Maoshune" the informant answered, then they departed for they homeland.......... they thought everything went according to their plan, they thought they were ready to begin they grand invasion, they thought this last raid had set them were they wanted to be.... they were right but they had also awakened something that was never supposed to be.

~A few days later~

A lone boy stood over what was once a tranquil land, on the day "He" arrived the lone boy lost everything including who he was, no more than somewhere around 14 the boy tried to survive on that day, everything was wiped out before anyone could do anything to stop it, when he work up, he was in a burning building and a shouting person told him to get out of this place....... it has been four days since then, and on the day after the incident he had found some salvation but it was only a illusion of a happy ending, three days of staying with his so-called salvation he had learned a little about survival and it was then that the person who was that same salvation of the boy decided it was time to go but he did not leave without giving the boy something valuable, "take this note and follow it's instructions, you are a peculiar boy, not destined to be a hero but neither destined to be a villan... you are something else... something interesting" said the man, then walked away "oh and you will probably need these" the man said turning back, he handed a blade and a scythe to the boy but they weren't ordinary, they had design's of something else... like they were never supposed to be here in this place "I don't now what there are but i never seen these kind of weapons before... and I've been around for while now, when i got here they were in the center of the town square and looked like they fell from somewhere, I can't use them but i got a omnious feeling you can probably use them, now take care and live, life is a virture don't try to get rid of it" the man said, and with that he disappeared into the horizon, the next day after leaving the burnt grounds that was once his home he arrived at a cliff that had a good view of the whole area, as he looked at the field he also viewed the charred remains of the land he gazed at moments before and could tell that this land is no longer a stable place to live, the sound of a roar of a unknown creature echoed in the north valley and it was then that he knew that darkness had trapped him in his former home "I'm alone again" the boy said lifelessly "Death is my misery..... it is my salvation" the boy said as he started to speak to himself "misery is grasping me it is crushing me....." the boy continued "i will become what i despise" the boy continued as he started to unsheathed the unworldly scythe around his back, the roar became louder and closer now and the boy prepared to face what was coming "he's coming...." the boy whispered, then the loud running and roaring had become so close he could feel the wind it emitted, "...Reap....Reap....and..." the boy said as he was cut off, then a giant drake wolf demon appeared on the field and jumped at him "strive..." the boy said conclusively, then jumped at the demon with great force like he was possessed by something else, he spun the scythe around his single hand, then firmly grasped it and prepared to slice his foe in two. "From this day forth.... i will be known as..." the boy said as he was closing in on his target, "...Dantae...Darkflare" the boy said as he mercilessly sliced his foe into multiple pieces. The battle was over and the boy now known as Dantae had stepped out of the area victorious, he proceeded to the barren road and then started to walk along it, following where ever it lead "my predecessor died back there, my story begins here" and with that he began.


This is still under work so give me a few days to finish this... I'm very lazy so it could take longer.

Dantae had been wandering for a while, he had decided to rest and set up a camp in the lush green field, it was night and the moonlight shone making him bask in the lustrous illumination as it did with the scenery making it a breathtaking piece of landscape, then the wind began to whistle on the grass, while some mana crystals began to shine brightly mixing with the moonlight, the scene truly gave a tranquil and peaceful state of mind that no one could ever grasp for a thousand years, everything was so serene, it was like a dream until a dagger flew straight at Dantae with incredible speed, "Hmmm?...." Dantae mumbled as he swiftly deflected the dagger back to its source with his blade, slicing a tree in two and revealing a person, Dantae calmly said in a semi-loud tone "You got two minutes till i mutilate you with my blade, speak your name!", "geez, I didn't mean to, i thought you were a monster, ready to go at my throat" the figure said as he moved from the shade, his dagger started to disintegrate into energy, "alright now you got one minute to tell me who you are?" Dantae now calmingly demanded while holding up his blade "me? why I'm.....

Sill in development.

< Message edited by Dantae darkflare -- 12/1/2010 16:50:54 >
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 19
11/30/2010 7:32:05   
jonny bravo

Hello,and welcome to warmonger news.Foodsters are swarming the town and *gets hit in the face by a turkeylime pie*"TURKEYLIME PIE SWARM!"yelled ash as he ran away as fast as his nooby little feet would carry him.As pies filled the skys,rangers quickly shot them down,but there were still more.Soldiers rushed out of the mess hall to fight the incoming pies."nogard.It's time""Yay!snack time!""no,It's time"said Ronak"oh.time.got it."said the toddler dragon.Heros looked at the sky to see a huge dragon flying towards the pies."huh,never would have thought of that"said Guthixnite.The pies were either burned to a crisp or eaten,mostly eaten."yum!It IS snack time!"said Nogard,now in a much deeper voice since he was in titan form.Okay,lets land now."okay"replied the dragon as he flapped his wings one more time before they touched the ground.Ronak hoped off and the dragon returned to toddler form."nice work out there kid.""thanks Eric."Ronak replied"Now,if you'll excuse me,I'll be on the front lines."Said Eric.A few seconds later,A fishy loving hero named chisagen yelled,"HIT THE DECK!"why?"asked Ronak."NITROGLYCERIN SPONGE!"Eric ducked as a sponge zipped over his head."mechajin,we've talked about this.If you hit Lady ravenwing,I will become,displeased.""sorry!"yelled mechajin,flinging another sponge."MECHAJIN!""sorry again!I couldn't resist!"said mechajin,running off to join ash."dinner!Yelled the moglin chef in the mess hall."yay!more food!"yelled nogard as he zipped overhead toward the mess hall.

part 2

While Ronak was eating,a hero came up and said,"hello.I'm DJM.As you can see,I'm a warrior.My weapon is a savory drumstick.But it isn't so savory with all the chocolate and mashed potatoes on it.This little dragon is my pet"Nogard began to chase the other dragon around saying,"friend!""dragons are so weird"said DJM."tell me about it."replied Ronak.Next,the fishy loving hero from earlier said to him"Hi.I'm chisagen.I love fish.""Where's your weapon?"said Ronak."this is my weapon",he held up a fish,"I bet you're wondering about the awesomeness that is my fishy blade.It's a shock and aww thing.First,they're shocked because I'm using a fish as a weapon,then they're like,Awww man!when the realize they're gonna smell like sea food for a week .It's normally a good weapon,but it doesn't do very good against sushi in this war.",Suddenly Guthixnite yelled,"500 JELLO CUBES!"everybody rushed
out to fight them.As soon as Guthixnite got to the jello,the mess hall came under attack.They fought them off,but not before they had taken chisagen.Guthixnite came in and when he saw the fishy blade and said"im going to get chisagen.Alone"this made everyone gasp.A doom knight went up to him and said he would come with him,so the pair set off."they're doomed"Said Ronak.Then Eric said,"well of course they're doomed!""we're going after all of them.anyone want to come?"Said Ronak.DJM,Sephiroth,Keniji,Vorthos,and a few others stepped up."okay.we leave tomorrow morning.get any supplies we'll need."Said Ronak. "Everybody back to your tents now.Mechajin,You'll be the guard tonight.Keep a sharp eye out for foodsters."said Eric.

part 3

"breakfast!"yelled the moglin chef.All the troops began to wake up.They put on their armor and went to the damaged mess hall.After they were all done with breakfast,The small rescue party got any other supplies they would need,said goodbye to their fiends,and then left.DJM said"It's strange going out on an adventure in a big group""yeah."replied Keniji,"usually we just go with our pets""stop,"said Vorthos."what?"asked Sephiroth."whats that nose?""what noise?""the rustling in the woods to our left""SNEEVIL AMBUSH!"yelled Ronak,as hundreds of sneevils poured out of the woods.Keniji's hands flew as she jabbed,cut,thrusted,and stabbed,destroying tons of sneevils.DJM rushed to the sneevils,knocking them out of his way with his savory drumstick.Vorthos was blasting sneevils with strange powerful attacks.Sephiroth hacked and slashed with the firestorm sword,demolishing sneevils.Ronak yelled"OMGBBQ TIME!"as he jumped and sent a dragon head shaped flame flying towards the sneevils.A few got hit,then they ran around screaming and catching other sneevils on fire when the touched them(the dragons helped with that part).Soon,they where all dead."well,didn't see that coming."said DJM.Then,Vorthos said"I did, thanks to the power of my mas-""Oh would you shut up about master already?It's driving us all crazy!"yelled DJM."Vorthos replied"No."What the heck is that?"Said Keniji.Then Ronak said"It's a castle,made out of,wait,it's made out cake?""Cake! cake!cake!cake cake!"yelled all the little dragons as they zipped towards the castle."I guess they"ll lead the way then."Said Ronak.

part 4

The little dragons were beginning to gnaw at the castle when turkeylime pies and cranbatties flew out to kill them.Soon,there was a huge aerial battle going on above the castle.The dragons were far out numbered,but the food got the worst of the fight."lets get to the castle to get them out of there."Said Ronak.When he said that,DJM instantly ran towards the castle,ready to swing at anything that moved.The others rushed in as food attacked DJM.HE stood on his toes,then spun,arms out in front of him holding his drumstick.any food that got near him was knocked away,and he just kept going and going,like he ran on killing food.A few foods hit the ceiling and made holes.A dead turkeylime pie fell through one of the holes and hit Vorthos."what the heck?"he said.Then he looked through the hole."Oh yeah,the dragons are still fighting"Then he rushed to the middle of the battle.Keniji thew her daggers,killing lots of food and 2 killguins.Ronak drew his sword and attacked,demolishing food with a series of EDL attacks.Guthixnite yelled at them"I have to destroy the cauldron!!Get out!!Now!!If it goes while you're in here you'll die!"They ran towards the gates,but the foods closed them.Then,Ronak used OMGBBQ on the ceiling and it blasted threw,making a huge hole.Vorthos blasted down a pillar and cake fell in front of the to protect them from the explosion.the cauldron exploded and the castle fell.all that fell on The rescue party,chisagen,and Versin was the big hole.They got back to camp and told the other heros about how Guthixnite sacrificed himself.All were sad.even the dragons.especially sneevy.The next day they had a party for the end of the war,and in honer of Guthixnite,they put a mana gauntlet on top of the cake.

< Message edited by jonny bravo -- 12/3/2010 8:02:03 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 20
12/2/2010 8:59:10   
  Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

At The Secret Tower near Falconreach

Nix and Dr. Voltabolt are waiting inside for the heroes, but what they are doing is something nobody thought would happen

Dr.Voltabolt from a distance looks liek he's drilling Nix's face with a sharp needle

Dr. Voltabolt: Now, holdz still!
Stephen Nix: *while forming no true words as his face is numb* Huhhuhaahh
Dr. Voltabolt: No it's not goingz to bez that expenzive
Stephen Nix: hahuhauuuhhah
Dr. Voltabolt: Relax, itz my new projectk called The Toozzepasteinator 3600! It won't hurtk a bit.
Stephen Nix: huhuhuhuhuahhaahuhu
Dr. Voltabolt: Well, I'll juzt putz the bill overz herek.
Dr. Voltabolt: Ok, I think yourz all good.

Stephen gets off the chair

Stephen Nix: Now tell me Doctor, how is it possible for you to have time to work with teeth at a time like this!???
Dr. Voltabolt: Simple, they have zo much food out sere that I can zimple valk avay from siz intire zituation.
Stephen Nix: You mean your just going to leave!????
Dr. Voltabolt: Zats the plan, you do za dirty verk.

Stephen Nix: *Shakes head* Fine, just get out of here fast, as they are approaching the main gate!

While standing at the main exit

Dr. Voltabolt: I'll leave vith a prezent for za heroez!

Hands Nix a little box

Stephen Nix: Seriously?.....arg whatever!

Voltabolt blasts through the door and uses his Techno-Turkey to slowly escape!

Back on the Battlefield

Mritha: Ok PEOPLE! Were getting close to the final wave, who's left still standing?
Silver Xoven: *Simply raises hand*
Esmerelda: I'm here and ready for battle!
Drake Amatsu: /unsheathes his ying yang blades Yes, and I'm ready for anything!
Eric: Still here!
wolfencreek: Present, and accounted for!
guthixnite: Why am I with you people?
Lady: I'm here and I'm getting mad!
chisagen: ...fish?
Lady: *smacks chisagen* If I had the time to deal with you...

They hear an explosion!


Penguin: There they are!!!! *Points the last of the food minions that way* GET THEM!!!!


A Few Kiliguins start running towards Drake Amatsu, and guthixnite

guthixnite: wow, those things are ugly!

A black aura starts to form around Drake

Drake Amatsu: LEAVE THEM TO ME! /starts to form the basic chat of the beacons...
Drake Amatsu: By the power of the Beacons of Hope, If I eat any more of these food items we're all gonna need Scope.
guthixnite: You've been busting out rhymes sense we started this war, do you mind if you let up a little?

Drake now fully charged erupts his power upon the Kiliguins as they are all vanquished

guthixnite *BIG EYES* ...........ok.....I see how it is.

Esmerelda and Lady R are with the last of the Chocolate Moose

Lady: *Hacking away at some of the Chocolate Moose with her Twin Blades of Destiny* There's too many of them I can't take them myself!!!!

Just then a stream of fireballs erupt from the air killing off a few more Chocolate Moose

Esmerelda: I thought you could use a hand! *takes out her Amaterasu-Omikami* I'm threw playing around!

*A herd of Chocolate Moose starts running at Esmerelda*

Esmerelda: (I need to get into a safe distance so they can't touch me!)

Climbs up top of Falconreach's bakery house

Esmerelda: This will do nicely! *Holds her hands out as fireballs come spinning out of her hands* TAKE THAT YOU BLASTED ELK!

chisagen and wolfencreek are than seen in the distance with a bunch of Slimed Potatoes

chisagen: Ok you little buggers It's time I take care of you once and for all! *Takes out Big Fish* IT'S CLOBBERING TIME!

Starts taking a few swings and realizes he's actually healing them because they are strong with Water Resistance

wolfencreek: My Fish Arrows are doing NOTHING to these things! I can't seem to change the element to my arrows for some reason.
chisagen: I got an idea! Remember wolfen these things are technically food.......
wolfencreek: You thinking what I'm thinking!??
chisagen: *nods*
wolfencreek: Summons Gax (his dragon by rubbing his ring) here boy.....FETCH THE POTATO!
Gax: Did you just tell me what to do?

From a distance you see chisagen and wolfen EATING the monsters

Focus than turns to Mritha and Xoven

Mritha: Ok those Lime Heads are around here somewhere. So what do you think Silver....
Silver Xoven: *shrugs*
Mritha: ....Don't say much do you?
Silver Xoven: nope. I just fight! I let my Underworld Upholder III do my talking!
Mritha: .....right! Ok..... (thinks Silver is crazy)

Turkeylime Pie's start appearing from the skies

Mritha: Hurry now Odgne, seek them out!!!!

Dragon flies from Mritha's side to rip up the TurkeyLime Pie's out of the sky

Mritha: There that wasn't so hard!

From a closer distance to the tower, Esmerelda is there firing manaballs at the last of the Cranbattys

Esmerelda: Ok everyone let's move on!!!!!!

Everyone gets there in a matter of seconds, except wolfen and chisagen

Mritha: No.........way!

Everyone starts to stare at chisagen and wolfen as the two of them have gained a huge amount of weight and are bouncing their way to the tower of the boss

chisagen: Sorry were late guys.........our weapons weren't doing anything to the Slimed Potatoes so we ate them instead!
wolfencreek: SOOOOOOOO FULLLLLLL! /rolls over
Everyone: (other than those two) *Rolls eyes*

Mritha: Hey, has anyone seen Eric?
Lady: Come to think about it, I did wonder where he was going?

Just than the last Monster reveals itself

Esmerelda: Oh man it's a Jellatinous Cube! I hate these things! *Throws a HUGE fireball at it to make it explode!*

Mritha: .....and that makes 100%! This war is over, Now let's find Eric!

Back at Voltabolt's Tower

Stephen Nix: ....I'm getting agitated!! Hey Sir Penguinton did you order the food yet?
Penguin: Yes sir! It should be here in 5 minutes or less, or it's free!
Stephen Nix: ...

Both hear a loud banging at the door and they both look at each other in confusion

Stephen Nix: How is this possible!, it hasn't even been a minute yet!?
Stephen Nix: I'll get the door you get out of here, I smell a trap!

Stephen approaches the door

Stephen Nix: Who is it?
???: Pizza guy.
Stephen Nix: WOW you guys really are fast........hey wait a minute! How is it you got here and with my order in 30 seconds..... my order of penguin cola served on the bricks of ice cold pizza should've took longer than this!
???: How right you are!

Nix backs up as the pizza guy breaks open the door

Eric: Did someone order a penguin pizza to go!???
Stephen Nix: ... yeah I did, HEY WAIT A MINUTE! It's YOU AGAIN!
Eric: Where's your little friend Nix?
Stephen Nix: Nowhere near here, FOOL! He escaped long ago but he left you guys with something. Not to mention, he left me with my paycheck.....looks like I made negative money on this one........*notes to self* Don't let Voltabolt touch your teeth and gums!

*Unwraps present and throws it on the ground*

Stephen Nix: *Reads instructions* add water here........ Ok lets do this!

Monster starts to grow and fills the room with a huge monster beside Nix

Stephen Nix: Wooooo! It looks like I have the upper-hand again!!!!! I didn't think I was going to make it past all of you people!

From the door the rest of the team arrives

Mritha: Ok Nix, the jig is up, the war is over and Oishii is already remaking the food that was lost. We also know that Voltabolt messed around with the Cookinator 3500. Surrender now, and face your charges!
Drake Amatsu: We have been fighting for over a week now, with the power of The Shadow of The Wind Village, we demand you to stop what your doing and give it up.
Stephen Nix: Tell you what if you guys get past, Voltabolt's Machinery, I'll let you tango with me!
Eric: ....I DON'T DANCE!

Battle rages on with the giant machine

After the fight!

The window shatters as an old foe of Nix's appears!

Stephen Nix: Oh, come on I just replaced those things! Now who are you?
ChainSword: It's Chainsword and Nix I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL!
Stephen Nix: ............Fine I'll do this duel but I choose the arena!

A large black glow is around the two as they teleport to the roof top of Nix's personal ice castle!

ChainSword: What are the stakes of this thing?
Stephen Nix: If I win, I GET TO LEAVE IN YOUR BODY!!!!........argg I mean you'll have to work as a penguin slave for the rest of our life, if you win I'll let you leave quietly!
ChainSword: Fine Let's do this....

Simultaneously, they say the same thing

ChainSword: LETS DUEL!
Stephen Nix: LETS DUEL!

During the end of the match

ChainSword: And for my last turn on you, I play Graveshield which reflects any oncoming attack and redirects it to any monster I choose........ WHICH LEAVES YOUR PENGUIN TALISMAN WIDE OPEN!
Stephen Nix: ....WHAT!!!! NOOoooooooooooo.

The battle ends as Nix's life points reaches zero and Chainsword is taken back to Voltabolt's tower

ChainSword: .....wow, that was epic!
Eric: What happened where's Nix?
ChainSword: At his castle in the far North....... I was lucky to get away from him. But the next time we meet I'm playing for keeps!
Drake Amatsu: Huh, I can't believe he won't just give in.
guthixnite: I think if he was to do that, we wouldn't have much time together. It'd be rather depressing....
Silver Xoven: ...it wouldn't hurt me!
Eric: ........quiet you!
Lady: Well, it's starting to snow guys, you know what that means!
Esmerelda: ....Frostvale! You know what that means!
Mritha: We'll be back with Nix again sometime soon!

While sitting on his chilly throne eating small shrimp while surrounded by penguins Nix is talking to a mysterious figure!

Stephen Nix: Well, so why should I work for you this Frostvale? *Puts on his glasses and looks at the person's profile*
???: Because......we both want the same thing!
Stephen Nix: ......Plutonium?
???: No you idiot, an end to that moglin, CHILLY! And his old man too!
Stephen Nix: According to your profile, You have a hidden hate for Frostvale, what happened?
???: I'll explain in time! Are you up for the challenge? I need someone to keep an eye out on those heroes!
Stephen Nix: Looks like you got yourself a deal! .....and winning this time is 100%, right on the money!
Stephen Nix: Now, let's take away Frostvale from all those pathetic HEROES and from that town of FROSTVAL!!!!!


Completes Quest

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! How did you like this and of course the music? Leave me a post here in the commentary thread on your opinions...I'd love to hear them!

< Message edited by Stephen Nix -- 3/11/2012 20:24:25 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 21
12/2/2010 9:34:12   
Eric Greydawn

The Heroes of Lore
(to the tune of Men of the West)

When you honor in song and in story
The names of the women and men,
Whose valor has covered with glory
Full many a mountain and glen,
Forget not the heroes of Lore, boys
Who rallied their bravest and best
When Lore was once again threatened
And heroes were put to the test.

I give you the gallant of Lore boys,
Where rallied our bravest who soar
On dragon back valiantly fighting;
Hurrah for the heroes of Lore!

The hilltops with glory were glowing
'Twas the eve of a bright harvest day,
When the foe we'd been wearily waiting
Marched in and attacked near the bay.
And over the hills went the slogan
To awaken as never before
The fire that has never been quenched, boys,
Among the true heroes of Lore.

I give you the gallant of Lore boys,
Where rallied our bravest who soar
On dragon back valiantly fighting;
Hurrah for the heroes of Lore!

The foeman was ours ere the midnight,
And high over Falconreach town
Our banners in triumph were waving
Before the next sun had gone down.
We gathered to speed the good work, boys
True heroes from all over Lore;
And history can tell how we routed
The foeman as never before.

I give you the gallant of Lore boys,
Where rallied our bravest who soar
On dragon back valiantly fighting;
Hurrah for the heroes of Lore!
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 22
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