Monster Zoo Access Point: Falconreach (Books 1 and 2 Day Time) -> Down -> Left -> Irwin Dundee -> Talk -> Zoo! Level/Quest/Items required: None Release Date: April 20th, 2013 Quests Available Monstercize Zoo Breakout NPCs Alison Anoril Aoife Catlyn Chainsword Draniv Ethan Farmer Rowan Flitter Flier Guardian Cris Guardian Selesma Ironeye Lark Lavender Lis Maddy Mizandeous Sage Vic Wren Shops Zoo Zoo Shop Dialogue Maddy Maddy: Hello, <Character>! Welcome to the Zoo! Please feel free to look around and learn more about the many creatures that inhabit Lore! Talk Maddy: We have monsters, elementals, statues, insects and more from all over the world! Maddy: You really should see the Sandstorm in the Light section, or the Sea Monkey in the Water section! Maddy: If you want to know more about Gorillaphants, Anoril, our Zookeeper, can be found in the Forest section to the northeast! Quest Maddy: Irwin Dundee, the famous Zardhunter, volunteers here to help keep the monsters in shape! Do you want to help him monstercize? Souvenir Belts Souvenir Helms North-West Lavender and Lis Lavender: Help me up! I wanna see the Spiketoad! Lis: I've got you! He's a beautiful shade of purple too, just like you! Guardian Selesma Guardian Selesma: Ohhh, the Trumpeter Flamingo is so beautiful! Guardian Selesma: Look at how well it balances! Guardian Selesma: And the Lava Daver! Isn't it adorable? North-East Catlyn Catlyn: Shh, the Golden Cabit is sleeping. Anoril Anoril: The mighty Gorillaphant! Have you ever seen a more glorious creature? Such strength, grace, such... pungency! Anoril: They are my favorite of all the animals that I care for in the Zoo! Gorillaphi Facts Anoril: Their favorite food is the bananut! Anoril: The official plural of gorillaphant is Gorillaphi, many people don't know this and say "gorillaphants". Anoril: A group of gorillaphi is called a Schnozz. Anoril: They're scared to death of Furrmen, one furrmen can make an entire Schnozz of gorillaphi go on a rampage. Anoril: They can't jump, however legend tells that once gorillaphi could fly using their ears! what? The ears were bigger at that time! Anoril: They're known to take the nests of vultragons, harpies and even dragons to sleep in them for the night. Anoril: Gorillaphi are normally very gentle creatures, but if you enter its territory or try to use it as a rug it will try to hurt you! Anoril: It can use its muscular arms to sling its own stool with an amazing speed, it usually does this to mark its territory by hitting unaware heroes! Anoril: A baby gorillaphant is called an Apecalf. Quests Anoril: Hero, there have been reports of the elemental runes failing in some parts of the zoo... I need your help to stop the breakouts! Farmer Rowan Farmer Rowan: Hmph. Those Mushrooms are a pain in my patoot, not a Zoo exhibit! Farmer Rowan: Have you ever tried to get one of them out of your way? They're so darn wily! Lark Lark: I'm gonna ask for a Snuffleant for Frostval! South-West Wren Wren: That mummy is hypnotic! Aoife and Flitter Flier Aoife: I want to have wings and fly too! Flitter Flier: Maybe one day! There's always magic! Chainsword Chainsword: Don't get too close, <Character>. You know exactly how dangerous these Zards can be! Aquarium Sage Sage: The sea monkey is my favorite! Ironeye Ironeye: A Nautilus... and a Unicoral... just out of reach.... Ironeye: Look at the size of them! Ironeye: I just imagine what they'd pay for them in Hunter's Paradise.... South-East Mizandeous Mizandeous: Wait... shouldn't the Paindeer be with the other undead monsters? Ethan and Alison Ethan: Ohohoh, Mooooooooom! Can I get a yeti! Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaseeeeee! I promise to take care of it! Alison: For the last time, Snowshaper Yeti works in the Ice Exhibit. He is not a pet. Ethan: Awwwwwwwwww! Can I get a snow tog then?! Draniv and Vic Draniv: Do you really think these runes will keep all these creatures in their pens.... Vic: What are ya? Scared? Guardian Cris Guardian Cris: Hail, <Character>! Careful of the Draydenfish... he likes to spit! Other Information You must complete Resident Sneevil: Zemesis to access the Zard pens. You must complete 2 Leagues Under the Sea to access the aquarium section. Thanks to Dwelling Dragonlord for additional dialogue.
< Message edited by Peachii -- 11/25/2017 10:19:52 >