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RE: =HS= Storyline Discussion Thread

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8/11/2011 23:53:12   
star screamer

nothing i just loved farming off of davinci easy rep

Please do not leave remarks such as "i own this page" and the alike, it is unneeded and is just spam. ~Digi

< Message edited by Digital X -- 8/15/2011 11:58:42 >
AQW  Post #: 201
8/12/2011 17:55:10   
delta blitz

Chapter 26 and 27 of Called: Hero and Chosen one is finished so check them out and comment. The link is in my signiture. Darn I keep missing my chance to capture pages xl


Tales of the two heroes
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 202
8/12/2011 18:57:57   

New chapter! ^^

I liked making this chapter because Zafara got to fight! =D
BTW, Overcast is the main villain.

~Lady Zafara


Check out my 3D anime art!
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AQW  Post #: 203
8/12/2011 19:11:42   


I'm the main villian in your story? Thanks!
DF AQW  Post #: 204
8/12/2011 19:32:36   
delta blitz

@arachid: Overcast is the main villain in my story too
@overcast: see you are important,your the main villain in two stories x3
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 205
8/12/2011 22:45:28   

I remember not only WHEN you could farm rep tha way, I remember EONS worth of rep grinding, and robotic destruction...

I liked the chapter, Arach, though there were quite a few strange things about it... I COMMENTED UPON THEM!!!!!!!!!!!

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The talk of the war brings back memories... Oil... so much oil... lol j/k I don't have PTSD. I've had worse than that, anyway... the war, not PTSD... I might have had worse than PTSD, but I won't presume that, seeing as there's no way of knowing...
DF  Post #: 206
8/14/2011 18:16:01   

Just wonderin' if we're going to be doing that big story about Modo?
Or if we're just going to skip to the one after C&T with Operation R.E.B.O.R.N.

~Lady Zafara
AQW  Post #: 207
8/14/2011 18:20:21   

Well, we haven't really discussed it in a while, and Velmur stopped advertising for it........
I'm pretty sure we'll get to it eventually but it'll probably take a while.......
AQ  Post #: 208
8/14/2011 19:41:36   


Oh yeah. Drak said he's working on the first chapter. See, all the authors will take turns writing a chapter.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 209
8/14/2011 20:20:40   

Velmur: I disagree with that tactic.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 210
8/15/2011 11:16:36   


I disagree with that tactic.

I second this motion.
Sure, it might get confusing at a point or tow, but what's the chances that two writers will post a new chapter at the same time?
That, and I don't really want to wait for 13 or so other people to finish writing before I can =P

~Lady Zafara
AQW  Post #: 211
8/15/2011 11:41:37   

< Lol, communication is super duper important. But depending on how it starts, taking turns could probably work. Also there needs to be a clear plot so everyone may write according to that, then the story will have a clear direction. Although it still amazes me how sometimes things happen to turn out great even when they're unplanned.

< Message edited by Jae10 -- 8/15/2011 12:02:25 >
AQW  Post #: 212
8/15/2011 14:36:34   
Clown the Jester

Ya...well communication is the second most important thing with Coauthor stories.

The most important is making sure all Authors see each chapter before they are posted in.

Heres how Gray and I did each chapter of Comedy and Tragedy.

1.One of us...say Gray writes a chapter...he pms it or emails it to me...

2.I pm Gray back listing anything I think we should add or remove or change and explain why.

3.If he agrees with me, I add or change what I think is important, however I hi-light what I add so he knows what is new in the story and I send it back to Gray.

4.Gray edits, goes over changes with me, we make sure we both agree...and he sends it back to me.

5.I either make more changes...or if I'm satisfied I pm it back to Gray giving it the OK.

6. Either Gray Silhouette gives it the ok and one of us posts it or he makes new corrections and changes and resends it.

The important part was even when we began chapter 1 we knew how the story was going to end and we knew most of the plot of the story.
No chapter we wrote was ever a suprise.

Except when you guys posted a chapter and we did a crossover. But even then, Gray and I thought it through.

You have no idea just how much thinking went into the story.

Trust me guys...you need to do the same thing will all your fellow authors for this story.

Or else things could get really confusing and make little sense.

Oh Arachnid, Gray is doing Operation R.E.B.O.R.N. now although the Modo story is coming out at the other author's own pace.

Oh Gray wanted me to make sure you all new this, For Operation R.E.B.O.R.N, Gray Silhouette has his own plot down so he won't be doing add chapters with other stories like we did in Comedy and Tragedy.

Not that he didn't appreciate you guys contributing. Its simply he wants to keep this story to the point. So don't be suprised if his story goes against someone else's story history.

He will try to not mess up other people's stories...its just after Operation R.E.B.O.R.N. he's writing a story that takes place five years before Comedy and Tragedy called

City of Shadows.

After that he and I are going to orchestrate The Beginning of The End.

I will be still working on The Good, The Bad, And The Chaos.

And maybe another mini series that may or may not tie in with the Comedy and Tragedy cannon called The Madness Behind The Clown.
AQW Epic  Post #: 213
8/15/2011 17:39:32   

You and Drakkoniss, longest posts ever, I swear...
I didn't mean "Operation R.E.B.O.R.N.", I meant "The Beginning of the End"
When is we doin' that?

~Lady Zafara
AQW  Post #: 214
8/15/2011 17:53:25   
Clown the Jester

I think after Drakkoniss's story and Operation Reborn.
AQW Epic  Post #: 215
8/15/2011 21:48:02   
delta blitz

Chapter 28 and 29 of Called: Hero and Chosen one is finished. Enjoy the battle between me and War Pro and comment.


Tales of the two heroes
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 216
8/15/2011 22:18:06   
Watziname WAT

That chapter is highly ill-logical to my character.
I am immune to poison,I do not wear any kind of capes,people with superspeed are just on normal speed for me.
By the way,nice job killing me,even though posion doesn't really harm me,but oh well,it's your story.

Your story's are epic,by the way.Would appreciate puntuaction because it's a bit hard for meh to read.
AQW Epic  Post #: 217
8/16/2011 0:05:45   
Sir Night

Ok, new chapter is up.

Discuss it here. Don't hesitate to give me suggestions or negative feedback if you have any, either.
Post #: 218
8/16/2011 17:12:17   
delta blitz

@Wat: I had to change up your character alot in order to fit him in my story,General War Pro was nothing more than a superstrong expert knight and swordsman.Also I stabbed him through the head so he would die due to the lack of a functioning brain and body. Still though I think I did your character justice as he would have killed me if my sword had missed his head and the compact armor/cape thing is a powered up state for your character.

< Message edited by delta blitz -- 8/16/2011 17:15:40 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 219
8/16/2011 22:15:19   

New chapter! ^^

This chapter explains Experimental's purpose in my story.

~Lady Zafara
AQW  Post #: 220
8/17/2011 19:36:45   
delta blitz

Chapter 30 and 31 is finished so check it out. Read what really happened to Aoan and also guess what Clown is back with avengance.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 221
8/18/2011 9:54:32   
Clown the Jester

Just wanted you guys to know, Gray and I decided to add links in Comedy and Tragedy to the other people's stories that coincided with the story. If we missed anyone's story, let us now.
AQW Epic  Post #: 222
8/18/2011 10:16:13   

^ So you added links?

Can you gimme the link in your story?
Post #: 223
8/18/2011 10:24:04   
Clown the Jester

Comedy and Tragedy.
AQW Epic  Post #: 224
8/18/2011 10:28:15   

Thank You.

Sir Night, creepy story...

Post #: 225
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