Creative! Constructive!
I appologize for not commenting yesterday... I fully intended to, and indeed was in the middle of doing so, but I accidentally x'ed the entire internet explorer out instead of just that tab when I was exiting Transformice, which Shadowlord9K had asked me to play for some reason that I don't completely understand... maybe it was because Celestin was on there... Anywho... I will attempt to re-post what I can remember from my commentary session yesterday... I liked your character's personality when he had just become concious, for instance... I had known about your relationship, but had not known that Demolicious was the object of your affections... I found the view into her emotions quite interesting, and also refressing, considering the aparent mask of semi-rudeness and toughness she put up for others to see. I found it odd that you had it to where her father only seemed to have the flu, considering that (if I remmeber correctly) she had said that she needed the money for an expensive medical proceedure, and I had assumed she had already had an estimate from doctors based on that fact... I also appreciated your willingness to deviate from the game on certain details, such as DaVinci seeming to be cought by the police (I have slight doubts on that, but I take it mostly at face value)... I got nostalgiac and remembered how I wished I could have given Demolicious the money for her fathers opperation (and was irritated that the game would not allow me to do so, considering my character is rich), and also remembered when I met you in-game, the brief conflict that insued (in which I chopped off your claws near the base and knocked you into a wall that was behind you... I don't remember how... I also may have had my axe pinning you to the wall, but I am not completely sure on that part...), I remembered the fight between me and Ancient Darkness after that, as well... and that I had offered to help with a few coding problems for you... among other things... I suppose you may not remmeber that... I wish I had met you more often in-game... For some reason, I hardly ever have... It may have to do with the fact that you aren't on my friends list, and don't seem to either be on when the rest of us are, or at least /goto any of us when I am on... I had guessed that Strebbor's mental leap while he was imprisoned may have been a result of his counterpart's actions in your story somehow having their memory imprints placed upon his mind... I also admitted I wasn't sure which one of you had had the other in their story first, and typed that I was too busty at the time to look and see... I had agreed with you in a way on the matter of Super Death's not using too many big words, saying something like this: "Indeed, Ye Olde Reaper doth not speak in the strange tounges of science!!! Not usually, anyway... But when he does... Things tend to get interesting..." I stated that I could guess what your weakness was, but then again, I have the knowledge to not have to... I also put in my doubt that it was lightning, because that would be obvious, and far too many heroes use that... ... Well, that's about all I can remmeber from my commentary yesterday, but I guess I'll continue to comment now, too... In a short bit... I have something to do...