Creative! Constructive!
*grins* I would be happy to oblige you; You may use my character whenever and for whatever you wish, save if it goes against his personality completely, such as making him look like an idiot, or makes him seem weak. I do give you permission to have him defeated, if you so wish, however, do not have him look like a pushover. (I would reccomend that you make something happen at the end of our fight that causes it to end at a point where neither of us has the advantage, if you wish to keep both our chars from looking weak) Personally, I doubt (based on how your story's going) that you would use him as an enemy, unless you have Psi under the control of the villains via some coersion which would be to obvious to even guess at. Although he is zealous in his doing of good, he is not a fool that he would attack you one sight for looking evil (heck, I've looked evil many times, and in many games...), and would probably have knowledge of your defeating DaVinci, and possibly your relationship with Demolicious, albeit I will leave the decisions on that matter up to you. <- My character is very well informed on the goings on of the city.
< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 9/20/2011 19:39:34 >