Creative! Constructive!
New chapter? O.o Well, that's somewhat serendipitious (speaking of the vest)... Interesting theories on the villains' actions, I suppose... Then again, they could just be toying around with you guys to set up their strategy for victory to take place... Ooh... Lokos is a nasty fellow... Yeah... I thought Demo would be the heroic VIP... It's probably just to screw with you, and make it harder to win, considering the fact that if they get in a possition to where they can attack her vicinity in a "never ending" onslaught of foes, then Lokos could just sit back and do nothing while he watches the heroes get overrun... Especially if the villains attack from both ground and air... and with ranged weapons... I mean, Demolicious is not invincible... She would be quite vulnerable, relatively speaking. Death's choice of her, in fact, gives the heroes a great disadvantage, considering a single sniper could win victory for the evils. Posting in case of blue screens... Back to commenting... Planning to take out Death, eh? I knew this would happen sooner or later... I wonder if it is appropriate to do it in the middle of war, when Demo could be killed at any moment... especially if she is planning on helping in the attack on him... Blah blah blah, emotional stuff that is well written, but difficult to comment on... I don't know... I think one hero or another would have been able to take you out before the world ended... Or at the very least, the US govornment would have nuked you... which would probably at the very least have stopped you by covering you in rubble, if not destroying you completely, which is the more likely outcome, but eh, I'm leaving room for error/lack of tactical knowledge.. I'm guessing some villain or another took the opportunity of the trip to the future to capture/enslave said mutant/s. What you really needed in a situation like that is for the military to hit the villain's based with a thermobaric missile/bomb... Seems Celestin has joined the fray... I wonder if I could turn Zafara to the heroes' side, like I did in the actual war... or at least whenever I was fighting in it... I don't technically have the intell on what she was doing the other times, but based on what I do have, after the first bit, she seemed to be supporting the heroes, even if her attitude was melancholic, and she didn't think they would win... To be continued, eh? And with a cliffhanger, too... Let's just see what that nightmare is, shall we?
< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 10/8/2011 12:52:39 >