Ashari said it in the EDR IRC yesterday when i asked her if Mutating weapons wern't going to take swords useless, here's pretty much what we said (though it wasn't exactelly this, it's still the same meaning) me: won't Mutating weapons make swords obsolite? i mean, the primary use of swords was to still be able to use them if you change class as well, but a major downside i the fact that some skills don't work when you equip a sword Ashari: No basic, Swords will have lower requirements, and some skills require swords to be used. P.S.: 'some skills require swords to be used' : they don't, that's why i think it's comming in some future balance update, the other reason i think it is, is cuss Shari said it, and she's the lead balancer sory i don't have proof of all of this Oh cool. Still I ain't comfirmed on EDR x.x