Dwelling Dragonlord
![](image/wide_ak4.jpg) ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L
@lordkaho: Apart from the catacombs and minor elements, it reminds me of the D.U.M. H.Q. Could you explain why they keep forbidden knowledge they revile, rather than burning or destroying it though? quote:
Jeanne is not very comfortable with it, but since she's a captain and it seemed that the higher your rank and position in the Inquisition is, the deeper you get to stay and live within the catacombs. Though, she still has it better compared to the Grand Inquisitor who basically never leaves his golden throne which is at least five hundred feet below the ground. I think these need to be in past tense. quote:
The sleepy, young girl walked out of bed and turned the sundial off. How is it a sundial when you just said Jeanne sleeps underground? quote:
She still has to report today regarding that event to the Supreme Judge of the Inquisition; had quote:
she will still face some sort of punishment would quote:
she put on a sleeveless leather shirt, a pair of tight detached finger-less sleeves, form fitting knee length pants and a pair of steel toed boots. This. quote:
She wrapped a studded lather sash around her waist leather quote:
It was where may report, defend herself and be weighted for her actions. This sentence simply feels as if it were lacking something. quote:
the portraits of various Inquisitor Judges that have long gone. were quote:
to locate and execute the traitro known as Varhaedil traitor quote:
larger threat as expected than Now that was a rather unexpecting twist at the end. Did you complete the rest of my story by any chance?
< Message edited by Dwelling Dragonlord -- 10/11/2011 13:18:07 >