Why does everyone think that it is only the tlm and merc class that uses the support system, you ALL forget to mentiopn the tech mage class, they use the support build very well, but they don't have the added bonus of a hybrid armor to hide behind, so not only have the tech mages been screwed over by the devs by the new requirment for reroute, but also due to the now worthless feild medic, which they require because they focus on support more than def and res, *gives slown sarcastic hand clap to devs* great job on making sure there are diversifying builds that can all equally work well in the game devs. *note, I am a bounty hunter, so let that temper your thoughts, I am not some tech mage raging about a change in playing strategy, I am another class entirely who sees the tech mage class once again be squashed into one single build to be competitive, and it is now becoming less effective