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Battles these days.

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11/19/2011 5:52:54   

Anyone else agree that battles these days have lost almost all of its fun.


Power builds have completely tacken over.

To be succsesful you have to tank and hope for a bit of luck,
Or you have to join the crowd and power out with a couple of favorties ei. STR TLMs and STR BHS.

Im not saying these builds are overpowered its obvious they can be beatin but WHY should we constantly allow battle delays when the determinate of who WINS IS WHOEVER starts!

Unfortunately for us TLMS are able to achieve high defnces and high power making them the perfect combo for any newbie who wants to win with basically no efort or knowledge of the game, and leaving those who do have knowledge and use the builds even deadlier!

THE point I'm trying to say is something has to change or this game will lose alot of its players, it really shouldnt be like this!

And the lack of changes on this issuse is starting to make lose hope, and as soon as all my hope for change is gone their will be no reason to continue to play and I'm sure alot of people will feel the same.

What do you guys think?

DO you enjoy the power and easyness of victories especially over those without the benfit of varium or to those who arnt able to start?

Or do you think something needs to be changed soon?

Or do you just not care? (if you do Im refering you to answer one.)

NOTE: To make it obvious to forum members state your class at the top of your post eg.


< Message edited by Remorse -- 11/19/2011 6:45:55 >
Epic  Post #: 1
11/19/2011 6:08:32   
I am Primal

it has to change they need to nerf tacts remove reroute give them plasma cannon makes it balanced and makes it still pretty decent class. just like what merc is. merc isn't uped it;s just clearly not as strong as tactical merc.

also low luck stats have to change like going 1st with full str is crazy.
20 dex blocks when a person has +90 for example it's just not fair.

but yea i agree with you remorse something HAS to change. we have waiting long enough for this nerf why isn't it happening.
Post #: 2
11/19/2011 6:08:35   

I don't enjoy the battles these days because :
1) Too many high - leveled Varium players are making any Non-Varium player's progression slow ( including me :( ).
2) Skill seems to be less rewarding now due to many players use copy-pasted OP builds ( like Strength ).
3) The Credit rewarding system is , no doubt , a big disappointment , whether you're skillful or hard-working....or both .
4) Purchasing Varium is becoming more of an option to success rather than to give fun .

So for me , this has got to be changed ... because it's becoming less rewarding .
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
11/19/2011 6:12:34   

i was thinking about it today and remmembering the fun i used to have using zeus zooka o_O

99% of fights today are against str tact merces str bhz and 5 focus tacts and the rest is a 1% that is made by tech/blood mages and cyber hunters. .. Mercenaries ... lol that word remind me of something mmm [^o)] no nvm it doesnt exist -.-

i think all requirements should be removed so that ev1 can make their own build or seriously this game is DEAD!
Post #: 4
11/19/2011 6:14:54   


Anyone else agree that battles these days have lost almost all of its fun. Nope


Power builds have completely tacken over. not that i have noticed

To be succsesful you have to tank and hope for a bit of luck, i don't have a tank build, and i'm still prety successfull
Or you have to join the crowd and power out with a couple of favorties ei. STR TLMs and STR BHS.

Im not saying these builds are overpowered its obvious they can be beatin but WHY should we constantly allow battle delays when the determinate of who WINS IS WHOEVER starts! not really, as i never ever start (just the way my juggernaut fights work), and i can stil get 80-95%wins, depending on the day

Unfortunately for us TLMS are able to achieve high defnces and high power making them the perfect combo for any newbie who wants to win with basically no efort or knowledge of the game, and leaving those who do have knowledge and use the builds even deadlier! you know some TaM actually do use strategy, don't you?

THE point I'm trying to say is something has to change or this game will lose alot of its players, it really shouldnt be like this! people have been saying 'the game will lose players to this or that' al the time, but it never happens

And the lack of changes on this issuse is starting to make lose hope, and as soon as all my hope for change is gone their will be no reason to continue to play and I'm sure alot of people will feel the same. lack of changes? did you miss al balance updates?

What do you guys think? i think everything that's blue

DO you enjoy the power and easyness of victories especially over those without the benfit of varium or to those who arnt able to start? i enjoy winning with my build that i made myself, no matter who i defeated

Or do you think something needs to be changed soon? jugging could take an update or 2

Or do you just not care? (if you do Im refering you to answer one.)


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
11/19/2011 6:19:14   

Well I came back today after about a month of not playing.
I battled bh with 100 dex and maxed dex shield+maxed multi,2 tlm who critted me 4 times in 1 battle,both had maxed multi,one of them had 130 supp,1 str bh with about 100 str who also managed to crit me...
All I can say is,I see game hasn't changed much,at least not for the better.People still abuse stats and call it skill,TLM are still OP and people don't even bother to fight them anymore...Everything is still about money and to be honest I'm surprised people still play this game.


AQW Epic  Post #: 6
11/19/2011 6:36:00   


first off,
your a power abusing TLM so of coarse you wont notice the power being abused hiding behind your extreme defences.

secdonly, Yes you do have a tank build every TLM does basically they can achieve the same defeces as other classes who pile all their stats into tech and dex but instaed pile it into str.

thirdly, yes I know some use strategy thats why i said

and leaving those who do have knowledge and use the builds even deadlier!

forthly, no I didnt miss the balance changes wat I did miss is any change that has occured of this issue

and finnaly Im getting sick of replying to TLMs who are obviosly influenced by their bias.

@calli, the only thing keeping me here is the hope of change.

@lord aggies

I agree although my main is varium player, I can feel how non vairum players must feal who in the past could of outsmarted many people with strategy shame the only strand of strategy that can be succsesful is that of using a TLM build

< Message edited by Remorse -- 11/19/2011 6:43:50 >
Epic  Post #: 7
11/19/2011 6:52:35   

It is true that battles are far less enjoyable now and since I have no other goals to achieve (except for get more credits/battle tokens), it makes them less rewarding too. Maybe it's due to the lack of balance, including luck factors which have a massive influence on each battle, or because the game is boring due to the lack of viable builds. There have been 'balance updates', but they have just forced people into two types of builds; strength or tank builds. The more 'creative' builds will just get slaughtered now. That takes away the fun of build making, it makes battles repetitive and of course, there is hardly any skill required in battles due to the luck factor.

There are other problems too which make the game worse. The fact that they keep releasing items with a lot of stat modifiers and damage means that you're forced to buy these new weapons in order to stand a good chance while battling. I have slightly outdated equipment and I can still survive but I do find that I'm restricted to a tank build. Cost and lack of releases are the other things which reduce the motivation of some older players to battle. AQW keeps its players interested with weekly updates (at least they encourage them to log in for at least half an hour once a week), and due to the high cost of buying and enhancing weapons, it makes buying varium packages pointless. Even if you try to conserve varium, you will find yourself feeling obliged to spend it on things such as enhancements. I'm not asking them to have releases as big as AQW, but they really need to ensure that releases please more than half of the community, and since they can't change the amount of varium you get in one varium package, they should just reduce in-game prices. I think that's about it. I can't imagine myself getting more than one win per day until major alterations are made to this game, sorry.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
11/19/2011 6:55:54   

^ I Totally agree T.600

Also It's good having a TLM reply not influenced by thier selfsih bias to gain wins at all costs.

< Message edited by Remorse -- 11/19/2011 6:56:25 >
Epic  Post #: 9
11/19/2011 7:06:35   



first off,
your a power abusing TLM so of coarse you wont notice the power being abused hiding behind your extreme defences. i've met people with way higher defences them me, and not just once. I m not power abusing TaM, if you think i am, you clearly do not know me. and last but not least: i'm definitely not hiding ...

secdonly, Yes you do have a tank build every TLM does basically they can achieve the same defeces as other classes who pile all their stats into tech and dex but instaed pile it into str. other mercs can do that as well, and it's not as op as you think, if you have 13 less defence out of dex, you're certain to hit less times. i was a BH before, and i did just as well as i do now, people should realise that other classes are very good as well ...

forthly, no I didnt miss the balance changes wat I did miss is any change that has occured of this issue
They aleady nerfed TaM 3 times before, the problem i that people tend to want to destroy it as a whole, which is a wrong mentallity all together

and finnaly Im getting sick of replying to TLMs who are obviosly influenced by their bias.
you have to be kidding me, not all TaM are the same, acctually, you are being racist with that comment...
personally, i have plead for a TaM nerf before, i always go for what is better for the game as a whole, not for what's better for me - whch can't be said of everyone in this forum -.
so don't call me biased, unless you havea beter reason then 'you're a TaM'
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
11/19/2011 7:27:45   


Ok, I admit, I'm guilty of using a strength build which is made to kill anyone in 4 turns. I was forced to use this because 75% of my battles are usually against our dear TLMs who go as follows: Smoke, Frenzy, Stun, Double Strike. My build requires me to go first, or block one attack. In other words, I have to rely on luck to win. Silly as it seems, this is the only workable build. A BM tank may survive longer, but is still crushed by the TLM at the end. A Tech build leaves my defense with a big gaping hole, larger than a gold mine for TLMs to farm. TLMs should never say "gg", because it is never so. They go in expecting to win, and a loss would seem unimaginable to their nearly untouchable level of OPed-ness.


AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 11
11/19/2011 7:32:43   

Basicball try to see things the way I see it,

Yes I understand that their are many, fine unbias TLMs out their and alot of TLMs I dont have a problem with.

Its just I dont think it is fair that if your not a TLM to win you have to start or reily on luck most of the time!
TBH I would glady take a lose on the chin if ALL of the TLMs used strategy and tactics Like i'm sure you do, but when you lose to one even after getting the highst defences you can without making it impossible to win agianst other builds to stop it happening and you lose because they, start, dont get blocked, or stun. CONSTATNLY it drivies me insain and it was nothing like this before TLMs.

Im sry for acusing you of being Bias perhaps I should of restated it as you are unable to see it the way I see it as you dont face the problem of certain unstrategic TLMs basically getting free wins.

Maybe think back to the time when you were a BH yes you may of been sucesful and blocks etc may have saved your life many times but wat about all the other ones? perhaps this is why you changed no?

I agree, and its not just blood mages Forced to use these builds, Most builds are thats why many STR BH builds are coming back most of which rely on LUCK to beat TLMs thats what makes this game lose its fun.

EVEN TLMS are forced to use these builds Im sure many of them would be happy to use other builds and stratagies other then STR builds but like us they may be forced to go strength simply to stand a chance agianst one, mind you alot of merc/TLM builds can easily stand a hcnace agianst STR TLMs without luck.

< Message edited by Remorse -- 11/19/2011 7:36:24 >
Epic  Post #: 12
11/19/2011 7:35:38   
I am Primal

exactly when a tact beats me i always say don't bother saying gg. because it;s not gg. reroute and hybrid is an deadly combo and how on earth could it be a good game. good games are fair no luck factor battles. which is rare to get.
Post #: 13
11/19/2011 7:36:33   


forthly, no I didnt miss the balance changes wat I did miss is any change that has occured of this issue
They aleady nerfed TaM 3 times before, the problem i that people tend to want to destroy it as a whole, which is a wrong mentallity all together

I was always a Tech Mage and then a BloodMage... Now Unfortunatly I felt Forced into going Tact merc due to not having the amount of wins I wanted...
I'm a complete noob with this class yet I'm able to make instantly a build that destroys a lot of other builds...

These so called 3 nerfs did absolutely nothing really.
It needs 1 good nerf instead of all these small ones


Having a Signature is too mainstream
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
11/19/2011 7:37:19   
Gepard Acht

^lol racist, i thought every class were the same race except for the elvish mages

yes to be honest i'm using a strength build until i find the correct weps, but i dont find the fun battles anymore like the ones back in beta

i remembered it was competitive but fun, now i dont see much fun , people arent being creative by experimenting anymore, either find a sucessfull build by yourself or go with the "flavor of the month" build

So someone please bring back the joy, whats the point of the game if its only the competition
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 15
11/19/2011 7:40:58   

I totally repect the TLMs who are willing to accept reality,
The reallity being that they are the major cause for builds and classes being practically forced to change!

@andy exactly,

TLMS dont even Need a nerf!! wat they need is a CHANGE in thier skill tree, One may call it a nerf but I would call it a change as their are other advatages from changes.

Something like switching hybrid for DM is not a nerf rather a CHANGE!
And if it were to happen Im all for the Little NERFS being removed such as frenzy restrition, requirments etc.

< Message edited by Remorse -- 11/19/2011 7:43:07 >
Epic  Post #: 16
11/19/2011 7:52:55   

Just one thing to do: Quit ED and start play AQW again...
AQW Epic  Post #: 17
11/19/2011 7:55:37   

The skill tree itself is the main source of power.

just the point of TaMs have on important part from all 3 starter classes (Merc-Hybrid armor, BH- smoke TM-reroute) its very difficult to get past
and with that, battles against TaMs are mostly quick and are one-sided.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 18
11/19/2011 8:18:48   

Battles can't be fun when most players are TLMS, and most builds are 5 focus/ strength. It's just boring. Other reason, the game forces you to use enhancements at high levels. You can use all the strategy u want, a player with full enhancements will have a big advantage from the start.
Post #: 19
11/19/2011 9:04:46   

My experience doesn't seem to be the same as the OPs. I find that TlM builds fall into a few categories and none of them are OPed. I battle frequently and have little trouble winning most of my battles. When I lose, the battle was at least close. I have not been slaughtered by anyone in many months.

I don't find STR builds, either TlM, BH or CH to be overly effective. They all depend on hitting you and higher dex and SA seem to even the playing field.
Most battles I have lost required them to use boosters, something I try not to do if at all possible.(even is it means I'll lose) This only tells me their builds are less then OPed, that is to say, any build that requires constant use of boosters isn't that strong to begin with.

The TlM builds seem to be similar these days but they are much less similar then they used to be. The builds are diversifying and so are the strategies for success both for and against them.

My best advise is lose from your losses and build a better tomorrow. (as in build a better build!)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 20
11/19/2011 9:18:34   

^ I didnt say they were oped.

I simply said Battles arnt fun,
And you admitted it yourself THEY can beat you meaning THEY can obtain effortless wins,

And because they CAN they will, and that will continue . It shouldnt be a reily on LUCK thing, why should we forced into builds that will make them have a CHANCE to be blocked, because luck has proven time and time agian that it has a habbit of doing exactly what we dont want.

SO i stick with my statemnt of saying Battles arent as fun as when versing these Builds like you said sparticus THEY CAN BE BEATIN, but if they win (and odds are they are bound to get you) then ANYONE can achieve WINS without effort or Lacking stratagy and that is what makes the battles less enjoyable.
Epic  Post #: 21
11/19/2011 9:21:42   

I'm a BH. I have been every single last class.

As a BH, I find that the original focus smoke and Heal method has been obliterated. However, if I use mainly energy weapons, high Technology, decent Dexterity, and maxed Field Medic, I do perfectly fine. True, TLMs pose more of a challenge than any other class, but a energy shield knocks out non-smoke TLMs and my Reflex Boost not only negates the effect of Smoke, it also causes them to block a lot.

Refer to Sparticus's latest NightWraith Dud build for what I am talking about, I have 8 less stats so I simply reduced defneses and I don't notice a change.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 22
11/19/2011 9:23:26   

Well I have 3 characters and they are all different classes and not all varium just to point that out.

Ok yes TLM is the most popular class and seems op'd but the only thing that would make a fair change honestly would be to replace smoke screen with something like intimidate. It's been nerfed plenty. Secondly the other classes like CH can be just as powerful if you learn to use them....TLM isn't the only strong class so stop complaining.

STR and SUP builds do need to be more strict however, they are highly abused in stats. Perhaps make it cost even more stat points to increase the 2 after a certain point to make it harder to get it so high. So basically yes the game is a lot less enjoyable and its sad but stop blaming it on TLM, the only class I seem to find hard to win with these days is TM do to the lack of build possibilities.

< Message edited by Reki -- 11/19/2011 9:25:34 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 23
11/19/2011 9:26:10   

SO you guys are happy because more often then not luck goes your way......

Still to the point HOW ARE THESE BATTLES FUN??

I much prefer times before this when Stratigies could be used to win Rather then manipulating LUCK

Dont you agree??


I dont care who wins!
What I care is having enjoyable games, Hoping you start then, Hoping you get lucky IS not what I call enjoyable!

Whats wrong with wanting the olds days back when stratgy was the key, Creative builds were effective!
Whats wrong with that??

< Message edited by Remorse -- 11/19/2011 9:29:07 >
Epic  Post #: 24
11/19/2011 9:30:33   

@Reki: I have about the same experience than you, yet you always beat me. Twice. Luck goes my way.

Right, other classes are soooo powerful.

TLMs need a nerf. A smart player like Remorse should not be the equivalent of someone like...a random TLM. Your argument is a smart player can beat a TLM. Stupid players should beat stupid TLMs. Experienced players need to rise above newbies.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 25
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