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RE: Battles these days.

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11/19/2011 9:39:14   

^ Thank you wraith,

That is exactly how I feel.

The point is,

EVEN the smartest player in ED (not of the TLM class) can lose to a lvl 30 TLM, Alot more times then they should.

That is why battles arent fun.

Im not saying the smartest player in ED wouldnt win, they would win ALOT! BUT the point is battles are now too luck detremined mainly because strategy lacking Builds can be SO effective.
Epic  Post #: 26
11/19/2011 10:41:40   

^ You need to get a life... Go out and do something fun rather then sitting all day and thinking of ways to complain.. God you are what your name says .. Please when the new classes were not their people use to complain about Mercs being Op.. Mercs this Mercs that ..

And now .. its TLM.. I would suggest that instead of wasting hours coming up with LONG LONG Posts .. use that time doing something more productive ya.? Umm maybe like coming up with builds..?? i use a CH.. and i 90% of the time Pawn TLM.. let it be str or tank..its all about using your brain in the right direction.. maybe if you ask i might share my build with you....... and if you have so much problem just quit it bro.? go find some other game ..ED is not AQW first of all.. its a PVP game.. so obvi their is so much the dev can do....
Post #: 27
11/19/2011 10:47:57   

^ Jeez,

Im so sry for trying to help this game Out!

Im not entirely self motivated you know, I actully want things changed for everyones enjoyment.

I didnt say I cannot beat them, I can, but the whole game has shifted from tactics to power and I'm just trying to get things changed for the better.
Epic  Post #: 28
11/19/2011 11:11:50   

I don't think flaming the OP is very nice. I'd like to ask that you all refrain from that sort of childish nonsense.

I think my words were bent to aid the OP when they, indeed, don't support the position. I have fun with all my battles, I never said I didn't and I don't support the idea that battles are not fun anymore and I don't support the notion that "ANYONE can achieve WINS without effort or Lacking strategy". The battles I win against equally armed and leveled players are usually challenging and stimulating. None, yes I said NONE, of my battles including the ones I lost were boring, repetitive or lacking in stimulation and none, let me repeat this so you understand, NONE of my loses were "effortless wins" for my opponents. They were all very close and very thought provoking for both me and my opponent. When I lose, it's usually because of an unforeseen event like an early rage or random crit or I was just outplayed by a build I'm unfamiliar with. Those events are not about luck but about randomness. I never, yes I said NEVER, lost because the opponent outclassed me in build, weapons or skills and they had to work very hard to defeat me. I defy anyone to claim I'm an "effortless wins" LOL. Battles fall many ways, sometimes in your favor and sometimes not. Take the losses as well as you take the wins, enjoy all your battles for what they are and move on.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 29
11/19/2011 11:21:04   

Your entitled to your opinions, and I respect it, Im not trying to be childish.
I just think this game has changed into something worse then it orignally started as.

I payed money should't I have the right to argue for a change?

Sure many of you may see no reason for a change But thier is certainly no reason to tell people to " get a life" or calling their ideas and veiws "childish nonsense".

< Message edited by Remorse -- 11/19/2011 11:23:59 >
Epic  Post #: 30
11/19/2011 11:43:21   

I'm a Tech Mage
What's the meaning of bliss being a tlm? Winning battles, being on leaderboards and insulting others thinking they're the best.
I have never ever class change, I have been loyal to Tech Mage since Beta Phase, all the experiences with heal loop build, support build, strength builds before the three new classes come, help me survive until now. It has been hard for me in my beginning, since I was a nonvarium but I still have chances, the problem was that during gamma and delta phase, I have wasted 40k credits just in retraining, the release of new weapons for abusing strength and support builds have make me thought of builds to contrast them, I change my build like 10 per 2 weeks. I don't think it is fair for other classes to waste such amount of credits when tlms just copy paste a build from other tlms to have a high ratio. I have notice that of the three basic classes, only tech mage can't use a strength build to its full potential since it lacks of skills improving with strength except with bludgeon. One of the best ideas I have had, is that all classes should have the same chances when using strength, dex, tech, support or 5 focus builds, not only 2-3 classes from 6 taking all over the game with such easy to manage and nonstrategic builds. That's all I have to say, and the last thing, all I'm asking for is for a skill tree arrangement for Tech Mage, not for a buff but seems Devs cares a fk about it.

< Message edited by DeathGuard -- 11/19/2011 11:46:46 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 31
11/19/2011 11:50:55   


I don't think flaming the OP is very nice. I'd like to ask that you all refrain from that sort of childish nonsense.

This was directed at dracule1984for this:


^ You need to get a life... Go out and do something fun rather then sitting all day and thinking of ways to complain.. God you are what your name says .. Please when the new classes were not their people use to complain about Mercs being Op.. Mercs this Mercs that ..

I was defending your right to speak freely on the forum as I would for any other member who speaks their mind. This was not aimed at you in any way. It was merely a request to stop the flaming and not an indictment of the OP or her opinions.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 32
11/19/2011 12:15:26   

I was tech mage, made build having fun... then the new classes arrived.....

I got beaten up and down and left and right... I got pwned by almost all the TCM i met... Then i changed to blood mage, what a waste.... Im still getting pwned every time i go battling, cause every time i meet STR or Tank TCM. Im quitting this game until christmas and see how it goes..

:) Its fun playing when you are lvl 1 - 15 then it just gets totally STR!
Epic  Post #: 33
11/19/2011 12:26:56   

TLMs aren't unbeatable. Every class except Mercenary, Tech Mage, and Blood Mage can have a decent chance of beating strength and focus TLMs. For example, .Torin. and Rayman are particularly good at making anti-TLM builds that can win around 1/2 the battles against experienced TLMs and most battles against TLMs overall. The key is to use a lot of dex and hope for blocks. This seems to go in line with your theory that TLMs force players to depend on luck, but since luck seems to more than should be, the deciding factor in this game, you might as well rely on it.

Also, what kind of unintelligent person would not take advantage of such an opportunity to be OP? You might say you want to be honorable and whatnot, but if everyone became TLM, then the devs would have no choice but to adjust the TLM class; so you might as well switch in and enjoy the class until the devs change it.
AQW Epic  Post #: 34
11/19/2011 12:45:14   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

@endtime Maybe the intelligent people who don't want to spend more varium and credits to switch classes when TLM falls to balance changes.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 35
11/19/2011 12:50:29   


You say every class, then you exclude three......

That leaves the two classes with shadow arts and the actul class them selves.

SO is this miracle block the only effctive counter? It seems so and even this unrelaiable counter struggles at its best against smart TLMs with their abailty to minimise the chance of luck.
OR the fact many TLM build dont use many blockables.

Maybe I should change class but what about those that connot.
Are they automatically "unintelligent"

< Message edited by Remorse -- 11/19/2011 12:51:22 >
Epic  Post #: 36
11/19/2011 12:50:37   

The only class that I find good against TLM is TM and possibly BH. However the Maul stun is something unacceptable.

TLM is strong. A little tweak will put them right to place
TLM can be beaten, but only by some "counter" builds which is petty dumb

Fixing those 2 will help a lot
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 37
11/19/2011 12:53:34   

^ I agree,

Plus maul is unaceptable even without the stun its easily worth the mana it costs compared to all other classes stunning skills.
Epic  Post #: 38
11/19/2011 12:56:20   

I login, try 1v1, its mostly tac mercs and str bounties. most fight the same way and I find that very boring.
so tired of not getting an attack for 5-6 turns because they went first and smoked. then I get 1 attack and dead.

I have counter builds like on my CH, but for the other classes its just lame having to create builds that counter those 2
and are useless against the other classes, or make a more general build knowing im gonna be losing to bad players a lot.

and let me make this clear, almost all the tac mercs are bad players.

I keep track of the updates but not a chance you will see me ingame until the skill tree change for tac mercs is here.
Post #: 39
11/19/2011 12:59:03   

Yeah, idk about other classes but with my common Def/Res, using buff skill or not that Maul give TLM 5-10 damage, plus normal weapon damage, plus ~25% stun and cost mere nothing compare to TLM. I mean wth? how long will people realize this skill is like 11 MP cost smoke? I don't have any problem with it's MP increase per Point, but it's starting MP is way way way too cheap
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 40
11/19/2011 13:10:02   


I think it should start at 22 mana and increase by 1 each time to max at 32 (normal mxed mana for a stunning skill)
Epic  Post #: 41
11/19/2011 13:18:27   

The most pathetic part is that the devs know how crappy the balance is yet do nothing. We literally have to wait for "Titan to get around to it." Yes, that is a direct quote from a mod on the Balance team.

How lame is that?
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 42
11/19/2011 13:19:55   

Sorry if this seems off topic:

I actually agree with the Maul skills being too cheap. Mercs used to lose lots of stat points and damage using a maul so the maul skills were cheaper to attract Mercs into using them but now the damage and the stat spreads on the new mauls are in line with other class specific weapons and they still have the very cheap skills. That might be something easy to fix that the DEVs should look into.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 43
11/19/2011 13:20:31   

Well, you need to choose between two things:
Quantity or Quality.
Sadly, now, your skill is measured in your overall wins.
We can't improve this problem if we don't put aside our need to make wins, and begin to appreciate what they're worth.

< Message edited by nico0las -- 11/19/2011 13:23:14 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 44
11/19/2011 13:36:47   

Battles these days.
Some random dude clicks 1v1. And ends up with a Maxed SC, Maxed Malfuncion and Maxed Massacre.

I wonder how they feel after they got 90 damage on themself with that Maxed Massacre.

Lol, I think I'm the only person with an maxed Massacre xD
AQW Epic  Post #: 45
11/19/2011 13:38:51   

I think Stun is also a problem. 12 energy for 20% defense ignore, at least a 22% chance to stun, plus the damage inflicted when it connects. And its cool down is only 2 turns.

When you compare the Stun skills of other classes, in order to get that much damage and a similar chance to stun, the skill has to be near max in order to do so.

And don't give me the "it can be blocked" garbage.

AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 46
11/19/2011 13:51:23   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

@frogbones Wiseman confirmed Maul is being removed from TLMs skill tree and there was even a thread about it here a week ago I think
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 47
11/19/2011 13:53:50   


( I dont use that smiley much these days

But what will they get in return O.o my bet is stun grenade since they always seem to end up doing my ideas :/
Epic  Post #: 48
11/19/2011 14:12:11   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

@remorse Actually it is Stun Grenade but it's probably because Stun Grenade never works for a str build instead of anyone suggesting it. I also know what might happen to Hybrid and Reroute for TLMs but it's a "might" so I won't tell because I don't want to come under fire if it doesn't happen.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 49
11/19/2011 14:18:26   

@ Mallet:

Yeah yeah, we've being hearing about the skill tree being changed for quite some time. The point is, it hasn't happened, and there's no reason to think it will happen anytime soon.

They're too busy making "Language Releases" and other pointless updates.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 50
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