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RE: Battles these days.

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11/19/2011 14:37:28   

Tlm... one step closer to BH.
AQ Epic  Post #: 51
11/19/2011 15:53:31   
I am Primal

endtime no offence but your a tact what would you know about countering them in an different class.
Post #: 52
11/19/2011 15:59:24   

^Your class won't define who you are, though.

@Jzaanu Unfortunately, strategy has more or less gone out the window. Us "old dinosaurs" will have to change our ways, or, as the dinosaurs, go extinct.
As we have all repeated, the problem lies with people abusing a build. Were the masses more creative, we wouldn't have this problem.
But we do.

< Message edited by nico0las -- 11/19/2011 17:46:36 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 53
11/19/2011 16:36:39   
I am Primal

for me it does i have very little respect for tacts. simply because (most) of them think there skillful being op. i mean don't get me wrong i got alot of friends who are tacts but i hate the class so much.
Post #: 54
11/19/2011 17:15:35   
Elf Priest JZaanu

I had a interesting comment today during a battle. A player (strength tac merc) told me mages are extinct except for me. Uniquely enough I must agree. Not in terms the whole varium class is gone, but there are a few old dinosaurs like me that still play.

My current build is solely designed for tac merc skills. It is a passive defense, and being so compact, I have major troubles with expanded varium builds from mages, bm, bh, ch, yet the main demographics is tac mercs. I randomly duel any of the other classes quite a bit less, so those losses don't bother me much. I can only do with what my build allows me.

With balance, the class demographic must be more equal. As long as Class Change feature is easily available, there will be one class dominating the game. This chapter started with High HP mages, and soon to be high mass ch/bhs.

Deal with enhancements and class-change, and balance will be much easier.

In regard to me having fun. Personally, I enjoy being the underdog "blue collar" class. People who enjoy step-by-step strategy, this is the perfect class. Many who like auto-win or less effort battle styles, there are other classes available.

< Message edited by JZaanu -- 11/19/2011 17:21:06 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 55
11/19/2011 18:07:44   


Unfortunately for us TLMS are able to achieve high defnces and high power making them the perfect combo for any newbie who wants to win with basically no efort or knowledge of the game, and leaving those who do have knowledge and use the builds even deadlier!

seriously man get over it, its same for everybody and every class im a tlm, a noob with 1k wins do 2 block(with 50 dex lower) and do 1 stun then win, this game is like this everyone can win anybody.

a noob tlm-bh-tm-ch-merc-bm can win you dont forget that!!!


THE point I'm trying to say is something has to change or this game will lose alot of its players, it really shouldnt be like this!

Not something alot things has to change but nothing will change and ED will lose 0 players so get over this too.

ED admins are using "love it or leave it" strategy they dont care what we think just care what they want to do this game and get the highest profit they can.


And the lack of changes on this issuse is starting to make lose hope, and as soon as all my hope for change is gone their will be no reason to continue to play and I'm sure alot of people will feel the same.

I lost hope when every battle 1-2 low dex blocks or 3 crits happen, like i said "love it or leave it" , no on force you to play this game and no one force you to buy varium you do it cause you like to play if you dont than dont play.

< Message edited by TurkishIncubus -- 11/19/2011 18:09:02 >


Epic  Post #: 56
11/19/2011 18:30:00   

@Turkish: I must say that you have some glaring loopholes in youtpe argument. There is nothing wrong with saying that anyone stands a chance of winning you (you guessed it, a STR TLM). You failed to consider the odds of such an event occurring, maybe 1 in every 25 matches? From what I observe, TLM's win rates are the best. I assume that you did not add this fact in as it would have crumbled your whole argument, which is obviously biased and hence, inaccurate.

Your scenario of 1-2 blocks and 3 crits within 1 battle is obviously exaggerated. Tac Mercs finish off anyone, including full-varium level 34's in a matter of turns. Even if such a thing happened, it is an isolated case and should not be magnified to such a large scale, so you should not draw conclusions on that alone (assuming it even happened).

I'm pretty sure many others here would agree with me.


AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 57
11/19/2011 18:48:37   


@Turkish: I must say that you have some glaring loopholes in youtpe argument. There is nothing wrong with saying that anyone stands a chance of winning you (you guessed it, a STR TLM). You failed to consider the odds of such an event occurring, maybe 1 in every 25 matches? From what I observe, TLM's win rates are the best. I assume that you did not add this fact in as it would have crumbled your whole argument, which is obviously biased and hence, inaccurate.

Your scenario of 1-2 blocks and 3 crits within 1 battle is obviously exaggerated. Tac Mercs finish off anyone, including full-varium level 34's in a matter of turns. Even if such a thing happened, it is an isolated case and should not be magnified to such a large scale, so you should not draw conclusions on that alone (assuming it even happened).

I'm pretty sure many others here would agree with me.

Agreed. *nods*
AQW  Post #: 58
11/19/2011 18:51:49   

He with some other players, I'm not naming them, although I'm pretty sure they know what I meant, are taking up sides with Over-Powerness so that they can keep their "perfect" win ratio. Not gonna name whos obssesed with that, it'll know. You gotta have no life if your gonna go mad for not getting to have a "perfect" win ratio. O_O

I have only one more thing to say:
*Troll alert*
*Troll alert ended*

I warned you.
AQW Epic  Post #: 59
11/19/2011 19:30:46   


Get over it , after tlm nerfed another class will be better than others. This game is Luck vs Luck i dont think a tlm that can win you if you do 3 crit 1 deflect(happened me today)

also str TLm is not unbeatable , high dex or energy attacks can easyly defeat it.


Your scenario of 1-2 blocks and 3 crits within 1 battle is obviously exaggerated. Tac Mercs finish off anyone, including full-varium level 34's in a matter of turns

in the scenario there is "or" read carefully, its true we can kill full varium noob 34s in 2 turns, like they dont do any thing against smoke(leaving def 10-12)

Well i still dont know why im talking in here do what ever you want i dont care.And Devs actualy listening you they keep nerfing the class because of 10 ppl , if i gonna bring 10 of my friends in forum and open a thread about nerfing Normal Merc i think devs also gonna nerf it :/
Epic  Post #: 60
11/19/2011 19:34:54   


also str TLm is not unbeatable , high dex or energy attacks can easyly defeat it.

Then would you care explain how they manage to do 35 damage on me even though I got 28-34 +1 +19 Defense ( With Defense Matrix which was on)?


Well i still dont know why im talking in here do what ever you want i dont care.And Devs actualy listening you they keep nerfing the class because of 10 ppl , if i gonna bring 10 of my friends in forum and open a thread about nerfing Normal Merc i think devs also gonna nerf it :/

You're just acting like a complete tool there.
AQW Epic  Post #: 61
11/19/2011 19:45:49   

I'm typing this half-awake, so I'm still a little groggy. However, I am surprised that my logic is still better than yours. When you say "get over it", you are implying "accept TLMs as they are, dont find ways to destroy my awesome (but less respectable) win ratio". You are biases in your opinions, its a fact, no running away from it.

Then, you claim that high energy/dex builds can win STR TLMs. Mind you, these are very specific builds, unlike STR TLMs which can be used anytime.

Its actually quite fun picking apart your poor, weak arguments. Go on, argue back, you may think your right, but everyone knows the truth.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 62
11/19/2011 19:46:40   

@Jekyll , AQWPlayer , 1234speedy

Do you guys ever played as TLM?
Epic  Post #: 63
11/19/2011 19:57:58   

Just in case you are wondering, I have been every single class before. I spent 2 months as a TLM, but I changed after that. Why? Battles were too easy, no strategy was involved. Well, the only strategy is: Bash your way to victory. They might as well be called Barbaric Mercenaries, not Tactical Mercenaries. If battles were meant to be that easily, I would be playing EasyDuel, not EpicDuel.

Sorry, but you have to let go of the fact that wins come easily. It was never meant to be.

Not long ago, Gaddafi was ruling Libya with an iron fist. In the end, he got "nerfed", and did he complain? He couldn't, because he was the one at fault all along.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 64
11/19/2011 20:06:42   

Actually I did. I like Jekyll, played as all the classes. And I know what each and every class is capable of doing. So, your arguments are equal to null. Actually, I gave Blood Mage a shot from the first level. Gotta say I had a 70% win ratio on it.
AQW Epic  Post #: 65
11/19/2011 20:12:39   
Mr.Pablo Jr.

I can't say battles aren't fun, there are still quite a couple of close fun nail-biters. With TLMs however, there has got to be a point where you say enough. We are all aware that 40% of ED's population are TLMs and that was around a month ago, now I reckon it has gone up. Why? Because TLMs are versatile, deadly, and there is no denying TLMs are irrevocably OP. True some builds can beat TLMs but they have to be targeted at them, therefore creating several problems with other classes. Of course you can't drastically nerf the class, but you have to do something that will bring the class down to the same level as the others. Until then however, all you will hear about is how OPed TLMs.

I am a TLM and I didn't just post this so I look good, I posted this because I seriously want change.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 66
11/19/2011 20:14:27   

^ so you played as a tlm , and didnt lose to anyother class? you win all BH-TM-BM-MERC-CH no one could win you right?

btw im playing since beta , none of the nerfs effected me and none will effect in future, i always had high ratio(i really dont care) and fast wins.

TLM IS THE MOST STRATEGIC CLASS IN GAME , just because you are not clever to use it strategical doesnt mean no one can.
@ below

First off, "I'm playing till beta" --> Isn't beta already over?

i wrote wrong sry every body can do mistakes its 3:30 in here :/, i will correct it it will be "since"

< Message edited by TurkishIncubus -- 11/19/2011 20:29:54 >
Epic  Post #: 67
11/19/2011 20:22:57   

Woah woah woah, someone's getting to personal attacks eh?

First off, "I'm playing till beta" --> Isn't beta already over?

Next, "TLM is the most strategic class in the game" --> Fallacy! Did you hear that Pinocchio's nose is so long because he told so many lies?

Lastly, "No one could win you right?" --> Now this is some serious sarcasm. Learn to accept losses. I really hope you are not like that in real life. Personally, I think you are one of the most disliked ones on this forum, not because people hate you naturally, but because you force others to have this feeling about you. No one is being prejudiced against you, you have your own laws, I live by my own.

Anyone who agrees with me here, please feel free to say so.

--End of My Argument--

Anything else that you want to say, go ahead. We all know who's making more sense here, you or me. Just because you think you're right, doesn't mean you are.

< Message edited by Jekyll -- 11/19/2011 20:24:14 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 68
11/19/2011 20:32:33   
Mr.Pablo Jr.

No, I do not win all of the classes, my build is specifically targeted to strength builds in general. I don't lose eften, but I do lose around 3% of my battles and they are mostly to CHs. If nerfing TLMs will cost me my ratio, so be it. I am sick of facing the same build over and over again, it's very disheartening and boring.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 69
11/19/2011 20:33:53   

Let me remind everyone that courtesy and respect are not optional when you post. This thread has shown little of either. Attacking a player because of his class, or his opinions will not be tolerated.

Locking up.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 70
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