Creative! Constructive!
Bah... Your stories have been very good. I enjoy them, and have without even taking romantic-related predudices into account, I enjoy reading them. That being said, if you plan to improve, let my praise not stop you. I also like the idea of knowing more about your past, along with Syrena's. I would like to see The Story of Captain Arafae draw to a close, but if that must be postponed for your new story, so be it. I can wait, and I lived through it, anyway, so meh. Others might want to know what happened in the end, though. lol You are correct, though, to say that you may have shown events from a perspective centering on yourself and your actions a bit too much, though. It will be interesting to see how you write the story, now that you have chosen to have a paradigm shift in the way you show things.