Creative! Constructive!
@Kinzvlle's demands in the negotiations for the freeing of the Illuminati members: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You really think that saying such a thing will get you anywhere? It in fact does the opposite, and makes you seem MORE of a threat. YOu are treading dangerous waters, my enemy. If you continue acting such as you are, you are going to get yourself killed twice over!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! Ooooh... that was good. Indeed. Just like the United States did not use to negotiate with terrorists untill Obama apparently decided it was a good idea to release 5 of the most dangerous members of the Taliban from Guantanamo to bolster the negotiations with the Taliban in Afghanistan, even as our troops were set to leave Afghanistan early, after all the work and money we've put into getting that far, and how close they were to extermination, so do the Illuminati not deal well with people who threaten them and attempt to impose ridiculous agreements upon their organization. Yes, I am irritated at his policies, and can only hope that it is a ruse, and not the idiotic mistake it would be, but considering his recent track record, I have quite a few doubts in that, IRL... but enough about politics. That was just a tiny rant to let off some steam. *chuckles at Jessa's phrase "like HS, only it'll actually happen"*... but sadly, I feel similar sentiments on that matter. I'll comment more, later.