Creative! Constructive!
To be fair, it actually is not Drakkonic Evil, but rather Blood, which I suppose some people were confused by. Yes, this occurs in the past, before the battle domes were invented, so technically speaking it could not occur in there at some later point, even if I or Voldo wanted it to. ... Are those runes... Norse? The other optioin would be crudely fassioned greek, but I am almost certain they never had an infinity-like symbol in their repertoir. Yes, Kinzvlle, that was Aurora talking about the ship that was attacking the Stargate vessel: the one Darkness was in. Lunarox makes me wonder whether or not he realizes that this in fact *did* occur in the past, in which case I would prefer him adding something like "*in the past*". *chuckles at Scarekrow* Everyone thinks it would be so easy. Problem is the first line of defence I actually set up is a fake backdrop not actually anywhere near Clown's real location, designed to fool people, among other things, by showing what's actually happening to Clown at the time. (With reference to Aurora, that [ \l/ ]was merely an illusion of what she'd want to look like, not a physical body of any kind) Oh, poor Clown, thinks he has to be hurt. I suppose you have put up enough trouble for Drakky to humor you for just a little bit. *puts her fingers to Clown's lips* Which is not to say that I will actually allow you to die... *the room shifts around them, somewhat, and Clown's body has returned to a state resembling that he was in when he first came in* I think that will do, for now. *smiles both pleasantly and peevishly, and then diappears, with the sounds of giggles hollowly fading along with her* *explodes into a blanket of blood, splashing Voldo and the surrounding area* Bravo. *claps, appearing behind him* The real question is whether you will ever actually hit the real me, or do permanent damage. *the blood fizzles and expands, as it drains enenrgy from Voldo* That tactic was one designed to... counter energy beings, and those of similar natures. Hope you don't mind. *tendrils of dark red appear, traveling from him, knocking Voldo back, continuing to push him, repeated, circling around the back, striking him from both there and in front of him, pushing him to the side, then striking up from underneath him, continuing to chase him, and then completely enveloping the being of chaotivoid, and striking him from all sides, as the sword he was using is tossed into the fray, impaling him, but disappearing the second later* *two more swords of a similar variety appear in his hand, and he twirls them, preparing to continue on, waiting to see what Voldo would do next, still testing him* I wondered when you'd come out, Jacky. Scans can't be fooled so easily as you might think. Would you prefer to stay, or go? (Jack was the first to actually get to the real one) quote:
But if it's batteries ya want...I'll give em to you for a different price. I want you...to kill Lady Zafara. Not just kill...I want her broken inside and out. The funny thing is that he's actually able to say that, because the false form he appears to be within the ruse-prison does efffectively what he does. Might have to change that.
< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/17/2012 11:18:34 >