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RE: =ED= Weapon Stats Rehaul

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3/29/2012 22:12:40   

This is in light of me spending several thousand varium on enhancing the Beta Weapons. I think the issue here is previous investment. Weapons that have already been created, especially ones that required payment and are extremely rare, shouldn't be altered. If I bought a very expensive Dell XPS Core i7, I expect it to stay an XPS core i7 and not turn into a garbage Core i3 the next week.

I would be in support of this idea if it is implemented only for future weapons and past weapons that entailed no (real) large monetary payments.

< Message edited by endtime -- 3/29/2012 22:25:08 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 51
3/30/2012 1:35:03   
Nub Apocalypse

^Exactly what i'm trying to say, in nice sounding words it's changing an existing product, in other words it is scamming.


AQ or not, Balance is balance.
It's in T&C that ED has full right to change their products and you've agreed to it upon registering so you cannot refuse as you agreed to it.
Similar power? Top Lvl items are all the same already yet we buy them anyway. Change will happen and it's good one as almost all weapons are due to get a buff and only those OP weapons will get a nerf. A lot of weapons will be useful and I fail to see how it's bad because it's a change to an item.

It will happen, you agreed to it upon registering and it will improve balance overall. ;)

Trans, yes balance is balance, but as I have stated before, balance comes in importance and effect. Have you ever heard of the butterfly effect? One small change here can end up changing the entire game, which i'd say will much more likely happen in ED than AQ. AQ isn't even a competitive game, balance is a rather ambiguous term to describe nerfs there. And how do you know almost all weapons are going to get a buff? We don't even know of the power on the vertical side of the graph. How is this power determined? Power is the overall ability to win, factors may be lvl reqs, stat modifiers, dmg, etc. So if the power lvl is determined only by these factors, is it even possible to make an accurate consistent formula to determine the power lvl? But if it isn't these factors but the general ability to win itself, then that graph is nothing but a lie. They cannot possibly estimate the ability of weapons to win just by looking at them, and if they did do this, then I can really see where the team fails.

EDIT: Also, Trans, please stop arguing with me, this thread was made for the purpose to see our response to the update. This is just my say as a member of the EpicDuel community, but if you're arguing my viewpoint to make me switch sides, then I suggest you give up.

< Message edited by Nub Apocalypse -- 3/30/2012 1:36:46 >
Post #: 52
3/30/2012 6:16:09   

Hope this thing will affect ENHANCEMENTS. They are the main cause of power jump.
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 53
3/30/2012 6:24:34   


Power, as I mentioned on page 2, is really only the statistics on the weapon.
AQ Epic  Post #: 54
3/30/2012 6:54:10   

Cannot work on formulae? It does already for new weapons anr classes are also scaled by formulae. I have info how Mineral and Plasma Armors work, it's a formulae.
AQ's balance describes nerfs? You don't know much about the game do you? Sorry but you're wrong on both points now.

Graph is a fail and so is team when weapons are changed.. Game is built on formulae since Alpha, weapons were not. It's your opinion, yes, but I have facts which are stronger. Sorry to disappoint you.

PS. Only items that will get nerf are Mjolnir like and Beta (or buffed up to higher Lvl and keep its stats). Rabble said, Lvl 31+ items might not even be affected. If you have numbers, I'm happy to see your point again and admit that I'm wrong, as Betas are OP, Mjolnir can last +10 Lvls and all other weapons are useless. I want that buff to older weapons as they are UP, which is majority of Lvl 25- items.

< Message edited by Trans -- 3/30/2012 7:01:01 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 55
3/30/2012 8:07:18   

The rehaul looks pretty nice :) I can't wait lol...(it's friday already here :D)

Waiting....waiting....waiting.... :)


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 56
3/30/2012 11:40:15   

Answering a few questions/concerns I saw:

1) I specifically kept the weapons' specialties the same. So if a weapon had a lot of Tech and a little Str, it will still have that. So whatever you bought the weapon for, it will still fulfill the same role.
2) Both damage and stats will be changing in this update. I tried to keep a reasonable variation in weapons so that some will be high damage with low stats, some will have lower damage for more stats, and others will strike an even balance.
3) Enhancements are not being touched in this update, only the base damage and base stats on weapons.
4) Pretty much every item up to level 30-31 was altered in some way. Level 32 and up weapons are pretty much untouched. This was by design.
5) Armors are not included in this update.
Post #: 57
3/30/2012 11:43:09   

Nice, nice :)
Aslong as my Delta Daggers are untouched its awesome! ;)

Can that really be ready for tonight?
AQW Epic  Post #: 58
3/30/2012 11:45:33   


3) Enhancements are not being touched in this update, only the base damage and base stats on weapons.

I will survive. Beaten, but alive.

Rhymey :3
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 59
3/30/2012 12:08:15   
King FrostLich


2) Both damage and stats will be changing in this update. I tried to keep a reasonable variation in weapons so that some will be high damage with low stats, some will have lower damage for more stats, and others will strike an even balance.


4) Pretty much every item up to level 30-31 was altered in some way. Level 32 and up weapons are pretty much untouched. This was by design.

I guess my stuff are untouched hopefully.
Epic  Post #: 60
3/30/2012 12:09:22   

Are the weapon prices going to be adjusted? They are all over the place as well, the credit inflation from level 22-25 is extreme when compared to levels 25-34

For example:
The level 22 John Henry maul with 24 damage, 2 stats and 8 enhancement slots costs 2200 credits
and the level 25 Megatron maul has 25 damage, 5 stats and 6 enhancement slot yet it costs 5600 credits

So, as you can see the price increases by over 150% for 1 extra damage and 3 stats... There are many other discrepancies in the cost.

Should the price structure match the exp curve?
Epic  Post #: 61
3/30/2012 13:24:32   

Weapon pricing is something I'm looking at now. Unsure whether it will be in today's release or not. More likely it won't be, since I don't feel too comfortable pushing a large change like this without enough preparation.

EDIT: To be clear, the stat changes on the weapons WILL be included in tonight's release, assuming of course there aren't any last minute game-breaking issues with it.

< Message edited by RabbleFroth -- 3/30/2012 13:32:21 >
Post #: 62
3/30/2012 13:31:01   

Relating to pricing, will you base pricing standards on current Credit ratio or scaled one which will be implemented once you have time to do it (I believe you need Titan as well)?
I'm sure it'll be on scaled ones as it'd save time + work but always better to ask.

And about enhancements - they aren't touched in this update or anytime soon, but are there any plans on changing them so they won't affect balance as much as they do now? Aka up to +40 stat points difference from enhanced stuff only.
AQ Epic  Post #: 63
3/30/2012 14:24:52   

@Rabble: can you *pleeaase* not forget to adjust juggernut mode to coop with this?


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 64
3/30/2012 15:15:45   

sure hope this update will fix the similarities between weapons like: hunter cannon and krampus/legion cannon; and headhunter smg to krampus/legion blaster
anyways, nice update and this is a giant leap to balancing imo
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 65
3/30/2012 15:56:02   
Lord Areswe

Libra power activate!
Must balance ALL the weapons
(liba power anyone?.....c'mon it's funny...it's okay to laugh...)
AQ MQ Epic  Post #: 66
3/31/2012 1:54:35   
Mr. Black OP

Overkill: Once an average lv 23 weapons with no stats and high damage, now a lv 23 weapon with 30 damage and stats.
I'm starting to like the old weapons better.

< Message edited by zman 2 -- 3/31/2012 1:58:40 >
Epic  Post #: 67
3/31/2012 2:22:10   
Dreiko Shadrack

This is sweeeeeeeet.
One has to wonder what the armor stats rehaul will do.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 68
3/31/2012 2:26:31   

Heh. Once this hits Enhancements it will be Beta Battling.

Enhancements, not SLOTS.
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 69
3/31/2012 8:33:45   
Lord Machaar

Thanks Rabblefroth for making juggernauts even more harder ^_^....
MQ Epic  Post #: 70
3/31/2012 9:24:53   

When I saw ' Betas Buffed ' in the Release DN's... I can't stop but wonder what was Froth thinking...

They are allready the Best weapons to stat abuse and now you give them even more Weapon damage?


Having a Signature is too mainstream
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 71
3/31/2012 21:40:58   

Is it just me, or is Caden's Wrath the way to go now? 28 damage and 24 tech, and not too expensive. Out of all I've noticed, that one seems to have fared the best. +6 damage and no reduction on the stats, where as Mjolnir improved by 5 and lost 4 stat points.
Also, I really hope the higher level weps are also boosted, otherwise, lower level weapons will dominate~
AQW Epic  Post #: 72
3/31/2012 21:50:35   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

I talked to Ashari about it and she's going over to check out the items. There are some mistakes made in the restatting.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 73
4/1/2012 0:59:55   
Hun Kingq

RabbleFroth, what is the meaning of increasing the damage on level 25 Alpha and Beta weapons that has 10 enhancement slots with no requirements?

Beta Bazooka (Level 25)
Weapon Details Damage Type: Energy
Equipment Type: Auxiliary
Damage: 34
Enhancement Slots: 10
Stat Modifiers Strength: 0
Dexterity: +7
Technology: +8
Support: 0
Level Required: 25
Strength required: 0
Dexterity required: 0
Technology required: 0
Support required: 0

Beta Blaster (Level 25)
Weapon Details Damage Type: Physical
Equipment Type: Gun
Damage: 30
Enhancement Slots: 10
Stat Modifiers Strength: 0
Dexterity: +9
Technology: +9
Support: 0
Level Required: 25
Strength required: 0
Dexterity required: 0
Technology required: 0
Support required: 0

The players that carries these weapons and wears the founder armor not only could have high health and energy but put any stat above what the stat progression does not list due to no requirements as the rest of us without armor and sidearm/aux with 10 enhancement slots can not put any stat above what the stat progression table lists. If weapons get 10 enhancement slots they should have requirements or take requirements off all weapons.
Epic  Post #: 74
4/1/2012 1:37:48   

I heard beta weapons have no requirements and have contributed to the game being essentially broken.
Post #: 75
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