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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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5/14/2012 20:34:11   

Au contraire, I would have no way of knowing that lol

Oh look a page
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 676
5/14/2012 21:34:11   

I suppose my concept of God's existance would slightly contrast with their existance, then, considering the fact that I think of Heaven being more His central command, the location of one of His avatars, the home of the angels. His conciousness would actually exist within a dimension out of time, through which he can influence all the rest of reality through carefully facilitated intermediatry dimensions similar in concept to "the ether". He would give commands through the use of said avatar, and have the appearance of presence, both for symbolic reasons and reasons of the impact actually having a form to interact with things could have. For example in the Biblical accounts the power of His "Glory" in the vacinity caused various psychological and physical impacts to the environment and people enveloped by it, such as deep fear or spontaneous combustion. The angels seem to have a similar effect many times, as well, but to a lesser degree. Because of the nature of man, and the fact that effectively everyone has sinned in their lives, few such encounters actually occur, and it is stated that looking directly at Him unless he was using a lesser form or some sort of shroud to conceal Himself could kill a person. Due to the fact that they exist in their true form outside of time and space, and are omniscient, the personalities of the three Inhabitants of Eternity have effectively blended together to make one being.

Because of the fact that The Facet's minds exist omnipresently throughout both time and space, they should technically know everything, though they may not understand it all or be able to mentally comprehend the information at one time as an Omniscient would, this presents a problem due to the fact that they should also be effectively blended in with God, existing in the same extra-temporal dimension, due to the time-space continuum requiring both time and space to function at all. This presumes they are not on an entirely different version of the T-S C, but in that case it brings up the question of whether or not God is in fact fully there, or in another one beyond that dimension. It would make more sense that way, because God might have to use multiple avatars at once in order to get His will fully communicated, barring direct transfer into their minds, which would imply they have no will of their own whatsoever. This possibility seems to be at odds with your wish for their existance. They also have the problem of God's will being extremely difficult to understand. He would go off on a completely unrelated tangent, compared to what had been their previous conversational path, because he thinks extra-temporally, and knows what all possible actions' results will be. It also brings up the question of God time traveling to make Himself appear in multiple places at once, instead of actually using multple avatars at a single point in time, or even saying many things at once as He was said to have done while communicating the Ten Commandments to the Hebrews, innitially. They would have to think in a way that would seem Eldritch to humans for that to be possible, though, and would make it difficult for them to communicate directly by talking, as humans have. With that in mind, it may be better to have them instantaneously tell someone something via direct thought transference... Perhaps a touch on the forehead. They would then wait for the human/whatever to respond as they might, or not... They might not do anything afterwords, instead leaving, or something. I imagine that's why God has angels, seeing as they are more directly capable of communicating with humans, as the term implies. The word "angel" means "messenger". I think he probably has other members of the Heavenly Host do other things. For example, Cherrubim have been depicted to lead God's modes of transport (it would seem that He was using an avatar in the appearance in the Book of Ezekiel, and while He could have appeared out of nowhere, as He has otherwise, He chose to use the effect appearing like that would have on the man, and on the people to read the record of the event in the future), but also apparently have other jobs they perform, such as guarding Eden before it was presumeably destroyed in the Flood.

I appologise if you find the religious talk to be boring or detrimental to the thread, anyone, but with that in mind, I am trying to help Glaisaurus with the character development and establishment of the Facets.
I say this wanting a response from him, and to instill deeper consideration of the matter within him.

O.o Torture chamber... Not too pleasant to hear the results during a formal gala, though... I lower my oppinion of it a notch. *causes a glass of wine to phase out, and drinks a sip from the crystal stemware*


Batteries for an anti-power generator? o_e

Seeing as I am not within that dimension, it does not effect me, though it does require quite a bit more energy to effect anything in *there*, as well... Oh, and I am not draining virtually any energy from beign phased out, since I'm already within said dimension and not constantly forcing myself through matter.

I love the witty banter between those two...

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 5/14/2012 22:42:43 >
DF  Post #: 677
5/14/2012 21:39:05   

(to avoid any further plot holes, I declare that the anti power generators are remote controlled, so Darkness can switch them on if anything gets out of hand)

*Road hits a target, dunking one of the legion members. He shivers as he enters the water. Once he is fully submerged the top of the dunk tank automatically, closes and locks with a click. Darkness throws his head back in mad laughter.* MUHAHAAAA HAA! *The servants make there way around the table, and serve Darkness (the host) last as is proper. He takes a sip of the Cream of Bailey.* MM, the chef did a wonderful job. Now is anyone going to send the second baboon into the water? *The lgegien member who got dunked already, begins to suffocate.*
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 678
5/14/2012 22:12:47   

Drak: You could have just PM'd Gla that.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 679
5/14/2012 22:48:20   

I think the simplest way to understand the Facets is that they are semi-omnipresent. That is, their minds exist in every universe, but not in every point in that universe. Treated almost like their minds are physical and embody a specific point in space like ours. In simpler terms, their consciousness resides in "Heaven" while their physical bodies exist 1 per universe.

On the note of God, my theory is that the idea/being simply is everything and exists outside of time so as to know what one will do next without forcing them to do it. Thus, no predetermined destiny, but being outside time he knows what will happen anyway.

That said, God will never appear in my story, but it will be hinted that the Facets work for him. Angels are the Messengers, while the Facets are like maintenence. They keep things running and make sure there's not too much tampering.

Or something (oh wow Glai WHAT AN ELOQUENT ENDING).

*Road has a slightly uneasy face at the Legion member's fate before leaning back and his chair and smiling again*

< Message edited by glaisaurus_x -- 5/14/2012 22:51:47 >
DF MQ  Post #: 680
5/15/2012 1:12:32   

wat happened to movie megaplex items
DF AQW  Post #: 681
5/15/2012 4:41:08   


I want to know who that is, now. ._.

I'm not sure infiltrating the Chaos Carnival will be easy... They have... weird ways. Difficult to immitate you have that much craziness. Hard to explain what I mean, unfortunately.

read chapter 4 of "chronicles of the red orb" to see what i meant.


[CENTER][URL=http://www.nodiatis.com/personality.htm] [/URL][/CENTER]

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 682
5/15/2012 12:10:28   
Clown the Jester

CORRUPTING MY GOONS WILL YA? Heh...though I do find the idea of installing your own personality onto your goons...why that gives me quite the idea. HEE HEE HEE! But back to the matter at hand.

First after I released you from L.O.C.K.D.O.W.N. out of the generosity of my heart...you mock my gift...Then...what's the next thing ya do? Sending Spies in my Circus? Oh heavens! HEE HEE! How…heh heh…scary.

Surly this will be my undoing...heh...if it wasn't for the fact I don't depend on my clan as you do for your legion. And lets face it…I don’t trust my own loyal crew of freaks anymore than I could trust your spies. I mean…have you seen my Carnies? YEESH! Down right terrifying if I do say so myself. You believe my Carnies are beneth you...but far from it...My Chaos Carnival is made up of people like you and me. They're nothing...to laugh at.

Ya see…the Chaos Carnival is far too disorderly to be considered an organization…or empire…or even school club. Heh heh. I don’t ask my Carnies to be loyal to me or obey my whims. FAR FROM IT! I encourage their individualism and their own personal agendas. They do whatever they want…kill whatever they wanna kill and I just sit back and watch their fun. Now…sometimes when I get a funny idea, we pull a good prank over the city…but that’s an every now and then thing.

That’s why its impossible to undermine the Chaos Carnival. We don’t have anything for you to burn or destroy. All we got are names. And our roster can be so easily refilled.

The problem is DC-14…you think you’re untouchable. Nobody’s untouchable. NOT EVEN ME! Now I’m not against a little ego. To be quite frank…I’m probably the least humble person here…but ya gotta remember…

You gotta understand…I’m not a reasoning being like the others. Far from it. Reasoning is And more importantly…I have simple needs. I don’t have some master plan or dream to rule a world or anything like that. All I want…ALL I NEED…is The Game.

Let them spy on me...HECK I’M IN SUCH A GOOD MOOD THAT I WON'T EVEN KILL EM! Its not like I have anything to hide. And having people you know to be treasonous can be a valuable asset. Why not cut out the middle man and ask me directly?

Clown the Jester ain't a man of mystery. He's the Harlequin of tomfoolery. What ya see is what ya get. Ya see…I play the role of a chaotic serial killer harlequin whose every action is the result of impulses and no self control, who just so happens to have great teeth….but in reality…I’m a chaotic serial killer harlequin whose every action is the result of impulses and no self control, who just so happens to have REALLY great teeth.

Ya see...thats the difference between you and me Mr. DC-14...I don't have to hide. You do. Why else would you send your little goons to my crib after I made a house call to your ‘secret lair’? Heh heh heh.

And oh...heh heh heh...it may be true you can regenerate...but I know how to kill you. Kill you so you stay dead. It isn’t hard…rather simple…so simple I’m sure you’ve already thought of it. All I would need is a bucket of water and a lot of paper towels.

Dwell on that.

AQW Epic  Post #: 683
5/15/2012 15:07:18   


clown, you have no idea how many of the carnival i have under my control. i could just snap my fingers and they would turn on you.
but i wont, seeing as this whole game of spying is the most fun ive had since my first jailbreak.

hiding? me? heh... most people would, seeing as the heroes want my blood for all my little games and the villains want me dead after that little "fun" i had at the villain gala. but i dont. hiding is boring. how can me and the legion play our games while hiding behind a wall? the only reason you havent found me yet is because you didnt really try...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 684
5/15/2012 18:04:36   
Clown the Jester

Of course I'm not trying. Why would I? Your little show was...eh.... interesting. But this routine of trying to get the last laugh has gotten old.

And where would it lead to? You’ve caused some mischief yes….but I enjoy a good bit of tomfoolery as the next guy. And your little setup has given me a few ideas.

Now true I’ve put some interest into putting ya into your place. For example…I do know where you’re hiding. Ya see…when ya started corrupting the first of my Carnies…I decided to sneak a few homing bugs onto some of my more…impressionable freaks. And…well…when they went to hang out at your home…I kinda took the opportunity to drop on by unannounced to see what shenanigans you had going on. Interesting work…but a bit too…uh…extensive for my taste.

Though I did find a certain Red Orb on my tour. Heh…that looked kinda neat. I gotta admit…I had quite the good mind to just crack it open like an egg and watch you sweat….but…that would be a bit too boring and predictable. And I hate doing predictable. SO I left your little orb alone.

But…I did find your orb interesting…so interesting that I may have…borrowed the technology to design my own upgraded little Purple Orb. Heh heh heh….and the things it can do…like…uh…I don’t know…this.

*Clown the Jester presses a button on the purple orb and all his Chaos Carnies that are controlled by DC-14 are released from his control.*

My my my...I do believe your hold on my Carnies has been lifted. Heh heh heh. Did you really think you could pull the strings over my own Carnival? DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH!


Hm...and this funtion here...well...I got a certain idea of what it's for. Bet I could hook it up to this antenna...NOW THAT WOULD BE INTRESTING! Can’t wait to show Super City what I got planned with this little orb of mine…Heh heh heh. The games I shall play on Drakkoniss…I will have such fun that will be…HEE HEE….most funny.

Oh..and for all my goons in DC-14’s crib…why don’t you all kill a few Red Legion people while you’re there and blow that place sky high? Good fellows…but don’t be long…we got a lot of work to do if we’re gonna set up this hilarious prank.


AQW Epic  Post #: 685
5/15/2012 18:22:09   

Just saying Clown, but that whole Purple Orb thing just seems...cheap.

EDIT:Also, I drew some quick sketches of Cona and Shift, Pillar and Sauna will be added too, so now you'll know what they look like.

< Message edited by glaisaurus_x -- 5/15/2012 18:26:42 >
DF MQ  Post #: 686
5/15/2012 18:26:46   

*Walks into the forum and brushes himself off* Dang Frags.

What's this about cheapness? And hey Glai. I believe I was just talking to you elsewhere. Interesting how these two universes combine.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 687
5/15/2012 18:29:04   

Well, he pretty much just stole Vulkan's gimmick and reportedly improved it.

And yes, we were. Interesting indeed.

Shift looks different than I expected, but fun overall. Corona, I like how he turned out...no idea how to draw Sauna and Pillar, though Pillar will have some Enrico Pucci inspiration obviously.
DF MQ  Post #: 688
5/15/2012 18:31:29   

Oh what good fun.

I'm actually legitimately writing a story, by the way. Legitimately. It's for school and required, so it gives me incentive...

Do you have character bios, Glai? I might be back later today.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 689
5/15/2012 18:33:14   

Yeah, all my bios are on page 14. Due to mobile being strange, I can't use forum links to send you directly to the post. It should be after Kinzvlle's re-introduction of Darkness and his family.

And oh a story? Will it be connected to the other one? I just love the early 1900s setting ^_^
DF MQ  Post #: 690
5/15/2012 18:46:50   
Clown the Jester

Hm...you know...your right Glaisaurus. It is cheap. I only made my version so I could free my Carnies...now...to use it in the Game?


*Clown the Jester pulls out a mallet and breaks his Purple Orb into pieces*

YOu are right sir. Blame my impulses.

If I want to play with my city...I do it my way.

AQW Epic  Post #: 691
5/15/2012 18:51:15   

Well, you have access to much tech, you probably could've done things differently.

But that's over anyhow.

Also Clwon, if/when my characters end up in Lockdown due to...events, you wouldn't mind if Clown makes a cameo appearance would you? I think it would be...fun.
DF MQ  Post #: 692
5/15/2012 18:55:01   

/me wonders what sort of knowledge of technology and engineering that Clown has which would allow him to reproduce such a thing, let alone make one which is supperior

*releases a dark grey robotic drone with spiked armor plating facing backwords along the top of its eliptical shape, and 8 circular vents along the "belly" of the machine, as well as a red glowing eye in the center front*

Greetings, mister Jester. The machine you have recently created intrigues us. It would be a pleasure to examine such a thing. We would appreciate such a chance.

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 5/15/2012 18:56:41 >
DF  Post #: 693
5/15/2012 18:57:48   


/me wonders what sort of knowledge of technology and engineering that Clown has which would allow him to reproduce such a thing, let alone make one which is supperior

Exactly. Just seemed like a horrible "One Up" thing...
DF MQ  Post #: 694
5/15/2012 19:01:15   

I suspect he secretly has some sort of technology expert among his ranks, and works with said member in combination with his reality bending powers and understanding of chemistry for deployment of certain traps and devices. Also that he relies upon him or her to create/supply certain resources and machines he may utilize in his work...

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 5/15/2012 19:02:10 >
DF  Post #: 695
5/15/2012 19:02:53   


We must make it happen.
DF MQ  Post #: 696
5/15/2012 19:05:00   

Hehe... Perhaps. We shall see about coordinating of this opperation later, once we have our resources in order. There are a few things that need to fall into place prior to such a thing, however.

Also, I'd quite like to see your drawings, if that would be permissable, mein commerade. ;)

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 5/15/2012 19:17:30 >
DF  Post #: 697
5/15/2012 19:23:01   

Drak: I dont suppose that I could have a shard of that purple orb.
Gla: I agree with Drak, I'd love to see your drawings.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 698
5/15/2012 19:29:35   

Oh don't worry, I'll scan it. I'm just not done yet. Only Corona is fully done and Shift is 90% finished. Pillar and Sauna I have no idea how to draw, so I am still planning out how they will look.
DF MQ  Post #: 699
5/15/2012 20:36:56   

We shall see, SL9K. It entirely depends on whether Clown complies with my drones' wishes.
DF  Post #: 700
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