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RE: Outrageous

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5/9/2012 8:11:39   

@frogbones So pretty much what you are saying is that anyone who switches class to become more powerfull is bad? So should everyone rush to be the most underpowered class? I kinda doubt you are a merc, so when you are...Then you can complain about other more powerfull classes. Fact is, if a person looks at a class and it seems better than theirs, 9 times out of 10 they are going to want to switch. That is human nature.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 26
5/9/2012 8:48:44   

it is also human nature to not want to be a class hopping scrub just to win a virtual fight, plenty of people feel this way = human nature.
many also don't enjoy playing the "flavour of the month" especially when most of your opponents are also going to be "flavour of the month"
Post #: 27
5/9/2012 8:52:55   

Not to mention that its fascinating to attack 9 times,get blocked 3 times,and it just happen all those 3 times were static charge attack.
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 28
5/9/2012 9:07:44   
Santa ClawZz

And it's fascinating that you only get 91 +70, 161 dexterity, 42-50 defense JUST to avoid getting blocked unfairly. Who can even get that kind of defense on a normal build nowadays?

Sometimes if I'm facing a CH/BH with high Shadow Arts, I'm ok with getting blocked, but if it's a TLM or a mage...? That's just plain wrong.

Fix the blocks I tell you, fix them. You are ruining the game with all this luck everywhere.

Now back to criticals. A few months ago you announced you tweaked the critical hits to hit less, but be more frequent. I was being hit 4s by this Tech Mage yesterday for 4 turns, until he pulls a 39 on a strike. How does that happen?

Deflections. I used Malfunction on this guy getting his resistance to 11-14 while I had 26-32. He deflects both my gun and bazooka attack.

It's this kind of luck that is keeping people off PvP and more into NPCing. If you want Epic Duel to be like that, then don't advertise is as a PvP game.
AQW Epic  Post #: 29
5/9/2012 10:12:42   

@pivotal Yes there are some who don't ever want to switch class, but does that give you the right to trash talk those who do? I personally am somewhere in the middle. My 2 characters have switched class 3 times between them. Both of which started out as mercenaries, hence the reason I switched them. I would have only switched each once, but I wound up with 2 tacmercs, so I switched my main again for variety. Does that make me a terrible player that deserves to be trash talked by the likes of you and frogbones? I think not.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 30
5/9/2012 10:49:42   

I agree with you friends. Its like a game is cheating on us!
Epic  Post #: 31
5/9/2012 11:34:54   


I still say that the required change should be Energy Shield instead of Technician though. :p

Back to the original post... now is it a good time to revisit the counter suggestion?
AQ Epic  Post #: 32
5/9/2012 11:44:23   

@frogbones: So does that mean anybody who is a CH at this moment an incompetent player?

It always a pleasure to see such a nice compliment on this forums.
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 33
5/9/2012 12:08:00   

/startsarcasm Frogbones your hilarious /endsarcasm

Some people stick with CH cuz they can't switch or don't want to, I'm both. I can't afford Varium to switch nor am I willing to sell rares to skip to 50k credits. Honestly if I could switch classes right now it would be to TM or Merc. I say that with complete honesty. I have no reason to lie. Stop bashing the class quit co
Playing because the team says its balanced but I beg to differ. Ah well
Post #: 34
5/9/2012 12:15:46   

Easy way out of where? I barely play this game anymore as it is balance nightmare,i do 5-10 fights a day.
I changed to ch from mage when everyone started to change to mages,before the last changes.
As soon as i collect enough credits to class change again,it will be probably also upgraded class because i already have varium alts of base classes. I change out of boredom,not quest for wins.
And as far as respect goes,few times i met you in game you showed that you are good player. But also were a rude,snotty,sore loser which really likes to end all his losses with "luck" or even worse curse.

Your decisions what class to be are yours to make,same as mine. Your spitting on everyone who,as it seems isn't the same class as you are,is just plain childish.
Get a grip and grow up a bit.
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 35
5/9/2012 14:30:43   

Mercenary for most creative class of all times! Just sayin'. ;)
But frog is right, CHs are bunch of brainless people WITH exceptions as there are people going for unique build; let it be high Dex but no Multi but investing in other skills, or rare ones who don't even use Plasma Armor. These are players which people should take example from instead..

Back in my day, don't talk about ED only, top players always set trends to follow. In this case builds, but that ain't the case anymore; top player switches to OP class? Switch too!
AQ Epic  Post #: 36
5/9/2012 15:31:54   

^ >_>
If only it use to be so. Win ratios matter to much to the general population. My current Ch build doesn't even involve the 3rd or 4th tier. A rather unorthodox heal loop build you might say. Effective until recently. Meh I really miss the old days. Those are gone thought live in the present forget the past and live to the future.
Post #: 37
5/9/2012 15:34:14   
Santa ClawZz

So anyway, if this sounded as a CH lovers vs haters thread, sorry but I must have given the wrong idea to you.
AQW Epic  Post #: 38
5/9/2012 15:37:39   

But Zeoth, please tell me that build copying doesn't happen for CHs.. All you see is literally same items, and Dex or Str build. Nothing else, skills stay the same and it's same strategy even.
That's why CHs are bunch of brainless players, especially those who are copying builds because it's really repetitive and they know it's OP, so they have one point to rant about if CHs get ever nerfed. That's why I mentioned unique players, which are rarity.

Wait until passives (all) get revamped. You will see Plasma weakened to a level of not killing the strategy, not as powerful and neither forcing you to train to max to be efficient. Although we need 'Shari to tell us more about it as she was going to discuss with Team about it.
^ This applies to all passives, they will be brought down to power similar to that of DA. Passives are meant to give you advantage at cost of less skill points and promote variety, not destroy it which is the reason for such a revamp needed.

Sorry, this should stop now and we can continue such topic (haters vs non-haters) via PM if needed. :)

< Message edited by Trans -- 5/9/2012 15:38:58 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 39
5/9/2012 15:42:07   

I never denied it. It happens way to much honestly it's a copied skill tree and general identical stat placement. Not literal build copier but pretty freakin close. No one copies my build cux it takes to much thinking :D. And one again DA balanced? /facedesk
It at level 7 on a 33 damage gun it gives 9 extra damage. Fixed damage it's consistent unlike most secondary passives. And right now damage is all that matters. If anything current philosophy right now the game is "Might Makes Right"

Deepest apologies. It's bound to happen since your bringing up dex and blocks. Which right now is the CH main spamed stat. If your gonna bring up dex and blocking CHs will pop up into the topic eventually.

< Message edited by Zeoth -- 5/9/2012 15:44:02 >
Post #: 40
5/9/2012 15:55:04   

Well Zeoth, DA and Adrenaline are 2 of the balanced skills, although Adrenaline needing small buff perhaps. It'd be brough to similar level, so passives don't give you big advantage but variety. But if DA is "balanced", then so will other passives be "balanced" at the same power level so result is the same. ;)
AQ Epic  Post #: 41
5/9/2012 15:58:59   
Santa ClawZz


Sorry, this should stop now and we can continue such topic (haters vs non-haters) via PM if needed. :)

2 posts later.....


Well Zeoth, DA and Adrenaline are 2 of the balanced skills, although Adrenaline needing small buff perhaps. It'd be brough to similar level, so passives don't give you big advantage but variety. But if DA is "balanced", then so will other passives be "balanced" at the same power level so result is the same. ;)

What do you mean?
AQW Epic  Post #: 42
5/9/2012 16:00:38   

Well I wasn't on about hating anymore.. -.- And this (2nd quote): http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=20292218
AQ Epic  Post #: 43
5/9/2012 16:02:01   
Santa ClawZz

Hating or not, you were not discussing the topic of my thread.

Also, in the 2nd quote, I didn't ask for explanation, just what do you mean by via PM.
AQW Epic  Post #: 44
5/9/2012 16:24:37   

Woah woah woah Mr Bones. Don't just assume we're spoiled kids.
Once again sorry Santa I'll talk to Trans about balance in now.

< Message edited by Zeoth -- 5/9/2012 16:28:26 >
Post #: 45
5/9/2012 23:23:21   
midnight santa

santa clawzz, u donut put all detail in ur story. Ur fite a bh?
Gess wat, bh smoke reduce dex and bh use shadow arts.
Its like ur never been a bh urself :)
Epic  Post #: 46
5/9/2012 23:59:31   

He did say he understand why BH and CH get a lot of blocks right? What he's angry about is that why the builds that have super low DEX ( probably you having more than 20+ DEX as advantage ) , especially Caster TM , are blocking , and yet their OP at the same time ( but their OP-ness is not super BTW ) .
AQW Epic  Post #: 47
5/10/2012 0:07:58   

Hmmm. So, to you Mr. Frogbones, EVERY who is a CH is bad? Doesn't matter what build it is? We are insufferable!

*smiles* I am starting to think that you hate this class because you cannot beat us. And, no, I don't mean that incompitant build that everyone uses (maxed SC and PA plus 5 mass) I mean EVERY TYPE?

Is being a 5 focus CH incompetant? HERE

Is being a Tech Build incompetant? HERE

I say, instead of bashing a WHOLE class, bash on the ones who use the Copied Build. DO NOT HATE on the rest.

Back on topic, I have been blocked TONS! lol. But, I also have roughly 91 dex and 4 SA (used to have 150+ dex and max SA) so it should be expected that I block a LOT less LOL.

I feel it is nice. I was blocking way too much before, usually to the point of being called a "Hacker" "n00b" and getting reported...

< Message edited by rayniedays56 -- 5/10/2012 0:09:32 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 48
5/10/2012 4:33:24   


Apparently this thread turned into a everyone hates CH thread. Sorry to all you people who are mad because they are strong. If it angers you so much, then maybe you are using the wrong build/class and need to switch it up. Also, not all of us are worried about wins. Sorry to say but my CH character I play long enough to get 1 win per day so I am not inactive in my faction, and the rest of my time I spend on my tacmerc, which is supposedly the most balanced class in the game. So all you haters and kids who are mad cause you can't afford to change or adults who have no lives, can all just get over yourselves as far as I am concerned. Shouldn't be this much flaming/trolling on the forum if you ask me.
CH Tank build with EMP counters all other builds in the game, is incredibly slow and monotonously predictable, fighting them over and over and watching the battle play out the same regardless of what you do is lame. Those CHs don't need to worry so much about their opponents plan, cause their plan of action is superior and counters it. that is why their is so much "hate" levelled at Cyber Hunters.

they have way too much control over the battle. blocks, deflects, energy regain, energy reduction and tankability.

< Message edited by PivotalDisorder -- 5/10/2012 4:36:01 >


Post #: 49
5/10/2012 11:17:15   


Not to belabor the issue, but you sound ignorant when you say "Maybe you should be more specific rather than just hating an entire class over what a few have done."

A few? Um, no. "Most" is what you meant to type.

Pivotal summed up quite succinctly, actually. Regardless of build, ALL cybers have the ability to take energy, gain energy, tank, nerf Technology, block a lot, and still dish decent damage.

Maybe they should have Bloodlust, too?



Can't stand what ED has become, and every 5 focus zombie only helps to stagnate this game further.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 50
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