Legendary AdventureGuide!
It's a brilliant idea, and it's something that over the past few years, as a team, we have discussed it a lot. However, creating sounds for everything is a lot of work, coding, making the sounds, and making sure they play at the right time. It also creates lag, which is a draw back, and as with almost all features, there are pros and cons with it. Music, we would not be able to use any songs by famous artists, and produced by any one professionally, unless we purchased the rights to use their music, which is extremely expensive, and is certainly not an option. The only possibility is music made by us as staff, or using an artist who is already good friends of the lab staff, such as One Eyed Doll or Voltaire, but right now, the game does not have the support (coding wise), to use music. Again, it's a lot of work, and coding, which would in the end come out with a nice, versatile feature, but it would require a lot of time spent on it. Thank you for the suggestion, it's something that we have discussed, and I'm sure we will discuss it further in the future!