Herrodere! Hi. Congratzormilashunsniss on AKship! It's always awks when someone I had ignored for spam/whining/etc., suddenly becomes an AK. /me is ashamed... How odd I have never spammed or whinned, but no worries. Thank you. I see you're into Tae Kwon Do. Tell me, what style do you practice, and what rank have you achieved? I'm a 1st-degree black belt in Chang-Hon style TKD. I just started like two months ago, I recently recieve my first degree and I have already mastered my second form, I was a swimmer for seven years before I changed to martial and also took other types of martial arts before Taekwando. Does chu lieks dragons? I lieks me sum dragons. :3 I find them great. Hm, both Dage and Nulgath? Why? Hoarding rares, double-agent, or Good hero against both? I'm good-aligned against both, so I'll also be playing both sides of the war. I'm good aligned that fights for Nulgath. If you had to guess, how do you think the world will end? I think the world will live for another 50 billion years, and die when the rest of the universe bites the proverbial space dust. When the sun shrinks because of it's chemicals being spent a few million years from now, life will end. The planet itself? When the sun turns supernova. Anyway, food for thought. Have a good day, buddy! Sorry for having you ignored for however long I did. I'm actually curious to know why you had me on ignore
< Message edited by Hollow Knight -- 7/7/2012 3:48:56 >