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RE: =MtAK= The Scourge of the Battlefield

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8/12/2012 15:54:44   

*a landslide of stampeding chickencows arrive and a stranger appears through the ruble*
I am back! And with more questions..
Aaah! I was wondering if this thread would ever even make it to two pages.
1.Is there any aq choice you regret making?
Not playing for the entirety of my character's life. I've only been actively played for maybe a year and a half.
2.If you could redo any moment which would it be?
The Mostly Harmful war. Losing that was... regretable, to say the least.
3.Is there any aq armor that strikes you as just outright amazing?
Lord of the Skies is absolutely gorgeous, and probably my favorite armor from an aesthetic standpoint. Algern's Carapace has INSANE damage, I'd love to see that *1.936 modifier on a FO armor's attack, heh. But my personal favorite armor is the Chimeran Rider armor series. I'm not sure why. I just really, really like that armor.
4.If you could Duel any being one on one who would it be?
Elry- no, wait, Mystical War-, no wait, Kalle-, no wait, BlackAc-, no wait... Can I get back to you? Picking one is just too hard. I'd like to duel with most of my fellow warmongers. I know their strength is great, and as such, a duel with any one of them would be spectacular and enjoyable.
And finally
5.What do you think of the building trumpha saga so far?
*dozens of chickencows return through the same path and the stranger is(barely) seen flying through the sky on his chickencow*
Most interesting. Eukara Vox captured me with the Truphma quests from day 1. Though, I wish I'd realized before it was Truphma and not Trumpha (I still read it as Trumpha in my head, though I know it's wrong). *looks to Euky, whispering* Did I say everything right? Do I get my reward now? I'm being a good little ArchKnight, right?

< Message edited by Teh Cataclysmic One -- 8/13/2012 6:24:54 >
DF  Post #: 26
8/12/2012 15:59:06   
I am Moglin!

Oh haii, I just happend to be here, so I may aswell post too. :D
To make teh member AK happy x3

I am happy indeed. Though confused as to where to place my responsorial text, as you have given me four lines of empty space.

What? did you expect questions? Hah! Funny! >:D
I only said "Post", not "ask questions" :P
No interrogations? Ah well. I was wondering what the most famous Moglin lover of AEF could come up with.

Good luck with your AKnes and have some good times!
Will do. After all, the dungeon parties are somewhat fun. Until we play "Spin the Iron Maiden." Then they get not so fun. Or "Pin the Tail on the New AK." That's only enjoyable if you're not the new blood. Hmm, I don't much enjoy Twisted Twister either, where the white parts of the mat are replaced with jagged glass. You know, maybe the dungeon parties aren't all that fun after all... At least the punch is good. Though I do wish Dev and Scakk would quit hitting me every time I asked for some punch. It's only funny the first time, guys!

< Message edited by Teh Cataclysmic One -- 8/13/2012 6:28:47 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 27
8/12/2012 21:37:20   

Hey i decided to post again unfortunely for you
I knew I shouldn't have broken all those mirrors! Note to self: Detonating a sonic boom in a mirror shop is a bad idea.
Everything has meaning but one animal does not which one( the answer is platapus but try to get second place)
I was actually going to say platypus before I saw your answer. Second place has to be
Whats your favorite manga (i like one peice)
Oh jeeze, here we go... In no particular order: Wake Up Deadman is fantastic, an excellent blend of humor and action that flow into one another seamlessly, if a bit unusual at times. The humor is excellent and makes fantastic references, while the action is actually action-y and strong. There's a lot of good drama involved too, and not the cheesy kind either. Psyren is really bizzare but in a good way, and it tells an interesting tale that I thoroughly enjoyed. Code:Breaker was a strong candidate, but it dropped off to me after the Code:Seeker arc. Tower of God is another amazing manhwa (close enough to a manga), it's really what all shounen should try to be (I'm looking at you, Bleach). Plot is solid, characters are diverse and interesting, and it has Rak. ALL WILL SUBMIT TO RALEADER. Then we come up to Sun-Ken Rock, which is both funny and actiony in the same vein as Wake Up Deadman, but not quite as good to me. It's got a very unusual plot and the fight scenes are simply brilliant. Gamaran has solid swordfighting action scenes, so I approve there. City of Darkness has like, the best art I have ever seen in anything, ever, and it's got a very actiony plot. It also doesn't give everyone ridiculous superpowers unlike other mangas. At most, people can break walls, but no city-annihilating attacks, which is a nice change of pace. Necromancer, which recently ended, I also adored for its unusual take on both Necromancy and its curious style. It's a significant deviation from what I expected out of shounen (not nearly as much fighting kerplodey wizard stuff) and actually does some interesting analysis on human nature sometimes. Wolf Guy: Ookami no Monshou is amazingly grimdark violent horrible, but it is also brilliant. Akira Inugami is ultimately one of my favorite characters from any manga, anywhere (but he still pales in comparison to Rak). The Breaker and its sequel, The Breaker: New Waves are also really good martial arts mangas, though New Waves is very slow compared to its predecessor, they're both still great. Pandora Hearts is so twisty-turny convoluted goodness, with drama and twists that not only make sense, but also actually MEAN something to the reader. Rainbow is... Well, let me put it to you this way: MANLY TEARS WERE SHED. I don't think I need to say anything more. The World God Only Knows is also great, but I fear for it presently - I think it should've ended already. Cage of Eden is defininitely excellent, a fantastic scifi story. Though you can basically figure out what's happening as it's happening, it's still pretty solid. Lately, I've been reading the manliest manga to ever manly a manga that manly existed, manly, Sakigake!! Otokojuku, which is hilarious and filled with so much testosterone, it could make Justin Beiber sound like Tay Zonday of Chocolate Rain fame. It also redefines the term "batguano lunacy." *stops self* I need to quit now, I've got... way more I can rant about, but this'll do for now.
Toredora rly (hehe just kidding it a decend thing i like it althoug you were right about my face changing)
I've got way more dark secrets of things I probably shouldn't like but end up enjoying anyway.
what does the color blue taste like
Tastes like the sound of static.
what gets wetter as is drys (easy)
Haven't a clue, though I speculate that's a syntax issue and you're miswording the original riddle. I pose a retort: Hungry and angry. There are three words in the English language that end in the -gry suffix. What is the third word in the English language?
dragonskin leather wallet or a chimera headpeice which would you perfer
Dragonskin wallet. I'm not much for headwear.
Favorite show and cartoon
I don't watch much TV... Show I would have to hand off to Mythbusters even if I'm not much of a fan anymore. Cartoon is Tom and Jerry, hands down.
would you rather have swords for arms or legs
Neither, I think having weapons for apendages would make every day life quite difficult. If I had to pick, arms. Can't imagine balancing on sword points, though I do imagine ice skating would be much more interesting.
Thanks for anyswer my questions you rock man have fun
Thanks! You have fun too, but not too much fun, or we'll have to warn you.
P.S what would you pick as your fake name or a alias (mine is Mr bojigglier)
The one I most commonly go by is Alexander Reginald Bartholomew the Third. I was messing with someone and wanted a very hoity-toity, high falutin name, and that fit the very pretentious bill.

< Message edited by Teh Cataclysmic One -- 8/13/2012 6:57:30 >
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 28
8/12/2012 22:42:00   
Tep Itaki

*a giant explosion happens in front of you with lots of smoke and fireworks and music as cheerleading girls comes out from the smoke by the pairs*
Cheerleaders. I'm fine with this.
*pokes you from behind* boo
*grips claymore tightly, recognizes you* It's unwise to sneak up on a man known for culling hordes.
Okay girls, thanks for your help *sends them away and turns to you* Well now time for the questions to start *puts on glasses and takes out my question machine gun and pulls out some note cards from the barrels*
No, no, the cheerleaders can stay, really!
1. What would your 1 wish be if I had the power to grant it?
... For you to bring the cheerleaders back.
2. Favorite class?
Math. Maybe science. They're both great.
3. Favorite class in AQ? (See what I did there? XD)
Nighthunter. Looks too cool, and since most classes are so low level for me that their power doesn't matter, I'm all about the aesthetics here.
4. *pulls out pompoms with a twinkle in my eye*
That's... not a question at all.
5. How did you get to love warring so much?
My first war, I thought I did well. Turns out, not so much. So I wanted to do better. And I did. Then I wanted to do even better. This became a cycle and I really enjoyed it.
6. Ever wonder what it would be like to meet the elemental gods of Lore?
I imagine the face-melting would be extreme. But in all seriousness, I think the Lords would be quite good conversationalists, even if they only talk to a select few people and each other.
7. Lettuce or cabbage?
Steak. Or bacon. Or bacon steak. Yeah, bacon steak.
8. Lemons have invaded our world with the Limes at their side, what will you do?
Open up a lemonade stand. Hopefully the cops won't close me down for not having a business liscence.
9. Onroth's Zealous Rage. Love it or hate it?
Indifferent as I'm not getting it. But I do like the art.
10. *puts away pompoms then proceeds to bringing out some a giant ball of fireworks* *eye twinkles*
This is also not a question. But the fireworks look promising.
11. Power or speed. What's your preference?
Power. Speed is nice, but my claymore is heavy, so I end up having a slight shift in favor of power usually anyway. Speed has its uses, but I'll stick to power for the most part.
12. Favorite NPC?
Hmm. Tough. There's a fair few I'm fond of. I'll go with Guardian. That one in the tower, standing there, looking at you. I don't know his name, but he seems cool.
13. What do you think of Hollow updating Golden's art?
I've never used Golden and probably never will, but I'm certain Hollow will do a fantastic job. Look at Lord of the Skies! That thing is BEAUTIFUL!
14. If there was an all out war between every famous warmonger, who do you think will come out on top?
Oh jeeze. War to the death, certainly not I. I couldn't bring myself to kill my fellows. Even should we meet on the battlefield - a possibility, as I war not for Battleon but for myself - I could not bring myself to kill them. War to defeat... I'm not sure. If it was the frantic meleeing wars often are, things would prove challenging. Though my memory would protect me somewhat, there would be enough people of skill that my victory would be anything but certain. I think it'd be a fair sight to see, though. In a tournament style battle, one on one matches... Not to boast, but I would very likely have a high chance of victory. Attacks have one attempt to get through to me, and even then, I can read most of them. Anything else... futile.
15. Final question. Ice cream? *pulls in an Ice Cweam*
That is indeed ice cream. Astute observation.
I hope you feel better. Don't forget to rest your mind and body and to take it easy. A dead warmonger is not something we need.
I should be fine soonish. Hopefully I can war tomorrow. *looks at clock, sees it's 4 AM* Err. Today.
*a giant white dragon with sunglasses lands and opens his mouth* Oh right I have to get going...later! *waves good bye as I go into the dragon's mouth and it flies off into the sunset*
But you never brought back the cheerleaders! Dangit!
*a cheerleader comes back and gives you a hug before lighting the giant ball of firework I left by you then runs far away*

< Message edited by Tep Itaki -- 8/14/2012 2:05:56 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 29
8/13/2012 8:45:30   
Soulweaver Zard

*With a bloodcurdling shriek, a crack appears in the ground below you, revealing an army of disembered undead*
I would say they're not dead yet, but they clearly are.
Hello *appears in front of the crack*
BONJOUR! OH-HUH-HUH! *strokes pencil mustache and dons beret*
I bet I haz more war wins then you. *haz 5 and increasing*
Mayhap by now. I've not done much warring due to complications this round.
Favorite food?
Bacon. No contest. Just, just bacon.
Favorite AE artist?
Hollow, if only because of Airneal's Lance and Lord of the Skies.
*Sign pops out of hole* *Random ahead*
Why do people insist on asking questions that aren't questions at all?
If a Zard, some sneevils, two sneaks, an undead giant, and Zorbrak had a party followed by a war, what would you call the war?
A war. But with the craziest afterparty ever.
*Hands you new claymore* Like it?
*hefts and tests* Balance is off. Too much towards the tip of the blade. Cutting edge is slightly more dull. Hilt isn't adjusted properly. Metal is inferior. A servicable weapon, but I'll be keeping my claymore.
Derp a hurr?
Never been a fan of the entire "derp" thing.
Thats all for now.... have fun war-mongering..... it's safe here... don't worry.....Bye!
Of course. It oft is.
*With a wrenching of the ground, the crack expands filling the dungeon, leaving you at the very edge*
*dispells the illusion magic affecting you, revealing that you were talking to a false Cataclysm and thus I was never imperiled*

< Message edited by Teh Cataclysmic One -- 8/13/2012 18:51:36 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 30
8/14/2012 9:46:22   
Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

*A cloaked figure rises from the shadows once more.*
At least this figure I recognize.
Greetings once again.
Greetings indeed.
Can thou, a renowned warrior of great strength, lift the coin bag lying on the counter in the Inn?
Of course. 'Twould be a trivial task.
How much gold does thou guess is in it?
Enough to buy an armor or two. I surmise with the recent pricing changes gone on all around Lore, it wouldn't be sufficient anymore...
Can Fred lift the coin bag lying on the counter in the Inn?
Given he's currently carrying about 150 million right now, it's safe to say he could.
Fred and Cataclysm have a match of burden. Who wins?
If it involves sheer strength alone, I could simply power shift and beat Fred with relative ease. However, combining strength and speed would require a little more artistry, but my victory is still certain. Fred is only necessary because it'd tough to battle with all those armors. But he knows he's appreciated.
That would be all.
Hmm. Very well. So long for now.
*Bows while succumbing into the shadows.*
*bows in turn*

< Message edited by Teh Cataclysmic One -- 8/14/2012 16:02:52 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 31
8/14/2012 15:31:36   
Sir Perfect Socks

<_< >_>How come I've completely missed this..?
I bet you were hiding this from me.. >_>
I don't hide. Unless I'm using my Illusiory magic, in which case, I totally do.
Well, now that I'm here, I might as well ask some questions :P
Carry on.
1) What do you think of them Zards?
Tedious ground troops destined for slaughter by even the most youthful of adventurers.
2) So... You like Classic rock.. Does that include Rush & Yes?
Of course. I have a healthy respect for the bands.
3) Guitar or Bass?
Hmm. This is tricky. Though you can almost never hear bass, it's important for a song. I'll take the third option and pick sax.
4) Why?
The saxaphone is an awesome instrument, very versatile and underappreciated. I think the world needs more sax players.
5) Is Cataclysm wearing socks?
Of course, plate boots chafe horribly without them.

Well, that's it ^_^
Not too much of a torture, eh?
Not much at all, no.
Congratulations and good luck!
I bet you'll great >:D
I'll great? What odd syntax! Thank you anyway.
Have a nice day
You too.

< Message edited by Teh Cataclysmic One -- 8/14/2012 16:07:05 >
AQ  Post #: 32
8/14/2012 16:08:24   
The fanciest of moustaches

A word of notice: I'll be locking this thread up after tomorrow, probably very close to midnight (which makes it the 16th-ish), so don't expect to get in after the end. Though this is my time and not server time, so you've got about 35 hours to ask me any remaining questions before I close it.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 33
8/14/2012 16:45:23   
Tha Killa

AHA! I has come back from lurking to ask you some more questions:)
And I've come back to answer.
1.Moar Dakka or OVER 9000!?
2.Favorite brand of clothes?
I don't really care much about clothes, so I don't really have a favorite brand.
3.Favorite kind of shoes?
See above.
4.Favorite NPC?
See Tep's post earlier on the page. Too lazy to copypaste the answer.
5.Favorite monster?
Werewolf Warrior. So little HP...
6.Favorite misc?
Powershard: Hogg. What's that you say, Misc? I can get more damage, accuracy, AND a fair amount more health? Why yes, I would LOVE that.
7.If you could have ONE superpower what would it be?
8.Do you like Naruto?
I was pretty big into it when I was younger, but I stopped a few years ago. Never picked it back up.
9.PS3 or Xbox 360?
Xbox. Mostly because my friends all have them so I can game with them. If I had a PS3, I couldn't.
10.Favorite kind of game (besides AQ)?
Well, RPGs in general. JRPGs especially, but most story driven RPGs are my thing. I play a bit of everything, though.
11.If given the option, would you fight a whole war by yourslef (AQ war)?
Yes. Absolutely yes.
12.Favorite place to visit?
I can't decide. I've been a fair few places, but I can't choose a favorite.
13.Itachi or Killa?
Undecided. They're both grand warmongers though.
14.Gween or *error* nothing can rival the Gween in cuteness.
Also not a question. Lots of nonquestions this page.
15.Sorry about 14, that always happens:)
And another nonquestion. Too many of theeeese.
So now that I have asked my questions and you will have answered them, I guess this is the parting of ways.
At least, until we meet on the battlefield again.
Good Luck and being an AK and don't worry I'll make you escape the dungeon:)
Congratz again!

< Message edited by Teh Cataclysmic One -- 8/16/2012 3:50:23 >


AQ  Post #: 34
8/16/2012 3:37:34   
The fanciest of moustaches

Locking this thread now. Thanks for all the questions guys, it's been fun. I'll leave it here for an undisclosed length of time before plopping it into the Archives with all the other MtAK threads.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 35
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