Supported. I know over 20 gamers who were once "BIG" in ED, and there accounts were broken in to and stolen (when somebody logs in to your account and sells pretty much everything you have). I would love this idea to come back in to place. It would help me getting all my old weapons back which mind you, I didn't sell (except from Charfades Armour). I also think, because of this new "Credit only" system, the items which you can re-buy go up in value. For example, Frostbane of 2010 - 20kC and 1.5kV ^^ This should or could be increased to 20kC to x2.5 = 50kC and 1.5kV = 500V per 25kC. That would make the weapon 125kC, (C = Credits, V = Varium). Not only would this increase the players playtime, it would also bring an uplifting time to the community and something to spend credits on. However, along with Mother1's point about the rarity of the item, could the programmers remove the %'age of the rarity or reduce it slightly? So when you re-purchase it, it comes under "RE-BOUGHT" in your inventory, this would remove the rarity rating of the weapon and just create the joy of having it once again. Along with another request just so these weapons can still remain "Rare" is, once you have bought the weapon(s) from the store, if you sell them again, they cannot just be re-purchased from the Junker store. ???? Good Idea ????