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=MtAK= A new nest, a new creature, a new pair of shackles

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3/3/2013 12:59:44   
Therril Oreb
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Hey Guys, for those that do not know me, I am Therril Oreb.
As of today, I am the new archknight of AQW Q&A and with it, I got this fresh new pair of shackles tied to my talons (yet strangely I can fly at will?)
Those that want to, can post their questions here.

I will answer the questions as good as I can but will ignore those I don't want to answer.
All AE forum rules are in effect as well as the AQW Q&A rules.

Just to add a few more rules to the pile:
1) Only 1 post per person per page is allowed, it gives others the chance to post a question as well.
2) I won't answer more then 10 questions per post.

So yes, ask away or be forever silent, in about 2 weeks I will close this thread and answer the remaining Questions.

Happy questioning ^^

EDIT: I will answer your questions like this

< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/3/2013 13:05:29 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 1
3/3/2013 13:03:42   
Wolf Rider


It's great to see you back.
It is good to see you too ^^


What do your new shackles look like?
They look kinda purple... with a hint of blue... all covered in black :D

Same as before?
/me points up

That's all from me.
Ok then ^^

Congrats, and welcome back! I'm sure you'll do just fine.
Thank you, thank you and I hope I do ^^

< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/3/2013 13:07:37 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 2
3/3/2013 13:04:20   

Wut, promoted to AK in QnA now much?
Well I guess so.. /me looks at name tag
Yup, I am AK here ^^

Gratz on that
Thank you :)

Oh well question time!

1. Weren't you an AK in another section? I'm sure of that...
Well I was previously AK in AQW GD, DF Q&A and DF Guides.

2. Why do you love Ravens?
They are smart and beautifull creatures. They play an important role in almost every mythology, fantasy and even in the real world. Plus they are black :D

3. Favorit AE villain?
hmm, I think it would be Xan. I have the most feeling with him.

4. Favorit AE Hero?
Well almost any AE "hero" has something for me. I love Artix during undead scenes. Cysero with his all around joking (and who doesn't like a mad magician? :p)
So yes, it depends on the place I guess.

5. Artix vs The Paladin order?
Both do the same, but Artix uses pure light elemental sprites while The order only has magic so let's say without the sheer numbers, Artix owns.

6. Are these questions weird?
Am I a bird?

7. Do you like shiny red buttons with the words "DON'T TOUCH, DOOM BUTTON" on it?
Most definatly not, I hate keeping people away from it.

8. I can haz cake?
I can't make cake, sorry :/

9. Where is the secret Alienship you came with? I know you came with one >.>
What is that you are talking about? Al..In.. a ship? Who is this Al you are talking about?

10. How did you get captured?
I flew?

That's all, bye and gratz...for now!
Cya :)

< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/3/2013 13:14:52 >
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 3
3/3/2013 13:07:48   
Retro The Watcher

Hey Therril!
Hello Retro!

Don't you just love the Q&A.
Sure do :D

How are you?
I'm good ^^

New shackles, huh... Cool! Mine are still old.
I advise you Ben's goods and goodies then. It has some good Polish there, just look in one of the dark corners with the weird purple eyes.

That's all from me.
Ok then ^^


< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/3/2013 13:16:51 >
Post #: 4
3/3/2013 13:11:25   

Hidere man. Or bird. Congrats on Akship! Or should I say comiserations.
Hey Kyle, long time on see :p

So, how were you captured? (Long answer please)
Well to make a long story short, a bird and a mystical creature met in a bar, said the creature to the bird, I didn't know you were a bird D:
And thats how it all happened. Good times, good times

Can I haz mod unlimited powah?
T-shirts are found on heromart.com just make sure to pick the right size ;)

What games in AE do you play?
Currently just DF

Which AE character do you feel most sorry for and why?
Xan, without a doubt.

So, AQW. SOme say it's good, some bad. Some have constructive opnions, some not so much. What's YOUR opnion both good and bad on AQW?
Let us say it has good potential for the right people.

Anyway, gonna go. For now....mehehehehehehe...
Bye Kyle :)

< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/3/2013 13:19:54 >
DF  Post #: 5
3/3/2013 13:12:48   
The Odor

Hello Therril. It's a true pleasure to see you.
I must say I am happy to see an MtAK from you.. I have a pair of questions I have been meaning to ask you.
Is that a good or a bad sign?

1: Are you perched upon a bust of Pallas just above a chamber door?
I perch about everywhere, I rarely find a place I can't stay on

2: Is what you utter your only stock and store?
Yes, Cookies sure are nice as long as I have no sore tooth :)

And one unrelated one:

3: What colour are the new shackles?
Well as I said to Ging, It is purple with a hint of blue completely covered in Black ^^

That is all and congratulations on the new shackles.
Thank you ^^

< Message edited by The Odor -- 3/3/2013 13:24:17 >


Where is my Hat of of Darkness, Dorkishness and Despair?
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 6
3/3/2013 13:21:43   

*flies in and lands gently on a tree limb*
Just when I was about to see the end of it ;-;

Hiya Therril!
Heya Melissa :)

Not a lot of questions from me. Are you suprised?
Not really, you always were a person for actions rather then words

For the record, I think black looks quite well with Purple!
I honestly can't disagree

Anyway, congratulations and welcome to the team!
Thank you very much. I'll do my best ^^

*flies away in a bright cloud of Purple fairy dusts*
*sleeps in a puff of feathers and softness*

< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/3/2013 13:25:07 >
AQ DF  Post #: 7
3/3/2013 13:23:15   

Nice Oreb, congratulations!
Thank you Xia

I hope you don't end up warning me when I post in the Q/A...
Well, as long as you don't cross the rules, you won't cross me ;)


< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/3/2013 13:25:49 >
AQW  Post #: 8
3/3/2013 14:08:14   
Lord Coxy
Its Coxy Time

/me files in and lands...hard on a tree limb and broke it and fell off (stop laughing D:)
You should try to only use your hands to grab the next branch and use your feet to push you up. It is safer and easier, trust me, I learned a shark to climb that way.

I wonder how Coxy can fly for a short moment :O, need a moment to answer that question?
Well I would call it falling with style rather then flying.

Ok, its time to start Coxy Time :D
I prefer to stop and HAMMER TIME!

Can you lay eggs for me so Coxy can throw them at people :D?
*points at Ben's goods and goodies* easier and cheaper ;)

What was the last thing you AK for? (I think it was AQW GD, but I forget :P)
AQW GD, DF Q&A and DF Guides was on my list.

Knock knock, /me forces you to say who's there? with his shotgun. Orange, /me forces you to say Orange who? with his shotgun. Orange you glad I didn't say Purple :D?
Black still reigns >.>

/me throws a cookie and watches you take flight at the cookie, which then Coxy loads his shotgun and takes aim
And that is why I send 3 ravens. 1 to take the shot. A third to find where was shot from, a third to pick at the shooter and then me to get the cookie :3

I think thats enough Coxy Time for you :D
Phew, I thought that was only a warm-up

Congratz and hope you have fun here with Coxy :D
I hope you can endure me, I wake up at oh sichundred hours and makes sure everyone starts his mornign drills :D

Have an awesome day now

< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/3/2013 14:50:45 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
3/3/2013 14:20:34   
The Dealer

- Awesome-sauce! Congratulations, Therril Oreb!
Hey Scherzo!

- How are you doing?
I'm doing just fine thank you ^^

- Why is it that Mystraven always loses the G.E.A.R.S tournament?
That is because I never participated in it yet. They need a leader of ravens to lead them into victory.

- How many battles did you win for Mystraven?
None tbh. I never truly got into Mechquest though I admittingly tried it a few times (but went for Runehawk and never grabbed the chance to switch sides :p)

- What?! "Over 9,000"?! B-but, that's impossible!
*turns the TV off* thats enough TV for you :p

- Raven vs. Piegon - Fight to the death - who wins?
no idea who Piegon is but Raven always wins :3

- Pshhh. Yeah right, <_< >_>
Wanna fight for it? >:D

- One last question!
Alright cuz you ask so nicely

- What is the ideological relationship between the post-modern French writers of the mid 1930's and the various relio-political social military organizations that were formed in South-Eatern Asia during the pre-Cold War period, with regards to how the anachronistic combination of such people, ideas, and organizations has a negative influence on the mediocre post-secondary education facilities of South America, with scholarly references to pre-existing issues such as the fact that local governments in North-Western Switzerland have relatively low tax incentives for the upper-middle class, and what militaristic undertones would a comprehensive solution to these philosophical issues contain?
They all ate cookies *nods*

- Annnnnnnnn~nnnnnnnnd that's about it! Have fun with dem' shiny buttons! =d
Haha thank you, I will shine them up real good :D


< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/3/2013 14:48:46 >


The ArchFiend Needs Your Support.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
3/3/2013 14:20:55   
Van Fanel

*being impressed how Melissa was able to land on a tree limb and chuckling a bit after Lord Coxy tried it himself*
Don't laugh Fanel. It is harder then some would think, landing on a branch. Even I had to do it at least twice before I learned that I am suposed to land on top of it instead of against it.

Can't think of any questions for now, just want to welcome you to the AQW Q&A section.
Then I can give you no answers and thank you for your welcoming.

Don't let the shackles keep you from roaming freely. Spread your wings and have fun in the Q&A section

I sure intend to ;p

< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/3/2013 14:50:29 >
Post #: 11
3/3/2013 17:22:24   
Rune Knight

Raven! *Glompsnugs tightly* It's been way too long, old friend. Dx
Hey Fae, it sure has :)

I hope this means I can expect you back in the Beacons of Hope. The Water Pillar has missed you.
Sorry fae but this I cannot promise yet ;)

Also, I'd love to fight with you in the next war. I've improved quite a bit since we last talked, and I hope to be a worthy ally. ;)
And I hope to be worthy myself to guard your back.

Anyways, on with the questions!
Oh dear

1) Will we be a question-answering dynamic duo again?
Perhaps, if your paths cross again

2) How does it feel to be free? How are the shackles feeling?
Kinda comfy, I made sure to order an extra feathered version with lots of fluffyness :3

3) How different do you think it will feel to switch from AQWorlds GD to AQWorlds Q&A?
Who is to say I won't take both hehe >:D

4) Are you excited for your work here?
Sure am and always will be :)

5) Don't let the purpul get you. I know this isn't a question, but...
I'm black, I am eternal, i am everywhere :D

6) Seriously. The fairy could be anywhere!
True enough, but so are you right?

7) Wait, what if she sees this? Oh God, uh... Back to normal questions! What are your feelings on pandas?
Then she will stab you and fly away laughing :p
As for panda's, they are fluffy yet IRL I would stay away from them just in case

Excellent save, if I do say so myself. ;D
*whistles innocently*

Anyways, that's all from me. Glad to have you back, Raven! *Snugs*
Likewise Fae :) *snugs back*

< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/4/2013 3:13:47 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
3/3/2013 17:32:44   

Ello Raven
Hello superbat

Let the questions begin.
Fire away :)

Favorite Color
Black :3

Favorite weapon in df and aqw
Hmm, I yet have to find one, its not easy to find a custom Ravel which is only forged by the raven clan.

what is 2+2

vanilla or chocolate
vanilla, no doubt

do u know what oppa gangname style is?
Whop whop whop, oppan Gangnam style ahh *que music*

If so, do u like the song
It is catchy so long as its not played more then once a day or if possible less

What type of music do u listen to
All kinds really, I can listen from nightcore to metal to classical music. I have a wide range

Thats all for now so seeya around Therril
Seeya ^^

*Vanishes into thin air and leaves super special celebration cookies for Therril. Varies for what choice u made for vanilla chocolate*
*noms cookies, keeps a few for later*

< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/4/2013 3:17:23 >
Post #: 13
3/3/2013 17:42:34   

Do you find a Bacon Potato Hybrid epic?
Never tried it but it sounds good!

< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/4/2013 3:21:21 >
AQW  Post #: 14
3/3/2013 18:35:48   
How We Roll Winner



The last ak thingy I saw was over there in the OOC.
We are everywhere *shifty eyes all over the place*

*tightens ur shackles* Heheh
You can't haz master control D:<

BYE. *leaves nicely wrapped pet baby moose in box*
Cya d'awww*takes pet moose, brings it to his home*

< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/4/2013 3:22:56 >
AQW  Post #: 15
3/3/2013 19:14:30   

Hi Therril/Raven
Hey Kreem :)

Congratz on being an AK and being shackled down
Well tha's one way to put it :p

Why do forumites say you get shackled and all that when you become an AK?
Because we get glowy shackles that prove our status and just like we get shackled, we also get the limited power of forum abuse keeping order.

What pokemon do you think you are most like
If it is about which one I like the most, that would be one of the flying bird pokemons just cuz I love flying :3

What AQW NPC/Character are you most like
That's a hard one... I don't really associate myself with an existing NPC :p

What games do you play and maybe some you used to play? Any and all
If I am to make a list, I need a lot more then one post :p
I pay almost any game except sport and race games. I also am not a fan of the competitive kind though that is more player based rather then game based.

I will ask more questions next time.
I'll be waiting for it :p

< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/4/2013 3:28:05 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 16
3/3/2013 19:15:33   
Legion Slicer Silencer

Congratulations and good luck.
Thank you!


< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/4/2013 3:28:46 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
3/3/2013 21:13:29   

Yeah, Therril! Congrats on the AKness on behalf of The Celestial Guardians!
Thank you Rob :)

So, what are your favorite AE game?
Well I grew up with both AQ and DF so they are definatly my favs. Perhaps AQ3D will also be on the list but that will wait untill it is fully released :)

Favorite video game in general?
I got none really. I have been addicted to many games though funny enough the ones I like the most ar eoften not your typical AAA games that get all the attention :p

Well i love all the books of Raymond E. Feist. All his books flow into one universe and I love that ^^


Well, I guess I'll stop pestering you. ^_^
Good luck!
Ok then, cya ^^

< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/4/2013 3:32:21 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 18
3/3/2013 22:32:31   

How long have you played AQW?
hmm, a few months in and out. There is no way I can go even on a lot of players here but I get the basics quite quickly :p

What's your favorite class? (Doesn't have to be a good class)
hmm, the mindbreaker is one of my favs though the healer is fun since I like being supportive.

Do you have any color combos you like to do with specific classes to make your character look cooler?
Black wings with black clothing and black sword. Done ^^

How long have you played AE games?
Hmm... Let's see. I played AQ back when it was rather new, perhaps it was only 1 year if not less old so yeh, take from about that time. I also started DF the moment it came out.

Congrats on becoming the new Q&A AK, hope to see you around :)
Thank you, I will be hanigng here a lot

< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/4/2013 3:35:15 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 19
3/4/2013 8:39:38   

Hi Therril
Good day dragon_monster

What do you like about aqw?
It is very big with a lot of in-depth content. You can't do it all in 1 day :p

How strong do you think the hero of df is?
He is as strong as he is simple. Kinda the typical hero that does the most amazing things without realising it.

Do you think the hero improves?
Except in strength? not one bit though it seems like he likes to hide his jokes. We should starting punting it out again :D

What is the name of your dragon in df?
Ravon. A mix of a raven with a dragon ^^

Congradualtions for being an AK.
Thank you ^^

< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/5/2013 12:49:55 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 20
3/4/2013 8:48:22   

Hey Therril! Awesome, you finally get into the AQW forums. :D
Well this is not my first time here but I am glad to be back ^^

Why is the atmosphere on Earth blue?
The reflection of the light on the ocean breaks the light and gives a blue hue to the sky ;)

If you could have one wish, what would it be? Why?
The power to shapeshift into any animal I want. I love animals and to be able to transform in them would give me a good versatility in any situation.

If you have super powers, what would it be? And why?
Well my wish would be for the above power :p

What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
uuuh... whe... zZzZzZz... is that... ZzZzZzZZ... computer power button?....

Okay, I'm done here. Gratz on the shackles! (By the way, if you want black clothes, wait till black friday, because there is a seasonal black J5 Suit that may be to your liking.)
oh? I will keep that in mind :D

< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/5/2013 12:54:05 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 21
3/5/2013 12:56:26   
Lord Thanatos

Congratulations on your new AKship!
Thank you ^^

Have fun!
Will do!

BTW don't forget to visit the AQ Worlds Guilds Section *cough* ShadowScythe Elites *cough*
haha, I am more of a freelancer though. I go my own way and my own way goes his way :)

*cough* The guild I made *cough*
*cough* if its in my *cough* path *cough* I will remember *cough* to take some *cough* coughing pills *cough cough*

< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/5/2013 12:56:26 >


DF MQ AQW  Post #: 22
3/5/2013 17:30:15   
PockeyChew Master

Thank you :)

That's all I have to say. Hope you have fun!
Short is good as well. I will do my best ^^

*flies away*


< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/5/2013 17:40:06 >


AQW  Post #: 23
3/5/2013 17:41:01   

I hope you remember who I am... <_<
Are you my neighbour?

Well, I have a favor for you...
Sorry, but favors can be demanded from at the pit of doom and death

Buy me a Double Baconator? :3
But the last one I had was stolen lent by you D:<

Well, I'll see you around.
HEY! Gimme mah baconator!

/me leaves a coupon for a free Baconator with the purchase of a Baconator.
Curse you....

< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/6/2013 6:36:17 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 24
3/5/2013 19:20:00   

Hey Therril!
hey OG :)

Grats on da AK-ship in the Q&A
Thank you ^^

Who put you in those cursed shackles?
if I told you, my wings will be shackled too ;-;

I had a pair of shackles once...I didn't like them. So I took them off. Do you like your shackles?
They fit my feathers :3

Why are they purple?
They are because... uh... It fell in a pot of purple paint on the delivery >.>

If you have never ever ever heard of ravens, what would be your favorite animal?
of the existing animals? A wolf ^^

I brought you Jello! But I brought every kind. Which one do you want? (I asked Serenity Okami this, too. And I plan to for every MtAK)
What is this... Jello? you are talking about?

If you had to recolor any mods armor, who would it be, and what you change it to? (Does that count as two questions?)
I would change every mod's armour into black >:D

Grats again!
Thanks again :p

/me gives you some congrats cheese.
Is it from dah cheese man?


< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/6/2013 6:40:47 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 25
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