Well, I dedicated a whole day challenging NPCs and I got bored a lot. Its the Credits you get, it differs in the situation of the battle you were in. In short battles, 32 Credits is fine. However, in long battles, its too small. That's why I suggested " Credit Drops" which seemed to be popular for a small crowd. I enjoyed the Egg Hunt and I am hoping to see more of this. Its a great feature and a very tough thing towards the end. It would be awesome if we could keep one of each kind of egg. Yes, we need more Missions where we get good rewards. The Egg Hunt in my mind is considered as a goal/ target. Once you get the 50 eggs, you get yourself an Achievement along with a few things. We need a lot of these so people bother to play PvP battles. My personal goal was to reach Emperor before Christmas and I was using a 5 Focus build as a Tactical Mercenary. It was a slow progress with a high win ratio. Eventually I made my goal and then stopped the 200+ wins a day. If I had more targets, I would've gotten probably over 35,000 1v1 wins by now. I don't know if this Hunt was planned or sort of copied from AQW but it doesn't matter. We had fun and some people are still having fun trying hard to finish. Its things like this that makes you keep on going even if you keep losing due to luck. Hopefully, the Developers understand that things like this makes people play longer. It may be hard to think of, design and put it in-game but it can be done! Unfortunately, this will more likely be my last year since I'm going to a private school which will probably block access to games.