Item Stats: 1. All items get 4 more stats. -In total, you get 16 more stats. 2. Robots have 8 stats to work with. Has a +4 MAX per stat restriction. -Amount does not increase. Level Up Stats: 1. A "Level Up" gives you +5 Stat Points and +1 Skill Point (instead of +4 skill pts and +1 skill pt) Total Stats Increased: (4*4)+4+(Lvl-1) As a Lvl 35 player with a Robot, you get 54 more Stats. (16+4+34) Here, you get 170 Stats (35-1*5) from Leveling up and 87 Weapon Modifier Stats(24+22+22+19) Before, (lvl 35) players have 207 (136+71). After, players have 257, giving a total of 50 more stats to work with.