ill be honest, defence builds are totally torn to shreds still. i have a very defensive build, and i get critted really frequently, in two turns i am down to 17 health. no big deal, whip out a heal, carry on. except in 2 turns, somehow Players with 17 support have gained maximum rage You also need to decrease rage gain for lower levels (around level 21-24). Also i am having a problem with 1v1. my support is 46, and even though i am facing people higher levels and and equal support, i only start 1/5 battles. its been like this for three days, so its its a serious bad streak... and really throwing my game off. in addition, 85% of the 1v1 battles are against level 35's, so adding a huge disadvantage. in my opinion, for 1v1, 1-2 level difference is plenty, you need only 2 people, so games should still be relatively fast.