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RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread

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5/6/2015 4:45:22   

Seems fine to me mostly. My main complaint if anything is the Awether skill. Now don't get me wrong, I love the 1% kill chance, but I feel like it needs a more reliable secondary effect so people will use it more often. It does not need to be a big one mind. I'm just wondering what Ash could fit on there without losing the 1%. So, you know, not being a balance guy I'll just ask. Hey Ash, reasonably, what do you reckon you could fit on the Awethur skill while keeping the 1% kill chance? Again it does not need to be a big nuke thing, just a small more reliable effect, maybe one that complements it, would be nice.

< Message edited by megakyle777 -- 5/6/2015 4:46:09 >
DF  Post #: 376
5/6/2015 4:47:12   

Awethur's Power has a 1% chance of insta-killing. That's it's gimmick. As for how much damage that does? This is at level 70.
Post #: 377
5/6/2015 4:52:03   


always start with "Guardian Heroes" and then use Guardian Shield before the debuff wears off, then lastly use Vortex when shield runs out, by that time Guardian Heroes should already be done with its CD

try that and you'll see the turn difference, while spiral curve help to delay that to once every 2 comboes, the addition to vortex duration would help close the loop totally, beside making vortex more useful.
it's not a necessary change but it help.

if not changed this way then I hope the skill is improved any other way, even changing it to reduce all skills cooldown by an extra turn will benefit than the 100% damage (which you can get more of attacking) because the class has large cooldowns, or maybe just increase the boost.

< Message edited by DarkDevil -- 5/6/2015 7:14:29 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 378
5/6/2015 4:54:21   

The seasonal Class Evolved PumpkinLord also gets a 1% chance to do so and has not one but 2 effects, though admittedly I think it both is a Tier 3 and gets a boost from being Seasonal. But I don't know for sure not being a balance guy, so I thought it'd be best to just ask Ash about the possibility of a minor more reliable effect and if so what could be done without destroying the point of it.
DF  Post #: 379
5/6/2015 5:14:03   

Okay I take that back, I didn't knew awethur is like BoA's skill :) Now it's perfect, Just perfect, killing things with full real life luck hahaha
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 380
5/6/2015 5:46:10   
Shadows Morgenstern

I don't see what is wrong with Awethur's Power? I find myself using it quite a bit because of it's power over other skills. It's a very powerful attack with nothing fancy, with a chance to obliterate whatever you are fighting. It doesn't really need a debuff or a buff of any kind really? I mean I think the cooldown could be reduced a little bit personally, but I don't really even know the basics of class balancing! Anyway, you guys are forgetting it's a tier 2 class with a bit of a boost.


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DF  Post #: 381
5/6/2015 6:07:23   
Mystical Warrior

@DarkDevil Well that 1 turn difference isn't really a life or death thing, since you will most likely be at full health since the enemy will be missing most of the time. Not to mention the staff may have intended to do that just so there's no infinite defense loop. The class is meant to be a Hybrid class not a Defensive class. Of course we are excluding Spiral Carve from the loop since bosses can either have immunity to stun or not, but if they don't then its pretty much an infinite defensive loop even if you do heal bosses with other skills

Edit: Awethur's Fury is fine as it is, I mean just look at its stats, 150-250% power is already great on its own, heck even if you hit the 150% range most of the time its fine since its more powerful than most of the class' other skills

@Ash (If he happens to read this) Just curious again, what will happen to the Guardian training questline when the revamp does go live? What skills will each quest unlock? or will the questline be remade also?

< Message edited by Mystical Warrior -- 5/6/2015 6:24:34 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 382
5/6/2015 6:43:04   

@Mystical Warrior: I'd assume the questline would stay the same. It doesn't really need changed to accommodate the changes to the skills.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 383
5/6/2015 7:13:50   

I've been thinking about the Guardian Heroes skill and the phrase "humble your foe". Why is it Darkness element? Does it have to do with summoning fallen heroes? Can it be changed into Good element since we are forcing the enemy to humble themselves? Since being humble is a good thing. Any thoughts on this?

Also. I think the neck and the face do not have the same color when wearing the Guardian Armor.

< Message edited by LouisCyphere -- 5/6/2015 7:15:38 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 384
5/6/2015 7:18:49   
Mystical Warrior

@LouisCyphere Well here are some of the reasons I can think of why its darkness based:

1. You are summoning ghosts of dead Guardians
2. Sometimes to force others to be humble you have to show them fear (Thus by seeing the ghosts of Guardians they will fear it and are forced to humble themselves down)
3. Good element and any other element won't make sense with a ghost animation aside from Darkness
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 385
5/6/2015 7:22:22   

Well there's that. Summoning ghost is really a darkness thing.

Oh.Another minor nitpicking. Regarding Vortex skill. After you've use the skill. You gain a status effect that said you'll block the next strike. Why do we gain a Parry bonus instead of Block? Would it make a difference if it gain the bonus on Block instead of Parry?

< Message edited by LouisCyphere -- 5/6/2015 7:29:20 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 386
5/6/2015 7:26:15   
Mystical Warrior

Although the skill name "Guardian Heroes" doesn't really fit the animation, "Guardian Ghosts" is more fitting, if we are to stick with "Guardian Heroes" its animation should be similar to the Summon Gem: Illumina skill where you summon an angelic being, that way, Good element makes more sense to it, not to mention the premise of seeing an angelic figure will make you humble down in a way so the debuff will make more sense.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 387
5/6/2015 7:32:34   
Shadows Morgenstern

We are summoning the ghosts of fallen guardian heroes. I'm assuming that seeing the paragon of guardians in their glory humbles the enemy.
DF  Post #: 388
5/6/2015 7:33:45   

I think the animations are tied down to the class. I'm not sure if we can switch the skill animation with an existing one and add filters to it so it can be changed to Good element. I mean, in practice, its risky to used Guardian Heroes against a Darkness mob. But if it's Good element it will become more viable. Then again, what trade-off would we get if it got changed into Good element.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 389
5/6/2015 10:19:56   
Mystical Warrior

After logging in again in the game and playing with the class, it seems the shield crash animation in Guardian Rage was removed, I wish the staff just removed one of the repeated hits and retained that one instead

Edit 1: Not only that, but it seems Guardian Heroes got broken and does nothing at all

< Message edited by Mystical Warrior -- 5/6/2015 10:21:11 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 390
5/6/2015 10:21:26   
Shadows Morgenstern

@Mystical Warrior: Oh really? Shame, I really liked that hit because it felt like a finishing blow of sorts!
DF  Post #: 391
5/6/2015 10:23:51   
Mystical Warrior

@Shadows Morgenstern I agree, I hope they put it back and remove one of the most repeated hit animation
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 392
5/6/2015 10:29:01   

That's a shame, I liked that animation .-.

Still using this for everything and loving every second of it!
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 393
5/6/2015 10:37:07   


This is just aesthetics, but would it be possible for the "Multi" to consist of one shockwave that hits everyone instead of a shockwave for each enemy? It'd speed up the attack too.

Yes it is.


DragonFable has gotten to a certain point where a level of quality in art and animation is expected. The quality of the new Guardian's animations (solely speaking for myself here) do not meet those expectations. And until his skills do meet that level, Cronix's animations shouldn't be used in-game.

Now, I don't expect anything to change based on my opinions. But criticism should be accepted, regardless of whether it is positive or negative, or somewhere in between.

You just invalidate your "but it should be accepted" by making a point that's no longer criticism. Not liking something? That's criticism. Saying that if something doesn't meet YOUR level of quality it shouldn't be put in game, isn't. Does that mean everything I've animated needs to be removed? It's quite honestly junk compared to what Tomix and even Chronix can do. Heck I had to make Serenity slide across the floor in a cutscene because I can't animate a walk cycle. Should I just dump that cutscene entirely and leave a text box in its place? Think about how you refer to something before you post it next time.


(If he happens to read this) Just curious again, what will happen to the Guardian training questline when the revamp does go live? What skills will each quest unlock? or will the questline be remade also?

The quest chain is fine as it is. There's no need to update it at all as I tried to match the skills up decently well with the old ones.


a very small graphical bug with the helmet position makes masks look like this

I adjusted the helm placement some. That should help.


Oh.Another minor nitpicking. Regarding Vortex skill. After you've use the skill. You gain a status effect that said you'll block the next strike. Why do we gain a Parry bonus instead of Block? Would it make a difference if it gain the bonus on Block instead of Parry?

Because I rolled a die and parry was the one that came up.


Why is it Darkness element?

Because you're summoning Ghosts.


After logging in again

The first one is intentional. I swapped it to a single hit to make sure it was 14 hits as intended. I can try to find one that does a shield hit and use that. The second wasn't. The new animations I did were working on the testing server but aren't on live. No clue why but I'm trying to fix that and the skin cc stuff.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 394
5/6/2015 10:46:45   


Because I rolled a die and parry was the one that came up.

I just LOL'ed when I saw this one XD
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 395
5/6/2015 10:47:48   
Mystical Warrior


The first one is intentional. I swapped it to a single hit to make sure it was 14 hits as intended. I can try to find one that does a shield hit and use that. The second wasn't. The new animations I did were working on the testing server but aren't on live. No clue why but I'm trying to fix that and the skin cc stuff.

Had a feeling it was like that, although you can just remove the poking animation and put the shield crash thing back if it isn't too complicated. Although I'm more curious now on the new animation for Guardian Heroes

Edit 1: okay after logging out and back in again, the preview button now loads a DL class nvm its back to normal now, lol

< Message edited by Mystical Warrior -- 5/6/2015 10:52:14 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 396
5/6/2015 10:51:19   


Because you're summoning Ghosts.

Got a chuckle, or two, out of me. xD
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 397
5/6/2015 10:56:13   
Mystical Warrior

Tried reloading the class again, looks like the Guardian Heroes has new animation and no more lag (thank you Ash!). Although Ash I would have prefered the shield animation where the character actually jumps up and crashes down with the shield animation(the one first used making it a 15 hit before this update) than the current pushing the shield on the opponent one
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 398
5/6/2015 10:57:18   


jumps up and crashes down with the shield animation

Wait, this ws removed :'(
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 399
5/6/2015 10:58:27   


Although Ash I would have prefered the shield animation where the character actually jumps up and crashes down with the shield animation(the one first used making it a 15 hit before this update) than the current pushing the shield on the opponent one

That's one of those that I will have to slice apart the animation that has it, copy that part, move it around, and then use it. I can do it, I just can't do it today.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 400
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