(I'm still chained to the ground, duct taped to a chair and gagged from the DN thread, which was two days ago, so my main DF character will read what I want to say) @Faedrin: About your response to the earlier post, the Rose wouldn't allow the Paladin Order to join because they are magic users who wouldn't relinquish their power, since Necromancers won't give up their necromatic powers. More than likely, the Rose kicked the Order out of Doomwood and the Paladin's are sore about it, especially Artix. A shield would be nice for the class, but I realized that it shouldn't mimic Artix's armor because the DeathKnight is already a recolored version of the armor, probably the main reason they gave it a new look in the first place. I do believe we should get a new look for the armor, if an evolved/master form is released, but make it unique again. Maybe something more holy looking, something that matches with the mantle of destiny and the helm of destiny equips.