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=DF= DragonSlayer Armor Discussion Thread

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9/12/2014 19:25:15   

Hiya DragonFablers!

You wanted more various threads of discussion about Classes and we listened! This week and every week following, we will be introducing a thread for every class in DragonFable.

This thread: All things DragonSlayer Armor.
Now for the rules of this thread:

  • All =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules apply.
  • The "All Classes" thread will remain pinned to the top of the forum until all the current class threads are released.
  • There will be a Class Directory stickied to the top of the forum once a few class threads are active for quick locating.
  • On suggestions: The DragonFable staff offer specialized suggestion threads from time to time and you may post your suggestions when those events occur.
  • Please keep discussions to the DragonSlayer armor.
  • Most important: Have fun!

    < Message edited by Ash -- 9/12/2014 19:25:15 >
  • AQ DF  Post #: 1
    11/3/2013 13:40:30   

    I like the concept, but the class is generally considered weak. Their are not enough dragon encounters for it to be worth the training, and even then, the class underperforms.
    I did like playing with it. The animations were somewhat interesting, and I am still mystified by the Fire Dragon Summon.
    DF  Post #: 2
    11/3/2013 14:19:03   


    That armor has "Thrash this version and start another one from scratch" written all over it. I mean, of course, the animations were pretty cool, but strategically, it just sucks. Low damage output, not enough strategical moves, such as resistance decreases or evasion buffs, seriously, it is probably the class in DF that needs an overhaul more urgently.

    < Message edited by AugustoCP -- 11/3/2013 14:20:24 >


    Emperor of the Chronomancer Penguins, Conqueror of the Underworld and sushi addict.
    DF AQW  Post #: 3
    11/3/2013 14:42:39   

    I find the DragonSlayer visually polished and outstanding - the art for the armor itself is awesome. Animation-wise, it dodges fine, walks fine and has a confident stance, both during and outside combat. In terms of skills, this is what I found to be good:

    Poison Dragon: Incredible skill!!!
    Dragon Blind: Awesome nerf to BtH to non-dragons too. Good basic skill. Long effect compensates for nerfed attack.
    Dragon Strike: Good, but makes the Attack button redundant.
    Double Attack: Good and fluid.
    Multi Strike: Good.
    Elemental Weakness: Does its job, I guess.
    Pierce: DoT pales in comparison to Poison Dragon. Nice boost to attack.

    The rest which I think needs some work:

    Call the Fire Dragon: Good, but seems like someone got lazy with this one's animation.
    Dragon Fire: Pierce + Elemental lock attack don't seem to justify skill.
    Dragon Triple: Good. Should be available against all monsters considering the amount of skills already dedicated to Dragon-slaying. Not a big issue.
    Dragonblock: Unreliability is a bother. No shield should ever defend for only one turn.
    Freeze: Should be useful against all foes. Not enough skills against non-dragonkind.
    Summon Draykwing: Nicely animated, though animation and elemental lock don't justify skill.
    Dragon's Blood: Could use a healing boost - especially at higher levels.

    tl;dr - Overall it's a class that looks good, is decent against dragons, and poor against non-dragons. This should be an armor that's decent against ALL enemies, receiving a boost only when it's fighting dragons. It's troublesome going to a whole quest to fight a dragon boss when all enemies along the way are non-dragons.
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 4
    11/3/2013 16:04:17   

    dragonslayer was my fav in aq, so my expectations have always been high and the class doesn't stand up to my expectations in any way.
    DF  Post #: 5
    11/3/2013 16:46:09   

    I think the only good skill in DragonSlayer is Poison Dragon. It causes a pretty incredible DoT against dragons with high HP.
    Post #: 6
    11/3/2013 20:10:32   

    The problem with Dragonslayer is that I don't know much about it and don't really want to find out, considering the enormous amount of effort required to train it and the fact that I would hardly ever use it after putting in that much effort. The current system for training of skills really needs to change

    While I'm not familiar with the skills of this class, there's one thing I particularly like about it compared to most other classes - it is focused and streamlined to a specific purpose skill-wise (as far as I know). It's targetted specifically to slay dragons and very strong in that respect though not so strong in other aspects. Unlike Dragonslayer, however, most classes are very generic and even if their animations etc. do reflect a certain level of their specialities (eg. Ninja, Pirate, Soulweaver etc.) their offence is very much generic and targetted towards everyone.

    My point here isn't that you must make every single class fit only a particular purpose and not sway from it. However, perhaps they should follow the general notions which make them much more strong and well-equipped in certain scenarios according to their storyline. For example, many skills of Kathool Adept are element-locked to either Water, Evil or Darkness, enTropy does average damage when it faces Darkness-resistant monsters but can do extreme damage against monsters which don't resist darkness (due to Fever Spit and Infect) and Pyromancer's DoTs are fire-locked such that the crux of the class' offence is centred around fire mostly. This is also true of Dragonslayer, where it is very well-equipped to face dragons (though perhaps, we don't get to face enough dragons). This also holds true in the most part for Paladin. These classes are the ones which are more focused in their purpose.

    However, many other classes aren't this way - for example, Necromancer, Ranger, Soulweaver, Pirate, Ninja - they're all very very general in terms of when and where they could be used. Making them locked to a certain element (or a certain set of elements) is one way to deal with it, another is to give them bonuses against specific opponents etc.

    Thus, while Dragonslayer may not be seen as a very good class, I think that one thing it's got right is that it is very much specific and focused in terms of what its abilities are aimed at - slaying dragons. Perhaps, other classes could also be more streamlined (in terms of what their primary focus is as a class) in order for gameplay to tie in with the storyline a bit better and for users to want to use different classes in different situations, not just one class all the time.

    - Editted from the original to make more sense. -

    < Message edited by RamDF -- 11/3/2013 20:14:10 >


    DF  Post #: 7
    8/22/2014 19:11:27   

    So according to Ash, DragonSlayer is next for a revamp. As I'm sure everyone knows by now, I'm looking forward to that as frankly DragonSlayer is awful and the more I level it up, the more apparent it becomes. And this is against Dragons and Freeze and the first three skills on the left side are all that's worth using.

    Main class is Warrior and so far three abilities are pretty much useless to me due to doing Magic damage or Pierce. And the Damage Over Time ability is some Wound-tier awful.


    I'll take the world on my own terms. I want disease but not the germs.
    I want the moon to cling to me. So let your silence sing to me.
    An endless endless symphony. Till all I lost instinctively returns.
    DF  Post #: 8
    8/25/2014 0:59:02   

    As of now this class is probably the worst in all of DF, IMPO. But Ash has said it will be getting a revamp and everything Ash has done so far (Necromancer, MS, and even the new Technomancer) have been awesome so I have high hopes for it in the future.
    DF  Post #: 9
    8/25/2014 1:21:31   

    It came in handy during the Dragon Rose War, with all those low-HP dragons that could be one-shotted by Call the Fire Dragon, but beyond that, I've never used it except for comedy value on quests involving Lady Celestia or our own dragon. It certainly doesn't help that the monster type it's designed around fighting is also one of the rarer ones. It's even harder to find a quest that contains dragons exclusively, where this class would function at its peak. :| Yet another sign that DF needz moar dragons. Its training is a huge grind, but that's already been stated to be fixed. It also doesn't need an art update, IIRC*, which ought to speed things up quite a bit. I wouldn't definitively call it the "worst in the game," but it's got issues. Easily the weakest story-related class for all but a handful of quests.

    *I still think Call the Fire Dragon summoning only the HEAD of said Fire Dragon is a little...off-putting, though. Guardian Dragon had a neck, at least.

    < Message edited by ShimmerSoul -- 8/25/2014 21:06:06 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 10
    8/25/2014 1:55:56   

    Big ol' head flopping down and spitting what looks like not fire is pretty weird.
    DF  Post #: 11
    8/25/2014 9:36:04   
    Aura Knight

    The nice look of the class is only hindered by the pathetically weak skills it has against anything that isn't dragon or lizard. And even then the class pales in comparison to most others. I like how it looks but it needs a lot of changes.
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 12
    9/12/2014 19:42:16   

    Dragonslayer managed to survived Voltabolt's Challenge (pressed the button & the game was in hard mode). I equipped him with a wind weapon. No element advantage against the monster at all. Well, to be fair... It survived because the monster usually never hits thanks to the defense skill, the stun skill, the criticals and the -hit skill. I don't know what it was called. So I guess DS is getting better?
    AQ DF  Post #: 13
    9/12/2014 19:59:24   

    its the passive of ds, but i think it adds -10 boost to all.
    so far what took my attention: cftfd is very strong. 350% vs normal monsters and 600% vs dragons. but it takes 5 turns cd before you can use it. so its strictly only against bosses. also its not multi anymore.
    the blind and stun have double effect strength against dragons.
    draconic elements adds 25boost vs normal monsters and is bugged against dragons as it made my mana and the mana of the dragon as NAN. infinite mana yay!!! but its a bug.
    one of the dots does 20% weapon dmg vs normal monsters and 10% of enemy hp vs dragons. i think this skills is too power and even broken. killing a dragon in 10 turns is absolute crime. it should be 5% at most. may be some other skill can be buffed when this one is nerfed. or it can be based on player hp, but this is kinda looking too much like coil.
    DF  Post #: 14
    9/12/2014 20:03:24   
    Aura Knight

    The Dragon Slayer revamp is amazing even against non-dragons. This is how the class should have been from the start. Average against all, but powerful against dragon-kind. I'm sure even non-da users will enjoy this class.
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 15
    9/12/2014 20:18:08   

    About the revamped Dragonslayer...

    Dragon Scales: Very good defense.
    Draconic Strike: Wow wow wow, a triple attack every two turns against dragons! Awwwwesome!
    Draconic Poison: It hurts 10% of enemy's HP for 6 turns? That means eliminating 60% of a dragon's HP with only one DoT. That skill is definitely the Dragonslayer skill. If I'm right, it does 20% weapon damage on non-dragons and 5% of their health on reptilians? Nice.
    Draconic Blind: Very good blind! Useful!
    Call forth the Fire Dragon: I'm not sure about its effect... what exactly does it do?
    Scale Rot: This one is incredibly genius. Plus, it fits so well with the class theme!
    Draconic Blaze: Definitely better than it was. At last, no more pierce! (and a very decent DoT!)
    Dragon's Bane: Nice one, definitely nice! Weakness increasing is even better than weakness seeking.
    Slayer's Keen Eye: A guaranteed crit for Dragonslayer! Woo-hoo!
    Summon Draykwing: Went from "cool but useless" to "cool and very useful DoT without even being element-locked"!
    Draconic Blood: I don't know how much HP this restores... but it is quite the useful instant heal.
    Draconic Elements: Could you list all the effects, Ash? I'd like to know them. But on Akriloth and Char, it's a nice DoT.

    And the passive, Slayer's Aura: -10 boost to dragons and -5 to reptilians is good. However... an even nicer passive would've been dragons' boost weakening each time they strike the Dragonslayer. Galanoth's armor has Dragonbane on it, so why not us? This would weaken every dragon foolish enough to attack us. Or, maybe, the -10 boost to dragons could get a small upgrade to -15.

    Overall, the Dragonslayer class is decent against non-dragons, highly satisfying against reptilians, and so powerful against dragons surely it must get tier 3. A big congrats for another awesome revamp, Ash!
    Post #: 16
    9/12/2014 20:40:44   

    Dragonic Elements is weird. I've played with it in the Dragon Rose War a bit, and here's what I found by dragon type:

    Ice - 1-turn Stun.
    "Blue" (water) - Both its and your MP become NaN. I imagine that's a bug. As it does nothing else, I also imagine it was meant to drain enemy mana like Techno's Fire skill. Confirmed otherwise. See below. :p
    "Red" (Stone) - Gives you +90 M/P/M for 3 turns.
    Darkness - -40 Boost to enemy for 5 turns.
    Light - -50 Bonus to enemy for 5 turns.

    And from the Ravenloss War:
    Void - Enemy takes -200 to a random element. Ouchies. o.e

    < Message edited by ShimmerSoul -- 9/12/2014 21:35:49 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 17
    9/12/2014 20:58:17   


    so far what took my attention: cftfd is very strong. 350% vs normal monsters and 600% vs dragons. but it takes 5 turns cd before you can use it. so its strictly only against bosses. also its not multi anymore.

    Yerp. That kind of damage, locked to "none" element against dragons so it's always effective, couldn't have been left as a multi.


    draconic elements adds 25boost vs normal monsters and is bugged against dragons as it made my mana and the mana of the dragon as NAN. infinite mana yay!!! but its a bug.

    Yeah, for some reason it didn't like the way I initially set it up. I'll roll a fix to that here in a bit. It's meant to heal your mana for 25% total and hurt enemy mana for 25% total against water dragons. Fixed! Clear your cache to get the new version.


    one of the dots does 20% weapon dmg vs normal monsters and 10% of enemy hp vs dragons. i think this skills is too power and even broken. killing a dragon in 10 turns is absolute crime. it should be 5% at most. may be some other skill can be buffed when this one is nerfed. or it can be based on player hp, but this is kinda looking too much like coil.

    Exactly how many dragons are in the game? That's why it's so strong. Since it's a trigger skill it's able to be a lot stronger and the lack of any major draconic enemies...for right now...allows it to be beastly. It won't get nerfed when new ones come out but it's for sure one of the strongest tools in DS' kit. (You're welcome Non-DA's. You've now got one of the strongest trigger effects in the game that's not on DmK!)


    Draconic Poison: It hurts 10% of enemy's HP for 6 turns? That means eliminating 60% of a dragon's HP with only one DoT. That skill is definitely the Dragonslayer skill. If I'm right, it does 20% weapon damage on non-dragons and 5% of their health on reptilians? Nice.

    It should be 5 turns not 6. I'll check why.


    Draconic Elements: Could you list all the effects, Ash? I'd like to know them. But on Akriloth and Char, it's a nice DoT.

    I will once I post the stats, there's a different one for every main element + ??? (void dragons).


    And the passive, Slayer's Aura: -10 boost to dragons and -5 to reptilians is good. However... an even nicer passive would've been dragons' boost weakening each time they strike the Dragonslayer. Galanoth's armor has Dragonbane on it, so why not us? This would weaken every dragon foolish enough to attack us. Or, maybe, the -10 boost to dragons could get a small upgrade to -15.

    Yeah, no. You're getting the most out of that passive as I'm going to give you with all the funsy stuff you have in the main class. -10% damage for the entire battle is plenty more than it should have.

    I'm purposefully not giving you all the stats because this is what I want after reading the thread. People are experimenting with the class, figuring out its skills, enjoying it without being so obsessed over the numbers that they nitpick it into the ground. I'll post the full breakdown next week but for now ENJOY the class and figure stuff out.

    < Message edited by Ash -- 9/12/2014 23:23:37 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 18
    9/12/2014 21:18:20   

    Uh, Summon Draykwing and Draconic Elements both seem to be missing on my DragonSlayer. I'm not really sure why.

    Oh, wait, I'm probably being a dumb. I've probably not finished TRAINING DragonSlayer. I could've sworn that I handled that before. >:|

    < Message edited by Razen -- 9/12/2014 21:21:15 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 19
    9/12/2014 22:05:06   
    Alpha Centipede

    The DragonSlayer revamp seems to hold itself better against non-draconic/non-reptilian mobs now. That's great.

    Also, one good strategy for void dragons is Draconic Elements + Dragon's Bane. It's more or less an insta-kill.
    DF  Post #: 20
    9/12/2014 22:22:48   
    The ErosionSeeker
    *insert cheesy pun here*

    Draconic Elements breakdown

    Fire: Ice Bane DOT (50% damage over x turns?)
    Water: MP vampire
    Wind: +45 bonus to hit
    Ice: 1-turn stun
    Stone: +90 MPM
    Energy: +35 boost to self
    Light: -50 boost to enemy
    Darkness: -40 boost to enemy
    Void: -200 to random element
    DF AQW  Post #: 21
    9/13/2014 0:18:14   

    DragonSlayer seems to do a lot more damage now. That's great actually.

    Question: Where can I fight Void Dragons?

    < Message edited by Zeldax -- 9/13/2014 0:19:54 >
    Post #: 22
    9/13/2014 0:22:46   

    Tomix saga. War at the core
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 23
    9/13/2014 0:26:11   

    Oh right. I forgot about that. Thanks!
    Post #: 24
    9/13/2014 0:50:45   
    Alpha Centipede

    Fighting Dragon Drakath with DragonSlayer is pretty easy now... until he gets to 50% health. Then he just full heals and brings my character down in one hit.
    Still, a 1128 damage DoT is quite fun to play with.
    DF  Post #: 25
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