But the thing is, any buff, no matter how tiny, will give you a MSW that's stronger than Baltaelsoulweaver. Unless you have to chain stun, or fight bosses like Leorilla or Uthuluc, Master Soulweaver is already stronger. Master soulweaver was the only non-DC class that could defeat Yllmar with absolute reliability. That is not to be sneezed at. Conversely, you use both vacuum and synch together as BSW since they stack, and ensure your shield covers the gap in seal. MSW's seal has a stronger effect, but said effect is half the duration of SW (not that it matters, since stacking vacuum gives you -70% damage, and for the remaining cooldown you can banish--soul aegis--banish, and Seal is again available). That's 30% damage for four turns (disregarding the blind, since it isn't always strong enough for some opponents), 100% for one, and no damage for six. 220% damage over eleven turns, or 200% over ten, compared to 1000% if you were to not defend at all. You take one fifth of incoming damage. It isn't a weak class (nor is it the strongest defensive class), but people forget about it since BSW has such a strong burst skill. If the nuke was 500-600%, instant trigger like BSW's, and same cooldown as it normally has to charge and use, it would make no difference to the class's damage output. That's how strong its damage output already is, whether or not you use soulsynch's nuke. @tomas185 The thing is, the stun already exists and can be used that way, but by chance only. It wouldn't buff it's potential (though you only have a 5% chance of getting 5 in a battle, if you lower that to 4 your odds increase to a realistic level). Healing would give it the potential of other defensive classes-- the problem is, if it can heal an average of 200% enemy damage over ten turns, and replenish the mana costs of all those skills, you are invincible. However other defensive classes are like that already, they just don't have strong offense. If such defense requires a max WIS max END build, the additional damage might account for lost stat damage. I would think it pretty good with those on their own, although it'd be cool to be able to clear mobs faster.
< Message edited by Shiny_Underpants -- 6/17/2018 19:35:52 >