Rare skill cores obtained with rare items are no longer locked, and become part of the core shop's inventory. quote:
Well, what difference does it make if you can put a rare skill core on a Basic Club as opposed to a Jack 'O Fire on the Spectral Reaper? None (just about). The same skill core stays the same, only the look of the character changes. This should also convenience players who find that their rare item with a locked core is not customizeable. Instead of having to buy separate items for different cores, players can spend their currency on cores instead. This also helps to detract from the issue of inventory space flooding, as there will be less items needed to house the same number of skill cores. New cores to buy in the skill core shop. quote:
One of the main points of this suggestion is to spend time implementing new skill cores to be bought by all in the core shop. This is to offer a larger variety to the players limited to what is currently seen in the shop, like the Energy Shot for Sidearms. Also, the theme of strategy is strengthened as players will be more dynamic in battle. Predictability per core will decrease as the number of cores increases. More different strategies entails less emphasis on needing RNG. Permanent skill cores are no longer expendable. Permanent skill cores cost more. quote:
When a permanent skill core is removed, it is destroyed (literally, the server destroys it). This is not really permanent, is it? Well, for that skill core worth 495 varium that was eliminated the second a new core was installed, no matter how many battles with it have passed, it will no longer be destoyed. Like any other item, skill cores become truly permanent until sold, keeping the value of their cost. I find that buying a skill core, then instantly removing it only to see it gone, very much detracts from their value. Why is that a feature anyhow? Anyways, since these permanent skill cores are no longer sensitive to change, they can have their cost raised. Not necessary, but possible.
< Message edited by Depressed Void -- 12/5/2013 10:56:05 >