I never understood or found out why the dev's decided on such low stat numbers for weapons. I participated in late Delta and experienced having an extremely high number of stats because of enhancements. I do not wish for enhancements to return but it was fun having such high stats because I could make ridiculous builds and have FUN, something that has never even entered my mind since Omega started. Should weapons have higher stats? I think they should because me personally comparing now to then, Delta was far more fun just because of the fact I had higher stats and more build options. But delta is in the past and I want to talk about the present. I feel restricted when seeing such low numbers where my stats are, I want freedom, flexibility, OPTIONS. I don't know if this is right but maybe the reason why people find it hard to create original builds or why there are so few builds is because we have low stats. If stats were increased, I honestly don't have a good idea of how much, then maybe we will see an increase in players making their own builds, builds they have thought up from scratch. Seriously, when was the last time you bothered to even come up with a new build never seen before or a build somewhat seen before or being used today but different in a way? Yeah I honestly can't say I have in the past six months because its 1)impossible or 2) I am discouraged from the amount of stats I have. Do you somewhat feel the same way?