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RE: =ED= June 13th, 2014 - Patch Notes - 1.6.16

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6/19/2014 12:30:19   

anyway, 9k not is tons/huge amount of credits.
Post #: 26
6/19/2014 13:08:18   

@ df099

For a casual player to get over the course of several missions it is quite a bit. Especially for lower level players. for a hardcore player it would be a little.
Epic  Post #: 27
6/20/2014 21:09:49   
Noobatron x3000

Lets be honest here I don't play anymore most of us don't play anymore. Look at the server numbers , I come to look at the forums every once in a while check my recent activity compared to previous years.

The fact is your fixing stuff like this when the game has slipped into such severe depression fights after level 27ish are almost always now giving one side a overall 5-6 level advantage in 2v2, And 1v1 is almost certain suicide after 30 . The games in serious trouble you have to get players back at the level 25+ range , The game was always bad 35 plus but now its 25+. You have to start balancing the game a severe change of direction is required. It can not continue the way it is it isn't beneficial to those left playing levelling a character to max just isn't viable anymore, Its why I left some many moths ago you level to 25 the start a new character and repeat because the most part of the game is unplayable, Due to terrible match making and balance, You cannot have a game with no content (or very little) that completely relies on pvp, with the core of pvp being matchmaking and balance when both are completely borked.

Its up to you guys if your prepared to change I probably wont come back either way , But if there is no change I feel this games pattern since omega will continue.
Post #: 28
6/20/2014 22:26:43   

^Sad but true.In my opinion we need a new matchmaking system, I feel that now waiting times have the priority when finding an opponent, we need to balance waiting times and rewards for evry battle to be fair.
It could work this way:
-the system starts looking for a player with very close gap
-as the waiting time extend, also the gap extend
-at a given waiting time the battle reward extend too (both for winning and loosing)
-the player can set the system to search for higher level players to find battles faster
-remooving ranks and setting a reasonable level cap would help alot aswell
So, basically extending the gap would balance waiting times, and extending battle rewards would balance the gap (at a time cost).
At the end we would have longer waiting times, but better rewards and way more fair battles.
Epic  Post #: 29
6/21/2014 0:56:51   

@ kosmo

Then we would have players rage quitting over wait times which is also bad. As you see now in the forums players are complaining about that and wait times which means both are important. There is no putting one ahead of the other without negative results. You have seen the balance changes over the years and with most a fatal flaw or two has been found which caused problems.

Sacrificing wait times for more fair matches at this point in the game would be that fatal flaw. If we had the player base to support such a change that wouldn't be an issue however we don't. This would be a huge issue especially during non peak hours where the player online are as low as 200-300.

There needs to be a solution made that can fix matchmaking and cure wait times. Otherwise the game will go to ruin. Cause as it is now sacrificing fair fights for wait times isn't working well, as you can clearly see, and flipping the script so wouldn't do any good because people would and will rage quit causing a decline as well.

I has suggested several times adding reworked NPC to the player pool in 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2, ands juggernaut to combat this. I will explain it once again.

With this idea the first priority would be to pair people with human opponents at their level range or close to it. However if after a certain period of time this doesn't happen a NPC would fill the role to cure the wait time problem. This way the player can battle and still compete without waiting an eternity for a fight. In two vs two if this happens there will be the following combinations.

1 one human Player and NPC vs one Player and NPC
2 two human players on one side Vs 2 NPC
3 one human player and NPC vs 2 NPC.

there will never be the following

1 two human players vs one human and NPC

if you get a NPC as an opponent in 1 vs 1 the level of the NPC will be the same level as the player so it won't be unfair. In two vs two if the human player one team has a higher level than the one on the other the NPC's will be partnered accordingly so the levels will always be equal meaning no unfair fights level wise.

With this in play they would have something that would not only make up for the wait times, but would also have something that fixes mismatched fights as well without any unfair side effects. This way they can afford to cut or even remove the level range down to 0 because they would have this back up.
Epic  Post #: 30
6/21/2014 2:20:30   

An npc is hard to balance. Improoving battle rewards to compensate waiting times is a way to balance both gap and times.Now waiting times have a HUGE priority, I m not saying that gap shuld take the priority, I m saying they shuld have same priority, it s balance.
Epic  Post #: 31
6/21/2014 2:34:36   

@ Kosmo

Which was why I suggested putting this idea into play. quick fights and fights they believe are fair (since most of the people who they would rather wait as long as they get a fight they think they can win to happen) are what the the masses as a whole want.

Giving better rewards to compensate for wait times will not solve this problem. it is just a poor band aid fix to a gaping wound that needs stitches.

The idea I suggested would help both problems and while it may be harder to do, the end result will get players what they screamed for which would be faster match up, but at the same time fair fights level wise.

But in all seriousness the legendary ranks should have never been added. I say this because before they came at least when you had 4 cap level players in 2 vs 2 or 2 cap level players in 1 vs 1 the grounds were even but now you can't say that anymore.
Epic  Post #: 32
6/21/2014 19:12:01   

LOL no more wait times please. I have supported wait times but now it is getting ridiculous. Endgame 1v1 PvP is limited to 3 levels 38,39,40 instead of the normal ranges like all the other levels. The wait times for 2v2 is ridiculous and sometimes I have to wait 3-5 min. The main problem is legendary ranks.The Devs thought the solution to fair battles was decreasing level range for legendary ranks, but they were wrong. The system should have been removed early but too late now...

I just wish they take away the legion exile filter completely. The filter is useless. Jugg takes on average 5-7 min and all the opponents I face are legion. These wait times and the fact that jugg mode is completely utterly broken for L40 is the reason why NO level 40 has gotten daily jugg cheevo in the past 5 months or so when I have logged in.
AQW  Post #: 33
6/21/2014 20:39:26   

You can say what you want, but if you ever played other pvp games, waiting times in ed are extremly short, we can sacricife some more for better battles.
Epic  Post #: 34
6/21/2014 21:04:11   

@ Kosmo

Other PVP games =/= Epic duel.

That has been said so many times around it isn't funny.

Have you seen the player base on this game? Especially during non peak hours? It gets as low as 200-300 players. A change like that affects all time zones not just one.

Plus I am willing to bet all the games that do that can afford to because they have the player base to support it which epic duel doesn't.

If we has the player base like we did in the older phases then it wouldn't be so bad but right now the numbers are extremely low.

Epic  Post #: 35
6/21/2014 21:22:34   

I probably play at a different time zone than you and most of the time the playerbase gets extremely low (200-300). I think this is comparable to 4-5 AM Eastern Time if I base time zone off ED powerhour. Not everyone is the same time zone as you are and different times mean less/more amount of players depending on the time. Also, like Mother1 said I don't even understand why you even compare wait times with other PvP games because other games does not mean ED. Other games have totally different player bases and player numbers.
AQW  Post #: 36
6/22/2014 17:36:38   

I don t think u propely read my post. Most of other pvp games have a bigger playerbase and longer waiting times, why we have a smaller playerbase and shorter waiting times then?I made over 100k battles, I played at any time of the day, I never had trouble finding battles fast enought.This system is all based on waiting times, we need something more fair.
Epic  Post #: 37
6/22/2014 19:36:11   

@ Kosmo

three things

(1) As I said before Other PVP games =/= epic duel because while they may be similar they are not 100% the same. They are run by different staff, which means they aren't run the same. What may be good for one may not work for the other.

(2) those games can afford to do this because they have the player base to support these fights which I also mentioned. If epic duel has the playerbase to support such a change without too much problem then I would say ok go for it. However epic duel can't afford to do that because the moment you do this impatient player (which surprisingly are a lot) will rage quit due to wait times. The numbers will shrink and eventually even the most patient of players will quit due to everyone leaving.

(3) This change affects all players who play the game which I mentioned before as well not just those in populated time zones. As me and lionblades mentioned there are players who can only play during non peak hours when the server numbers are as low as 200-300 players which is extremely low. Those people have to wait quite a while for matches sometimes and a few times it took me 10-15 minutes for one 2 vs 2. Heck I get that quite a bit during peak hours as well and if the matches are quick I get the same players/player 4-5 times in a row which is also saying the population is low.
Make this change and those non peak players will really suffer due to you isolating them even more.

This was why I said you needed to add something relevant so that wait times won't be a problem with the masses. Cause right now the game is not only unbalanced in skills but unbalanced with wait times and matchmaking. Higher rewards aren't cutting it cause we still have people complaining about unfair fights, and longer wait times in exchange for fair fights isn't an option either because we have people complaining about wait times as well.

That was why I suggested adding in NPC to fill the wholes like they did in the infernal war. That event got server numbers really high and then we had all the servers not only active, but 2 severs at least were always full. even with non peak hours there was still one almost full server and a second one open. We need to be doing things to get the player base back up not giving the players the finger which means we need a solution that will not only make fights more fair but also slash wait times.
Epic  Post #: 38
6/23/2014 0:46:58   
One Winged Angel1357

Mother there is a problem in that the majority if not all infernal war code was not recyclable so what worked in that war has to be completely redone if we want to see it again
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 39
6/23/2014 3:15:47   

i agree mother npc added to the fights would cut out wait times but to fight the same players over and over again because its legion v exile which i think was a bad move in the first place
Epic  Post #: 40
6/23/2014 4:50:44   

@ comicalbike

the filter is extremely lax now compared to how it was. but even so it still goes by this first.

The reason I made that suggestion was so people won't outright quit due to wait times or mismatched battles which be both had to go through for a while.

That problem what you are suggesting would be taken care of in the long run because that idea went into play more players would not only level up to the higher levels but stay within the game so we can get different opponents. We can't get different opponents if the player base stays small or keeps on shrinking.
Epic  Post #: 41
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