Advocator of Wills
Paladin (No DA Required) Access Point: The Necropolis -> Artix -> Become A Paladin! -> Wear Paladin Armor, Access Point: Falconreach Libraseum -> 4 Right -> WEAR Retro Paladin!, Access Point: Armor Closet Requirements: 1st Undead Slayer Badge given to Artix to unlock Release Date: January 12th, 2024 Default Weapon: Long Sword Offense Boost: 0% Bonus: 0 Crit: 5 Damage Multipliers Non-Crit: 100% Dex: 100% DoT: 100% Crit: 175% Defense Melee: 5 Pierce: 5 Magic: 5 Block: 5 Parry: 5 Dodge: 5 Damage Reduction Non-Crit: 0% DoT: 0% Crit: 0% Resistances Light: 5 Darkness: 15 Paladin's widget displaying Smite, Inner Light, and Unlocks from left to right. Clicking the shield displays the current amount of 'Inner Light' (see other information) stacks. (Pop-up: Inner Light at <1-20>)- The arcs in the widget light up for every 5 stacks of Inner Light, adding a sigil on top at 20 stacks.
Clicking the left hand will allow the player to toggle Smite. [Pop-up: You harness your Inner Light to smite your foe! (+100 base damage, -400 Crit on attack) / You recollect the Light from your smite.]- The player must have at least 5 'Inner Light' stacks to toggle Smite
- While Smite is toggled, all class skills gain +100% base damage and -400 Crit.
Clicking the right hand will allow the player to toggle Unlock. [Pop-ups: You hold back your Inner Light to unlock your Light-element skills. (Suppresses +1 Inner Light from Light skills) / You restore your Inner Light, allowing it to grow again.]- While Unlock is toggled, consumes 1 Inner Light stack each turn to remove the Light-element lock on certain skills.
- No Inner Light stack is consumed if the skill used does not have a Light-element lock.
- Skills that have their Light-element locks removed still will gain an additional stack of Inner Light.
- Array of Light-element lock skills: 'Prismatic Strike', 'Dawn's Light', 'Crushing Light', 'Aura of Light', 'Seal of Courage', 'Seal of Celerity', 'Channeling Spirit'.
Prismatic Strike 3 hits x 40% Light damage (120%) | 3 hits x 40% damage (120%) Target: (On hit) -<10-25> All, +<10-25> Health, -50 Crit for 6 turns. +1 Inner Light Requirements: 7th Undead Slayer Badge given to Artix to unlock Effect: 3 hits of 40% damage, amounting to 120% damage; applies 'Refraction' (-[10+5R] All Resist, +[10+5R] Health Resist, -50 Crit) to target for 6 turns inclusive. Mana Cost: 20 Cooldown: 4 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Light; As weapon if Unlock is toggled Other information Selecting certain Body Armor Customization modifies the first part of the skill's appearance. Original / Risen / Ornate / Artix / Retro / Ancient / Polish Retro: Appearance 1 / 1.1 / 1.2 Astravian / Ancient Star: Appearance 1 / 1.1 / 1.2 Tactical: Appearance 1 / 1.1 / 1.2 Dawn's Light 1 hit x 120% Light damage | 1 hit x 120% damage Target: (On hit) -<40-100> Bonus, -50 Crit for 2 turns. +1 Inner Light Requirements: 6th Undead Slayer Badge given to Artix to unlock Effect: 1 hit of 120% damage; applies 'Dawn's Light' (-[40+20R] Bonus, -50 Crit) to target for 3 turns. Mana Cost: 20 Cooldown: 4 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Light; As weapon if Unlock is toggled Other information Selecting certain Body Armor Customization modifies the skill's appearance. Original / Risen / Ornate / Artix / Retro / Ancient / Polish Retro: Appearance Astravian / Ancient Star: Appearance Tactical: Appearance Crushing Light 7 hits x 20% Light damage (140%) | 7 hits x 20% damage (140%) Target: (Auto) -<30-75> Immobility res. (On hit) Stun for 3 turns. +1 Inner Light Requirements: 5th Undead Slayer Badge given to Artix to unlock Effect: Automatically applies 'Reckoning' (-[30+15R] Immobility Resist) to target for 1 turn inclusive; 7 hits of 20% damage, amounting to 140% damage; applies 'Crushing Light' to target, stunning it for 3 turns. Mana Cost: 25 Cooldown: 12 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Light; As weapon if Unlock is toggled Other information Selecting certain Body and Arms Armor Customization modifies the skill's appearance.- Light on player's hand is modified by Shoulders while the lights casted on target is modified by Arms.
Original / Risen / Ornate / Artix / Retro / Ancient / Polish Retro: Appearance Astravian / Ancient Star: Appearance Tactical: Appearance Swords of Eternity 1 hit x 150% damage to all targets Requirements: 4th Undead Slayer Badge given to Artix to unlock Effect: 1 hit of 150% damage to all foes. Mana Cost: 15 Cooldown: 2 Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon Other information Selecting certain Arms Armor Customization modifies the skill's appearance. Original / Risen / Ornate / Ancient: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Astravian / Ancient Star: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Artix: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Tactical: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Retro / Polished Retro: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Holy Wasabi 1 hit x 100% damage Self: Purge DoTs and heal <6-18>% max HP. Target: (On hit) 25% DoT for 1 turn. Requirements: 3rd Undead Slayer Badge given to Artix to unlock Effect: Purges all DoT effects (excluding permanent DoT effects) from the player; recovers [6+3R]% of player's max HP; 1 hit of 100% damage; applies 'Holy Spice', a 25% Melee weapon element DoT effect, to target for 1 turn. Mana Cost: 25 Cooldown: 7 Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon Other information Selecting certain Shoulders Armor Customization modifies the skill's appearance. Original / Risen / Ornate / Retro / Ancient / Polished Retro: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Astravian / Ancient Star: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Tactical: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Radiant Armaments 1 hit x 120% damage Self: +30 Bonus, +40 Defenses, +60% base damage, -400 Crit for 7 turns. Turns into Radiant Spirit when used. Increases Radiance. Radiance stacks enhance most skills. Requirements: 2nd Undead Slayer Badge given to Artix to unlock Effect: 1 hit of 120% damage; applies 'Radiant Oath' (+30 Bonus, increases base damage of all class skills by 60%, +40 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense, -400 Crit) to player for 7 turns inclusive; sets Radiance stack to 1. Mana Cost: 10 Cooldown: 1; Cooldown becomes 5 if 'Radiant Oath' effect was expired or purged Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon Other information Selecting certain Legs Armor Customization modifies the runic circle's appearance. Original / Risen / Ornate / Artix / Retro / Ancient / Polished Retro: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Astravian / Ancient Star: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Tactical: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Radiant Armaments 2 hits x 90% damage (180%) Self: +45 Bonus, +60 Defenses, +90% base damage, -400 Crit for 5 turns. Replaces Radiant Oath. Turns into Radiant Purpose when used. Increases Radiance. Radiance stacks enhance most skills. Requirements: 2nd Undead Slayer Badge given to Artix to unlock; player affected by 'Radiant Oath' Effect: 2 hits of 90% damage, amounting to 180% damage; purges 'Radiant Oath' from player and applies 'Radiant Spirit' (+45 Bonus, increases base damage of all class skills by 90%, +60 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense, -400 Crit) to player for 5 turns inclusive; sets Radiance stack to 2. Mana Cost: 10 Cooldown: 1; Cooldown becomes 5 if 'Radiant Spirit' effect was expired or purged Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon Other information Selecting certain Legs Armor Customization modifies the runic circles' appearance. Original / Risen / Ornate / Artix / Retro / Ancient / Polished Retro: Appearance 1 / 1.1 / 1.2 Astravian / Ancient Star: Appearance 1 / 1.1 / 1.2 Tactical: Appearance 1 / 1.1 / 1.2 Radiant Armaments 3 hits x 80% damage (240%) Self: +60 Bonus, +80 Defenses, +120% base damage, -400 Crit for 3 turns. Replaces Radiant Spirit. Reverts to Radiant Oath when used. Increases Radiance. Radiance stacks enhance most skills. Requirements: 2nd Undead Slayer Badge given to Artix to unlock; player affected by 'Radiant Spirit' Effect: 3 hits of 80% damage, amounting to 240% damage; purges 'Radiant Spirit' from player and applies 'Radiant Purpose' (+60 Bonus, increases base damage of all class skills by 120%, +80 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense, -400 Crit) to player for 3 turns inclusive; sets Radiance stack to 3. Mana Cost: 10 Cooldown: 5 Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon Other information Selecting certain Legs Armor Customization modifies the runic circles' appearance. Original / Risen / Ornate / Artix / Retro / Ancient / Polished Retro: Appearance 1 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 Astravian / Ancient Star: Appearance 1 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 Tactical: Appearance 1 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 Holy Aegis Self: +<160-220>Avoidance for 1 turn. Requirements: None Effect: Applies 'Holy Aegis' (+[160+20R] Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance) to player for 1 turn. Mana Cost: 20 Cooldown: 8 Damage Type: N/A Element: N/A Appearance Attack 1 hit x 100% damage Recover 15 MP, heal 1% max HP. Inner Light stacks decrease Health res by 1 per (max 20), improving healing. Spend 1 Inner Light to unlock the element of Light skills, or 5 Inner Light to Smite for +100% base damage on any attacking skill. Requirements: None Effect: 1 hit of 100% damage; recovers 15 MP; recovers 1% of player's max HP; Mana Cost: 0 Cooldown: 0 Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon Appearance Greater Heal Self: Purge external effects, heal <15-37.5>% max HP. Requirements: 8th Undead Slayer Badge given to Artix to unlock Effect: Purges all status effects (except 'Stuffed', permanent effects, and any Paladin effects) from player; recovers [15+7.5R]% of player's max HP. Mana Cost: 0 Cooldown: 14 Damage Type: N/A Element: N/A Appearance Solemn Vow 1 hit x 200% damage Self: +<x> STR/DEX/INT for 15 turns, removed when under 25% max HP. | Self: +<x> END for 15 turns, removed when under 25% max HP. | Self: Heal +<10-25>% max HP, +<x> flat HP. When Solemn Vow is removed or expires, heal 10% max HP, +5% max HP per Radiance stack. Requirements: 9th Undead Slayer Badge given to Artix to unlock Effect: 1 hit of 200% damage; applies one of the following effects, depending on player's current HP%;- If player is above 50% of their max HP, applies 'Solemn Vow of Justice' (+[(X/4)+(X/8*R)] STR/DEX/INT) to player for 15 turns inclusive.
- If player is at or below 50% of their max HP and above 25% of their max HP, applies 'Solemn Vow of Protection' (+[(X/2)+(X/4*R)] END) to player for 15 turns inclusive; upon applying 'Solemn Vow of Protection', adjusts player's HP equal to the amount of HP gained from 'Solemn Vow of Protection'.
- If player is at or below 25% of their max HP, adjusts player's HP equal to 5*[(X/2)+(X/4)*R], unaffected by Health and/or All Resists.
- The player will recover [10+5R]% of their maximum HP on one of the following sources: (Pop-up: Your Solemn Vow triggers, recovering your health.)
- If an instance of damage brings the player below 25% HP while a 'Solemn Vow' effect is active, which removes any active 'Solemn Vow' effects.
- A 'Solemn Vow' effect expired or purged.
- The player is already at or below 25% of their max HP when using Solemn Vow.
Mana Cost: 30 Cooldown: 14 Damage Type: As weapon Element: As weapon Other information X is equal to the player's Level, floored at 20 and capped at 80. Appearance 1 / 1.1 Aura of Light 1 hit x 120% Light damage | 1 hit x 120% damage Self: +<10-25> Boost, +<10-25>% Non-Crit/Crit damage reduction for 6 turns. +1 Inner Light Requirements: 10th Undead Slayer Badge given to Artix to unlock Effect: 1 hit of 120% damage; applies 'Aura of Light' (+[10+5R]% Boost, +[10+5R]% Non-Crit/Crit Damage Reduction) to player for 6 turns inclusive. Mana Cost: 20 Cooldown: 4 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Light; As weapon if Unlock is toggled Other information Selecting certain Shoulders Armor Customization modifies the skill's appearance. Original / Risen / Ornate / Retro / Ancient / Polished Retro: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Astravian / Ancient Star: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Tactical: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Seal of Courage 3 hits x 80% Light damage (240%) | 3 hits x 80% damage Target: (On hit) -<40-100> Boost, -50 Crit for 3 turns. Self: -<40-100> Boost, -50 Crit for 3 turns. +1 Inner Light | Self: -<40-100> Boost, -50 Crit for 3 turns. Requirements: 11th Undead Slayer Badge given to Artix to unlock Effect: 3 hits of 80% damage, amounting to 240% damage; applies 'Sealed Courage' (-[40+20R]% Boost, -50 Crit) to target for 4 turns; if 'Sealed Courage' was applied to target while it is still alive, applies 'Sealed Courage' (-[40+20R]% Boost, -50 Crit) to player for next 3 turns. Mana Cost: 30 Cooldown: 7 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Light; As weapon if Unlock is toggled Other information Selecting certain Shoulders Armor Customization modifies the skill's appearance. Original / Risen / Ornate / Artix / Retro / Ancient / Polished Retro: Appearance Astravian / Ancient Star: Appearance Tactical: Appearance Seal of Celerity 2 hits x 120% Light damage (240%) | 2 hits x 120% damage (240%) Target: (On hit) -<60-150> Avd/Def, -50 Crit for 5 turns. Self: -<60-150> Avd/Def, -50 Crit for 5 turns. This attack has +100 Bonus. +1 Inner Light | Self: -<60-150> Avd/Def, -50 Crit for 5 turns. This attack has +100 Bonus. Requirements: 12th Undead Slayer Badge given to Artix to unlock Effect: 2 hits of 120% damage, amounting to 240% damage, with +100 Bonus; applies 'Sealed Celerity' (-[60+30R] Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance, -[60+30R] Block/Dodge/Parry Defense, -50 Crit) to target for 5 turns inclusive; if 'Sealed Celerity' was applied to target while it is still alive, applies 'Sealed Courage' (-[60+30R] Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance, -[60+30R] Block/Dodge/Parry Defense, -50 Crit) to player for 5 turns inclusive. Mana Cost: 30 Cooldown: 9 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Light; As weapon if Unlock is toggled Other information Selecting certain Arms Armor Customization modifies the skill's appearance. Original / Risen / Ornate: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Astravian / Ancient Star: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Artix / Ancient / Polished Retro: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Tactical: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Retro: Appearance 1 / 1.1 Seal of Salvation Target: (Auto) +<50-125> Health, -50 Crit for 7 turns. Self: Purge, full heal, +<50-125> Health, -50 Crit for 7 turns. Costs 10 Inner Light. Requirements: 13th Undead Slayer Badge given to Artix to unlock; player affected by 10 Inner Light stacks Effect: Consumes 10 Inner Light stacks upon use; purges all status effects (except 'Stuffed', permanent effects, and any Paladin effects) from player; sets player's HP to 100% of their HP, unaffected by Health and/or All Resists; automatically applies 'Sealed Salvation' (+[50+25R] Health Resist, -50 Crit) to target for 7 turns inclusive; applies' Sealed Salvation' (+[50+25R] Health Resist, -50 Crit) to player for 7 turns inclusive. Mana Cost: 200 Cooldown: 30 Damage Type: N/A Element: N/A Appearance Channeling Spirit 10 hits x 24% Light damage (240%) | 10 hits x 24% damage (240%) Self: Heal +<0.5-10>% max HP (more with Inner Light). This attack has -400 Crit. +1 Inner Light Requirements: 14th Undead Slayer Badge given to Artix to unlock Effect: 10 hits of 24% damage, amounting to 240% damage, with -400 Crit; after the attack, recovers [0.5Y]% of player's maximum HP. Mana Cost: 30 Cooldown: 14 Damage Type: As weapon Element: Light; As weapon if Unlock is toggled Other information Selecting certain Shoulders, Body, and Arms Armor Customization modifies the skill's appearance.- Light on player's hand is modified by Shoulders while the lights casted on target is modified by Arms while Appearance 1.3 is modified by Body.
Y is equal to stacks of 'Inner Light' after the attack finishes. Original / Risen / Ornate / Artix / Retro / Ancient / Polished Retro: Appearance 1 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 Astravian / Ancient Star: Appearance 1 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 Tactical: Appearance 1 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 Other information While using this class, the player will be permanently affected by 'Inner Light' (a 0.2Z% player's max HP HoT effect, -Y Health Resist).- 1 stack of 'Inner Light is gained at the start of each turn.
- 1 additional stack of Inner Light is gained if Paladin uses a skill that is locked to the Light element.
- Z is equal to the number of 'Inner Light' stacks, capping at 20; this essentially caps 'Inner Light' at a 4% HoT effect and -20 Health Resist.
R is equal to the number of stacks of Radiance, which starts at 0 and is capped at 3.- A pop-up warning appears when a Radiance effect is about to expire. (Pop-up: Your Radiant <Oath/Spirit/Purpose> is about to fade.)
- After the Radiance effect expires, Radiance stacks are reset to 0.
Paladin gains +10% base damage if the target's race is 'Undead'. Fully train this class to obtain the Paladin badge. The Paladin class was originally released at May 30th, 2008 and was updated on September 25th, 2014. It was updated again with the following changes on January 12th, 2024:The following changes were implemented on April 19th, 2024:- Tooltips were updated for this class.
- All 'Radiant Armaments' skills and 'Seal of Celerity' were modified.
- All 'Seal' effects to the player became scaled with player's Radiance stacks.
MP recovery from 'Greater Heal' was removed on July 12th, 2024. Risen Armor Set Appearance Ornate Armor Set Appearance Astravian Armor Set Appearance Artix Armor Set Appearance Tactical Armor Set Appearance Retro Armor Set Appearance Ancient Armor Set Appearance Ancient Star Armor Set Appearance Polished Retro Armor Set Appearance Thanks to Jay for class images. DemonicDarkwraith for widget, skill buttons, and skill appearance images. Verlyrus for skill effects. lily_0321 for Armor Customization skill modification information.
< Message edited by Jay -- 2/15/2025 23:17:54 >