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RE: CH4OT1C!'s Suggestion Bank

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7/10/2022 12:36:18   

Firefly Guides
Light Quickcast Skill. Increases the bth of Light attacks from the Player, Pets and Guests for 3 rounds. If the player is afflicted with Blindness on the turn this skill is cast, the player will automatically hit with all light attacks for that turn.

Example Tier:
Level: 150 Mastercraft
PowerLvl: 153

Price: 24,205,166
Sellback: 12,102,583
Location: LTS.
hits: 0 [see effect]
Element: Light
Cost: 392 SP

  • Quickcast skill so 100% Melee to use
  • Provides a bth boost to Light attacks from the player, pets and guests by 100 / 5 / 1.4 * 4.25 / 3 = 20.24 bth for 3 rounds
  • MC effect: If the player casts this skill when afflicted by blindness, they will automatically hit with all light element attacks on that turn.

    Appearance: The screen fades to black, before fireflies (look akin to Lightning bugs) slowly light up the player and the monster
    Description: Fireflies allow you to see your foe even in pitch darkness. Unleashing them will increase the accuracy of light attacks coming from your side. If you’re blinded when this skill is cast, the fireflies will even ensure you don’t miss!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/9/2023 13:23:11 >
  • AQ  Post #: 201
    8/28/2022 13:49:38   

    Another suggestion developed with the help of @Yozai!

    MC Energy Sword/Spear/Staff. The player can choose between inflicting deep wounds onto your foe, or on yourself to deal additional damage.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS

    Damage: Melee/Ranged/Magic Toggle (click the hilt to switch)
    Proc: 0%
    Element: Energy
    Lean: 0/+3/-3 bth lean

  • Deals *1.08 damage for lack of a special
  • Click the hilt to switch between Damage and Status Mode.
  • In Status mode, the weapon will deal -25% damage and pays its MC to inflict Bleed onto your foe. The power of the bleed scales depending on damage dealt, with a ^0.75 penalty should you deal greater than expected damage. Your foe can resist at a +0 save:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourSTR/DEX/INT vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Your weapon opens deep, bleeding wounds!
    Your foe endures the vicious onslaught

  • In Damage mode, the weapon deals +15% damage and each turn you’re automatically inflicted with Bleed. This is automatically inflicted and can be removed at a +0 save (same as above). MC is a standard +5% damage

    Appearance: A sword/two pointed spear/staff made of blue-tinted glass. A glowing blue gem is set into the hilt of the sword/spear and at the head of the staff. This gem radiates energy.
    Description: Forged by the great Guardian Yozai, this weapon holds the power of a Polar thunderstorm! You can channel this power to afflict your foe with deep, bleeding wounds. Alternatively, you can choose to bear the brunt of the storm yourself to massively increase your damage output!

    MC Ice Shield. Can inflict bleed when blocking your foe, and makes the effects of bleeds and burns more severe

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS

    Melee Defence Focus
    Ice: -24%

  • Focus on M/R/M defence
  • MC is fuelled into the following effect: If you block an attack while the shield is equipped, it will attempt to inflict your foe with Bleed. This is attempted on a per hit basis. Your foe can resist at a -20 bonus:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourSTR/DEX/INT vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Striking your shield opens deep wounds on your foe!
    Your foe endures the sharp crystals of ice!

    - The shield further takes -3 M/R/M to increase the power of Bleeds + Burns by 25%

    Appearance: Fragmented ice floating around a blue energy field.
    Description: Forged by the Guardian Yozai, these floating hunks of ice are guaranteed to sink any foe! Striking the ice will leave your foe with bleeding wounds, made worse by the chilling cold!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/9/2023 17:50:24 >
  • AQ  Post #: 202
    8/31/2022 17:54:24   

    MC FO Ice Armour. MC is used on a skill that transforms the armour into “Blizzard Mode”

    Example tier
    Level: 150 MC
    PowerLvL: 153

    Price: 72,615,500
    Sellback: 36,307,750
    Location: LTS

    Combat Modifiers
    MRM focused build. Melee > Ranged > Magic

    Elemental Modifiers: Primary defence is ice. Secondary to energy (44%). Weakness to Earth and Fire

  • This armour is Fully Offensive. You deal *1.25 Damage and receive *1.25 damage from enemy attacks
  • MC Effect: Compresses a skill - “Whiteout” costing 196 SP per turn. In this form, Your armour changes to the Ghost costume lean (*0.8 Damage output, *1.25 Intake and +21 Blocking). Furthermore, the field takes a global -10 bth lean (*85/75 damage). When you attack with a standard weapon, it will attempt to inflict Bleed onto your foe. This can be resisted at a +0 Bonus:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourSTR/DEX/INT vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Your foe starts to bleed!
    Despite the deep wound, your foe manages to avoid bleeding!

  • The armour also takes an additional +5/1.4% damage and, up to twice per battle, you can cure an active bleed effect on the player.

    Appearance: Frostmerc but with armor parts looking like icy shattered glass with ligtning caught inside.
    Description: Created by Yozai, this garb can channel the power of a raging blizzard! This makes it harder for you to strike and damage your foes, but it also makes you incredibly difficult to hit! The numbing cold also means your attacks will cut deep, lacerating your foe!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/9/2023 17:52:13 >
  • AQ  Post #: 203
    9/1/2022 18:53:10   

    MC Energy Spell/Skill. Produces an energy version of caltrops to damage your opponent if their attacks miss.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS
    hits: 3
    Element: Energy
    Cost: 653 MP / 490 SP

  • MP version scales with INT. SP version scales with Max ( STR , DEX )
  • Each hit gains 10 bth and deals *85/95 damage
  • This spell inflicts your foe with an energy version of Caltrops that damages your foe with Energy each time one of their hits misses*. Your foe can resist at a +0 bonus:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourSTR/DEX/INT vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *You create a field of energy that will damage your foe whenever they miss!

  • Instead of taking reduced damage, the player is inflicted with an appropriate power Bleed to pay for the effect

    Appearance: The screen fades to black before flashes of light strike your foe. The screen increasingly crackles with energy as each hit strikes.
    Description: Created by the Guardian Yozai, this spell not only damages your foe directly, but also produces an energy field to punish them should they miss! Be careful, however, for the spell will also hurt you in the process!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/9/2023 13:18:59 >
  • AQ  Post #: 204
    12/12/2022 17:43:40   

    Granite Bulwark
    MC Earth Spell that deals no damage but provides a Barrier and an Elemental Shield to Earth attacks.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS.
    hits: 3
    Element: Earth
    Cost: 392 SP

  • The skill deals -35% Damage and you gain a *0.5 Elemental Shield to Earth attacks for 1 round.
  • The spell deals a hit of healing element damage to the player worth 140*0.9*0.85% melee. This damage is zeroed and you receive a Barrier status effect equivalent to the damage dealt. MC is increased potency of this barrier (already factored into the numbers). The hit receives *0.9 always useful and *0.85 autohit penalties

    Appearance: A wall of granite rises between the player and their foe
    Description: Channel your energy to create a wall of rock as tough as you are! Not only will the wall take hits for you, but it'll also reduce the power of incoming earth attacks!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/9/2023 7:51:42 >
  • AQ  Post #: 205
    12/21/2022 17:33:48   

    I've recently been working with @Heartfelt on a gauntlet boss and rewards!


    Level: 150
    Power: 4

    Location: Moderator Gauntlet
    Monster lean: Offensive (*2 intake/output)
    Element: Snuggles

    Fire: 50%
    Water: 50%
    Wind: 100%
    Ice: 130%
    Earth: 50%
    Energy: 50%
    Light: 50%
    Darkness: 130%

    M/R/M = Low MRM focus, higher HP to compensate

    Stat Distribution:
    STR: 300
    DEX: 0
    INT: -50
    END: 200
    CHA: 250
    LUK: 0

  • This fight is a double battle, Felt and the Big Daddy Plushie*. Health is split evenly between the two. You can choose to target either entity. If you kill Heartfelt whilst the Big Daddy Plushie is still alive, she will fully heal next turn**
  • All attacks that deal snuggle element damage are reduced in power to compensate
  • If you kill the Big Daddy Plushie, Felt permanently gains the “MADDEST kind of LOVE” status (renamed Berserk]^, -15bth, *85/70 damage)***
  • Boss has standard Boss Boost +30, Mental Status Immunity, Form Shift Immunity and Soft Damage Cap.
  • If Felt has any immobilizing status effects (stun, paralysis) at the start of her turn, she will automatically break free but deal -50% Damage for that turn****
  • Normal Attack is 2 hits, both Snuggles (with appropriate reduction in damage)*.
  • If felt has enough SP and the Big Daddy Plushie is no longer alive, she will spend it to unleash a 5-hit special attack (5 Snuggles). This attack deals +50% damage and Felt loses 5% of her Max HP afterwards.****
  • If felt has enough SP and the Big Daddy Plushie is alive, she will spend it to heal herself and gain Celerity for 1 round (140% melee on the celerity, 140% melee on the heal. Standard penalties apply)*****
  • Big Daddy Plushie has a 50/50 chance to fire a 3 hit Ranged Snuggles attack, or a 2 hit heal attack to Felt, healing both HP and SP*****
  • Before reaching 0 HP, Felt slams her hammer into the ground with both hands, causing a shockwave and dealing 1 hit of Snuggles damage ********. You can die from this attack. This triggers her defeat animation. (Alternatively, this could be just throwing the hammer for the same hit.)

    *”Big Daddy couldn’t come along, so I brought this plushie with me instead. I hope that’s okay!”
    **”I can’t go down now! Big Daddy is watching!”
    ***That was Felt’s favorite plushie! She’s… not taking it well. Is that smoke coming out of her hat?
    ****LOVE is UNSTOPPABLE! Felt pushes through your impairment!
    *****Felt overexerts herself during her frenzied attack!
    ******Felt hugs the Big Daddy Plushie, and the power of LOVE flows through her!
    *******“I won’t let you down, boss!”
    ********“Whoops! Too hard!”

  • Felt is wearing her armor and hat from AQW, and wields her ‘Gentle Persuasion’ War Hammer (a sledgehammer-like weapon with a large hook at one end). The Big Daddy Plushie is exactly that – a small plush representation of Big Daddy (specifically hsi DF design) resting on a small maroon crate.
  • For her standard attack, Felt lumbers over to the Hero and spins her hammer, striking them multiple times.
  • For her skill when the Big Daddy Plushie is alive, no animation.
  • For her skill when the Big Daddy Plushie is dead, Felt leaps at the player to deliver a barrage of spinning hammer strikes, culminating in a two-handed overhead smash.
  • For the Big Daddy Plushie’s Snuggles attack, a barrage of hearts are launched at the player. It glows if healing Felt.
  • When the Big Daddy Plushie dies, it leans to the left, falls off of the crate that it has been placed on, and spontaneously explodes.
  • When Felt dies, she deals one final hit as she slams her hammer into the ground with both hands. The hammer then bounces off the ground and flies into the air, before coming down on her head and knocking her out cold.
  • (If the alternate option of throwing the hammer is used, she instead collapses onto her belly and begins throwing a tantrum after her loss, kicking her legs and pounding her fists into the floor while crying almost like a flipped-over version of the Berserker armor’s defeat animation.)

    Description: This giant (i.e. human-sized) Love Fairy is visiting from another timeline, where she serves as the loyal if slightly (okay, extremely) unhinged lieutenant to Big Daddy, the Head Honcho of Hero’s Heart Day. She’s here to give you a lesson about LOVE -the kind she enforces with emotion, zeal, and a heavy dose of Gentle Persuasion. This wouldn’t be too bad, if ‘Gentle Persuasion’ wasn’t just a fancy name for her hammer.

    ^Status description reads: Felt’s LOVE for you is ticking clock - but so is her berserker rage after you destroyed her prized plushie. She’s about to teach you the most important lesson about romance… that sometimes, LOVE hurts. A LOT. (Yes, she insists on spelling LOVE in all caps every time. We don’t know why.)

    G.P J.R Series (Blazing, Deep, Whirlwind, Midwinter, Natural, Shocking, Summer, Moonstruck)
    MC [Element] Melee Hammer. MC is spent on the compression of two skills. The first applies berserk to the player and boosts their damage. The second attempts to inflict berserk onto the foe

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 72,615,500
    Sellback: 36,307,750
    Location: Defeat Heartfelt

    Damage: Melee
    Proc: 0%
    Element: [See Effect]
    Lean: -3 bth lean (*85/82 Damage)

  • Series of hammers. Element depends upon the item you buy.
  • 0-proc so *1.08 damage
  • MC Effect: Compresses 2 skills:

    Channel Rage
    Tap into the power of your emotions to enter into an emotional rampage, making your strikes hit harder but less accurately!
    Cost: 98sp per turn
    All weapon attacks deal +25% damage and the player gains the Berserk status effect (-15bth lean, *85/70 damage)*.

    Incite Rage
    Use the hammer’s aura to spur the emotions of your opponent, causing them to blindly (and violently) lash out!
    Cost: 98sp [this is an arbitrary cost]
    Your weapon has a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]*100% chance to attempt to afflict your foe with Berserk (-15bth, *85/70 damage)**. Your foe can resist at a +0 bonus***:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourSTR vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Your emotions are amplified, and you fall into a frenzy!
    **Your opponent’s feelings are intensified, causing them to go berserk!
    ***Your foe keeps their emotions under control!

    Appearance: Felt's Hammer. Different colour for each element
    Description: Felt’s hammer Gentle Persuasion was a gift from her sister, and she won’t give it to anyone – not even the Hero who can best her in battle. Thankfully, she WILL give you this elemental replica, which can send you (or your opponents) into a LOVE-fueled frenzy!

    Big Daddy Plushie
    MC Fire Misc. Provides Fire resistance and CHA. MC is spent on the compression of a once-per-battle quickcast healing skill that uses CHA for stat bonuses

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 30,256,459
    Sellback: 15,128,229
    Location: Defeat Heartfelt
    Cost: [X]SP
    Element: Fire

  • Provides *0.5 Fire resistance
  • Provides +50 CHA
  • MC effect: Compression of a quickcast skill:

    LOVE-ing Care
    Click on the plushie to heal yourself through the power of LOVE and cuddles!

    Cost: 490sp
    Element: Heal
    Hits: 1
    Lean: Autohits

    Once per battle attack so +25% damage (+50% Melee)*. Deals *0.9*0.85 damage to compensate for autohit and "always useful". Deals *1.25/2 damage for being quickcast. Spell cannot crit. Spell-based, so takes standard spell bonuses. The attack uses CHA for stat bonuses

    *You squeeze the plushie, and feel your body soothed by its power!

    Appeareance: Smaller version of the Big Daddy monster in the Heartfelt fight
    Description: This stuffed version of Big Daddy may not have the charisma of the real guy, but there’s enough left in it to boost yours. Even hugging a toy of him is enough to keep warm and kickstart your heart - thus giving you a burst of LOVE power! You can keep this slightly exploded one… Felt has more. LOTS more.

    I also updated my own boss whilst I had the opportunity!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/9/2023 20:18:22 >
  • AQ  Post #: 206
    1/6/2023 17:27:21   

    Earlier today, @gavers came up with the fantastic idea of using an AI to generate AQ items. The following suggestion was originally conceived by an AI informed by @Deli, which I’ve subsequently converted into a design that fits with AQ!

    Runebound Regalia
    MC Spellcaster Lean Energy Armour. Deals reduced weapon damage to heal MP. MC effect is a once-per-battle quickcast skill that provides an elemental shield.

    Example tier
    Level: 150 MC
    PowerLvL: 153

    Price: 72,615,500
    Sellback: 36,307,750
    Location: LTS

    Elemental Modifiers: Primary defence is Energy with secondary to Earth. Low MRM to compensate

  • You gain the Spellcaster armour lean (*1 Output, *1.25 Intake. Spells and Spell-type skills deal *1.375 damage).
  • Normal attack is two hits with standard bth lean. You deal -12.5/0.75% damage on these attack and heal MP equal to 10% of a standard Spell
  • MC Effect: Compresses a quickcast skill, "Arcane Shift". This skill can only be used once per battle and costs (140*0.99*0.85*1.1)-50% Melee. Upon casting the skill, you receive an Elemental Shield (-99% damage, 1 round)*.

    *You teleport to a defensive location, avoiding the immediate threat!

    Appearance: Shimmerying violet fabric imbued with arcane energy.
    Description: Woven with the combined knowledge of Guardians gavers, Deli and CH4OT1C!, these robes boost your spell damage and allow you to regenerate MP with your weapon. They’re also enchanted with an emergency teleportation spell to avoid the worst of an oncoming attack once per battle!

    The AI generated idea

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/9/2023 20:18:48 >
  • AQ  Post #: 207
    2/25/2023 9:32:42   

    A cursed idea straight from the Tavern, apologies to all those with Arachnophobia…
    See the rewards for this fight here


    Level: 150
    Power: 4.5

    Location: The Void
    Monster Lean: Offense (*1.5 intake/output)
    Element: Darkness

    Fire: 130%
    Water: 50%
    Wind: 70%
    Ice: 70%
    Earth: 50%
    Energy: 70%
    Light: 130%
    Darkness: 0%
    Harm: -100%
    Void: -100%

    M/R/M: Magic > Melee > Ranged

    Stat Distribution
    STR: 0
    DEX: 0
    INT: 300
    END: 250
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 200

  • Standard boss effects: Soft Damage Cap, Freedom and Boss Boost (Hail to the Eldritch Abomination?)
  • This boss fight utilises an “Insanity” counter. Each turn, the counter increases by one. The player can reset this counter by healing HP, with HP potions also able to trigger the reset. You must heal >0 health for it to count, so no Gandolphin/other Mana and Chi shields. Depending on the counter, the player receives different status effects. These effects become more severe the longer you’re exposed to the monster. None of the effects can be resisted (there is no save roll):

    5*[Counter]*([Turn Count] / 5)% Fear, 9999 turns*
    5*[Counter]*([Turn Count] / 5)% Panic
    After 3 turns, a 5*[Counter]* ([Turn Count] / 5)% Elemental Vulnerability to Darkness**
    After 6 turns, a -20bth Berserk, renamed to “Desperation”.***
    After 8 turns, Your Pets and Guests are disabled and you gain a 10*[Counter]% Control, renamed to “Madness”. Fear and Panic are removed****

    Healing also resets these status effects, with the exception of locking Pets + Guests

    *The mere sight of your foe instils within you a deep feeling of fear and dread!
    **Your altered mental state prevents you from thinking clearly, exposing your weakness to Iauc'thand'dra!
    ***In a desperate attempt, you lash out wildly against your foe
    ***The sight of your foe drives you to madness! Your Pets and Guests flee in fear of being targeted!

  • The boss deals -20% damage on all of its attacks. In exchange, the player is afflicted with “Cursed”, a renamed Disease worth 25% of each attack. The boss also deals -5% damage normally, but gains 10% damage for each Insanity based status effect the player is afflicted with (i.e. a maximum of +45% damage. After healing, the boss will only do 95% damage for that turn before the statuses are re-inflicted at the start of your turn)
  • If the boss has enough MP (efficient spell) it will spend some to ensure that its attacks will also damage player MP and SP by a percentage of the damage done****

    ****Iauc'thand'dra’s attacks strike at your body, mind and spirit simultaneously!

  • If the boss has enough SP, it will spend it on a skill to deal increased damage to the player. This further inflicts Defence Loss ***** on the player for 4 turns, regardless of whether the attack connects. It can however be resisted at a +0 bonus:

    MonsterLvl vs PlayerLvl
    Major: MonsterINT vs PlayerDEX
    Minor: MonsterLUK vs PlayerLUK

    *****Iauc'thand'dra’s attack covers the area in silk, limiting your mobility!
    The attack spreads silk, but you deftly move yourself into a better position to attack!

    After using this skill, the strength of the boss’ damage cap is temporarily reduced, allowing the player to deal more damage for 1 turn.
    Below 15% health, the boss itself will whip into a frenzy, gaining a -15bth Berserk and doubling the speed of the Insanity counter

    Appearance: This. (I don’t recommend any arachnophobes click this)
    Description: The physical form of this eldritch abomination is horrific enough to drive even the most battle-hardened veterans to madness. Dare you stand up to this monstrosity?

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/9/2023 13:18:04 >
  • AQ  Post #: 208
    3/5/2023 7:25:58   

    I went through and updated the Seven Sin Weapons. They can be found here and here
    AQ  Post #: 209
    4/10/2023 14:33:19   

    Minor update: Changed a few things with Seraph Calamity, Eye of the Underworld, and Luminous Whiff
    AQ  Post #: 210
    5/7/2023 9:32:55   

    Winged Lightning Bolt
    MC Energy Staff. The player can choose between inflicting Daze and creating a Barrier upon casting an energy spell

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS

    Damage: Magic
    Proc: 5%
    Element: Energy
    Lean: 0

  • The weapon deals -15% penalty.
  • Special is the standard 1-hit animation.
  • Upon casting an energy spell, the weapon will either:

    1). Attempt a 4 turn (25.22 x MobEnergyRes x Hits / Attempts)% Daze* on your foe. Your foe can resist at a neutral save:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Static energy from your staff Dazes your foe!
    Your foe manages to endure the static electricity from your staff!

    2). Produce a Barrier worth 30% Melee*

    *Resonating with your spell, energy from your staff surrounds you, creating a barrier!

    The user can toggle which is active.

    Appearance: This
    Description: This copy of Aelthai's Lightning was made specifically for you!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/8/2023 17:09:46 >
  • AQ  Post #: 211
    7/8/2023 10:56:47   

    Harbringer's Staff
    MC Wind Tome. Contains three spells, plus a mana regeneration option. Decompression bonus boosts the damage of wind spells.

    Example Tier
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153
    MPlvl: 152

    Price: 72,615,500
    Sellback: 36,307,750
    Location: Limited-Time shop

  • Decompression Bonus: All Wind Element spells will deal +2.5% damage for each Wind spell in your active inventory. NB: The spell database element must be Wind for the spell to be counted towards this bonus
  • If spells are disabled, the Weapon performs a “Wand” attack. This has a 0% proc rate (with standard no-proc bonus), with 3 hits of magic Wind-element damage. No bth lean.
  • This tome compresses three spells that the player can choose from:

    1). Calamity
    Cast this spell to unleash a cataclysmic storm that can leave your foe shattered and fragile!

    Cost: 915 MP
    Element: Wind
    Hits: 6
    Lean: 0 bth

    This spell deals -20% Damage (50% Melee). Your opponent is inflicted with Fragile (3 turns, -28*[Hits Connected]/[Hits Attempted] END, based on Santarctic Crusher. This would translate into -18% HP on 0 END monsters). Your foe can save at a +0 Bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Your foe is left broken by the cataclysm!
    Your foe manages to endure the catastrophic storm!

    2). Plague
    Call forth a tempest that deals large amounts of wind damage and can infect your foe with a sickness that prevents them from healing!

    Cost: 653 MP
    Element: Wind
    Hits: 4
    Lean: +5 bth

    This spell deals -20% damage (50% Melee). Your opponent is afflicted with Disease. This affects HP, MP and SP healing for 12.5/0.7 = 17.9% of the damage done. This can be resisted at a -20 save*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Your foe is infected by the plague carried by the storm!
    Your foe manages to endure the storm without being infected!

    3). Portent
    This efficient curse temporarily clouds the connection between your foe’s anima and their corporeal form, impairing their ability to heal!

    Cost: 261 MP
    Element: Wind
    Hits: 3
    Lean: 0 bth

    This spell deals -32% damage (40% Melee). Your opponent gains +50% heal resistance (reducing the power of healing effects) for the next 2 turns, similar to the Lust pet. The effect is normalised by Wind resistance (50% is the baseline) and can stack. The double/halving rule is applied, with the lower bound at 25% (i.e. heal resistance can never fall below 25%). This can be resisted at a -0 bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterINT
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The curse suppresses your foe’s ability to heal!
    Your foe’s arcane knowledge allows them to dispel the effects of the curse before they manifest!

    4). Draw Mana
    Restore 395 MP*

    *You draw 395 MP from your surroundings!

  • The staff itself is wooden, topped with a raven (something like this). The raven’s eyes glow purple
  • “Calamity” begins by the screen faded to black, with only the eye of the raven on the staff visible, a massive hurricane of dark winds are summoned, dealing the hits of damage. As this occurs, the eye of the Raven is pulsating purple energy.
  • “Plague” is a twisted parallel of the Fluttefree spell Prismheart Tome weapon. First, a dark version of the raven appears similar to the butterfly in flutterfree. A dark storm is then unleashed, containing moths and beetles as shadowed silhouettes, dealing the damage.
  • When casting “Anima Lock”, a black seal appears under your foe. Dark winds escape from the tome, dealing the three hits of damage

    Description: While ravens are often considered to carry omens of future calamities, this raven themed staff seems to carry those as well! It can unleash a myriad of Wind spells that can transmit disease, impair regeneration, and even leave your foe broken and fragile!

    EDIT: Spirit Beacon has been updated!
    EDIT 2: Further edits to: Primordial Metamagic: Impart Fire/Water/Ice/Energy/Wind/Earth/Light/Darkness, Primordial Metamagic: Dissonance, Neuron Collapse, Disrupt Defence, S.M.O.K.E. Machine, Essence Orb, Charm of Avarice, and Cloak of Fire. I've also made formatting changes on a few others without changing the base idea, including the Seven sin weapons and Magestaves (the latter for completeness).
    EDIT 3: And now I've also updated the earliest items I suggested, which you can find in my initial post. I've also updated Archmage Sign, Mana Burn/Blaze, Singularity Shield, Twig-cycle. Spectral Blade, and Blood Moon Ritual
    Edit 4: Updates to Immolation, Transmogrified Barrier, and Stone Serpent Bow
    Edit 5: The update train rolls on: Neko Gween, Larme de Lune, Alchemical Blast, Ancient Buckler of the Asgir, Aegis of the Frigid Northlands, Unstable Chaos Staff, Blessing of the Seraphim, Living Pot o' Gold, Chi Blockade, Necrotic Entwine, Hex Blade/Staff/Spear, The Big Bang, Staff of the Spring, Unstable Orb, and Banish the Darkness

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/10/2023 20:24:29 >
  • AQ  Post #: 212
    7/11/2023 16:58:27   

    Update: A complete rework of the Alucard boss, as well as an updated blade (now a pet!). I've also added a brand new shield/pet/guest reward

    Also fixes to Chorus Pluviae, Spiritual Meditation, Entrancing incense, Sense of Humour, and Lycan Mage

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/11/2023 18:48:39 >
    AQ  Post #: 213
    7/13/2023 17:11:57   

    Tomes are notoriously difficult weapons to implement because of their high production cost. This suggestion was born from discussions that centred around producing this type of weapon while minimising effort by reusing/slightly editing pre-existing art/mechanic assets.

    Penumbra Staff
    MC Dark Tome. Compresses 3 spells, plus a mana regeneration option. Decompression bonus boosts the damage of dark spells.

    Example Tier
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153
    MPlvl: 152

    Price: 72,615,500
    Sellback: 36,307,750
    Location: Somewhere permanent e.g., Canyon of lost souls

  • Decompression Bonus: All Darkness Element spells will deal +2.5% damage for each Darkness spell in your active inventory. NB: The spell database element must be Darkness to be counted towards this bonus
  • If spells are disabled, the Weapon performs a “Wand” attack. This has a 0% proc rate (with standard no-proc bonus), with 2 hits of magic Darkness-element damage. No bth lean.
  • This tome compresses three spells that the player can choose from:

    1). Eclipse
    Concentrate on the dark energies contained within the staff, then unleash them as a massive unstable burst of energy!

    Cost: 915 MP + 52 HP
    Element: Darkness
    Hits: 2

  • This spell functions as a Darkness (and minorly updated) version of Unraveling Nightmare
  • Spell deals +25% damage (50% Melee) for the additional MP cost. Also has a 15% Melee cost in HP to deal +7.5% damage
  • The spell consumes the first use to charge and the second use to cast properly. When doing the charge, you pay the standard MP/HP cost as per normal, and inflict a -9 MRM Defence Loss for 2 turns. This applies a further +15% damage (30% melee).
  • You cast the spell on the second turn. The spell deals x2 damage, + 10% damage due to the two turns of +5% MC, a +1% turn delay bonus, another +100% for MP cost on turn #1, as well as the other buffs stated above.

    2). Obscure
    Using the staff, produce an explosion of dark energy that can both blind and choke your foe!

    Cost: 653 MP
    Element: Darkness
    Hits: 3

  • This spell functions as a Darkness version of Mandate LXXIV
  • The spell attempts to inflict Choke and Blind. Inflicts a -27.75 x [DarkRes]% Choke and a -30 x [DarkRes] bth Blind, both lasting [Hits] x 2 turns. Monster can save at a +0 Bonus:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterDEX
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The dark magic leaves your foe choking and blinded!
    Your foe manages to avoid being Choked by the dark magic
    Your foe manages to avoid being Blinded by the dark magic

    3). Occlude
    Cast this curse to deal efficient Darkness damage to your enemy!

    Cost: 261 MP
    Element: Darkness
    Hits: 2

  • Standard Darkness Spell. Nothing unusual
  • If the staff are open to a little mechanical work – this spell could be an interesting opportunity to deal standard 75% Melee attack damage + apply a Barrier effect with the remaining 50% Melee. There aren’t many efficient spells to mechanically copy, which restricts options otherwise…

    4). Draw Mana
    Restore 395 MP*

    *You draw 395 MP from your surroundings!

  • Weapon is a recoloured version of Eye of the Underworld (recoloured to black + red)
  • Eclipse uses the same art as Warmaster Burst
  • Obscure is a recoloured version of Unraveling Nightmare to fit with the black/red colour of the other two spells.
  • Occlude is a version of the Dark Wings spell that has been slightly edited to remove the brilhado wings.

    Description: The dark magic contained within this staff is potent enough to dispel even the brightest daylight. Using your arcane knowledge, you can harness it to cast a variety of Darkness spells!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/13/2023 17:14:48 >
  • AQ  Post #: 214
    7/23/2023 13:19:12   

    Boss Day! I've revamped my Herald of Light, Midwinter King, War, and Reality Corruptor boss fights (Midwinter King in particular needed an update because I realised he was grossly unfair before). I've also made a minor change to Gravis, though he didn't need much to be changed.

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/23/2023 18:22:11 >
    AQ  Post #: 215
    8/8/2023 18:30:44   

    Primordial Magic: Geomagnetic Storm
    MC Energy/Earth Spell/SPell that dismisses your Pet/Guests to deal additional damage. Prevents your foe from regenerating SP

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153
    MpLevel: 152

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS
    hits: 6
    Element: Earth/Energy
    Cost: 653 MP / 392 SP

  • Spell seeks between Earth and Energy damage. MC is used to pay for this. Comes in Spell (INT) and SPell (DEX and STR) varieties
  • If your pet slot is not locked, this spell will dismiss and disable your active pet/guest for the remainder of the battle. In exchange, the spell will do +100% damage. If it is, the spell will do standard damage
  • The spell deals -40% Melee and attempts to inflict your foe with "Overloaded" (renamed Disease, targets SP). Your foe can resist at a -20 bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourDEX/INT vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The storm disrupts your opponent's ability to regain energy!
    Your foe manages to endure the effects of the storm!

    Appearance: A multiculture burst of energy irradiates from a darkened sky, before entering the ground cracking the earth and striking your foe for the damage
    Description: Call forth a powerful magnetic storm that can strike at your foe through the air (energy) and ground (earth)! It can also leave your foe overloaded, preventing them from restoring their energy reserves. Be careful though, this storm is so potent, it will scare off your companions!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 8/9/2023 19:28:42 >
  • AQ  Post #: 216
    8/9/2023 16:23:25   

    Subzero Burst
    MC ice spell. Mastercraft and subsequent damage penalty used to attempt to inflict freeze onto the monster.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153
    MpLvl: 152

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: Wolf Riders!
    Cost: 653 MP
    Hits: 2
    Element: Ice

  • The spell has a +5 bth lean and deals *85/90 damage
  • The spell deals (( 140 * 7 / 13 * 0.85 ) + ( 140 * 0.85 )) * 0.5 * (90 / 85) * 1 = -96.9% melee (-48.5% damage) and has a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]% chance of Freezing the monster for one turn. Your foe can resist at a +0 bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    * Your foe is frozen by the sub-zero temperatures!
    Your foe endures the sub-zero blast!

  • MC Effect: Save is -20 rather than +0
  • If the monster has freedom, the spell deals full damage instead.

    Appearance: A blue white beam is fired at the enemy, dealing the two hits of damage
    Description: Chill your foe to the bone with a cold beam of energy Your foe better hope they can endure the cold, or they might become frozen, unable to fight back!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 10/17/2024 10:15:11 >
  • AQ  Post #: 217
    8/9/2023 16:25:32   

    Lich Orb
    MC darkness misc. Provides magic defense, darkness resistance and by clicking on the orb you can inflict one of several random status effects.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153
    Location: Necromancer class shop (other ideas could include Ryn the Undying quest)

    Price: 30,256,459
    Sell: 15,128,229
    Cost: [x] SP

  • Provides 10 magic defense and *0.5 Darkness resistance Provides +10 magic defense
  • MC Effect: Click the misc to activate a toggle, costing 196/0.85 SP per turn (covers penalty for automatically hitting). When active, each turn, the monster makes a save at a +0 Bonus:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: Vstat vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    If it fails, it receives a random one of the following effects:
    Cripple: -20.8*[Dark Resistance] STR and DEX for 2 turns
    Bleed: Power 0.5*[Dark Resistance]
    Afraid: 28*[Dark Resistance]% Inaction for 3 turns
    Blind: -20*[Dark Resistance] bth for 3 turns
    Poison: Power 1.66, Dark Element for 3 turns, healing HP based on the damage dealt
    Burn: Power 3.33, Dark Element for 3 turns

    *Your foe succumbed to the orb's power!
    Your foe endured the orb's spell!

    Appearance: Looks identical to the glass orb in the spirit rend attack of Ryn the Undying
    Description: This orb once belonged to a a powerful lich! Although not focusing the lich's power anymore, it still offers protection from both magic and darkness attacks! Not only that, but you can click the orb to activate a powerful curse!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 8/10/2023 10:42:00 >
  • AQ  Post #: 218
    8/9/2023 16:28:48   

    Curse of the veil
    MC light/dark spell. Mastercraft and damage penalty used to tag enemies as "shadow" for the duration of the battle. If already tagged as a shadow, spell reverts to doing +5% damage

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153
    MpLvl: 152

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: Legends of Lore challenge Gauntlet
    Cost: 653 MP
    Hits: 3
    Element: [see effect]

  • Each of the spell is randomly selected between light and darkness and deals *1.2 damage to compensate. No lean
  • Spell deals -30% damage (based on Dracomorgrify) and the monster is tagged as "Shadow" for 4 turns. Your foe can resist at a -20 penalty*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *your foe roars as it succumbs to the curse of the veil!
    your foe has endured the wrath of the curse!

  • If the monster is already a shadow, the spell takes no damage penalty
  • MC Effect: Simple *1.05 damage

    Appearance: Upon cast, around the monster the same black blob animation emanating from the legends of lore arena appear. 3 shadow clouds then move in 1 by 1, inflicting the three hits of the spell.
    Description: Warlic has managed to refine the corrupting energies of the veil into a spell! Will your opponent be able to endure the onslaught or succumb to the full curse of the veil!
  • AQ  Post #: 219
    8/9/2023 16:30:49   

    Void Blast
    MC (fake) void SPell/Spell. Mastercraft and damage penalty used to attempt to inflict enemies with the cold.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153
    MpLvl: 152

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: The Final battle!
    Cost: 490 SP or 653 MP and 347 HP
    Hits: 3
    Element: Void [See Effect]

  • Comes in SPell and Spell flavours. SPell version scales based on DEX, Spell based on INT
  • The attack deals +50% damage and you pay the additional HP cost
  • The spell deals Void element damage, but deals *0.5*0.9 damage to compensate. This approximates a pseudo-harm spell
  • The attack deals -33.3% damage (100% Melee) and your foe has a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted] chance to be burned (Power 2.14, Void element for 3 turns). Your foe can resist at a -20 penalty*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: Vstat vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The blast of channeled void energy burns your opponent!
    your foe managed to endure the blast!

  • Balance-wise: The power for the burn being Void element is internally balanced. We assume a 100% Melee burn with a 70% success rate with *0.5*0.9 penalties as above for being void element and "always useful"

    Appearance: Upon cast, ice appears at your feet, much like Cartwright. A blast of energy Akin to the Archmage Research spells hits your foe to deal the three hits of damage
    Description: Using the knowledge gained about the void during your conflict with the Void Dragon Queen, Warlic has added to Beleqwaya's notes on mana manipulation. This has resulted in a spell that more successfully channels unaligned mana, resulting in substantial non-elemental damage and even burning your foe! Be careful though, for channeling this energy is far more dangerous for you too!

    Separated these last four suggestions out from the index post so I have more room for links down the line!
  • AQ  Post #: 220
    8/10/2023 7:43:28   
    Primate Murder


    Click the misc to activate a toggle, costing 196/0,85 SP per turn [...] Bleed: Power 0.25*[Dark Resistance]

    I think that should be 0.5 Bleed?

    I really like the idea of introducing elemental bleeds, and I'm a fan of chaotic effects in general. I won't necessarily use them, but I really like the idea.

    On a side note, the misc provides darkness resistance and multiplies effects by DarkRes, so shouldn't it get elecomp? I'm not entirely sure how this works with miscs, but I think the old Dragon Knight Helm has it.
    AQ DF  Post #: 221
    8/10/2023 10:49:20   

    Oops, I think I must have typo'd in the calculation for duration and somehow ended up with 2 - fixed it.

    It's a good question - my gut feeling is "no" because miscs, unlike armours and shields, aren't assumed pieces of gear. While you can get a bonus to resistance in a misc, it's not a core component that's necessary to reach your expected resistance value. It's true that the Dragon Knight Crest does incorporate elecomp but from my perspective that entire set is deeply cursed and needs reworking anyway, so I'm not particularly inclined to follow it as a precedent. This might be something to make a GBI on at some point...

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 8/10/2023 10:50:26 >
    AQ  Post #: 222
    8/13/2023 8:04:40   

    Arcane Archer
    MC Spellcaster Lean Light armour with Ice secondary. When wielding a bow, spends MP to boost damage. MC is a spell that can both Burn and Dazzle your foe, but also leaves you defenceless

    Example tier
    Level: 150 MC
    PowerLvL: 153

    Price: 72,615,500
    Sellback: 36,307,750
    Location: LTS

    Combat Modifiers:
    Melee: 46
    Ranged: 54
    Magic: 50

    Elemental Modifiers:
    Fire: 100%
    Water: 70%
    Ice: 43%
    Wind: 70%
    Earth: 80%
    Energy: 80%
    Light: 39%
    Darkness: 100%

  • You gain the Spellcaster armour lean (*1 Output, *1.25 Intake. Spells and Spell-type skills deal *1.375 damage).
  • Free Effect: If the player is wielding a bow, they will spend 20% Melee in MP (105 MP) and deal +20% damage. If the player lacks sufficient MP, this effect will not activated. Note that this is still treated as a weapon attack
  • MC Effect: Compresses a spell:

    Arcane Arrowstorm
    Unleash a bevy of arrows infused with light magic skywards. As they rain down, they will leave your foe Burned and Dazzled! Be careful though: casting this spell requires you to temporarily lower your guard!

    Cost: 653 MP
    Element: Light
    Hits: 5
    Lean: +0 bth

  • Upon activating the spell, the player receives two turns of Elemental Vulnerability (+30/1.4% damage, all elements). As with all spells, this gains elecomp to damage (*1.58042).
  • Instead of dealing +60% Melee, the spell instead attempts to inflict your foe with Dazzle (-24.3*[LightResist] bth). Your foe can resist at a -10 bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The light-infused arrows dazzle your foe!
    Your foe manages to avoid being dazzled!

  • The spell takes an additional -66% Melee and attempts to Burn your foe (Light Element, Power 4.4, 3 turns). Your foe can resist at a +0 bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Your foe is burned by the light!
    Your foe manages to avoid being burned by the light!

  • NB: The %Melee value input into the burn depends on elecomp. The amount invested is such to ensure that, after elecomp, the spell deals 250% Melee in damage

    Appearance: The spirit of conquest set from AQW. Specifically, the Spirit of Conquest Armor, Conquest Accoutrements (Bow. Replaces held weapon, which is displayed as an icon at the bottom), Conquest's Haloed Crown, Conquest's Embellished Cape. Should look like this. Upon utilising the spell, the player generates a large arc of light, forming it into a bow pointed upwards. Arrows of light are loaded onto it before being fired skywards. A golden seal akin to the Skeletal Spear spell appears below your foe while the bow is being made and fired. Arrows of pure light then rain down onto your foe, dealing the damage.
    Description: Arcane archers can infuse their arrows with mana, producing a variety of different effects. Using this garb, you can do this too!. You can choose to either increase the power of your attacks, or even leave your foe burned and dazzled! Just be careful - casting such infusion spells takes time and can leave you vulnerable to attack!

    After some discussions with @Dardiel, I'd also like to propose something a little different:

    Lingering Status Effects

    Lingering status effects are applicable to any status with variable potency with a fixed length: Afraid, Bleeding, Blind, Burn, Choke, Control, Daze, Defence Loss, Elemental Vulnerability, Elemental Shield, Poison, Prismatic Burn, and any other status that fits this category.

    The potency of a lingering status is modified by *[Turn]/[Initial Duration]. For example, a lingering poison with an initial power of 3 and on its second of its 3 turn duration would deal 3 * 2 / 3 = Power 2.

    The %Melee cost of a lingering status could be calculated by replacing the turn component with the following formula:


    Cost Multiplier = 1 + 0.5 * ([Duration]-1])

    For example, the %Melee value of a Lingering Poison of Power 3 for 4 turns at standard lean and a +0 save would be:


    3 * 10 * 0.5 * [85/85] * (1 + 0.5 * (4 - 1)) = 30% Melee

    In terms of stacking rules:
  • For Inaction statuses e.g., Daze, each lingering status would stack as separate instances. This is the same as modern Panic
  • For DOT statuses e.g., Burn, the power and decay rates of each status would be summed. For example, if a Power 3, 3 turn Poison that decayed at a rate of 1 Power per turn were stacked with a Power 2 Poison with the same duration and decay, the final value would be a Power 5 Poison with a decay of 2 Power per turn. Standard rules obviously apply here (a Dark poison can't stack with a Light Poison etc.).

    EDIT: I've also updated my index post with status effects I have suggested on this thread.

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 10/30/2024 15:04:33 >
  • AQ  Post #: 223
    8/19/2023 21:22:41   

    Minor Update: Updated Cosmic Blast and Prism Blade
    AQ  Post #: 224
    8/20/2023 18:23:39   

    Spellbinding Recurve
    MC Light bow. Inflicts your foe with "Spell Weakness".

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,582
    Location: LTS
    Damage: neutral
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Water

  • 100-proc with no true "special" so *1.1 damage
  • Click to toggle between "Damage" and "Status" modes.
  • MC Effect: In "Damage" mode, any light spells cast gain +8.5 bth (sacrifices 5% Melee. 5 * 4 = 20% Melee or 8.5 bth assuming applied to a spell that deals 200% Melee). In status mode, the weapon pays MC and the user pays 157 MP. The weapon has a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]% chance to afflict your foe with "Spell Weakness" (+25% spell damage intake, 1 round. see below). Your foe can resist at a -20 bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: PlayerDEX vs MonsterINT
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The hexed arrow temporarily disrupts your foe's magical defenses!
    Your foe's arcane knowledge allows it to dispel the effects of the hexed arrow!

    Appearance: Perhaps something similar to the Golden Lightweaver Bow, with some flourishes to make it fit AQ's art style better
    Description: Wielded by arcane archers, arrows that are fired from this bow have the ability to temporarily disrupts your foe's ability to defend against spells!

    Spell Weakness: [x] rounds
    Magical defenses have been disrupted! Receives +[x]% damage from spells and spell-type attacks!

    Fairly self-explanatory for the effect!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 9/29/2024 18:45:26 >
  • AQ  Post #: 225
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