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RE: CH4OT1C!'s Suggestion Bank

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8/28/2023 17:29:37   

Another fantastic boss from @HeartFelt that I've slightly edited!

Schanz, the MasterMime

Level: 150
Power: 4

Location: The Void: April Fools Challenge
Monster Lean: Defensive (0.75 Input/Output)
Element: Wind

Fire: 0%
Water: 100%
Wind: 0%
Ice: 50%
Earth: 130%
Energy: 120%
Light: 50%
Darkness: 50%

M/R/M = Low MRM Focus, higher HP to compensate (relies on ‘Barricade Style’ status for MRM boost)

Stat Distribution:
STR: 0
DEX: 300
INT: 0
END: 250
CHA: -100
LUK: 300

  • Standard Boss Boost, Soft Damage Cap, and Freedom. Also possesses an additional +30 Mental Status Immunity
  • This battle consists of Schanz, and two ‘companions’ - extra sets of arms (‘Methode de Chapline’ and ‘Volonte de Marceau’). You can select any of these to prioritise
  • While both Methode de Chapline and Volonte de Marceau are alive, Schanz cannot receive any damage*

    * Schanz swiftly parries your attack with a perfectly-timed barricade!

  • The Mime’s Normal attacks are three hit Ranged Wind. This deals reduced damage to attempt to afflict the player with Silence (1 turn), which can be resisted at a -20 bonus*:

    MonsterLvl vs PlayerLvl
    Major: MonsterDEX vs PlayerEND
    Minor: MonsterLUK vs PlayerLUK

    *You feel an invisible rope silence you!
    You manage to avoid being silenced!

  • If Schanz has enough SP, he will spend it to use a six-hit Wind Magic attack. This disables your Pets/Guests*:

    *Schanz traps your pets and Guests in an invisible box!

  • While Volonte de Marceau is alive, the boss gains the ‘Mime Art: Barricade Style’ status, which is essentially a renamed permanent Defence Boost. This monster acts as a booster (i.e. does no damage, solely applies this effect)*

    * Schanz’s upper arms brace for impact!

  • While Methode de Chapline is alive, the boss gains the ‘Mime Art: Slapstick Style’, essentially a renamed Elemental Empowerment. This monster acts as a booster (i.e. does no damage, solely applies this effect)*.

    * Schanz’s lower arms prepare to strike!

    If Methode de Chapline is alive, and Schanz does not already possess the status ‘Mime Art: Slapstick Style’ (+[x]% outgoing damage), he gains it for five turns at the end of the attack. *
  • Immediately after both Volonte de Marceau and Methode de Chapline have been defeated, Schanz gains ‘Invisible Box’ (renamed ‘Barrier’) equal to his Damage Cap for two turns*

    *Mime Art: Impenetrable Fortress!

  • Schanz resembles an old-school black-and-white striped mime, but with some unusual aspects. Most notably, he has four extra arms extending out of his back in the same color scheme (these can be either actual flesh or spirit arms), and his mime face appears tranquil. He is wearing a silk opera hat, beret, or bowler hat (this can be randomized), and black, curled hair can be seen underneath the hat and running down the sides of his face. Volonte de Marceau and Methode de Chapline are not separate monsters.
  • For his standard attack, Schanz appears to manifest an invisible rope, and swings it at the Hero with the force of a whip, leaving sonic cracks in the air.
  • For his SP skill, Schanz’s six arms launch into a series of rapid-fire palm thrusts from a distance, which all appear to slam into the Hero. This attack is performed by the creation of several small, invisible barriers, which are then each sent flying at the Hero.
  • There is no animation for the deaths of Methode de Chapline or Volonte de Marceau. When Schanz is defeated, his face becomes far more expressive as he mimes being struck in the heart by an arrow, attempting to pull it out, before collapsing to the ground.

    Description: The art of Miming is one that bestows tremendous power upon its practitioners… but the fact that mimes are incredibly creepy means that there aren’t many willing to study it in the first place. However, as this prodigious performer demonstrates, those who look past that are rewarded with plenty of training and secret techniques. The few Mimes that remain are all true masters of their craft- giving a whole new meaning to the term ‘silent but deadly’!

    Status Descriptions
  • Mime Art: Barricade Style: Invisible blockers have always been a part of Mime culture- but the Barricade Style proves that just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there. As your attacks harmlessly bounce off of thin air, it seems you’ve realized that firsthand.
  • Mime Art: Slapstick Style: Slapstick comedy isn't supposed to actually hurt. While you're defending against the fighting techniques of the Slapstick Style, try and focus on not getting pummeled instead of thinking about how counterintuitive this whole thing is.
  • Mime Art: Impenetrable Fortress: Why, that little… he’s attempting to hide in an invisible box! It looks like he can’t keep that technique active for long, though… maybe just try hitting him until it breaks?

    MasterMime's Mitre
    MC Wind Misc. MC is spent on the ability to grant the player additional outgoing damage or M/R/M resist in exchange for locking them out of using spells or armor skills, as well as Wind resistance.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 6,051,293
    Sellback: 3,025,646
    Location: Defeat Schanz, the MasterMime
    Cost: [X] SP
    Element: Wind

  • Provides *0.5 Wind resistance
  • Click to swap between two modes: “Slapstick” and “Barricade”
  • In “Slapstick” mode, the player gains “Mime Art: Slapstick Style” (renamed Berserk (-15 bth, *85/70 damage). The player deals a further +[y]% damage, but is inflicted with Silence. This is permanent and lasts until you switch form or unequip the misc*

    * Mime Art: Slapstick Style! In exchange for your silence, the Slapstick Style’s heavy blows boost the damage of your attacks!

  • In “Barricade” mode, the player games “Mime Art: Barricade Style” (renamed Defence Boost (+[z] MRM)), but also Silence. This is permanent and lasts until you switch form or unequip the misc*

    * Mime Art: Barricade Style! In exchange for your silence, the Barricade Style’s invisible walls will bolster your blocking capabilities!

  • MC Effect: Reduced SP Cost

    Appearance: A tattered gray opera hat, with a bright red flower sticking out of it. The hat appears to be made out of silk, and the flower resembles a red rose or carnation.
    Description: Invoking the power of the Mime arts will force you to take a vow of silence, but should you accept, you’ll gain protection from the scathing winds of criticism, as well as the otherworldly powers of practitioners long past! This headpiece was once worn by Bip, the second great MasterMime- a noble soul who spread the art by protecting those in danger with his skills. (Mimes can be good people too. Shocking, right?)

    Slap Stick
    MC Wind Magic Staff. MC allows the player to choose between damage or ‘Silence’ mode that attempts to silence your opponent

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,582
    Location: Defeat Schanz, the MasterMime

    Damage: Magic
    Proc: 0%
    Element: Wind
    Lean: -5 bth (*85/80 damage)

  • 0-proc so *1.08 damage
  • Click the Curve of the cane to switch between “Damage” and “Silence” mode*

    * Click the cane to have it attempt to Silence your opponent!
    Click the cane to return to simple slapstick.

  • In damage mode, the player gains “Mime Art: Slapstick Style” (renamed Berserk (-10 bth, *85/75 damage). The MC fuels a further *1.05 damage
  • In Silence Mode, the weapon will deal -25% damage and pays its MC to attempt to Silence your foe (prevented from using Spells/Skills, 1 turn). The status description reads: This monster has been forced into silence by the power of Mimes long past! Unable to cast Spells/skills!. Your foe can resist at a +0 bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs Monsterlvl
    Major: Your INT vs. Monster INT
    Minor: Your LUK vs Monster LUK

    Your opponent cannot (and will not) not be Silenced!

  • NB: Silence lacks a solid valuation, so I assume here it to be worth 50% melee per turn

    Appearance: The Slap Stick is a long walking cane made of wood, with a spiral design carved into it. Despite its shape, it is actually quite light and springy.
    Description: This ancient cane is a relic of the MasterMimes of old, and can invoke their power to forcibly Sillence your opponent! Some say that it used to belong to the most powerful Mime to ever walk Lore. Due to his loyalty to the craft, nobody actually knew his name- but his downtrodden appearance and unusual behavior led many to refer to him as simply ‘The Tramp’.

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 8/30/2023 18:07:03 >
  • AQ  Post #: 226
    8/28/2023 23:13:44   
    Primate Murder

    "Mime' is not a theme I would've thought to use for a boss, but you make it work.
    AQ DF  Post #: 227
    9/1/2023 18:59:58   

    Wiraqocha, Great Defender of Arcadia

    Level: 150
    Power: 5

    Location: The Void
    Monster Lean: Defensive (x0.75 Input/Output)
    Element: Earth

    Fire: 40%
    Water: 100%
    Wind: 25%
    Ice: 70%
    Earth: 25%
    Energy: 70%
    Light: 60%
    Darkness: 60%

    M/R/M = Low MRM Focus, higher HP to compensate

    Stat Distribution:
    STR: 300
    DEX: 0
    INT: 0
    END: 250
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 200

  • Possesses a comparatively weak Soft Damage Cap (Clawback ~0.7), Form Shift Immunity, Freedom, and Sturdy
  • This battle is conducted at high altitude. During each turn, the player is Choked based on the number of hits they landed on the previous round (-12.5% Damage per hit)*. This effect is doubled for spells/skills.
    *Expending effort at this altitude has left you breathless!

  • The boss follows a cycle of attacks:

    1). Attack: Melee Earth Damage. This attack gives the boss Defence Loss (-12 MRM) but also Elemental Shield (-20/1.4% incoming damage, renamed to “Iron Skin”)
    2). Attack: Melee Earth Damage. Defence Loss (-12 MRM) but also Elemental Shield (-20/1.4% incoming damage, renamed to “Iron Skin”)
    3). Blessings of the Harvest. The Boss applies a Heal Element Spiritual Seed (1 turn duration. Will heal the monster on the following turn). [See Effect Below]
    4). Attack: Wind Ranged Damage. This automatically hits.

  • If at any point the monster gathers sufficient SP, it will spend it to unleash a Wind/Energy 4 hit attack that Silences the player, which can be resisted at a -20 bonus*:

    MonsterLvl vs PlayerLvl
    Major: MonsterSTR vs PlayerEND
    Minor: MonsterLUK vs PlayerLUK
    The monster will then continue the cycle as above.

    *The music from the panpipe drowns you out, silencing you!
    You manage to avoid being silenced by the panpipe’s music

  • The power of the spiritual seed created by Blessings of the Harvest is dependent on the number of water or fire attacks the boss receives, tracked by an internal counter. Each hit of water damage increases the potency of the effect, each fire hit decreases it. This is reset after Blessings of the harvest is cast.
  • If the player possesses Defence Boost, the boss will automatically switch to using its wind attack instead of earth attacks (Blessings of the harvest will still proc). In addition, these attacks will deal additional damage and have a 100% chance to critical hit.
  • Once the boss reaches 50% HP, it will switch into “Sun Child” form. This switches its element to Light, and its Monster lean becomes offensive (x1.5 Input/Output)
  • In “Sun Child” Form, the monster is treated as receiving 1 fire attack per turn (thus weakening Blessings of the Harvest”). It also no longer regenerates SP.
  • The above attack pattern shifts:

    1). Skill: The Boss Spends HP to deal a high damage Fire/Light attack that empowers the boss’ Light and Fire Element attacks.
    2). Attack: Melee Earth/Light Damage. The boss still receives Defence Loss (-12 MRM) but instead gains Backlash
    3). Attack: Melee Earth/Light Damage. The boss still receives Defence Loss (-12 MRM) but instead gains Backlash
    4). Attack: Wind/Fire Ranged Damage. This automatically hits and cannot be backlashed.
    5). The Boss activates Blessings of the Harvest.

  • If the player has active Backlash or MRM Boost as above, the boss will revert to using the Wind/Fire ranged attack, which crits as before. The skill also still be used and follows these effects.

  • The boss looks like This, wielding an ancient peruvian mace (see weapon head here and Incan longbow
  • For the earth attack, the boss runs at the player and strikes them multiple times with the mace
  • For the wind attack, the boss steps back and draws the longbow. A condor spirit can briefly be seen before the boss launches multiple arrows at the player
  • For the first skill, the boss plays Peruvian panpipes to generate a thunderstorm
  • When entering “Sun Child” form, the sun intensifies, and the bosses’ tattoos begin to glow golden. His robes become gold and his mace catches alight with bright yellow fire
  • For his earth/light attack, the boss runs at the player and strikes them with the mace as before
  • For his wind/fire attack, the boss draws the longbow and fires flaming arrows at the player in a similar manner to before
  • For his fire/light skill. The boss calls upon the sun to blast the player with rays of light

    Description: Child of the Sun, Protector of Paradise, Defender of Nature. Dare you stand in his way?

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 9/1/2023 20:04:30 >
  • AQ  Post #: 228
    9/15/2023 19:34:51   

    Inti lluqsimuy
    MC Earth Mace. MC is fuelled into compression. Click to swap between Earth and Light mode

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 48,410,332
    Sellback: 24,205,166
    Location: Defeat Wiraqocha, Great Defender of Arcadia

    Damage: -5 bth lean
    Type: Melee
    Element: Earth/Light [See Effect]
    Special: 0 proc

  • No special so *1.08 damage. -5bth lean so *85/80 damage.
  • Free Effect: Player takes -9 MRM in both modes. This is fuelled into the effect (see below)
  • MC Effect: Click to swap between Earth and Light mode, in Earth mode, MRM is used to pay for a Elemental Shield (-15/1.4% damage). You must attack with the weapon to resolve this effect, so no "always useful" penalty. In light mode, you instead gain a 30/1.4% light element Caltrops. +0 save STR/LUK vs END/LUK

    Appearance: Melee Weapon carried by Wiraqocha
    Description: A fabled weapon of the Great Defender of Arcadia, which contains within it concentrated energy of dawnlight! Ordinarily, you can wield this mace with the immoveable force of Wiraqocha himself. However, you can also focus on the weapon to cause it to strike with light damage and punish your foes for attacking!

    Inti Yaykuna
    MC Wind Bow. MC is fuelled into compression. Click to swap between Wind and Fire mode

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 48,410,332
    Sellback: 24,205,166
    Location: Defeat Wiraqocha, Great Defender of Arcadia

    Damage: +3 bth lean
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Wind/Fire [See Effect]
    Special: 100-proc

  • No true special so *1.1 damage. +3bth lean so *85/88 damage.
  • Free Effect: While wielding the bow the player takes -9 mrm. This is used to pay for effects (see below)
  • MC Effect: Click to swap between Wind and Fire mode. In Wind mode, the weapon takes -5% damage and automatically hits. In Fire mode, the weapon effect is used to inflict a Power: (15/0.6/10*(85/88)/2) = 1.2 Burn (2 turns, targets SP). Your foe can resist at a -10 bonus*:

    PlayerLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: PlayerDEX vs MonsterEND
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The flames burn away your foe's spirit!
    Your foe manages to avoid the worst of the flaming arrows!

    Appearance: Ranged Weapon carried by Wiraqocha
    Description: A fabled weapon of the Great Defender of Arcadia, able to harness the dying embers of sunset. Ordinarily, this bow will launch arrows that fly straight and true (i.e. never miss), However, you can also focus on the weapon to imbue them with ghostly flames that burn away your foe's spirit!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 10/16/2023 19:53:06 >
  • AQ  Post #: 229
    10/15/2023 16:32:02   

    Weichselian Staff
    MC Ice staff. MC used to compress two ice spells.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 72,615,500
    Sellback: 36,307,750
    Location: LTS

    Damage: +3 bth lean
    Type: Magic
    Element: Ice
    Special: 0%

  • 0-proc. Instead of dealing *1.08 damage, the weapon has a 6.3*4 =25.2% chance to attempt to Freeze your foe when casting an ice spell. They can resist at a +0 bonus*:

    MonsterLvl vs PlayerLvl
    Major: PlayerINT vs MonsterEND
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The frigid staff freezes your foe solid!
    Your foe endures the biting cold!

  • MC Effect: Compresses 2 ice spells:

    1). Glaciation
    Rapidly create a glacier underneath your foe! As it emerges, it will deal large amounts of ice damage, as well as forming a barricade to protect you from harm!

    Cost: 915 MP
    Element: Ice
    Hits: 3

  • +5 bth lean (*85/90 damage).
  • Overcharged, so + 25% damage
  • Deals -20% damage (50% Melee). Afterwards, you gain a Barrier worth 50*0.85% Melee (standard autohit penalty. No always useful penalty as tied to an ice element attack).

    2). Polar Storm
    Summon an intense blizzard. The ice crystals whipped up by the storm are sharp enough to cause deep lacerations!

    Cost: 915 MP
    Element: Ice
    Hits: 6

  • Overcharged, so +25% damage
  • Deals -40% damage (100% Melee), and attempts to inflict your foe with a Power 1/7*[HitsConnected] Bleed. Your foe can resist at a +0 bonus*:

    MonsterLvl vs PlayerLvl
    Major: PlayerINT vs MonsterEND
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The airborne ice crystals cause deep lacerations!
    Your foe shields itself from the sharp crystals!

  • The staff looks like this
  • "Glaciation" has the player generate a massive wall of ice from undernearth the opponent. Damage is dealt as it rises.
  • "Polar Storm" is similar to "Flutterfree" from Prismheart tome. Instead of insects, a whisp of white energy is created, alongside a storm of ice.
    Description: This staff is made from ice produced during lore's last great magical ice age! It still holds onto some of that magic, allowing you to cast a number of ice spells! The crystals it produces can be used to form a barricade, lacerate your foe, or even freeze them solid!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 10/15/2023 16:35:28 >
  • AQ  Post #: 230
    10/16/2023 19:49:55   

    @JhyShy recently suggested an idea on Elemental Disempowerment, which I really wanted to use on an item...

    Circuit Break
    MC Energy Spell/SPell, useable once per battle. Instead of once per battle bonus, inflicts elemental disempowerment.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS
    hits: 5
    Element: Energy
    Cost: 653 MP / 392 SP

  • Quickcast Spell/SPell. Magic version deals 125% Melee. Skill version deals 100% Melee. Skill comes in Warrior (STR) and Ranger (DEX) versions. All are treated as spells
  • Instead of a once per battle bonus, instead attempts to inflict "Short-circuit", a renamed Elemental Disempowerment to Water attacks. MC boosts the potency of the effect. Your foe can resist at a -20 bonus*:

    MonsterLvl vs PlayerLvl
    Major: Player[INT/STR/DEX] vs MonsterEND
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Short circuit! Your foe must be careful using water attacks!
    Your foe manages to prevent itself from being short-circuited!

  • Balance-wise: Monster turns are worth 140*0.85% Melee as precedent. Therefore a 50+10% Melee reduction to Water at a -20 bonus is worth 60/1.4/0.7*(85/85) = -61.22% Damage, which I suggest splitting over 2 turns for -30.71% damage per turn. This formula equates to Choke, which is unfair since that status affects all elements. To compensate, I suggest a further /0.6 is added to the modifier (an "omnielemental bonus") for a total of -102.03% and -51.02% damage per turn respectively.

    Appearance: The sky darkens and a white lightning bolt falls from the sky to strike your foe and deal the 5 hits of damage
    Description: This once per battle spell/skill can completely fry your foe's circuits! While they get them back online, they'll have to be wary when using any Water element attacks!

    Prismatic Iridescence
    MC Light Weapon. Attempts to inflict daze when casting a light spell.

    Price: 0
    Sellback: 0
    Location: Rare GGB

    Damage: +0 bth lean
    Type: Magic
    Element: Light
    Special: 0%

  • 0-proc. Instead of dealing *1.08 damage and MC, the weapon has a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]% chance to Daze your foe (9.75*4/0.5/0.85/1.4*(85/85) = 65.54% chance, 1 round) when casting a light spell. Your foe can resist at a +0 bonus*:

    MonsterLvl vs PlayerLvl
    Major: PlayerINT vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Same text as now

    Appearance: Same as now
    Description: This staff from the realm of Dragon Fable was forged from a shard of rainbow! The prism on top causes your Light spells to Daze your foes!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 10/16/2023 20:08:35 >
  • AQ  Post #: 231
    10/17/2023 19:40:09   

    Cap for damage-scaled effects
    Damage-scaling effects are notorious, with some of the most powerful items in the game counted amongst their ranks. Unlike normal effects, they explicitly receive the benefits of damage boosting items, making them abnormally efficient in offensive setups. They are widely seen to overperform, and are thus difficult to release. However, I believe that these effects can be salvaged with a few tweaks. My solution to the problem is a modified version of an existing effect: soft damage caps. Some damage-scaling effects have already attempted this (e.g., Mason form). However, I think two things have limited their value:
    1). The clawback isn't sufficient (a relatively easy fix).
    2). The cap isn't uniquely tailored to the item.

    What I mean by this second point is that most caps are tailored based on expected damage. This is a problem because items provide different %Melee values and sacrifice different damage portions for their effects. I demonstrate my solution below with a rework to one of the most overpowered damage scaling items: Infinita staff:

    Infinita Staff
    MC Dark Weapon. Heals SP or MP based on the damage dealt

    Price: 0
    Sellback: 0
    Location: Rare GGB

    Damage: Same as now
    Type: [See Effect]
    Element: Darkness
    Special: 0%

  • 0-proc, so *1.08 damage.
  • Click to swap between Melee, Ranged and Magic damage
  • In Melee/Ranged mode, the weapon deals -25% damage and you heal 33.3*1.125% of the damage done in SP. In Magic mode, you heal 33*1.5% of the damage dealt in MP [this doesn't need the *0.75 as it receives this already as it's based on magic weapon damage].
  • This heal is modified by a new cap system, functioning like Soft Damage Cap

    Damage = sround( Cap * ( damage / Cap )^ Exponent )

    The value for this item is as follows, assuming 404 as an expected value of a Melee attack::

    Cap = [Expected Melee Attack] * [%Melee Value of Effect] * [Resource Conversion Modifier]
    Melee/Ranged Cap = 404 * 0.25 * 1.125 = 113.625 SP
    Magic Cap = 404 * 0.1875 * 1.5 = 113.625 MP
    Clawback = 0.5

    Clawback is set at 0.5 as a more potent alternative to the 0.75 of Mason form (0.1 is also an option). Thus, a 6000 damage attack, which would initially be expected to heal 2250 SP / 2970 MP with the above numbers, would actually heal:

    sround( 113.625 * ( 2250 / 113.625 ) ^ 0.5 ) = 505.6 SP
    sround( 113.625 * ( 2970 / 113.625 ) ^ 0.5 ) = 580.9 MP

    NB: This happens as part of the attack. The player only sees the capped, modified value

    Appearance: Same as now
    Description: Same as now

    There are obviously complications to doing this with status effects. The above is a simple example of how such a precedent could be set.

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 10/17/2023 20:12:15 >
  • AQ  Post #: 232
    10/22/2023 12:05:41   

    I like that Infinita received a melee version, but I actually prefer the Nickelclad approach over damage scaling.

    I feel that most damage scaling stuff isn't as OP as some think. In your example, after an adjustment I would have to do 6000 damage just top heal 500+. If I am doing 6k damage, I'm essentially just killing the monster and thus, I have a less of aneed for the damage scaling effect. While resource heals is certainly a bonus, and more useful than say, how mason choke or alchemical's blind is done, since the resources carry over, I think your adjustment is way too over-nerfed.

    Now, Infinita needs an adjustment, there's no doubt. But I would prefer the nickelclad approach, but altered for infinita slightly to make the heal part better than nickelclad. And other necessary adjustments considering nickelclad is 2 resources and infinita is 1. But I wouldn't be opposed to making Infinita a MP/SP version for all 3 MRM's, with the same 80%+ check. Then instead of paying 10%/13% damage (i think this is what nickelclad paid), increase this to maybe 20-25% on the heal mode for infinita. And on the other toggle (if there is one) just make it pure damage. OR the toggle could be MP and SP, but still make it work like nickelclad.

    I just really think damage scaling effects are overrated, are not OP in 98% of instances, as the scaling effects is not whats making a player win. The damage is. Then damage caps minimize the effects.

    I say all this, because I'd like to see an infinita rework from someone that mirrors nickelclad , but infinita being superior considering its a GGB.
    Post #: 233
    10/22/2023 17:40:45   

    I maidmade this armour suggestion up after a discussion with @Chrono Ky

    Mage Maid Maiden
    MC Spellcaster Lean Wind Armour. MC compresses two spells

    Example tier
    Level: 150 MC
    PowerLvL: 153

    Price: 96,820,667
    Sellback: 48,410,333
    Location: LTS

    Elemental Modifiers: Primary defence is Wind with secondary to Water.

  • You gain the Spellcaster armour lean (*1 Output, *1.25 Intake. Spells and Spell-type skills deal *1.375 damage).
  • Normal attack is 3 hits with standard bth lean.
    MC Effect: Compresses two spells:

    1). Speed Clean
    Any good maid should be able to take care of their duties before someone notices anything is amiss! This spell can only be used once per battle, but doesn't take your turn to use!
    Cost: 653 MP

  • This spell is quickcast, so deals *(1.25/2) damage and cannot critical hit. 4 hits, +5 bth lean (so *85/90 damage)
  • This spell can only be used once per battle, so +50% Melee (total of 175% Melee)
  • As quickcast, this spell receives no Elecomp.

    2). Dust Buster
    Sometimes, a deep clean is in order! Not only will this spell deal large amounts of Wind damage, but can also removes positive status effects from your foe!
    Cost: 653 MP

  • Standard spell with 3 hits. Elecomp to damage. +5 bth lean (so *85/90 damage)
  • If your foe has a positive status effect (e.g., MRM boost, Elemental Shield, Regeneration), this spell with remove them and deal -50% Melee per hit cleansed. Can remove a maximum of 4 status effects per turn. It cannot remove permanent positive statuses or the standard Boss Boost/Freedom/Soft Damage cap etc.

    Appearance: A french maid costume (can also come in Neko variants)
    Description: This uniform once belonged to a maid that served a powerful wizard. These expertly-crafted robes not only increasing the potency of spells cast by its user, but also possess enchantments to rapidly and thoroughly clean house (as well as anyone that gets in their way!).

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 2/5/2025 9:09:11 >
  • AQ  Post #: 234
    11/19/2023 19:37:39   

    Stormcaller Swordbill

    Level: 150
    Power: 4

    Location: The Void
    Monster Lean: Offensive (1.5 Input/Output)
    Element: Wind/Energy

    Fire: 50%
    Water: 110%
    Wind: 0%
    Ice: 110%
    Earth: 110%
    Energy: 0%
    Light: 50%
    Darkness: 50%

    M/R/M = High MRM Focus, lower HP to compensate

    Stat Distribution:
    STR: 0
    DEX: 300
    INT: 0
    END: 0
    CHA: 250
    LUK: 200

  • Standard Boss Boost, Soft Damage Cap, Form Change Immunity, and Freedom.
  • If the boss has enough SP, it can spend it on a quickcast skill that boosts its damage and provides Celerity for three turns. This cannot be resisted. The boss will not use this skill if it already has Celerity*.

    *The Swordbill draws energy from the supercharged air!

  • The Swordbill has two separate regular attacks, one Energy and the other Wind. It will use these randomly. All of its attacks bypass shield effects (Barrier, Chi Shield, Mana Shield, Elemental Shield etc.).
  • The Wind attack is 4 hits and can leave you Choking. This can be resisted at a -20 bonus*:

    MonsterLvl vs PlayerLvl
    Major: MonsterDEX vs PlayerEND
    Minor: MonsterLUK vs PlayerLUK

    *The buffeting winds leave you gasping for breath!
    You manage to endure the buffeting winds!

  • The Energy attack is 5 hits and deals *0.25*1.125 and targets your SP. Overflows to HP The boss heals SP based on the damage dealt. The other half of the attack inflicts an Energy element Spiritual Seed for each hit that lands (3 turns). Each can be resisted at a -20 bonus*:

    MonsterLvl vs PlayerLvl
    Major: MonsterDEX vs PlayerCHA
    Minor: MonsterLUK vs PlayerLUK

    *The electrified attack plants a spiritual seed within you!
    You manage to avoid the worst of the electrified attack!

  • If the player successfully clears a status, they are paralysed for 3 rounds at the start of the bosses' next turn*.

    *Sensing your weakness, the Swordbill calls down a bolt of energy to paralyse you for an extended duration!

  • The boss looks like a Swordbill Hummingbird. Instead of green, the boss has a blue iridescent shine to its feathers and a glowing eye colour similar to Valentis
  • When using its Wind attack, the boss flaps its wings to create a tornado that deals the damage
  • When using its Energy attack, blue energy crackles around the boss. The boss then launches itself at the player, striking from the front and from behind.
    Description: The Stormcaller Swordbill is an extremely rare and territorial species of hummingbird that can harness the power of intense electrical storms. Unfortuantely for you, this one seems to think you're an intruder...

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/13/2024 15:59:07 >
  • AQ  Post #: 235
    11/20/2023 20:32:41   

    Harmonic Convergence [x]/[y] hits, [a] modifier, [z] Element
    Target's defences have been disrupted! After [y] hits, your next [z] element hit will do +[y]*[a]% damage!

    Cost per hit is [a]/[AssumedHits]% Melee, with assumed hitcount of 2 per turn if no hitcount is specified. Cost is multiplied by *1.1 for "always useful" elements and *1.4 for Omni-elemental effects.

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 11/20/2023 20:33:22 >
    AQ  Post #: 236
    11/21/2023 19:42:16   

    Sword/Spear of the Stormcaller
    MC Energy Melee/Ranged weapon. Sacrifices no-proc bonus for a chance to gain celerity. Click to toggle between damage and spiritual seed mode.

    Price: 0
    Sellback: 0
    Location: Defeat Stormcaller Swordbill

    Damage: +0 bth lean (nothing special)
    Type: Melee/Ranged
    Element: Energy
    Special: 0%

  • 0-proc. Instead of the *1.08 bonus, the player has a 14.875*[HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]% chance to gain Celerity. No save*.

    *The sword/spear draws energy from the supercharged air, enabling you to strike twice this turn!

  • Click to toggle between "Damage" and "Stormcaller" modes
  • In Damage mode, the Weapon deals regular damage. MC bonus in this form is *1.075 damage against monsters with a Spiritual Seed inflicted.
  • In Stormcaller mode, the weapon deals -25% damage. Each hit attempts to inflict "Spirit Storm" an Energy element Spiritual Seed (assuming Power 1 = 100% Melee, 25 / 0.5 / 100 * ( 85 / 85) / 2 * 1.01 ^ 3 = 0.26 Power, 3 turns)*. This can be attempted a maximum of four times per turn (doubled if celerity is activated). Your foe can resist at a -20 bonus*:

    MonsterLvl vs PlayerLvl
    Major: Player[STR/DEX] vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Your strike sparks up a storm within your foe!
    Your foe manages to avoid the worst of your sparking strike!

  • MC Effect: Save is -20 rather than +0

    Appearance: A sword/spear with the same colours as that of the Stormcaller Swordbill. The main blade of each weapon looks like the beak of the Swordbill. The hilt appears similar to the iridiscent wings of the boss
    Description: Found within the nest of a defeated Stormcaller, this [Sword/Spear] has the ability to supercharge the air around it. Not can you use it to strike more than once in a row, but it can also be used to start up a storm within your foe!

    Staff of the Stormcaller
    MC Energy Magic weapon. Sacrifices no-proc bonus for a chance to regenerate mana. Can afflict your foe with spiritual seeds upon casting an energy spell.

    Price: 0
    Sellback: 0
    Location: Defeat Stormcaller Swordbill

    Damage: +0 bth lean (nothing special)
    Type: Magic
    Element: Energy
    Special: 0%

  • 0-proc. Instead of the *1.08 bonus, you have a 10% chance of regaining 653/1.25*0.08*0.75*10 = 313 MP*

    *Your staff draws energy from the supercharged air, replenising your mana reserves!

  • The weapon deals -15% damage. Whenever you cast an Energy spell, each hit will attempt to inflict "Spirit Storm" an Energy element Spiritual Seed (assuming Power 1 = 100% Melee, 15 * 4 / 0.5 / 100 / 2 * (85 / 85) * 1.01 ^ 3 = 0.62 Power, 3 turns). This occurs a maximum of 4 times per turn. Your foe can resist at a -20 bonus*:

    MonsterLvl vs PlayerLvl
    Major: PlayerINT vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Your spell sparks up a storm within your foe!
    Your foe manages to avoid the worst of your sparking spell!

  • MC Effect: Save is -20 rather than +0

    Appearance: A staff with the same colours as that of the Stormcaller Swordbill. The staff's head is adorned with two wings similar to that of the Swordbill. In betwen them rests a blade with the same appearance as the beak of the Swordbill.
    Description: Found within the nest of a defeated Stormcaller, this Staff has the ability to supercharge the air around it. Not only can it use this energy to replenish your mana reserves but, when you cast an energy spell, it can be used to spark up a storm within your foe!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 11/21/2023 19:45:11 >
  • AQ  Post #: 237
    12/2/2023 18:25:16   

    Scathing Dreamweaver
    MC Defensive/Spellcaster Lean Fire Armour. MC compresses two skills

    Example tier
    Level: 150 MC
    PowerLvL: 153

    Price: 96,820,667
    Sellback: 48,410,333
    Location: Frostval 2020

    Elemental Modifiers: Same as now

  • This armour has two separate versions, one in FD (*0.8 output and intake) and the other Spellcaster (*1 Output, *1.25 Intake. Spells and Spell-type skills deal *1.375 damage).
  • MC Effect: Compresses two skills

    1). Overwhelming Insight
    Open your mind to the threads of revelation in your nightmares, weaving them into spells in an arcane frenzy!
    Cost: 539 SP

  • Quickcast skill. You gain Spell Frenzy (+20.833% damage) for 3 turns

    2). Immolate
    From the flames comes the fuel for your dream threads!
    Cost: Nothing

  • Fire element attack. Elecomp is spent recovering the damage dealt as MP with the necessary clawback.

  • Armour is same as now
  • Overwhelming insight has no animation
  • Immolate uses the animation for the base attack when in spell frenzy mode
    Description: Same as now

    Timekeeper Staff
    MC Energy Magic weapon. Sacrifices MC and 15% damage to inflict the Accelerated status effect whenever you cast an Energy spell

    Price: 0
    Sellback: 0
    Location: 7500 Z-Token Package

    Damage: +0 bth lean (nothing special)
    Type: Magic
    Element: Energy
    Special: 0%

  • This weapon is now Energy element instead of Light
  • 0-proc. Instead of the *1.08 bonus, you have a 10% chance of regaining 653/1.25*0.08*0.75*10 = 313 MP*

    *Your staff turns back the clock on your Mana reserves!

  • This weapon deals -15% damage. Whenever you cast an Energy spell, this damage and weapon MC is used to apply the Accelerated status to the player (20*0.75*4 = 60% Melee. 30*[EnergyResistance])% chance for Player acceleration, 2 rounds). No save, as this applies directly to the player.

    Appearance: Same as now
    Description: Same as now

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 12/2/2023 21:48:02 >
  • AQ  Post #: 238
    1/19/2024 19:58:15   

    Book of Bronze
    MC Light Tome. Compresses 3 spells, plus a mana regeneration option. Decompression bonus boosts the damage of light spells.

    Example Tier
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153
    MPlvl: 152

    Price: 72,615,500
    Sellback: 36,307,750
    Location: LTS

  • Decompression Bonus: All Light Element spells will deal +2.5% damage for each Light spell in your active inventory. NB: The spell database element must be Light to be counted towards this bonus
  • If spells are disabled, the Weapon performs a “Wand” attack. This has a 0% proc rate (with standard no-proc bonus), with 2 hits of magic Light-element damage. No bth lean.
  • This tome compresses three spells that the player can choose from:

    1). Shower Time
    And you thought Midas' touch was bad! This spell holds the power to temproarily turn your foe into pure bronze!

    Cost: 653 MP
    Element: Light
    Hits: 3

  • This spell is effectively a version of Emerald Rain. Deals -40.77% damage to turn your foe into Bronze ( Spirit rend, 1 round). Your foe can resist at a neutral bonus*:

    MonsterLvl vs PlayerLvl
    Major: PlayerINT vs MonsterEND
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Your spell turns your foe into a bronze statue!
    Through sheer endurance, your foe avoids being turned to bronze!

    2). Pay Day
    Call forth a shower of BronZe-tokens to batter your foe!

    Cost: 653 MP
    Element: Light
    Hits: 3

  • The attack deals -25% damage and you heal 16.67% of a standard Melee attack every time you land a hit.

    3). Sehr Stilvol
    Cast this spell to become stylish. So stylish your companions will love you even more than they do already!

    Cost: 261 MP
    Element: [See Effect]
    Hits: [See Effect]

  • A clone of the Book of Love's "Faith of the Heart" spell. You gain +92.509 CHA for 3 turns.

    4). CODE: GET-MANA
    Restore 395 MP*

    *Code accepted!

  • This
  • "Shower time" is a recoloured version of the standard "rain" spells
  • "Pay day" is a copy of the weapon special from the Z-blade Scythe
  • "Sehr Stilvol" summons a parade of small bronze dragons
    Description: Created by a Dragon among Mages, this tome allows you to cast a powerful range of light spells. They can heal you, turn your enemies into solid bronze, and even make you more stylish!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 1/19/2024 20:02:02 >
  • AQ  Post #: 239
    1/20/2024 21:04:51   

    Raven’s Wisdom
    MC Wind Ranged Bow. Contains a skill to regenerate mana.

    Price: 48,410,332
    Sellback: 24,205,166
    Location: LTS

    Damage: +3 bth lean (*85/88 damage)
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Wind
    Special: 100%

  • 100-proc. Deals *1.1 damage for lack of a “true” special.
  • Regular attack is 2-hit. Random heavy lean.
  • The player can select between Damage mode and Regeneration mode. In this, the player deals -20% damage and heals MP equal to 25% of the damage dealt. This is subject to a soft cap:


    MPHeal = sround[ (0.25 * Standard Melee Attack) * (Damage / (0.25 * Standard Melee Attack))]

  • MC Effect: Compresses a skill. “Lonely Sentinel”*. Costs 392 SP and takes your turn. Provides the player two turns of Regain Mana, 200*1.02*[MonsterWindRes]*0.85/2 = 86.7% Melee (100% Res) = 453 MP

    *Spend your turn observing your foe and gathering your magical strength!

    Appearance: The bow is created from the wingspan of a Raven, with silver white arrows. When fired, these arrows take on the brief form of a raven in flight before striking your foe. When toggled to Regeneration mode, the bow glows white.
    Description: Inquisitive observers, Ravens have long been revered for their intelligence and mystical strength. This artefact encapsulates that nature, enabling you to draw strength from your enemies. It also allows you to shroud yourself in solitude taking the time to observe your foe while gathering your mana reserves!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 1/20/2024 21:05:11 >
  • AQ  Post #: 240
    2/3/2024 19:57:39   

    Brilhado Feathers
    MC Darkness Spell. Trades damage to inflict bleed.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: Deep Lake
    hits: 8
    Element: Darkness
    Cost: 653 MP / 392 SP

  • Attack has a +10 bth lean (*85/95 damage to compensate). Has an MP [INT] and SP [DEX] forms
  • The attack deals -50% damage. Each hit attempts to inflict your foe with Bleed (100/1/100*(85/95)/8 = 0.11 Power). Your foe can resist*:

    MonsterLvl vs PlayerLvl
    Major: Player[INT/DEX] vs MonsterEND
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The sharp feathers open deep wounds on your foe!
    Your foe manages to prevent the feathers from cutting too deep!

  • MC Effect: Save is -20 rather than +0

    Appearance: Same as now
    Description: Call forth a flurry of brilhado feathers to strike at your foe! The feathers are sharp enough to cut deep, leaving your foe with deep bleeding wounds!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 2/3/2024 20:52:57 >
  • AQ  Post #: 241
    2/24/2024 12:01:49   

    Minor update: To go with @heartie123's incredible recent artwork, I've gone ahead and updated the corresponding star sign items:
    Capricorn's Needle
    Decanter of Aquarius
    Demilune of Sagittarius
    Flabellum of Scorpio
    Gemini Bladed Nunchucks
    Katar of Cancer
    Leo's Codex
    Libra Scales
    Pisces Chakram
    Rapier of Aries
    Taurus Cleaver

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 3/11/2024 19:05:35 >
    AQ  Post #: 242
    3/2/2024 12:40:14   

    MC Dark Spell/SPell that consumes your foes afflicted ailments to increase damage.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS
    hits: 3
    Element: Darkness
    Cost: 653 MP / 392 SP

  • MP version uses INT, SP version uses DEX
  • Consumes up to 200% Melee worth of Bleed, Afraid, Blind, Poison, Burn. Can consume multiple statuses to gain the boosted damage.

    Appearance: The sky darkens and a white lightning bolt falls from the sky to strike your foe and deal the 5 hits of damage
    Description: Cast this malicious spell to convert your foe's maladies into raw attack power! This spell isn't as strong as other status eating attacks, but it's more versatile and can be applied to a wide variety of bleeds, burns, poisons, blinds, and even when your foe is afraid!
  • AQ  Post #: 243
    3/3/2024 19:27:07   

    Spirit Shatter
    MC Quickcast Spell that attempts to inflict your foe with Spirit Rend

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: Necro Class shop
    Element: NA
    hits: 0 [See effect]
    Cost: 217 MP

  • Quickcast. Successfully useable once per battle
  • Attempts to inflict your foe with spirit rend. Your foe can resist at a +0 bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *You shatter your foe's spirit!
    Your foe endures the spiritual damage!

  • MC Effect: -20 to save

    Appearance: Ryn the Undying's spirit rend attack
    Description: Use this once per battle spell to shatter your foe's spirit, leaving them vulnerable to Dark attacks

    Blood Rites
    MC Healing spell that consumes your pet + guest for additional damage.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: Necro Class shop
    Element: Heal
    hits: 1
    Cost: 653 MP

  • Disables your Pet and Guest. Your Spell deals +100% damage for pet (assumed 5 turns * 40% Melee), + 50% Melee (arbitrary bonus since Guests have no inherent value). Standard *0.85*0.9 autohit and always useful penalties apply
  • MC Effect: +5% Melee to damage.

    Appearance: Black and red columns of magic appear in your pet + guest slots, before the energy is drawn into the player, dealing the heal
    Description: Sacrifice your minions to concentrate your necromantic power, healing yourself!
  • AQ  Post #: 244
    3/13/2024 18:37:24   

    Harmonious Athame
    MC Energy Melee Weapon. Can burn your foe's HP, MP or SP.

    Price: 48,410,332
    Sellback: 24,205,166
    Location: LTS

    Damage: +0 bth lean (nothing special)
    Type: Melee
    Element: Energy
    Special: 0%

  • 0-proc.
  • Weapon trades 10% Melee 0-proc bonus to have a [HitsConnected/HitsAttempted]% chance to inflict a Harm element Burn onto your foe 10/ 0.5 / 10 * ( 85 / 85) / 1 = 2 Power, 1 turn). Click the hilt to toggle whether this strikes against HP/MP/SP. Your foe can resist at a +0 bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourSTR vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Your attack burns away your foe's health/mana reserves/spirit!
    Your for manages to endure your attack!

  • Click the blade to toggle between paying 25% weapon damage to increase this burn to Power 3.5 for 2 rounds
  • MC Effect: -20 to save bonus

    Appearance: The Ying-Yang Dagger created by @heartie123
    Description: This blade was once a ceremonial tool used to channel and balance discordant energies! Some of this power still remains, allowing you to burn away your foe's Healthy, Mana, or Spirit with each strike!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 3/13/2024 18:39:27 >
  • AQ  Post #: 245
    3/16/2024 13:36:48   

    Hero's Valour
    MC Light Melee Sword. Sacrifices no-proc bonus for once per battle damage boost, and compressed a healing skill.

    Price: 48,410,332
    Sellback: 24,205,166
    Location: LTS

    Damage: +0 bth lean (nothing special)
    Type: Melee
    Element: Light
    Special: 0%

  • 0-proc. Instead of damage bonus, you can click the blade once per battle to boost the power of your next attack with the weapon by 80%*

    *Your weapon resonates with your desire to defeat your foe, temporarily boosting your damage!

  • MC Effect: Compresses a skill. Click the hilt to activate. Costs 392 SP. Heals the player for for 200*0.85*[MonsterLightResistance]% Melee. Skill scales on STR and tagged as weapon-type. Standard autohit penalty is applied, no 'always useful' because it scales on Light Resistance. (You can't combine this with once per battle, the above needs to be a standard weapon attack with this sword).

    Appearance: The Short Sword from @lily_0321, created by @dracelix
    Description: A blade that can only be wielded by the most noble of heroes, this weapon enhances its owner's fighting spirit! Not only can it reinforce your will to fight on, but it can even offer you a power boost at the perfect moment!

    Hero's Recurve
    MC Light Melee Bow. Sacrifices no-proc bonus for. MC compresses a misc.

    Price: 30,256,459
    Sellback: 15,128,230
    Location: LTS

    Damage: +0 bth lean (nothing special)
    Type: Melee
    Element: Light
    Special: 0%

  • 0-proc. Instead of damage bonus, you can click the bow once per battle to make your next attack with the weapon autohit, deal +5.5% damage, and have a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]% chance to paralyse your foe. This can be resisted at a +0 bonus*:

    PlayerLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: PlayerDEX vs MonsterEND
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Your arrow flies straight and true, striking your foe at the perfect time to stop them in their tracks!
    Your foe staggers from your shot, but manages to recover!

  • MC Effect: Compresses a Misc: Hero's Quiver. Click the drawstring to activate.

    Appearance: The Bow from @lily_0321, created by @dracelix. After clicking the weapon to use the once per battle ability, the arrows glow.
    Description: A bow that can only be wielded by the most noble of heroes, this weapon enhances its owner's fighting spirit! It allows your arrows to fly straight and true at the perfect moment, preventing your foe from fighting back! It also comes with its own quiver, which can make your arrows even stronger!

    Hero's Quiver
    MC Light misc. Boosts player DEX and the damage of Bow-type attacks. Also allows your bow-type attacks to either poison or burn your foe.

    Example Tier
    level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 0
    Sell: 0
    Location: Compressed within Hero's Recurve
    Cost: [x] SP

  • You do not need to remain wielding Hero's Recurve to use this misc.
  • Provides +50 DEX
  • Boosts the damage of bow-type attacks by +20%
  • Click the misc to toggle between Burn and Poison Mode. Each mode costs 25% Melee in SP (98 SP) to maintain. Each bow-type attack has a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]% chance to either Burn or Poison your foe depending on mode (25 / 0.7 / 10 * ( 85 / 85) / 2 = 1.79 Power, 2 rounds, Light element). Your foe can resist at a -20 bonus*:

    PlayerLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: PlayerDEX vs MonsterEND
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Your arrows Poison/Burn your foe!
    Your foe manages to endure your poisoned/flaming arrows!

    Appearance: The Quiver from @lily_0321, created by @dracelix
    Description: A quiver that can only be worn by the most noble of heroes, this item enhances your DEX and the damage from your bow-type attacks! It can also allow them to either poison or burn your foe!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 3/16/2024 21:32:48 >
  • AQ  Post #: 246
    3/17/2024 18:32:26   

    Hero's Wand/Staff
    MC Light Magic Wand/Staff. Sacrifices no-proc bonus for once per battle elemental shield and compresses a light spell.

    Price: 48,410,332
    Sellback: 24,205,166
    Location: LTS

    Damage: +0 bth lean (nothing special)
    Type: Magic
    Element: Light
    Special: 100/0%

  • Staff is 0-proc. Wand is 100-proc with no true special (2 hits). Instead of damage bonus, you can click the staff/wand handle to apply a 1 turn Elemental Shield to Dark attacks (-80/1.4% damage staff, -100/1.4% damage wand)*
  • The weapon further takes -25% damage and the player heals 18.75% Melee in MP after a standard attack (98 MP).

    *Your weapon's shields you from the encroaching darkness!

  • MC Effect: Compresses a spell. Costs 653 MP. Click the staff/wand head to activate. This spell automatically hits for 3 hits, dealing *0.85 damage.

    Appearance: The Staff/Wand from @lily_0321, created by @dracelix
    Description: A staff/wand that can only be wielded by the most noble of heroes, this weapon allows you to call forth damaging bursts of light that can strike a foe no matter how evasive they may be! It also has the ability to shield you from harm once in a given fight!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 3/17/2024 21:47:42 >
  • AQ  Post #: 247
    5/5/2024 20:42:11   

    Blue Jet
    MC Energy Spell/Skill. Takes two casts to use. Deals damage and guarantees paralysis.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 0
    Sellback: 0
    Location: UR GGB
    hits: 6
    Element: Energy
    Cost: 915 MP + 52 HP

  • This spell functions similarly to Unraveling Nightmare
  • It further deals +25% damage (50% Melee) for the additional MP cost, as well as +7.5% for the 15% Melee HP cost
  • The spell also consumes the first use to charge and the second to cast properly. When charging, you pay the standard resource cost as normal, as well as inflict a -9 MRM Defence loss for 2 turns. This applies a further +15% damage (30% Melee)
  • On the second turn, the attack deals x2 damage, +10% damage due to two turns of +5% MC and +1% turn delay bonus, +100% damage for the cost on turn #1, in addition to the damage above.
  • In addition to the above, it then takes -119% Melee and your foe is automatically Paralysed, unless it is immune or >= 50 levels higher than the player.

    Appearance: This from a darkened sky.
    Description: One of the most potent Energy spells ever created, this incantation calls for an immense jet of blue lightning down from the heavens! While it may take time to charge, it both deals incredible levels of damage and is guaranteed to prevent your foe from fighting back!
  • AQ  Post #: 248
    6/19/2024 19:23:25   

    Falcon's Freefall
    MC Wind Quickcast Spell/Skill. Automatically crits. MC is used to attempt Wind Elemental Vulnerability.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 0
    Sellback: 0
    Location: UR GGB
    hits: 6
    Element: Wind
    Cost: 490 SP/ 653 MP

  • The skill version of this attack uses DEX for stat bonuses. The spell version uses INT as normal.
  • This attack is quickcast, so *1.25/2 damage. You can only use this attack once per battle.
  • Unlike other quickcast attacks, this one automatically crits. However, it deals /(2.5*[ExpectedLUK]/[LUK]) damage (the player is assumed to have LUK when using this attack. Dividing by LUK ensures the denominator is smaller if you have greater than expected LUK).
  • MC Effect: This is worth 2*1.25 normal MC because the attack is worth 125% melee, and you'd be expected to use this twice in a standard 10-turn battle. This is 5*2*1.25 = 12.5% Melee. All of this is used to inflict a 1 turn Elemental vulnerability to Wind attacks (12.5 / 0.5 / 1.4 / 0.85 = +21% damage, 1 turn), saved at a +0 bonus*:

    PlayerLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: Player[DEX/INT] vs MonsterEND
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Your foe is weakened by the barrage of beaks!
    Your foe manages to avoid the worst of your avian onslaught!

    Appearance: The screen grades darker, before 6 birds in a similar style to the butterflies from the 'Flutterfree' spell in the Prismheart Tome fall from the sky and strike the monster.
    Description: Cast this spell/skill to call forth an all-out assault from some avian allies! They'll strike fast and hard at your enemy's weak points, leaving them defenceless for your next attack!
  • AQ  Post #: 249
    7/13/2024 15:27:00   

    Brilhado Seraph

    Level: 150
    Power: 4

    Location: The Void
    Monster Lean: Offensive (1.5 Input/Output)
    Element: Light

    Fire: 70%
    Water: 90%
    Wind: 0%
    Ice: 70%
    Earth: 130%
    Energy: 90%
    Light: 0%
    Darkness: 130%
    Healing: -150%

    M/R/M = High MRM Focus, lower HP to compensate

    Stat Distribution:
    STR: 0
    DEX: 0
    INT: 300
    END: 250
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 200

  • This is a two-stage boss fight. In both stages, the boss has Freedom and Form Change Immunity
  • For the duration of the fight, your heal resistance is set to 0%*

    *Your foe mutters an incantation and seals your regeneration! 0% Healing resistance!

  • In addition, for the duration of the fight you are also given access to a temporary spell, “Angel’s Wings”. The version the player gains depends on your stats (If INT > STR or DEX = MP, otherwise SP). When cast (Costs 392 SP/522 MP), the player will gain 3 turns of the “Flying” status, BTH Boost (+15 BTH), and Status resistance.
  • In stage 1, the seraph possesses an Elemental Shield (*0 Earth damage, infinite duration), Soft Damage cap, and Defence Boost (+40 MRM, infinite duration).
  • In this stage, the boss follows the attack pattern:

    Wind -> Light -> Light -> Dark -> Repeat

  • The wind attack is a spell that deals additional damage if the player is not “Flying”, and will also attempt to inflict a permanent Fragile on the player*. However, if the player is "Flying", this attack will entirely fail.

    MonsterLvl vs PlayerLvl
    Major: MonsterINT vs PlayerEND
    Minor: MonsterLUK vs PlayerLUK

    *The aerial bombardment shatters your defences, leaving you in a fragile state!
    You manage to avoid the worst of the aerial onslaught!

  • The Light and Darkness attacks will heal the boss’ HP and MP (MP prioritised) based on the damage dealt. These attacks will deal additional damage if the player is “Flying”, and less damage if the player is not.
  • At 50%, the boss shifts to phase 2. It loses its MRM boost, the Earth element shield, and its soft damage cap. It also shifts to a hyper-offensive monster lean (*2 intake/output) and gains a hard damage cap (plot armour). If the boss has >50% of its max MP at this stage, it will use spend it, but nothing will immediately happen. At any point in subsequent turns the boss exceeds 50% MP, it will spend it in a similar fashion.
  • The pattern of attacks now changes:

    Wind/Light -> Light -> Dark/Wind -> Light -> Repeat

  • Each of the Wind/Light and Dark/Wind attacks can attempt to inflict you with Fragile (same save as above)*

    * Your foe’s attack shatters your defences, leaving you in a fragile state!
    You manage to avoid the worst of the magical attack!

  • Each light attack will recover MP. Now, if you’re “Flying”, these attacks will do less damage.
  • At any point in the two attack cycles above, if the boss has enough SP, it will spend it to use a skill which hits for Light/Dark randomly.
  • Once you take the bosses HP to 0, the boss will deal damage to you equivalent to 25% of your max HP multiplied by the number of times it spent half of its MP:

    1 = 25% of your Max HP
    2 = 50% of your Max HP
    3 = 75% of your Max HP
    4+ = 100% of your Max HP

    This attack cannot be avoided, and will kill you before the boss dies.

  • The boss itself looks like a hybrid between a Seraph and a Brilhado. Only two of the Seraph’s 6 wings are real. The other four are composed of light magic.
  • For the Wind Spell, the Seraph creates a large tornado.
  • For the Light and Dark attacks, the Seraph Fires attacks similar to the Blackbones laser, the colour dependent on the element of the attack. The Light/Dark attack has both firing at the same time.
  • In the Light/Wind and Dark/Wind attacks, the boss summons a small tornado with yellow/purple colours depending on the attack.

    Description: Brilhado Seraphs are high ranking Brilhado mages that are capable of integrating powerful Light, Dark, and Wind magics with their race’s trademark strategic preference for aerial dominance and creating surface chaos. Their signature mastery over healing also enables them to heal more, and prevents you from healing at all! To help you in this fight, Warlic has granted you a temporary skill that allows you to compete in the air!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/13/2024 15:58:32 >
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