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RE: CH4OT1C!'s Suggestion Bank

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12/5/2019 14:28:52   

Credits to @Kreem and others in the discord for coming up with the base idea for Disrupt defence and Neuron collapse, which I then added to

Disrupt Defence
MC energy skill/spell that pays damage to randomise your foe's M/R/M. MC is used to reduce the penalty.

Example Tier:
Level: 150 Mastercraft
PowerLvl: 153

Price: 24,205,166
Sellback: 12,102,583
Location: LTS
hits: 1
Element: Energy
Cost: 392sp/490sp/653mp

  • +10 bth lean, so *85/90 damage.
  • The attack deals -10% damage and has a [HitsConnected]*100% chance of attempting to scramble your foe's combat defences (melee/ranged/magic). They can save at a -20 penalty*:

    153 vs Monsterlvl
    YourDEX/INT vs MonsterEND
    YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The shock disrupts your foe's ability to defend themself
    Your foe endures the massive surge of energy!

    Appearance: A massive bolt of blue energy is fired from the player at the monster, dealing the hit of damage.
    Description Launch a massive concentration of energy at your foe, enough to overload and scramble their ability to defend!

    Neuron Collapse
    MC Energy spell. Deals reduced and spends MC to permanently reduce your foe's INT. This effect can stack.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS
    hits: 4
    Element: Energy
    Cost: 653mp

  • The first hit of the spell deals 50% of the damage, with the other three deals 1/6 of the total each.
  • The spell deals -50% damage, and your foe has a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]% chance of of having their INT reduced by 33.3 for 5 turns. Your foe can resist at a +0 bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: PlayerINT vs MonsterEND
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The shock disrupts your foe's neurons, reducing their INT!
    The surge is powerful, but your foe's mind endures!

    Appearance: A pink brain appears over your foe. Lightning strike this brain from the sky, dealing the first hit of damage. Energy then courses through the brain, dealing a further three hits of damage.
    Description Aim a powerful strike of energy-aligned mana directly at your foe's mind! This can cause a brainstorm, permanently reducing your foe's INT!

    Primordial Metamagic: Dissonance
    MC neutral spell that inflicts the infuse effect on the player. MC is spent on a reduced MP cost.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS
    hits: 1
    Element: Energy
    Cost: 261mp

  • Similar to the other Primordial Metamagic skills, this spell is quickcast and inflicts the player with Infuse (Infuse: Dissonance) for one turn. Dissonance causes the damage from spells to receive a /[Attack Element] modifier, approximating pseudo-harm. The attack further receives a *0.9 penalty for being converted to an "Always useful" attack

    Appearance: Glowing purple light concentrates around your hand.
    Description Use this ancient metamagic to change the very nature of your spells! This spell removes the elemental alignment of your other spells, causing them to deal harm damage. However, the process also removes some of their potency, so they will also deal less damage!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/8/2023 18:39:37 >
  • AQ  Post #: 126
    12/5/2019 15:21:24   
    Bu Kek Siansu


    Disrupt Defence
    MC energy skill/spell that pays damage to randomise your foe's M/R/M. MC is used to reduce the penalty.

    A good idea. A skill/spell that can scramble monster's defences.

    How about another skill(SPCost)/spell(MPCost) that can scramble monster's stats (STR/DEX/INT/END/CHA/LUK)?
    Auto-Hit: *0.85 or +10 BTH lean. MC is used to reduce the penalty.
    Post #: 127
    12/5/2019 16:05:30   

    @Bu Kek Siansu: A good idea that @Kreem has already suggested I do on the forums. I'm currently trying to work out the best way to perform that kind of scramble, because it's not quite as simple as the above or a resist scramble
    1). The MRM will increase damage a little because you're essentially scrambling to fit the lower of the Monster's M/R/M to the damage type you output. Therefore, there has to be a cost associated
    2). Resistances don't matter much at all because a player is expected to carry a weapon of every element. Scrambling it just means you use a different element you're expected to have (that's why Rainbow Raygun has a low damage penalty)

    However, a stat scramble matters a lot more because a monster still uses those stats to attack. Permanently swapping INT->STR on a monster that attacks for magic damage/spells is obviously going to cripple it. That means there's a much larger associated cost, and I'm also not sure that I want that scramble to be permanent. In turn, that brings other issues to the board:
    1). Should this be shown through status'? If so, that's a lot of status' to apply to 1 spell
    2). Should this be a hard code onto monster stats (like Pink Brainpoker). If so, can that be temporary?
    AQ  Post #: 128
    12/5/2019 18:59:35   
    Bu Kek Siansu


    However, a stat scramble matters a lot more because a monster still uses those stats to attack. Permanently swapping INT->STR on a monster that attacks for magic damage/spells is obviously going to cripple it.

    There are monsters that can use 2 stats for stat bonuses or even 3 stats for stat bonuses with different attacks (MRM).
    Currently, I cannot provide which monsters they are.

    If you want it to be temporary while it'll take a while for someone who wants a specific stat to be switched.
    I said it, a while for a specific stat to be switched, it can be 30/20/10 turns.

    You'll get killed within the time of 30/20/10 turns you want a specific stat to be switched.
    Instead, just kill the monster ASAP.

    Usually, someone won't use it because it'll take a while for a specific stat to be switched.
    Instead, just kill the monster ASAP.

    It would be a waste of time, I don't think someone wants to use it unless the duration is for 5 turns.
    A duration for 5 turns vs the time & cost used for a specific stat to be switched (30/20/10 turns) * SPCost or MPCost.

    So, I think, a duration for 5 turns would be fair in this case. What do you say/think? :)

    < Message edited by Bu Kek Siansu -- 12/5/2019 21:18:18 >
    Post #: 129
    12/6/2019 7:50:17   


    I'm going to do this on a very simple level, because doing something like this gets complicated fast. Monsters typically invest in 3 stats. Assuming that you randomise stats as they are (i.e. not a true randomisation, more like switching the categories around as with the other randomisation spells), there'd be a 50% chance of retaining investment in a stat the monster requires to deal damage. That's good, because it cuts down cost. The bad news is that the monster would lose a large portion of the damage it deals if it were to fall on the wrong value (e.g. if your monster uses INT for damage and INT becomes END, that's going to be an issue). You're going to lose most of the damage output (so most of 140% melee a turn). Some of this can be counteracted by investment in a different stat (e.g. if they gain END investment, their HP will increase and they will become more bulky). Unfortunately, they may also lose it entirely (CHA is useless except for very specific monsters, like Afterlifex).

    Assuming the worst-case scenario (i.e. they invest in the worst options: A mage with investment in STR, CHA and END) they lose almost all of the damage output for those five turns. With the 50% chance of it not being invested where the monster is supposed to have it, that's roughly (140*0.5)*5 or a cost of 350% melee. It won't be this expensive, but as you can already see, the costs of such a randomiser are going to be really, really large if the duration were five turns. It's also why a permanent effect isn't really feasible -> the cost is just going to be too high. Bear in mind that this also doesn't consider any player damage increases (if the monster is supposed to be dodgy and have high DEX, which is then swapped to CHA...), you've got additional costs to pay.

    I don't disagree with the sentiment per say, because I can see why such a random effect needs some time to make it worthwhile. However, this isn't an ordinary randomised effect, it has the potential to destroy the ability of a monster to both attack and/or defend. Even if I were to increase the save rate and have a +20 bonus (reducing costs by 2/3ds) the results are still going to be expensive.

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 12/6/2019 7:53:01 >
    AQ  Post #: 130
    12/17/2019 8:45:23   

    Iron Bone Club
    MC Earth club. Inflicts the player with a new status effect, "Heavy weapon", which reduces your accuracy but has a chance to cripple your foe

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,582
    Location: LTS
    Damage: -10 bth lean (*85/75 damage)
    Type: Melee
    Element: Earth

  • No special so *1.08 damage
  • MC Effect: +4.25 bth
  • Free Effect: Applies the "Heavy Weapon" status while equipped. This reduces player accuracy and has a chance to reduce your opponent's damage output of "Wind" attacks:

    PowerLvl vs MonsterLvl
    YourSTR vs MonsterDEX
    YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Your foe bears the brunt of the attack, and becomes crippled!
    Your foe barely manages to avoid the full force of the attack!

    Appearance: A gigantic bone club made of shining silver metal.
    Description: The signature weapon of the legendary berserker Ironborn! Although unwieldy, this weapon is heavy enough to wind your foe, reducing the power of their wind attacks!

    Heavy Weapon
    Your weapon is too heavy for you to swing properly! -[x] bth and [y]% chance to wind your foe!

    While active, attacks take -[x] bth and has a [y]% chance to halve enemy damage to Wind attacks. Following calculations for Elemental Disempowerment here:


    [y] = ([x] * 1.176 / 1.4 / [Save] * ( 85 / 85 + [Accuracy Lean] ) / 0.6) / (70 * 0.85) * 100

    1.176 is the conversion modifier from bth to %Melee. /0.6 is an omni-elemental bonus to account for the fact elemental disempowerment affects only 1 element where Choke and other similar statuses affect them all. The above follows the double/half rule if >100%

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 10/18/2023 19:52:42 >
  • AQ  Post #: 131
    1/8/2020 11:52:23   

    Chain Lightning
    MC Energy spell. Deals increased damage per hit of the spell that connects in succession.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS
    hits: 10
    Element: Energy
    Cost: 653mp

    - +10 bth lean (so *85/95 damage)
    - The first hit of the spell deals -[x]% damage. Each time a hit of the spell successfully connects, that hit will do +[y]% damage. This can stack (so a third successful hit will deal +(2*[y])% damage). If a hit misses, the damage will revert to the -[x]% penalty.
    - MC is used for a smaller penalty on the initial hit

    Appearance: A bolt of lightning falls from the sky, hitting your foe. This crackles around your foe repeatedly, dealing the other 9 hits
    Description: This spell calls forth a bolt of lightning that refuses to disperse! The more hits of this spell that land in succession, the more damage it deals!

    Profane Necklace
    MC darkness misc. MC is spent on the compression of a spell

    Price: 30,256,450
    Sellback: 15,128,224
    Location: Limited time shop
    Cost: [x]hp

    - Wear this necklace to have a [# turns equipped]/[#no. turns in battle] chance to collect soul energy when your foe is defeated. The soul energy collected depends on monster power and has the standard buffer effect
    - Click the necklace to cast a spell:

    Profane Prayer
    Use accursed magic to call upon an ancient monstrosity sealed away by the elemental lords. Although the spell may fail, your foe is likely to go mad if it answers your request!

    Cost: 2 souls

    - Quickcast but can only be used once per turn
    - Has a 40% chance for success. If successful, it will deal 90% melee and have a [hitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted] chance to control your foe for 1 turn (renamed to Madness). This cannot be resisted*

    The mere sight of this eldritch abomination has driven your foe temporarily mad!

    Appearance: A simple golden necklace with a deep red gemstone. This turns black when casting the spell. The spell creates a magical seal underneath your foe, before the screen turns black and a single, gruesome eye stares at your foe, dealing the hits. Nothing happens if the spell fails
    Description: Long ago, the Elemental Lords sealed away... something within this necklace. It could only be contained using an ancient type of magic, fuelled by life force rather than mana. You can now use similar magic to momentarily release the creature... just don't gaze upon it yourself!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 1/8/2020 12:04:29 >
    AQ  Post #: 132
    1/13/2020 14:06:13   

    Stone Serpent Bow
    MC Earth bow. Poisons enemies with attacks, and compresses a skill that can consume poison to leave them paralysed.

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 48,410,333
    Sellback: 24,205,166
    Location: LTS
    Damage: +5 BTH Lean (*85/90 damage)
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Earth

  • 100-proc without a true special (*1.1 damage to compensate).
  • Attacks deal -50% damage and attempt to Poison the monster (Power: 50 / 0.5 / 10 * ( 85 / 90) / 3 = 3.15, 3 turns). This can be resisted at a +0 bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourDEX vs MonsterDEX
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The venom-tipped arrows poison your foe!
    Your foe manages to avoid being poisoned by the venom-tipped arrows!

  • MC Effect: Compresses a skill that costs nothing to use. Consumes up to 200% Melee Poison to deal additional damage. If the monster does not possess 'Freedom' and >=140*0.85% Melee Poison is on the monster, the skill will convert that into Paralysis (renamed to 'Neurotoxin'). This has no save*.

    *The stone snake's neurotoxin leaves your foe partially petrified!

    Appearance: This sort of shape. The main arch of the bow is formed from a snake, with stone-like scales. The top of the bow curves up into the snakes head, with glowing green eyes. The snake opens its mouth if the skill is activated.
    Description: This bow is shaped like a rare stone snake! The arrows it fires can be infused with powerful venoms and neurotoxins, which can leave your foe both poisoned and paralysed!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 11/25/2024 11:08:27 >
  • AQ  Post #: 133
    1/18/2020 13:28:27   

    MC Fire spell with three options. You can choose to use soul energy to either deal increased damage or heal based on the damage dealt.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150
    PowerLvl: 153
    MPLvl: 152

    Price: 72,615,500
    Sellback: 36,307,750
    Location: Limited time shop, GGB shop
    Element: Fire
    Hits: [See Effect]
    Cost: [See Effect]

  • MC Effect: Each use of the spell provides 1*[MonsterPower] soul energy. This can be used to boost the potency of the spell [see below]
  • Upon activating the spell, a GUI is opened with 3 possible options, alongside "Cancel". Using this button takes you back to the battle menu:

    1). Conflagrate
    Unleash your flames without infusing them with soul energy!
    Cost: 653 MP
    Hits: 3
    The default option. +0 bth lean.

    2). Desolate
    Infuse soul energy into the pyre, boosting the strength of your inferno!
    Cost: 653 MP + 5 soul energy
    Hits: 4
    The spell deals +25% damage. +0 bth lean

    3). Rebirth
    Infuse a large amount of soul energy into the flames, allowing them to manifest life-renewing properties
    Cost: 653 MP + 10 soul energy
    Hits: 4
    The spell deals +25% damage and the player heals for 20% of the damage done

    4). Spirit Anchor
    Spend a turn gathering soul energy!
    You gain 7.5*[MonsterPower] soul energy. Lucky strikes hit your foe for fire damage*

    *Lucky blaze

    Appearance: Runic symbols appear on the grounder underneath your foe. Flames burst forth from the ground, dealing the four hits of damage. These flames are orange/red with the standard "Conflagrate" option, purple with the "Desolate" option, and blue with the "Rebirth" option
    Description: Draw upon an ancient form of fire magic that can be fuelled with life force just as easily as mana. If you sacrifice of soul energy, the fires will become even more destructive. Sacrifice even more, and they will revitalise your own life force!

    Transmogrified Barrier
    MC Energy shield. Can be toggled to switch between defending against Melee/Magic attacks.

    Price: 48,410,333
    Sellback: 24,205,166
    Location: Limited-Time Shop

    Melee: [See Effect]
    Ranged: +0
    Magic: [See Effect]
    Energy: -24%

  • Focus on M/R/M defence
  • MC Effect: Toggle between multiple shield options. One maximises Melee, one Ranged, and one Magic defence

    Appearance: In "melee defence" mode, the shield takes the shape of a towering barrier, not unlike Tectonic tower shield. Blue electricity constantly crackles across the shield. It also has a light blue colour scheme. When transitioning to "magic defence" mode, the shield will glow white and change shape. This mode looks closer to Frostval merc's reflexes in shape and colour. Around this shield are several glowing barriers, similar to those seen on the Circle of Doom. This also crackles with blue electricity.
    Description: Although Warlic has always had an aptitude for magic, he was less... accurate as a student. This shield was the unlucky victim of a transmogrification spell, originally intended for an Axiomatic Chipmunk. Fortunately, this is a very happy accident for you. You can click the shield to transmogrify it, defending against either Melee or Magic attacks!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/9/2023 20:13:11 >
  • AQ  Post #: 134
    1/18/2020 15:09:40   
    Primate Murder


    MC is used to increase damage by a further +5%
    MC is used to increase the damage by a further +2.5% (as you get the healing benefit too)

    Isn't the MC used to gain Souls? I mean, otherwise you gain a free 50-100% melee bonus.
    AQ DF  Post #: 135
    1/18/2020 16:21:46   

    Completely overlooked that, fixed!
    AQ  Post #: 136
    1/25/2020 17:09:29   

    Flutterby Effect
    MC Harm spell. Deals reduced damage and attempts to inflict your foe with a renamed Spiritual seed. MC goes into increased chance of infliction.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150
    PowerLvl: 153
    MPLvl: 152

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: Limited time shop, GGB shop
    Element: Harm
    Hits: 3
    Cost: 653 MP

  • Harm damage, so takes a *0.9 "always useful" penalty.
  • deals -90% damage (162% Melee). The player then attempts to inflict a 3 turn Spiritual Seed, renamed to "The Flutterby Effect" (Power = 162 / 0.5 / 100 * (85 / 85 ) = 3.24, 3 rounds). Your foe can resist at a +0 bonus*

    Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The powers of Chaos mean that even a single beat of a Flutterby's wing can do untold damage!
    **A seed of chaotic energy is implanted within your foe!
    The chaotic seed within your foe is enhanced!
    Your avoid manages to avoid being implanted with a seed of chaotic energy!

  • MC Effect: Save is -20, rather than +0

    Appearance: A giant iridescent purple Butterfly appears in the centre of the screen. On its wings are 2 green eye spots, reminiscent of the Eye of chaos. It then beats its wing, dealing the damage.
    Description: When imbued with the powers of Chaos, even the single beat of a Flutterby's wing can wreak havoc upon anyone unlucky enough to get too close. This spell enables you to do just that. The wingbeat can sow a seed of anarchic energy within your foe. Given time, it will grow and explode outwards, dealing high levels of damage!

    Augment senses
    MC neutral skill. Deals no damage, but will ensure your pets and guests will automatically hit for 2 turns. MC goes into reduced cost.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150
    PowerLvl: 153
    MPLvl: 152

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583

    Location: Limited time shop, GGB shop
    Element: Neutral (see effect)
    Hits: [see effect]
    Cost: 431 SP

  • Neutral spell so receives *1.1 cost as an "always useful" penalty.
  • Pets + Guests gain 100 / 5 * 4.25 / 4 * (0.5 + 0.5 * [CHA] / [ExpectedCHA]) = +21.25 bth for 4 rounds. This is applied as a new status effect, "Heightened Companion Senses".

    Appearance: Your pet/guest glows with golden energy. Scent lines emanate from your foe, and move towards them.
    Description: Using this technique, you can spend some of your energy to temporarily height the senses of your companions. This means that they'll hit regardless of where your foe chooses to hide!

    Heightened Companion Senses
    Your companions senses have been augmented! Able to strike at your foe with increased accuracy!

    +[x] bth to pet and guest attacks.

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 10/18/2023 20:07:16 >
  • AQ  Post #: 137
    2/18/2020 12:31:58   

    S.M.O.K.E Machine
    MC Wind misc. Has a quickcast effect to apply a smokescreen which changes the bth lean of you and your foe for 5 rounds

    Example Tier
    level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 30,256,459
    Sell: 15,128,229
    Location: Limited-Time shop.
    Cost: [x]sp

  • Provides *0.5 Wind resistance and +50 DEX
  • MC Effect: Compresses a quickcast skill

    Cost: 196 SP
    This skill applies a -20bth lean to both you and your foe for 5 turns (*85/65 damage). You can retry if your foe successfully saves, but you cannot stack it once inflict. The save is at a -20 bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: PlayerDEX vs MonsterDEX
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Smoke covers the battlefield, making it hard for you and your foe to see!
    Your foe deftly avoids the malfunctioning machine!

    Appearance: A smoke machine, similar to one that you'd see at a party
    Description: Kamui Magitek industries is proud to present the S.M.O.K.E machine V.0.0.1! Although still in Beta development, this brilliant new invention guarantees to liven up any party! Side effects may include resistance to Wind attacks and enhanced DEX. Warning: Tampering with the S.M.O.K.E machine may result in excess smoke production...

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/8/2023 18:38:46 >
  • AQ  Post #: 138
    2/24/2020 12:55:32   

    Accursed Marionette strings
    MC Darkness Ranged/Magic weapon. Can toggle between ranged "bleed" mode and magic "control" mode

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 48,410,333
    Sellback: 24,205,166
    Location: Limited-Time shop
    Damage: Ranged/Magic (toggle, see effect)
    Proc: 100%
    Element: Darkness

  • 100-proc with the lack of a "true" special, so *1.1 damage
  • Standard proc is 3 hits. +5bth lean, so *85/90 damage
  • You can click the weapon to toggle between ranged and magic mode*. In magic mode, you deal *0.75 damage (as is standard). You deal a further -50% damage in both modes. MC pays for this toggle ability (treated as 2 weapons compressed into 1).
  • In magic mode, you have a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]*62.5*0.75% chance to attempt to inflict your foe with Controlled (1 round, 100% chance of inaction)**. Your foe can resist at a +0 bonus:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterDEX
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

  • in ranged mode, you have a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]% chance of attempting to inflict your foe with Bleed* (equal to a standard melee attack). Your foe can resist at a +0 bonus:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourDEX vs MonsterDEX
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *You awaken the accursed magic within your Marionette strings!
    You feel the accursed magic within your Marionette strings dissipate!
    **The Marionette strings enable you to control your foe's movements!
    Your foe deftly avoids the cursed strings!
    ***The razor sharp Marionette strings lacerate your foe!
    Your foe deftly avoids the razor sharp strings!

    Appearance: A set of ordinary marionette strings, tapered at the end (where they would have once attached to a puppet). In magic mode, the strings glow dark purple. When attacking, the strings string towards your foe from all directions, dealing the three hits of damage
    Description: Inside this set of marionette strings lies an ancient and dark curse. You can choose to either let that curse loose upon your unsuspecting for, or simply use the razor sharp wires to lacerate them instead

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/10/2023 20:45:26 >
  • AQ  Post #: 139
    3/22/2020 15:33:34   

    Griffin's Wing
    MC Quickcast Wind spell. Does no damage, useable once per battle. Makes you take 1% damage from Earth damage for 1 round.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS

    hits: [See Effect]
    Element: Wind
    Cost: 224 SP

  • You gain "Invulnerability" (renamed Elemental Shield) to Earth attacks (*0.01 damage, 1 round).
  • Useable once per battle
  • Cost is ( 140 * 0.85 ) *0.9 - 50 = 57.1% Melee, or 224 SP. *0.9 comes from MC, reduces the cost of the skill.

    Appearance: A pair of golden Griffin wings appear over the player, before gradually fading away
    Description Use this powerful once-per-battle skill and temporarily grant yourself the power of flight! This allows you nullify the effects of any Earth attack that might come your way!

    Neutralise Spell
    MC neutral spell. Deals no damage, but can temporarily make you invulnerable to any spell your foe casts:

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS

    hits: [See Effect]
    Element: Neutral
    Cost: 653mp and 129sp

    - This spell deals no damage. When cast, your opponent makes a save, at a +0 bonus*:

    PwrLvl vs Monsterlvl
    YourINT vs MonsterCHA
    YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    - If it fails, you gain "Spell Invulnerability"* to each of the standard elements for two rounds.
    - Cost-wise: A standard enemy turn is worth 140% melee, *2 to 280% for two turns of protection. Furthermore a /0.6 omnielement penalty is also given (I didn't think /0.9 "always useful" penalty was potent enough, given there are no restrictions on multiple use). This cost is then halved due to the save. The final cost comes to 140*2/0.6/2 = 233% melee. 200% comes from MP, with the remaining 33% coming from SP. This results in a final cost of 653mp and 129sp

    *Your foe's spells are neutralised!
    You are unable to neutralise your foe's spells!

    Appearance: The Archmage Research mana concentration animation plays, before being shattered and the mana dispersed in all directions.
    Description: This counter spell renders you temporarily invulnerable to the damaging effects of any other elementally-aligned spell!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/28/2023 5:49:49 >
  • AQ  Post #: 140
    4/2/2020 12:57:52   

    Broken Reflection
    MC FO Light FD Armour. Passively applies caltrops.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft (scales)
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 48,410,333 Gold
    Sellback: 24,205,166 Gold
    Location: UR GGB

    Combat Modifiers:
    Melee: 45
    Magic: 45

    Elemental Modifiers:
    Fire: 65%
    Water: 75%
    Ice: 65%
    Wind: 50%
    Earth: 75%
    Energy: 50%
    Light: 39%
    Darkness: 90%

  • You gain the FD Armour Lean (*0.8 output/intake).
  • Enemy attacks deal +10/1.4% damage. The player is permanently affected with Caltrops ([Weapon Element] Element, 1 turn). This is reapplied after the armour attack. Power is worth 10% Melee. This is subject to a save at a +0 bonus:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourSTR/DEX/INT vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

  • MC Effect: Caltrops deal +12.5% damage (halved due to the armour applying caltrops at base).

    Appearance: Essentially a darker and cracked version of Reflecting Plate. If possible, the armour colouration could slightly distort based on the colours of the enemy monster
    Description: This armour is made up of thousands of enchanted mirrors, which can redirect some of the damage your enemy deals right back to them!

    Edge of Malice
    MC Darkness Rapier. Has two modes, focusing on damage and inflicting bleed. MC changes depending upon the mode.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 48,410,333
    Sellback: 24,205,166
    Location: LTS/UR GGB

    Damage: Melee/Magic Toggle (click the hilt to switch)
    Proc: 0%
    Element: Darkness
    Lean: +3bth (*85/88 damage)

  • No special, so *1.08 damage.
  • This weapon has two different modes, 'Damage' and 'Bleed'.

    1). Damage mode: MC is +7.5% damage if the enemy is bleeding
    2). Bleed mode (blade begins to glow purple): The weapon deals -25% damage and attempts to inflict a Bleed (harm element). The mastercraft is also used here. Here I assume Bleed power 1 is 10% of a standard melee attack, and that a standard bleed is assumed to last 2 rounds. This status roll also has a 50% save against infliction, so:

    Accounting for Duration and save: 30/2*2 = ...30
    Converting to bleed power: 30/10 = Power 3

    Similar to Alchemical Unity, this is modified by Actual/Expected damage:

    3*([Damage]/[Expected Melee Damage]

    Your opponent can save (on a per hit basis)* at a +0 bonus:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourSTR/INT vs MonsterEND (depends on Melee/Magic toggle)
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *[li]Your foe's wound bleeds!
    Your foe endures the Malicious strike

    Appearance: A dark version of Maurinelle's Melody with a bright purple gem embedded in the hilt of the weapon.
    Description: With a disturbed mind of its own, this Rapier longs to spread suffering far and wide. You can choose to suppress that will... or allow it to drag out the fight, repeatedly striking at your foe to inflict deep, lacerating wounds!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 10/30/2024 20:54:50 >
  • AQ  Post #: 141
    4/13/2020 13:21:42   

    Succubus Ring
    MC darkness misc. Can heal your HP when you attack sleeping foes. Contains a skill that consumes sleep to heal your MP

    Price: 30,256,450
    Sellback: 15,128,224
    Location: Limited-Time Shop
    Cost: [x] MP

  • Provides x0.5 Dark Resistance and +50 INT
  • When you attack, you heal 10% of damage dealt against sleeping foes. *4/3 for Magic weapons and *0.5 for Spells/Skills
  • MC Effect: Compresses a skill:

    Consume Dreams
    Feed on your foe's dreams to heal your MP! This will also wake them up!

  • This skill has no cost and is quickcast. It automatically fails if your foe isn't inflicted with Sleep
  • Consumes sleep and you heal 140*0.85*[ExpectDuration]% Melee in MP. .

    Appearance: A simple silver ring with a gemstone that cycles between red and black.
    Description: This ring was forged through an alliance between the demons of heck and the denizens of the nightmare realm. You can use it to feed on your foe's dreams, restoring your energy. You can strike your sleeping foe to recover your HP, or consume their dream entirely and heal your MP!

    Potent Moonlight
    MC light spell that can burn your foe. Deals additional damage if you are a werewolf.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153
    MPLvl: 152

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS/Werewolf subrace shop
    hits: 8
    Element: Light
    Cost: 653 MP

  • Spell normally deals *0.95 damage and deals *1.075 damage if you're a Werewolf.
  • MC Effect: Inflicts your foe with a Burn(Power: 1, 2 rounds). This can be resisted at a +0 bonus*:

    PwrLvl vs Monsterlvl
    YourINT vs MonsterEND
    YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    **Your foe is burned by the concentrated moonlight!
    Although the moonlight is intense, your foe manages to endure!

    Appearance: A moon appears above the player, before yellow light erupts from it, directed at your foe.
    Description This spell, kept secret until now by the few mages within Constantin's pack, allows you to concentrate moonlight and fire it at your foe. The blast causes massive amounts of light damage and can even leave your foe with burns! However, this high-level technique is extremely difficult for new wolves to master given their newfound feral impulses...

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/28/2023 5:45:03 >
  • AQ  Post #: 142
    4/21/2020 15:46:43   

    Edge of the Impure Spring
    MC Water Rapier. Deals less damage and uses its No-proc and MC bonuses to afflict your foe with a potent water element poison.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: Limited-Time Shop. Golden Giftboxes

    Damage: Melee/Magic (toggle)
    Type: +3bth lean (*85/88 damage)
    Element: Water
    Special: 0-Proc

    - No special, but doesn't get the standard *1.08 damage (see below)
    - The weapon deals a further -15% damage and uses its MC and *1.08 bonus to attempt to inflict your opponent with Poison (1.12 Power*, 5 round). The potency of this poison is modified by expected damage and becomes weaker over the course of the battle. Your foe can resist at a +0 bonus:

    PwrLvl vs Monsterlvl
    YourINT vs MonsterEND
    YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    - Here, I assume power 1 poison equates to 10% of a standard melee attack:
    - Potency = ((1*1.5)+(1*0.5))*1.4*2/5*([Damage Dealt]/[Expected Melee Damage])*(1.15-(0.03*[ExpectedDuration])
    - [ExpectedDuration] = (according to this post) is 10 * (sqrt(MonsterPower)/MonsterLean) * (1 + (END/200)) ]. This expected duration has a minimum value of 0.85
    - ((1*1.5)+(1*0.5))*1.4*2/5 = 1.12 power for 5 rounds
    - The 1.4 comes from 1.08*5. This is because this weapon's poison is worth 20% melee rather than the standard 100% of a player attack. A simple *1.08 would therefore be worth 20*1.08 = 21.6 or 1.6% melee

    Appearance: A simple silver rapier. From about half way up the blade, the colour changes to that of dirty water.
    Description: This rapier, infused with water from a tainted spring, can poison anything... or anyone... that the blade comes into contact with. Although the accumulation of impurities weakens the poison's virulence over time, the toxin is still potent enough to deal considerable damage!

    Primordial Metamagic: Conversion Construct
    MC neutral spell. You temporarily pay MP instead of SP when using skills.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: Limited-Time Shop / Golden Giftboxes
    hits: 0 (see effect)
    Element: Neutral
    Cost: Nothing (see effect)

    - I've considered two ways of approaching this spell. Ideally, I would prefer the first way. However, I feel like the second might be more realistic. In both methods, the spell is quickcast, and the MC is used to reduce the non-elemental cost penalty of the effect:

    Method #1
    - This effect applies for 1 turn. When you cast a skill with a cost of [x] SP, you will actually lose [x]*0 SP. Instead, it will cost [x]*1.5/1.125*1.05 MP (which includes the MP -> SP conversion and *1.05 non-elemental penalty (minus the MC bonus)).
    - I see two major issues with this:

    1). Unsure if you could allow casting with insufficient SP
    2). What about quickcast skills? How would these work.

    For those reasons, I also put forward...

    Method #2
    - Casting this skill will apply two status effects, each lasting for 1 turn.
    - The first status effect, titled "Regain Energy"*, will regenerate [x] SP after you cast a skill
    - The second effect, titled "Mana conversion"* will drain [x]*1.5/1.125*1.05 MP from the player at the end of the attack. If the player has insufficient mana, this will directly overflow into HP without MP->HP conversion.
    - Alternatively, if you can't base the effect on the cost of the skill, it could instead be balanced similar to the Regain mana effect.
    - Addressing the issues from above:

    1). It overflows to HP
    2). This wouldn't apply to quickcast skills

    *Description reads: Regain SP equal to the cost of a skill of the level of the effect when you next use a skill.

    Appearance: A bright white magical seal appears on the floor underneath the player, similar to that seen when gaining the spell-boost bonus from the Insightful Armour of Awe. White orbs travel from the player into this seal, before it fades away.
    Description: By channelling mana into this ancient spell template, you can harness it to fuel your skills without needing to utilise your SP reserves!
    AQ  Post #: 143
    4/27/2020 14:31:01   

    A long while ago, @Yozai suggested that I create a tome based on Dragons, so...

    Grimoire of the Tarragon
    MC Earth tome. Provides access to a number of skills, each of which is scaled based on your CHA

    Example Tier
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153
    MPlvl: 152

    Price: 72,615,500
    Sellback: 36,307,750
    Location: Limited-Time shop, then maybe a Cyrus-related quest?

    - If spells are disabled, the weapon performs a "wand" attack

    Proc: 0% (only if spells disabled)
    Element: Earth
    - Deals *0.75 of a standard Melee attack and takes CHA for stat bonuses

    - When attacking, a GUI is brought up with different options. All of the following skills also use CHA for stat bonuses:

    1. Breath of the Earth Dragon
    They say that Elder Earth Dragons can move mountains with a single breath. This spell lets you see how much dirt they can move on top of your foe!
    -> The tome summons a large earth dragon, which proceeds to breathe fire and launch large boulders/mounds of earth at your foe

    Cost: 490SP
    Element: Earth
    Hits: 4

    - The spell deals -42% damage. After the attack ends, your foe is automatically inflicted with Earthen Shackles (this is treated as a renamed Sleep. The status functions similar to the one inflicted by the Earthen Fist boss). Every turn, your foe makes a save at a +20 bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourCHA vs MonsterDEX
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Your foe is trapped under huge mounds of earth!
    Your foe manages to escape!

    - Balance-wise: Similar statuses are treated as 2-turn paralysis effects. A monster turn is worth 140% melee and so, with a +20 save:
    140*2*0.3 = 84% melee.
    200-(84/2) = 116%. The Skill deals 116% melee damage.

    2. Call Juvenile Earth Dragon
    Call a young Earth Dragon to your side, fuelled with your energy (SP)!

    - This summons a Juvenile Earth Dragon guest, which has the appearance of a small earth dragon. Upkeep: 86sp per turn
    - This guest has two modes:
    i). Bite Attack: The standard bite animation of an Earth dragon. This deals 1 hit of Earth damage. Nothing special otherwise.
    ii). The Earthen Breath attack: The standard animation of Dragon breath. This causes 2 hits of Earth damage. The attack deals -25% damage and has a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted] chance to attempt to inflict your foe with Choke (-21.4 *[HitsConnected]/2*{EarthResistance]% effectiveness, 1 round). They can save at a +/-0 bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourCHA vs MonsterDEX
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Your foe is weakened by falling earth!
    Your foe deftly avoids the falling debris!

    - Balance-wise: Guests are assumed to deal 60% melee damage. Assuming a 25% penalty and +0 save roll:
    60*0.25*2 = 30% Melee. A monster turn is worth 140% melee, so...
    30/1.4 = -21.4% damage.

    3. Dragon's Hide
    Use this efficient skill to temporarily make your hide as tough as that of an Earth Dragon!
    -> A barrier made of dragon hide forms between you and your foe, before fading away.

    Cost: 490sp
    Element: Neutral

    - This skill deals no damage. Instead, it gives you the "Dragon Hide" status effect, a renamed Damage reduction (Used on Mutant Egg and Grakma Hide shield).
    - This reduces damage by -66-67*[CHA]/[ExpectedCHA] for 2 turns (caps at *1.1). You can use the effect up to twice per round.
    - This is affected by the standard buffer (to prevent misuse of lower levelled items).

    - Balance wise: This is a quickcast skill and so worth 125% Melee. Grakma hide uses only its MC (worth 5% melee) to reduce incoming damage by 7. As the skill automatically hits and is "Always useful" it gets further *0.9*0.85 penalties. Evenly spread over 2 turns, this is:
    7/5*125*0.9*0.85/2 = 66.9375, rounded stochastically per use.

    4. Draconic Meditation
    Focus your mind and recharge your energy reserves!

    - regenerate 294sp*

    You regenerate 294sp!

    Appearance: A simple, worn brown leather book with the silhouette of a dragon's head on the front
    Description: This tome is a gift from Cyrus to thank you for your help following the second coming of (the previous) War! The pages inside are filled with numerous spells designed to help friends of (earth) dragons!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 4/27/2020 18:16:26 >
    AQ  Post #: 144
    4/30/2020 15:06:22   

    Wildfire Staff/Wand
    MC Fire Staff/Wand. Each have 2 modes, with MCs varying depending on the mode.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 48,410,332
    Sellback: 24,205,166
    Location: Limited-Time shop/Golden Giftboxes.

    Damage: 0 bth lean
    Type: Magic
    Element: Fire
    Special: 0-proc (Staff) / 100-proc (Wand)

    - The Staff is a 0-proc weapon, so *1.08 damage
    - The Wand is a 100-proc weapon with no true special, so *1.1 damage (Standard attack is 2 hits with 0 bth lean).
    - This weapon has two modes, which you can select between by clicking the gem*:

    1). Firewall mode
    - This mode deals -25% damage.
    - After your attack, you will gain a "Wall of fire" effect, similar to the barrier of Birthday cupcake. The barrier is worth 30/1.4*0.6% of the damage you inflicted. This effect can stack with itself, but not other barriers.

    2). Wildfire mode
    - This mode also deals -25% damage.
    - After your attack, you will receive the "Wildfire" status effect (a renamed caltrops, Fire element, 0.54*([Damage]/[ExpectedMeleeAttack])*[Buffer]/0.85 Power for 1 round) .
    - Similar to the original status, this damage is calculated based on your DEX. Your foe can save at a +0 bonus:

    Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourDEX vs MonsterDEX
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    - Balance-wise: Here, I assume a Power 1 caltrops deals the damage of an expected melee attack. Monster only hits 85% of the time so /0.85. The damage penalty and MC make this worth 30% melee, combined with the *0.9 always useful harm penalty (not sure whether I should add this, but I'll do it anyway)...

    0.3*1*0.9*2 = 0.54

    *Click to have your staff generate a wall of fire around you when you attack, shielding you from harm!
    Click to have your staff set fires around your foe when you attack, damaging them if they try to harm you!

    Appearance: A gnarled wooden staff, embedded with a red gem. Flames spring from the top of the staff. In "Fire Wall" mode, a red circular structure similar to that on the hilt of Zealot's wrath encompasses the flames. In "Wildfire" mode, this structure fades away, and flaming particles jump outwards (like the particles of the molten beast monster)
    Description: This staff/wand enables you to harness the power of wildfire! When attacking, you can decide to either set fire traps around your foe, or generate a wall of flames to protect yourself from harm!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 6/13/2020 15:41:41 >
    AQ  Post #: 145
    5/12/2020 6:07:04   

    Slime Barrier
    MC Water shield that heals your HP based on the damage your foe deals.

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: Limited-Time Shop

    Water: -26%

  • MC effect is used to heal you whenever your foe hits you. This heal is equivalent to 5/1.4/0.85*([DamageIntake]/([Player HP]/20))% of your foe's attack. For example, a Level 150 Player with 0 END took a hit of 500 damage from a monster. As a result, you would heal:

    500*(0.05/1.4/0.85*(500/(2958/20)) = 71hp

    Appearance: A ball of blue slime!
    Description: This shield, made out of an unknown squishy substance, has the ability to absorb some of the force of any attack you endure. It will then use the energy it stored to heal you based on the damage done!
    EDIT: Minor suggested update here

    Draw of the Void
    MC Neutral spell. Deals no damage, but applies a status effect that damages your foe whenever they miss, healing your SP in the process

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150
    PowerLvl: 153
    MPLvl: 152

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: Limited time shop, GGB shop
    Element: Neutral (See effect
    Hits: 0
    Cost: 490sp

    - This skill is quickcast.
    - The skill applies a new status effect on the player, named "Pull of the Void" (Power = 2*(0.5+0.5*[DEX/ExpectedDEX]), Duration = 3 turns). [DEX]/[ExpectedDEX] has a maximum value of *1.1, and the scaling is subject to the standard level buffer. Additionally, this effect CANNOT be stacked. Whenever your foe misses, they will make a save at a -20 bonus:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourDEX vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    If they fail this roll, they will take damage and you will heal SP based on the damage done (See below).

    - Balance-wise: The "Pull of the void" status effect has a potency system similar to that of Bleed or Poison. Here, a power of 1 is worth 10% of a standard melee attack. This receives a /0.15 in compensation because the effect does nothing if your foe hits (assumed 85% accuracy), as well as a *0.9 "always useful" penalty.

    This particular skill costs 490sp to use, worth 125% melee. This is spread evenly across 3 turns, each equating to 41.6% melee. Potency is increased by *10/7 because only a 70% success rate (the save) = 59.4% melee. This then takes a further *0.9 "always useful" penalty = 53.46% melee, equating to power 5.346 for 3 turns.

    The damage for this is calculated as (Potency/10)/0.15/1.4*0.5*100/[HitsAttempted]% of expected damage intake, calculated using ([Player HP]/20). For example, if a foe missed against a 0 END Level 150 player whilst this skill was active, your foe would take (5.3/10)/0.15/1.4*0.5*100% of (2958/20) = 186hp damage, and you would heal 186*1.125 = 209sp. When considering this, bear in mind that your foe must miss for this to be effective.

    Appearance: The silhouette of a void dragon appears, similar to that seen when using Dragonslayer aura.
    Description: You've managed to mimic the way that void dragons can draw life force from their foe whenever they miss. Now, you can use it to capitalise on whenever YOUR foe misses instead!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 9/3/2024 5:42:48 >
  • AQ  Post #: 146
    5/16/2020 14:21:08   

    A long while ago, @gavers asked me to suggest a sword with... a little twist. I finally got round to doing it!

    MC Hammer
    MC Earth Hammer/Sword. Pays HP and MC to attempt to inflict your foe with Daze

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,582
    Location: LTS, then an April Fools quest?
    Damage: -5 bth lean (*85/80 damage)
    Type: Melee
    Element: Earth

  • No-proc so *1.08 damage
  • You pay 15% Melee in HP (52 HP) and have a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]% chance to Daze your foe (35.7% chance of inaction, 1 round). Your foe can resist at a +0 bonus*:

    PowerLvl vs MonsterLvl
    YourSTR vs MonsterEND
    YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The strike leaves your foe dazed!
    Your foe endures the blunt force of your.... hilt?

  • Balance-wise: HP cost + MC = 20% Melee total. This equates to a 20 / 0.5 / 1.4 / 0.85 * (85 / 80) % chance of Daze for 1 round.

    Appearance: This, but you hold the blade rather than the hilt

    I was also asked to create more charge spells by @Yozai, so...

    Primordial Magic: Quasar Burst
    MC light spell that takes 2 turns to charge, unleashing damage on the third hit. During those two turns, you foe becomes more likely to miss you

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153
    MpLevel: 152

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS
    hits: 4
    Element: Light
    Cost: 653 MP

  • 3-turn spell, deals (200 + 75 + 75)*1.01 = 353.5% Melee total on the third turn. No access to the GUI during this time
  • During this time, the player gains the "Glowing" status effect (renamed Defence Boost, +12 MRM). Costs 60% Melee total.
  • MC Effect: *1.05 damage

    Appearance: The player begins to glow bright blue, increasing in brightness as on the second turn. On the third turn, a huge pulse of blue light erupts from the player and strikes the monster, dealing the four hits of damage.
    Description: When early mages first experimented with spells, they took a considerable amount of time performing each. As one of those attempts, this spell enables you to concentrate such huge amounts of light-aligned mana, your enemy will find it hard to even glance your way. When released, the resulting beam is brilliant enough to compare to the sun (and deals incredible amounts of damage too!)

    EDIT: Also updated Dream Devourer to work similar to items like Royal/Regal void charge, based on save rolls. I've also made minor updates to Curse of the veil, Bone-chilling blast, Lich Orb and a more major update to Unstable chaos staff, which now applies the "Chaos theory" status effect and can chaorrupt your foe.

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/28/2023 5:39:44 >
  • AQ  Post #: 147
    5/21/2020 10:52:01   

    Switching things up for a change, I decided to do a collaborative suggestion with @zekefreed777. It was a lot of fun to come up with this one, so thanks to him for the help! You can find his work on the first half of the Dracomancer skillset here:

    Dracomancer Armour
    [See here for armour stats and other abilities]

    - The level 6-10 class abilities are:

    6). Dragon Prayer
    Call upon the Great Dragon Kethorat to strike at your foe with damage they can't resist! Be aware though, Kethorat is finicky, and may deny your request!
    Cost: 392SP (if Melee/Ranged) or 490SP (If magic)

    - This attack deals three hits of harm damage (animation shows Kethorat being summoned and breathing fire onto the enemy).
    - This is treated as a pet/guest attack with the appropriate boosters/damage bonuses. The attack damage scales based on your CHA
    - Furthermore, the skill has a 15-(1*[DracomancerLevel]% chance of failure. To compensate, the attack deals +1.1% damage and lacks the -10% "always useful" penalty
    - Balance-wise: The chance of failure (averaged to 10%) means 200% this 200% melee is spread over the remaining 90% chance of success. 200/9 = 22.2%, or 11.1% skill damage. This is used to remove the 10% penalty for always useful, with 1.1% left over to boost the skill further.

    7). Call Bob.
    Lord Cyrus has allowed you to make use of his personal Pet Wyvern, Bob, whenever you wish!

    - Quickcast Call spell that summons "Bob" the wyvern as a guest. Costs SP to maintain. Casting again will dismiss Bob
    - Click Bob to select between two modes, "Poison" (tail glows) and "Cyclone" (nothing unusual)
    - In "Poison" mode, Bob deals 1 hit of damage, with a -50% penalty. It has a [Hitsconnected]% chance of attempting to inflict Poison (purple element, 1.8 power, 3 turns). Your foe can resist at a +0 bonus*:

    PowerLvl vs MonsterLvl
    YourCha vs MonsterCHA
    YourLUK vs Monster LUK

    *Bob's venomous bite poisons your foe!
    Your foe resists the poison!

    - In "Cyclone" mode, Bob charges up a whirlwind, unleashing it as a 1-hit attack on the second turn for increased damage

    - Balance-Wise:Guests are worth 60% melee, and assuming a Power 1 poison is worth 10% melee, this is worth 0.5*6*2*0.9/3 = 1.8 power poison for 3 turns. It takes a 0.9 harm penalty (already included in the figure. The "Cyclone" attack deals x2*1.01 damage due to only attacking every two turns, plus compensation (x1.01)

    8). Impenetrable hide
    Your draconic friends have taught you the secret to making your skin just as hard as theirs is!

    - Toggle ability that costs 110SP per turn to maintain
    - While active, the Neutral armour lean is removed in favour of the "Defensive Dragon" lean, applying a x1.0 output and x0.8 damage intake.

    - Balance-wise: Reducing enemy damage by 20% requires a cost of 20*1.4% melee in SP. 392*0.2*1.4 = 109.8SP.

    9). Animal Instinct
    Your Dracomancy training enables you to better understand the thoughts of your companions. Coordinate with them, putting yourself at risk so that they can strike your foe at their weakest!

    - Toggle Ability that boosts the damage output of your pets and guests by 25%. In return, you take an additional 25/1.4% damage. This costs a small amount of SP to maintain, reduced to zero if either your pet or guest is tagged as a "Dragon"

    - Balance-wise: The damage boost is balanced by the increased intake, meaning no SP cost is really necessary. However, I decided to include one just because it felt appropriate.

    10). Half Dragon Form
    Focus your Dracomantic skills to temporarily take the form of a Half-Dragon Hybrid!
    Cost: 255SP per turn, taken at the start of each turn. If you lack the necessary SP, you automatically revert to normal form, and the form becomes inaccessible for that turn.

    - Quickcast beast form transformation ability, similar to the subraces.
    - Your attack animations change whilst in this form
    1). Stab attack. 2 hits, each with a +3 bth lean (*85/88 damage). *2/3 damage overall
    2). Electric attack. 1 hit of +10 bth lean (*85/95 damage). *4/3 damage overall

    - While this form is active, you gain the "Draconic" Tag. Your armour lean changes to "Offensive Dragon" form. x1.25 Ouput and x1.0 Intake
    - Quickcast beast form transformation, similar to the subraces
    - You also gain an updated version of the Dragon Fear status effect. Every time your foe takes a turn, it has a 25/1.4% chance of becoming unable to act
    - You also gain "Status Potency" +15.
    - When active, you lose access to "Dragon's Breath", "Dragon's Heart", "Call Bob" and "Dragon Prayer". If you activate "Impenetrable hide" whilst this is active, the "Dragon Warrior" lean is applied instead, with x1.25 output and x0.8 damage intake

    Apperance: An updated version of this
    Description: Wear this suit of armor to train as a Dracomancer! Find Lord Cyrus in the Dragonspine Mountains and learn abilities such as Dragon's Breath, Impenetrable hide, and the ultimate Half-Dragon ability!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 5/21/2020 10:57:20 >
    AQ  Post #: 148
    5/23/2020 14:20:10   

    @gavers also asked me to suggest this months ago, so...

    Double-Edged Sword
    MC Accurate Earth Sword. Causes you to bleed, and deals increased damage based on the potency of bleed inflicted upon the player

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153
    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,582
    Location: LTS
    Damage: +5 bth lean (*85/90 damage)
    Type: Melee
    Element: Earth

  • No-proc, so *1.08 damage
  • MC Effect: *1.05 damage
  • Every turn, the weapon inflicts you with a Bleed (Power 0.25, Harm Element). In exchange, you do +25% damage.

    Appearance: This
    Description: Created by the Guardian @gavers, this weapon is specifically designed to maximise the chance of lacerating your foe at any cost... even to the detriment of the wielder!

    Chaotic Microcosm
    MC Neutral spell. Damage is released on the third turn, and the Pandemonium effect is applied to both sides.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS
    hits: 3
    Element: Neutral
    Cost: 261 MP

  • Efficient spell, so 125% Melee base
  • Deals any of the 8 standard elements. *132/109 to compensate
  • You and your opponent are affected by the "Pandemonium" status effect (Power 1, 3 rounds). Save is at a -20 bonus*:

    PowerLvl vs MonsterLvl
    PlayerINT vs MonsterCHA
    PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    PowerLvl vs PlayerLvl
    VStat vs PlayerCHA
    VStat vs PlayerLUK

    *Pandemonium reigns!
    You/Your opponent manage(s) to restore order!

    Pandemonium: [x] Power, [y] Rounds
    Exposed to an unstable environment, causing the infliction of a variety of status effects

    At the end of each player/monster turn, this status randomly inflicts one of: Blind (-8.5 bth), Chaos-Enhanced Vision (+8.5 bth), Elemental Disempowerment (-10% damage), Elemental Empowerment (+10% damage), Defence loss (-9 MRM), Defence Boost (+9 MRM), Poison (Void element, Power 1), Regeneration (Power 0.1). Each for 3 rounds. the potency of each effect is modified by the Potency of Pandemonium. For example, a Power 3 pandemonium attempts to inflict a -8.5 * 3 = -25.5 bth blind.

    Appearance: A purple runic circle appears below the player, with the depiction of an eye of chaos in the centre. This grows and becomes more visible, before an eye of chaos is summoned and radiates a pulse of purple energy. This washes over the player and the monster, dealing the three hits of damage and converting the background scenery to the deep void
    Description: Used by high-level Disciples of Chaos to turn a battle in their favour, this spell converts the surrounding area into a corrupted wasteland. The unstable energy is more than enough to distort both the foe and the user...

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/28/2023 5:31:33 >
  • AQ  Post #: 149
    5/30/2020 6:17:36   

    I haven't done a player gauntlet suggestion for a while, but @MetalKnight came up with a good backstory for his character, and I felt it was too good an opportunity to pass up! Still working on the reward!


    Level: 150
    Power: 4

    Location: Arena of Enthusiasts: Player Gauntlet Challenge
    Monster lean: 1 (Neutral)
    Element: Earth

    Fire: 75%
    Water: 130%
    Wind: 130%
    Ice: 90%
    Earth: 50%
    Energy: 75%
    Light: 90%
    Darkness: 90%

    Low M/R/M. More health to compensate

    Stat Distribution:
    STR: 300
    DEX: 200
    INT: 0
    END: 250
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 0

    - Has "Boss Boost" +30 (Hail to the.... Golem Knight Berserker (?), baby!)
    - Has the "Golem" status effect. This functions similar to "Malice" Immunity (cannot be poisoned, burned, made to bleed or feel the effects of disease. After all, Golems have no blood etc.!)
    - Has Initiative Penalty -1000
    - Has the "Survivor" status effect ( You cannot reduce Ironborn's HP below one on any single turn. If the monster has 1hp at the start of its turn, the status will fade at the end of the same turn).
    - Ironborn deals *[x]/[1/20 TotalHP] Damage. In this formula, [x] represents the highest total damage the player has dealt over the course of any one turn. This value can be overwritten at the end of the player turn. A popup notifies the player whenever this happens, with the final multiplier being represented by [y]*.
    - Ironborn begins the battle by dealing 50% damage. However, similar to the Ticking clock ability of Berserker, he deals additional damage equal to *1+[2*(1-(CurrentHP/TotalHP))]. This means he will deal approximately *1.5 the standard boss damage at 1hp.
    - Ironborn's usual attack deals 2 hits of Earth damage. -5bth lean so *85/80 damage to compensate.
    - If he has enough SP, he will spend it and use the "Golem Roar" ability. Similar to the Roar of Courage ability, this deals no damage, but will boost Ironborn's damage output by 25+(50*1-[CurrentHP]/[TotalHP])% for the next 4 rounds.
    - If Ironborn reaches 1HP, he will make a last ditch attempt to fight back. When he unleashes this attack, he will begin to glow and a popup will notify the player**. This functions similar to his standard attack, except it deals unblockable earth damage. It gains all of the bonuses above. Ironborn will also spend any leftover SP to deal a further *(1+(1*([SPUsed][RoarOfCourageCost])^0.75))) damage

    *Ironborn's rage grows! He'll now deal *[y] damage
    **Ironborn goes all out!

    Appearance: A fusion between This and the Pria knight armour. Has two functioning hands (so not an axe, like the iron golem), carrying a large double-handed sword.
    Description: Ironborn, a golem fashioned to look and fight similar to the knights of Rennd, was created to guard the ancient city of Iron Keep. One fateful day, a group of raiders finally managed to slip past this protector and lay waste to the city. After seeing the destruction of Iron Keep, a primal rage grew within the previously emotionless golem, born from the sorrow of his failed duty. Now homeless, Ironborn decided to learn the brutal techniques of the Northern Berserker clan in order to claim vengeance. Dare you get in his way?

    I also decided to update my own boss, as I wasn't particularly happy with it back then. I think it works much better now!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 8/13/2023 20:53:51 >
    AQ  Post #: 150
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